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    Send manuscripts and address all editorial correspondence to the Editorial Office of PEDOSPHERE, Institute of Soil Science, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. O. Box 821, Nanjing 210008, People's Republic of China. Tel.: +86-25-6881235; Fax: 86-25-6881235; E-mail: pedo@issas.ac.cn, pedos@issas.ac.cn, rmdu@issas.ac.cn.


I. Gerneral Requirements


    PEDOSPHERE publishes original research findings on soil sciences which are interpreted to mean the outcome of scholarly inquiry, investigation, or experimentation having as an objective the revision of existing concepts, the development of new concepts, or the development of new or improved techniques in some phase of soil sciences. Critical reviews are also considered. The article must be written in English and should have been neither published nor submitted for publication elsewhere.

    All manuscripts must be presented on about 21 cmx28 cm white paper. Use only one side of a sheet. Manuscripts must be typed allowing 3 cm margins all around. Manuscript pages should be numbered consecutively. Manuscripts must be submitted in duplicate (original and one carbon). The author should retain another carbon.

    Copyright of the articles is transferred to the Editorial Office of PEDOSPHERE after publication. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to make the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the contribution.


II. Type of Contributions


    Contributions are classified into two types: full-length paper and short communication. Short communication is a brief report on new findings or improvement of experiment methods, etc., which requires rapid publication. Authors should indicate the type of manuscript when they submit it. The Editorial Committee may, however, request the authors to change the type of the contribution after review.

     A full-length paper is generally limited to eight printed pages and a short communication to four pages, including references, tables and figures.


III. Preparation of Manuscripts


    To expedite publication before preparing the manuscript, consult carefully the lay-out of one of the latest issues of PEDOSPHERE.

    Manuscript as a full-length paper should be arranged in the following order:

First page (cover sheet):

Date of submission;

Name(s) of author(s) and affiliation(s);

Name, complete mailing address, telephone number and E-mail for correspondence;

Type of contribution;

Complete title of the manuscript (A short title less than 12 words is required. It must accurately identify and describe the manuscript contents);

Running title (It is a shortened title used as a running head and should be less than 50 letters including space between words);

Number of text pages;

Number of tables:

Number of figures;

Number of photographs;

Offprint order.

Second page and subsequent pages:

Complete title of the manuscript;

Name of author(s), affiliation(s);

Date of reception (blank);

Abstract (An informative, self-explanatory abstract, 100–250 words, must be supplied. It should be specific, telling why and how the study was made, what the results were, and why they were important. Use quantitative terms where possible);

Key words (less than 5 words or phrases that typify the content of the manuscript and are arranged in alphabetical order);


Materials and Methods;

Results and discussion;




     Manuscript as a short communication should follow the same layout for the first page as in a full-length paper, but the layout for the second page and subsequent ones may not follow any particular rule. Abstract should be omitted.

     Words printed in Gothic, Italic, or Greek letters should be clearly indicated. Characters such as ‘×’ should be printed differently to indicate multiplication and ordinary letter. The same applies to ‘0’ to indicate zero, and to ‘–’ to indicate minus, dash and hyphen, and a small letter from subscript.

     The International System of Units (SI) should be used for all the data as far as possible, but the abandoned units, such as Å, bar, mmHg, mmH2O, Cal and Ci, in China are not acceptable, and the following units are not permitted:

% for plant nutrient or chemical element concentration—use mmol kg-1 or g kg-1

% for water content—use g kg-1

ppm for mass or volume—use mg kg-1or mg L-1

meq for exchange capacity—use moles of charge per unit mass (cmolc kg-1)

N or M for substance concentration—use mol L-1

Nomenclature: The Latin binomial or trinomial (in italics) and authority must be shown for all plants, insects, animals and microorganisms when first used in the abstract, the main text, or a table. For pesticides, the full chemical name(s) must be given in either the abstract or text.


For soil nomenclature, international classification system (e.g., FAO-UNESCO system or USDA Soil Taxonomy) may be included as reference, when a local classification is presented.

For chemical nomenclature, recommendations by the convention of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry should be followed.

Formulae: Simple fractions should be written as Ti+1/Ti instead of . For chemical formulae, valence of ion should be indicated as Ca2+ or SO42- and not as Ca++ or SO4--. Isotope numbers should precede the symbols, e.g., 14C or (15NH4)2SO4.

Each figure must be arranged on a separate sheet. Figures should be numbered according to their sequence in the text. Indicate the first author's name below each figure and the preferred position of each figure in the text.

Tables: Number all tables with Roman numerals. Vertical lines between columns should be avoided. Table captions should not include the units of measurements; these units should be listed in the body of the table. The symbols *, ** and *** are used to indicate statistical significance at 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 levels, respectively, and are not used for other footnotes.

Figures: All figures should be drawn and ought to be reeditable by a computer in general. Typewritten matter is not acceptable. Refer to all photographs, diagrams and graphs as Figure (abbreviated to ‘Fig.’) in either the text or the caption. A legend for identifying graph lines should not be included in figure captions; this information should be in the drawing itself.

Text Footnotes: Avoid using footnotes if possible. However, if necessary, identify them by the symbols ``*1'', ``*2'', ``*3'', etc., and type them on the bottom of the page.

References: All published or “in press” works referred to in the text should be presented in a list of references and arranged alphabetically by author without serial numbering. Only literature that is available through libraries can be cited. The reference list can include theses, books, proceedings, dissertations and abstract publications. The author-year system is used in the text. Two or more articles by the same author(s) are listed chronologically; two or more in the same year are indicated by the letter a, b, c, etc. Use the International Serials Catalogue or the International List of Periodical Title World Abbreviations or the Bibliographic Guide for Editors and Authors (The American Chemical Society, 1974) or the list of periodicals indexed in Chemical Abstracts for abbreviations of journal names, and when in doubt give full name of the periodical. The publications in languages other than English should be translated into English, and a notation such as “(in German)”, “(in Chinese)”, “(in Japanese)” and “(in Russian)” must be added behind the name of the periodical, proceedings or book. The name of journal should be given in italic type, and the volume number in bold type.

References should be arranged as follows:

For journals: author(s). year. title. name of journal. volume number(issue No.): inclusive pages.

e.g. Chen, J. F. , He, Q. and Shao, Z. C. 1981a. Activation process of iron oxides in soil. Acta Pedologica Sinica (in Chinese). 18(1):31–42.

For books: author(s) or editor(s). year. book title. publisher, and city. pages.

e.g. Van Meurs, A. P. H. 1971. Petroleum Economics and Offshore Mining Legislation. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 208 pp.

For chapter references from books and symposium proceedings: author(s). year. title. In Editor(s) (ed. or eds.) name of book or proceedings. publisher, and city. inclusive pages.

e.g. Chen, J. F. and He, Q. 1985. Chemical distribution of oxide mineral in soil colloid. In Hseung, Y. et al. (eds.) Methods for Soil Colloid Research (in Chinese). Science Press, Beijing. pp. 241–303.

For dissertations: author (s). year. title. M.S. (or Ph.D.) Dissertation, degree-awarding institution. pages.

e.g. Cairn, R.B. 1964. Infrared spectroscopic studies of solid oxygen. Ph. D. Dissertation, Beijing University. 165pp.


IV. Proofs


    The authors will be requested to revise and return their manuscripts according to the referees' suggestions, comments or criticisms for improvement of the quality within 2 months. If not returned within 2 months, the manuscript will be released, and it must then be resubmitted as a new paper.

    The authors are asked to check the proofs for typographical errors. Special attention is directed toward the following instruction included with proof: “Mark all printer's errors in red; mark all other errors in some color other than red”. Because of the high cost of alterations only typographical or serious errors of fact can be corrected in proof. Authors will be billed for excessive changes on proofs (not due to the printer's errors). All proofs should be returned to the Editorial Office of PEDOSPHERE within 48 hours of receipt.


V. Offprints


    Thirty offprints of each article and one copy of the journal published are supplied free of charge. Additional offprints may be ordered at extra cost when returning proofs.