

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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主题范畴:SOIL SCIENCE;    China Journals

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

    PEDOSPHERE—A peer-reviewed international journal (ISSN 1002-0160; CN 32-1315/P) was founded in 1991 and is published bimonthly in English (without Chinese edition) by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press. PEDOSPHERE is sponsored jointly by the Soil Science Society of China; the Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences; and the State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture, China; in cooperation with 5 of the most important Chinese institutions and universities working in the field of soil science: China Agricultural University; the Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Nanjing Agricultural University; South China Agricultural University; and Zhejiang University. The Editor-in-Chief is Prof. Shen Ren-Fang who is Standing Vice President of the Soil Science Society of China, and Director of the Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

     PEDOSPHERE welcomes submissions from scientists around the world under a broad scope of topics relevant to timely, high quality original research findings, especially up-to-date achievements and advances in the entire field of soil science studies dealing with environmental science, ecology, agriculture, bioscience, geoscience, forestry, etc. It publishes mainly original research articles as well as some reviews, mini reviews, short communications and special issues; and its areas of particular interest include soil physics; soil chemistry; soil biology and biochemistry; soil fertility and plant nutrition; soil resources and use; soil mineralogy; soil environment and ecology; soil and water conservation; forest, range, and wetland soils; soil salinity and management; soil and plant analysis and technology; and soil gases and global change. 

      Papers submitted to the Journal PEDOSPHERE must be sent out for double-blind in-depth peer review by the Editorial Committee, which is composed of 42 foreign and 21 Chinese worldwide renowned soil scientists from 24 countries, and by its scientific review panel composed of thousands of internationally invited experts prior to acceptance for publication. 
      PEDOSPHERE has been abstracted/indexed in most of the internationally important relevant databases and abstracts, such as Current Contents, Science Citation Index Expanded, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, BIOSIS, Chemical Abstracts, SCOPUS, VINITI Abstracts Journal (РЖ), Japan Information Center of Science & Technology (CBST), Biological Abstracts, CAB Abstracts, ScienceDirect, Elsevier BIOBASE, GEOBASE, ASCI, Ecological Abstracts, Pollution Abstracts, Environmental Sciences and Pollution Mgmt, Environment Encyclopedia and Directory, Soils and Fertilizers, Water Resources Abstracts, Irrigation and Drainage Abstracts, AGRICOLA, AGRIS, AGRINDEX, GeoRef, Bibliography and Index of Geology, Geographical Abstracts, Geological Abstracts, Geomechanics Abstracts, Grasslands and Forage Abstracts, Current Advances in Plant Sciences, Agroforestry Abstracts, Field Crop Abstracts, Forestry Abstracts, Horticultural Abstracts, International Development Abstracts, Maize Abstracts, Nematological Abstracts, Plant Growth Regulator Abstracts, Rice Abstracts, Wheat, Barley and Triticale Abstracts, Chinese Science Abstracts, CSCD, CSTPCD, CJCR, CNKI, and CAJCED.

     To date the published papers in PEDOSPHERE submitted by authors from over 30 countries outside China, such as the USA, UK, France, Australia, Canada, Germany, Spain, Italy, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Israel, Japan, Poland, India, Brazil, Thailand, Pakistan, Greece, Syria and Bangladesh, have accounted for more than 30% of the total. Additionally, over 90% of the published articles in the journal belong to research projects supported by various international and national scientific foundations.

     PEDOSPHERE’s audience: Scientific and technical researchers and workers as well as university and college teachers and students related to soil science, environmental science, ecology, bioscience, geoscience, agriculture, forestry, etc.

     All manuscripts should be submitted electronically via PEDOSPHERE Online Editorial System (POES)---The web-based online manuscript submission, tracking, peer-review, and editorial management system of PEDOSPHERE---which can be accessed at

     For subscription outside China: Elsevier is responsible for overseas subscription of the journal. Please subscribe to the journal via www.sciencedirect.com or contact the Elsevier Customer Service Department at the Regional Sales Office nearest you, as listed in the inside cover of the journal.

     For domestic subscription in China: Please subscribe to the journal in local post offices throughout China (domestic postal distribution code: 2-576).

Editorial Committee & Editorial Office of PEDOSPHERE
Address: P. O. Box 821, 71 East Beijing Road, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China
Tel.: +86-25-8688 1235; Fax: +86-25-8688 1256
pedosphere@issas.ac.cn, rmdu@issas.ac.cn
           fxmeng@isssas.ac.cn, cfdeng@issas.ac.cn, yyang@issas.ac.cn
URL: http://pedosphere.issas.ac.cn; http://www.elsevier.com/locate/pedosphere 




Current Contents

Science Citation Index Expanded

Cambridge Scientific Abstracts


Chemical Abstracts


VINITI Abstracts Journal (РЖ)

Japan Information Center of Science & Technology (CBST)

Biological Abstracts

CAB Abstracts


Elsevier BIOBASE



Ecological Abstracts

Pollution Abstracts

Environmental Sciences and Pollution Mgmt

Environment Encyclopedia and Directory

Soils and Fertilizers

Water Resources Abstracts

Irrigation and Drainage Abstracts







Bibliography and Index of Geology

Geographical Abstracts

Geological Abstracts

Geomechanics Abstracts

Grasslands and Forage Abstracts

Current Advances in Plant Sciences

Agroforestry Abstracts

Field Crop Abstracts

Forestry Abstracts

Horticultural Abstracts

International Development Abstracts

Maize Abstracts

Nematological Abstracts

Plant Growth Regulator Abstracts

Rice Abstracts

Wheat, Barley and Triticale Abstracts

Chinese Science Abstracts






Instructions to Authors

PEDOSPHERE is a peer-reviewed international journal of soil science. It welcomes submissions from scientists around the world under a broad scope of topics relevant to timely, high quality original research findings, especially up-to-date achievements and advances in the entire field of soil science studies dealing with environmental science, ecology, agriculture, bioscience, geoscience, forestry, etc. Its areas of particular interest include soil physics; soil chemistry; soil biology and biochemistry; soil fertility and plant nutrition; soil resources and use; soil mineralogy; soil environment and ecology; soil and water conservation;forest, range, and wetland soils; soil salinity and management; soil and plant analysis and technology; and soil gases and global change.

       To expedite publication before preparing the manuscript, contributions should conform to the guidelines set out below in addition to consulting carefully the style and layout of the latest issues of PEDOSPHERE.


I. General


       PEDOSPHERE accepts full-length research papers, review or mini review papers, short communications and special issues. Authors should indicate the type of manuscript when they submit it. The Editorial Committee may, however, request the authors to change the type of the contribution after review. The manuscript must be written in English and should have been neither published nor submitted for publication elsewhere. All articles will undergo double-blind peer review prior to acceptance. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to make the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the contribution.

       The Editors generally encourage brevity for all papers. A full-length research paper is generally limited to 8 printed pages, a review paper should not exceed 14 printed pages and a short communication must not exceed 4 printed pages, including text, illustrations, tables and references. The total number of illustrations and/or tables should not exceed seven. Editors may allow longer papers if of extraordinary significance and originality.

        Manuscripts should be prepared using a word-processing package, ideally Microsoft Word. Please do not submit text as a PDF file. All pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page, and line numbers must be added to the text of the manuscript.

       When articles are provisionally accepted, the corresponding author will be asked to return a signed Copyright Transfer Agreement (including signature(s) of the corresponding author or all co-authors) stating that all contributors have seen and approved the article and that the work has not been, and will not be, published elsewhere; and copyright to the article is hereby transferred to the Editorial Committee of PEDOSPHERE, if and when the article is accepted for publication.

        To help reduce the negative comments from referees or editors about the English-language usage in the manuscripts and thus to ensure that the manuscript has a favourable reception and to increase its chances of being accepted, we strongly encourage the authors with problems in English scientific paper writing, especially those who are not native speakers of English, to have your manuscript reviewed for clarity by a colleague whose native language is English or seek help at a professional English writing and editing service that can improve the English to ensure that your meaning is clear and identify problems that require your review. The use of such a service is at the author's own expense and risk and does not guarantee that the article will be accepted, and the Editorial Committee or Editorial Office accepts no responsibility for the interaction between the author and the service provider or for the quality of the work performed.

        The authors are requested to pay particular attention to the use of appropriate statistics throughout the text. A detailed description of all statistical methods should be included in the Methods section. The Journal encourages authors to seek expert statistical advice prior to submitting any manuscript that has a statistical content.


II. Online Manuscript Submission and Status Check


All manuscripts should be submitted electronically via PEDOSPHERE Online Editorial System (POES)---The web-based online manuscript submission, tracking, peer-review, and editorial management system of PEDOSPHERE---which can be accessed at http://pedosphere.issas.ac.cn. Please refrain from submitting your manuscript by e-mail attachment.

       The first thing you need to do, if you have not done so already, is to register for an account. After this, please consult the instructions below to enable you to submit your article through PEDOSPHERE Online Editorial System (POES).

        The manuscript submission process starts by pressing the "Submit Manuscript" link on your "Home" page. Please make sure you have gathered all the required four aspects of information about your manuscript listed below BEFORE commencing online submission.

        Manuscript Information: Manuscript Type, Title (A brief and informative title less than 12 words is required. It must accurately identify and describe the manuscript contents), Chinese title (Required in case the 1st or corresponding author is Chinese), Running title (It is a shortened title used as a running head and should be less than 50 letters including space between words), Abstract (An informative, self-explanatory abstract, less than 250 words, must be supplied. It should be specific, telling why and how the study was made, what the major results were, and why they were important. Use quantitative terms where possible. Should not contain full references), Key words (3-5 words or phrases that typify the content of the manuscript and are arranged in alphabetical order. To optimize searching, avoid key words already used in the title), Fund(s) or grant(s) as well as the fund or contract number(s) to support this research project, Number of pages, Number of figures, Number of color figures, Number of black and white figures, Number of tables.

        Authors’  Information: First name, Middle name, Last name, Corresponding author identified, Gender, Date of birth, Education, Title and position, Department, Institution, Full postal address, Country, Postcode/Zipcode, Office phone, Home phone, Mobile phone, Fax, E-mail, Other E-mails, Research fields and specialities (Best as key words), Representative publications (3-5, Journal papers in English are preferred).

        Recommended Reviewers’ Information: First name, Middle name, Last name, Date of birth, Education, Title and position, Institution, Full postal address, Country, Telephone, E-mail, Research fields and specialities (Best as key words), Representative publications (3-5, journal papers in English are preferred). To expedite the review process, authors are requested to provide 4-6 experts proficient in English and with solid expertise in the field whom they consider especially suited to review their article. The suggested reviewers should not involve the Editors or the Editorial Board members, the members of their institution(s) and people recently associated with their laboratory(ies), and at least three must be from other countries. The editor is, of course, not constrained to select a reviewer from that list. 

        Excluded Reviewers’ Information (if needed): First name, Middle name, Last name, Institution and address, E-mail.

        After you approve your manuscript, the submission process is complete. You can check the status of your manuscript at any time in the review process by accessing the PEDOSPHERE Online Editorial System (POES) with your password or link sent to you in the acknowledgement e-mail.


III. Preparation of Manuscripts


Manuscript as a full-length research paper should be arranged in the order: Complete title of the manuscript (Funds or grants to support this research project must be identified as a footnote by adding the footnote symbol *1 behind the title and providing full name(s) of the fund(s) or grant(s) as well as the fund or contract number(s) in the footnote at the bottom of the title page); Name of author(s) (The corresponding author must be identified with an asterisk and footnote), Affiliation(s) (department, institution, city with postcode, country); Date of reception (blank); Abstract; Key Words; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusion(s); Acknowledgement(s); and References.

        Manuscript as a short communication may follow or not follow the same layout for the full-length paper, but the Abstract should be omitted.

        The symbols *, ** and *** are used to indicate statistical significance at 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 levels, respectively, and should not be used for other footnotes.

        Characters such as '×' yranidro dna noitacilpitlum etacidni ot yltnereffid detnirp eb dluohs ' ot seilppa emas ehT .rettel' dna ,nehpyh dna hsad ,sunim etacidni ot '-' ot dna ,orez etacidni ot .tpircsbus morf rettel llams a ton ,secapS .stigid eerht fo spuorg etarapes ot desu eb dluohs ,sammoc

        ta denifed eb tsum dna ylgniraps desu eb dluohs snoitaiverbbA noitnem tsrif ,tcartsba ,txet eht ni erugif dna elbat hcae dna desu dna retfaereht yltnetsisnoc.

        stnemerusaem fo stinU: .stinu IS esU eht dda dna rotcaf noisrevnoc eht edulcni ,yrassecen era stinu rehto fI ,mrof eht ni eb dluohs stinU .sisehtnerap ni tinu dradnats-non ,.g.e mc g1- naht rehtar .mcg  sa hcus ,stinu denodnaba ehTÅHmm ,gHmm ,rab ,2dna ,O laCni , anihC ton era stinu gniwollof eht dna ,elbatpecca ton era :dettimrep

        lomm esu--noitartnecnoc tnemele lacimehc ro tneirtun tnalp rof % gk1- gk g ro1-

          gk g esu--tnetnoc retaw rof %1-

          gk gm esu--emulov ro ssam rof mpp1- gm ro L1-

          ssam tinu rep egrahc fo selom esu--yticapac egnahcxe rof qem lomc(c gk1-)

        N ro M lom esu--noitartnecnoc ecnatsbus rof L1-

          erutalcnemoNeb tsum ytirohtua dna )scilati ni( laimonirt ro laimonib nitaL ehT : dna slamina ,stcesni ,stnalp lla rof eman nommoc eht htiw dedulcni roF .elbat a ro ,txet eht ,tcartsba eht ni noitnem tsrif ta smsinagroorcim ro tcartsba eht rehtie ni nevig eb tsum )s(eman lacimehc lluf eht ,sedicitsep .txet

        metsys noitacifissalc lanoitanretni na ,erutalcnemon lios roF (.g.esa dedulcni eb yam )ymonoxaT lioS ADSU ro metsys OCSENU-OAF , .detneserp si noitacifissalc lacol a nehw ,ecnerefer

        eht fo noitnevnoc eht yb snoitadnemmocer ,erutalcnemon lacimehc roF eb dluohs yrtsimehC deilppA dna eruP fo noinU lanoitanretnI  .dewollof

        ealumroFsa nettirw eb dluohs snoitcarf elpmiS : Ti1+Ti fo daetsni


lacimehc roF . aC sa detacidni eb dluohs noi fo ecnelav ,ealumrof+2 ro OS42- aC sa ton dna++ ro OS4--,slobmys eht edecerp dluohs srebmun epotosI . g.e,. 41C ro (51HN4)2OS4.

        selbaT: dluohs selbaT taht erusne dluohs srohtuA .serugif dna txet eht fo stluser eht etacilpud ton ni secalp tnaveler eht ni detic esoht htiw tnetsisnoc era selbat eht ni atad eht .yltcerroc detaluclac neeb evah atad dna ,txet eht rieht ot gnidrocca slaremun namoR htiw derebmun eb dluohs selbat llA .txet eht ni decalp eb dluohs ,lareneg ni ,dna txet eht ni ecneuqes ot setontooF tpircsrepus yb ot derrefer eb tsum dna elbat eht woleb depyt eb dluohs selbat srettel esacrewol )a, )b, )c, .cte snoitpac elbaT .dediova eb dluohs snmuloc neewteb senil lacitreV .stnemerusaem fo stinu eht edulcni ton dluohs

        snoitartsullIsnoitartsullI : eb dluohs ni nevig atad etacilpud ton tsum dna ytiralc rof yrassecen rebmun eht ot detimil .txet eht ni ro selbat ot redro eht ni ylevitucesnoc derebmun eb dluohs snoitartsulli llA eht fo dne eht ta degnarra eb dluohs dna txet eht ni derrefer era yeht hcihw ni detacidni eb dluohs noitartsulli hcae fo noitisop derreferp ehT .tpircsunam erugiF" sa ot derrefer eb ot lla era smargaid dna strahc ,shpargotohP .txet eht noitartsulli ynA .noitpac a evah dluohs erugif hcaE .')giF(' ot detaiverbba( naht regral on eb dluohs fo htdiw a m 86m (erugif htdiw-flahro ) mm 751 lluf(htdiw- )erugif noituloser ytilauq noitacilbup ta deraperp eb dluohs dnadnuora( ssenkciht etauqeda na htiw ,kcalb eb dluohs seniL . tp 1dluohs artceps fo senil ,ylralucitraP .htooms eb dluohs sevruc dna ) .ssenkciht tneiciffus fo eb shpargotohP dna tsartnoc ,liated ot tcepser htiw ytilauq hgih yltneiciffus fo eb dluohs liated dna tsartnoc fo ssol elbativeni eht dnatshtiw ot niarg fo ssenenif .ssecorp gnitnirp eht gnirud tnerehni eton esaelP .hpargotohp eht no dekram eb dluohs elacs a ,yrassecen fI gniyfitnedi rof dnegel A .elbatpecca ton era shpargotohp fo seipocotohp taht ni eb dluohs ti dna ,noitpac erugif eht ni dedulcni eb ton dluohs senil hparg .flesti gniward eht srohtua eht tub ,yrassecen fi detpecca eb nac serugif ruoloC eht rof degrahc eb lliw artxe roloc htiw egap detnirp.51 $SU ta stsoc gnitnirp roloc .)s(erugif retfa tsoc eht fo sliated rof eciffO lairotidE eht ot ylppA .repap ruoy fo ecnatpecca ,emas eht eb tsum snoisrev enilno dna detnirp eht taht eton esaelP si ti dna ruoloc evah ot elbissop ton ylno enilno serugif.

         setontooF txeTyfitnedi ,yrassecen fi ,revewoH .elbissop fi setontoof gnisu diovA : * slobmys eht yb meht1* ,2* ,3, cte,. .egap eht fo mottob eht no meht epyt dna

         secnerefeRllA : snoitacilbup secnerefer fo tsil a ni detneserp eb dluohs txet eht ni ot derrefer rohtua yb yllacitebahpla degnarra dna's seman. ecnerefer ehT ,snoitacinummoc lanosrep ,snoitavresbo dehsilbupnu niatnoc ton tsum tsil f deniatbo slairetam devihcranu ,secnednopserroc lanosrepediW dlroW eht mor ,beW cteton si "suomynonA" . .rohtua na sa elbatpecca ehT eman s'rohtua noitacilbup fo raey-)slaitini tuohtiw( .txet eht ni desu si metsys wollof esaelP ro lacigolonorhc eht'srohtua fo gnilleps ehT .red eb dluohs dna ylluferac dekcehc eb tsum noitacilbup fo sraey eht dna seman .tsil ecnerefer eht ni sa txet eht ni emas eht yltcaxe erom ro owT snoitacilbup eht ni erom ro owt ;yllacigolonorhc detsil era )s(rohtua emas eht yb ,c ,b ,a rettel eht yb detacidni era raey emas cte. ro eerht roF " yb dewollof rohtua tsrif eht esu srohtua eromla te.txet eht ni ". esU lanoitanretni snoitaiverbba sa hcus lanruoJ ISI snoitaiverbbA eltiT eman lluf evig tbuod ni nehw dna ,seman lanruoj fo snoitaiverbba rof detalsnart eb dluohs stebahpla nitaL-non ni snoitacilbup ehT .lacidoirep eht fo a hsilgnE naht rehto segaugnal ni snoitacilbup eht rof dna ,hsilgnE otni ni(" dna ")esenapaJ ni(" ,")esenihC ni(" ,")namreG ni(" sa hcus noitaton .koob ro sgnideecorp ,lacidoirep eht fo eman eht dniheb dedda eb tsum ")naissuR ni rebmun emulov eht dna ,epyt cilati ni nevig eb dluohs lanruoj fo eman ehT .epyt dlob 

         sa degnarra eb dluohs secnerefeR :swollof

lanruoj roF elcitradna .E ,otaS : atoyoTsisylana erutcurts ytinummoc otni EGGD-RCP fo noitacilppA .62 .K , .sedotamen lios fo rtuN tnalP .icS lioS .J .npJ.)esenapaJ ni( . 77751 :-.361

koob roFgniniM erohsffO dna scimonocE muelorteP .1791 .H .P .A ,srueM naV : ,reiveslE .noitalsigeL madretsmA.

roF elcitra sgnideecorp muisopmys ro skoob detide ni retpahc rolarenim edixo fo noitubirtsid lacimehC .5891 .Q ,eH dna .F .J ,nehC : .diolloc lios ni nI .Y ,gnuesH la te).sde( . sdohteM diolloC lioS rof ,sserP ecneicS .)esenihC ni( hcraeseR gnijieB142 .pp .-.33

noitatressid roF.negyxo dilos fo seiduts cipocsortceps derarfnI .4691 .B .R ,nriaC : ,noitatressiD .D.hP gnijieB ytisrevinU.

ecnerefer bew roF.7991 .tnempoleveD fo tnemtrapeD oihO : oihO ta enilno elbaliavA .ytnuoc sawaracsuT :seliforp ytnuoc no deifirev( fdp.waracsutfdpseliforprsovog.oiho.dodo.www:ptth 32 ,21 enuJ.)


sfoorP dna noisiveR .VI


ot denruter eb yam senilediug evoba eht ot gnimrofnoc ton snoissimbuS ,detseuqer eb lliw srohtua ehT .srohtua eht lanif erofeb ,ecnatpecca eht ot gnidrocca stpircsunam rieht nruter dna esiver ot seerefer' eht fo tnemevorpmi rof smsicitirc ro stnemmoc ,snoitseggus eht gniwollof yltcirts desiver tpircsunam eht nruter ot eruliaF .ytilauq eht fo gnissecorp yaled yltnacifingis lliw emit ni stnemeriuqer s'rotide .tpircsunam .lluf ni derewsna eb dluohs seireuq ynA dna ,desaeler eb lliw tpircsunam eht ,shtnom 2 nihtiw denruter ton fI .repap wen a sa dettimbuser eb neht tsum ti

        sfoorp eht kcehc ot deksa eb lliw srohtua llA ylhguoroht ro tuoyal elbissop yna rof srorre lacihpargopyt erofeb noitacilbupatad ro lacihpargopyt ylno ,snoitaretla fo tsoc hgih eht fo esuaceB . foorp ni detcerroc eb nac tcaf fo srorre rojam on dna .egats siht ta dedulcni eb nac segnahc eht ot eud ton( segnahc evissecxe rof dellib eb lliw srohtuA .sfoorp no )srorre s'retnirp eton esaelP eht ecnis ,nruter erofeb ylluferac sfoorp rieht kcehc ot degru era srohtua taht .deetnaraug eb tonnac snoitcerroc etal fo noisulcni EREHPSODEP fo eciffO lairotidE eht ot denruter eb dluohs sfoorp llA .tpiecer fo sruoh 84 nihtiw ot eruliaF .noitacilbup ot yaled a ni tluser yam os od


stnirpffO .V


fo ypoc eno dna stnirpffo ytrihT eussi eht gniniatnoc elcitra eht elcitra hcae rof srohtua eht ot egrahc fo eerf deilppus eb lliw noitacilbup gniwollofgninruter nehw tsoc artxe ta deredro eb yam stnirpffo lanoitiddA . .sfoorp


desserdda eb yam EREHPSODEP tuoba stnemmoc dna snoitseuQ ot


fo eciffO lairotidE EREHPSODEP

etutitsnI fo lioS ecneicS

esenihC ymedacA secneicS fo

128 xoB .O .P, gnijnaN 812

s'elpoeP fo cilbupeR anihC

5321 8868-52-68+ :.leT

65218868-52-68 :xaF

  :liam-E nc.ca.sassi@erehpsodep , nc.ca.sassi@udmr

nc.ca.sassi@gnemxf, nc.ca.sassi@gnedfc, nc.ca.sassi@gnayy

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board



ZHAO Qi-Guo (Academician of CAS*, Professor, Institute of Soil Science, CAS, China)

ZHU Zhao-Liang (Academician of CAS, Professor, Institute of Soil Science, CAS, China)

SHAN Lun (Academician of CAE**, Professor, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, CAS and Ministry of Water Resources, China)




SHEN Ren-Fang (Professor, Vice President of the Soil Science Society of China & Director of the Institute of Soil Science, CAS, China)




DU Rong-Min (Professor, Institute of Soil Science, CAS, China)

LI Hua-Xing (Professor, South China Agricultural University, China)

NORTCLIFF, S. (Professor, University of Reading, UK)

ROTH, K. (Professor, Heidelberg University, Germany)

SHEN Qi-Rong (Professor, Nanjing Agricultural University, China)

STEWART, B. A. (Professor, West Texas A&M University, USA)

XU Jian-Ming (Professor, Zhejiang University, China)

ZHANG Fu-Suo (Professor, China Agricultural University, China)




ALLEN, H. E. (Professor, University of Delaware, USA)

ARNOLD, R. W. (Professor, USDA Soil Conservation Service, USA)

AROCENA, J. M. (Professor, University of Northern British Columbia, Canada)

BAKER, A. J. M. (Professor, The University of Melbourne, Australia)

BERGSTRÖM, L. F. (Professor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)

BIJAY-SINGH (Professor, Punjab Agricultural University, India)

BLAGODATSKAYA, E. (Dr., Institute of Physico-Chemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)

BLUM, W. E. H. (Professor, University of Agricultural Sciences, Austria)

BORGGAARD, O. K. (Professor, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark)

BOUWMAN, A. F. (Dr., Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Netherlands)

CHEN Tong-Bin (Professor, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, China)

CHENG, H. H. (Professor, University of Minnesota, USA)

CHINO, M. (Professor, University of Tokyo, Japan)

DECKERS, J. A. (Professor, Institute for Land and Water Management, Belgium)

FULLEN, M. A. (Professor, The University of Wolverhampton, UK)

HALLETT, P. D. (Dr., Scottish Crop Research Institute, UK)

HAN Xiao-ZengProfessor, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, CAS, China)

HARTEMINK, A. E. (Dr., ISRIC-World Soil Information, Netherlands)

HARTIKAINEN, H. (Professor, University of Helsinki, Finland)

HATANO, R. (Professor, Hokkaido University, Japan)

HATFIELD, J. L. (Dr., National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment, USA)

HORN, R. (Professor, Christian Albrechts University, Germany)

HORNE, D. J. (Dr., Massey University, New Zealand)

JIANG Xin (Professor, Institute of Soil Science, CAS, China)

JIM, C. Y. (Professor, University of Hong Kong, China)

KANG, H. (Professor, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)


LAL, R. (Professor, Ohio State University, USA)

LI Bao-Guo (Professor, China Agricultural University)

LIANG Wen-Ju (Professor, Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS, China)

LIN Zhen-Shan (Professor, Nanjing Normal University, China)

MCBRATNEY, A. B. (Professor, University of Sydney, Australia)

MERMUT, A. R. (Professor, Harran University, Turkey)

MINAMI, K. (Professor, National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences, Japan)

RENGEL, Z. (Professor, University of Western Australia, Australia)

RUELLAN, A. (Professor, National Centre for Agronomic Studies of Hot Countries, France)

SATO, Y. (Professor, National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences, Japan)

SCHNUG, E. (Professor, Federal Agricultural Research Centre, Germany)

SENESI, N. (Professor, University of Bari, Italy)

SINGH, B. R. (Professor, Agricultural University of Norway, Norway)

SPARKS, D. L. (Professor, University of Delaware, USA)

STEINBERGER, Y. (Professor, Bar-Ilan University, Israel)

SULLIVAN, L. A. (Professor, Southern Cross University, Australia)

SUN Cheng (Professor, Nanjing University, China)

SYERS, J. K. (Professor, Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand)

TAO Shu (Academician of CAS, Professor, Peking University, China)

TORBERT, H. A. (Dr., USDA-ARS National Soil Dynamics Laboratory, USA)

TORRENT, J. (Professor, University of Cordoba, Spain)

WEBER, J. (Professor, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland)

WEINDORF, D. C. (Professor, Louisiana State University, USA)

XING, B. (Professor, University of Massachusetts, USA)

XU, Z. H. (Professor, Griffith University, Australia)

YANG Lin-Zhang (Professor, Institute of Soil Science, CAS, China)

YLI-HALLA, M. (Professor, University of Helsinki, Finland)

ZHOU Jian-Min (Professor, President of the Soil Science Society of China & President of the Nanjing Branch, CAS, China)

ZHU Yong-Guan (Professor, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Science, CAS, China)

ZHUANG, J. (Dr., University of Tennessee, USA)


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