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出版社:SPRINGER, ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, United States, NY, 10004

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Aims and scope
A Publication of the Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry

Objectives and policy of the journal

Biological inorganic chemistry is a growing field of science that embraces the principles of biology and inorganic chemistry and impacts other fields ranging from medicine to the environment. JBIC (Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry) seeks to promote this field internationally. The Journal is primarily concerned with advances in understanding the role of metal ions within a biological matrix—be it a protein, DNA/RNA, or a cell, as well as appropriate model studies. Manuscripts describing high-quality original research on the above topics in English are invited for submission to this Journal. The Journal publishes original articles, minireviews, and commentaries on debated issues.

 JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry

Instructions to Authors
Instructions for Authors
JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry

Objectives and policy of the journal
Biological inorganic chemistry is a field of science which embraces the principles of biology and inorganic chemistry and which has grown tremendously in recent years. This field has important implications for many other sciences, ranging from medicine to the environment. Furthermore, studies of the roles of metal ions in biological systems often involve the development of relevant chemistry, new methodologies of investigation, and the application of advanced physical techniques.

JBIC (Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry) seeks to promote this field internationally. The journal is primarily concerned with advances in the understanding of systems involving one or more metal ions set in a biological matrix ?particularly metalloproteins and metal-nucleic acid complexes ?in order to understand biological function at the molecular level. Synthetic analogues mimicking function, structure and spectroscopy of naturally occurring biological molecules are also of interest to the Journal. Manuscripts describing high-quality and original research concerned with metal ions or other ‘inorganic?species and having biological relevance are invited for submission to this journal. All submissions must be in English. The Journal publishes original articles, minireviews and commentaries on debated issues.
Manuscript Submission
JBIC papers should be visually attractive. A minimal amount of text written in a concise style should be accompanied by appropriate use of well-crafted and informative figures and tables. Ideally, papers should follow the style of a carefully prepared conference presentation. See below for Manuscript Preparation.

Acceptance must be preceded by positive evaluation of the paper by at least two referees who are experts in the field. Referees are urged to write their comments in a frank but constructive style. Both positive and negative comments should be detailed and aimed at improving the quality of the authors' research in an educational way. Generic negative comments do a poor service to the authors, the journal and the Society. Referees are anonymous, and their identity is not disclosed. However, referees may choose to reveal their identity by signing their comments and, in fact, are encouraged to do so, when they feel it appropriate, in the spirit of collaboration among the members of the Society.

When a revision is requested, authors must return the revised manuscript promptly. If returned more than six weeks after the request for revision, a revised manuscript may be assigned a new number and treated as a new submission.

Both form and content of the manuscript should be carefully checked to exclude the need for corrections in proof. Should extensive corrections in proof be unavoidable, the correction costs will be charged to the author.

Authors whose papers have been accepted are informed by e-mail that a temporary URL has been created from which they can obtain their proofs. Proofreading is the responsibility of the author. Authors should make their proof corrections (formal corrections only) on a printout of the pdf file supplied, checking that the text is complete and that all figures and tables are included. Substantial changes in content, e.g. new results, corrected values, title and authorship, are not allowed without the approval of the responsible editor.

Papers will be published online about one week after receipt of the corrected proofs. Papers published online can already be cited by their DOI. After online publication, corrections can only be made in exceptional cases and in the form of an Erratum, which will be hyperlinked to the paper. However, new results may be given at the end of the paper in a Note Added in Proof. Notes Added in Proof are subject to editorial approval.

Twenty-five offprints of each contribution are supplied free of charge after publication of the print journal. If you wish to order additional offprints you must return the order form, which is provided with the proofs, and return it together with the corrected proofs. When ordering additional offprints, an author is entitled to receive, upon request, a pdf file of the article for his or her own personal use. Neither the editors nor Springer-Verlag keep any supply of reprints; requests for single copies of papers should be addressed to the author of the paper concerned.
Editorial Office
Authors are strongly encouraged to submit manuscripts to the "Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry" online. This will allow even quicker and more efficient editorial handling.

Please log directly onto the site
and click on the "Check for Existing Account" button.

Enter your e-mail address when prompted. You will then receive an automatic e-mail with your user ID and password if you are already in the system. If you have never authored or reviewed for JBIC, create a new account by following the instructions given on the screen.

Electronically submitting your paper to ManuscriptCentral is preferred because it allows the editorial review process go faster; however, if website submission is not an option for you, you may also send a cover letter and one complete electronic copy of the manuscript (including figures, tables, and schemes) on cdrom (preferred) or diskette to the Office of the Chief Editor:

JBIC/Lawrence Que, Jr.
University of Minnesota
Department of Chemistry
207 Pleasant Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0431
Tel.: +1-612-626-9405
Fax: +1-612-625-0078
website: http://www.chem.umn.edu/jbic.

Specify on the CD-ROM or diskette the name of the manuscript document, the operating system (MS-DOS or Macintosh), and the program (e.g. MS-Word, WordPerfect) used to prepare the document.

Alternatively, prepared electronic files can be attached to an e-mail and sent to jbic@chem.umn.edu if your computer is part of a network or if you have a DSL or other high-speed connection. Please don't try this if you are connected to the internet through a modem! If you have questions about this type of submission, send them to the above e-mail address before submitting your manuscript.

You are strongly encouraged to suggest referees for your manuscript. Choose three or more suitable referees. Doing so will facilitate a quicker review process for your manuscript.
Legal Requirements
Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract, or as part of a published lecture, or thesis); that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities - tacitly or explicitly - at the institute where the work has been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.

The Copyright Transfer Statement should be signed and faxed to the publisher together with the corrected proofs with which you will be provided by the publisher shortly after the manuscript has been accepted for publication. A signed Copyright Transfer Statement should also be sent by e-mail or fax to the Office of the Chief Editor (address above) before your manuscript goes into production.
Manuscript preparation

All manuscripts are subject to peer review and copyediting.

Incomplete and imperfect manuscripts will be returned immediately.

Upload a maximum of three files at initial submission:

- Manuscript (including all figures, schemes, tables, and references)
- Cover letter (recommended)
- Supplementary material (optional)

Manuscripts should be concisely written in clear, simple English. All parts of the manuscript (including References, Acknowledgments, and Table and Figure Legends) must be double spaced (12-point Times font and 24-point line spacing are preferred) with a left margin of at least 2.5 cm.

For indents use tab stops or other commands, not the space bar.

Abbreviations should be defined at first mention in the abstract and again in the main body of the text and used consistently thereafter.

Essential footnotes to the text should be numbered consecutively and placed at the bottom of the page to which they refer.

Include line numbers in your manuscript to allow reviewers and the editorial staff to refer to a specific line in the text quickly and easily while paging through a manuscript. In Microsoft Word you can do this by choosing from the toolbar Format:Document:Layout to find "Line Numbers." Check boxes for "Add line numbering" and "Restart each page."

A submitted manuscript file should include all tables, schemes, and figures either in the text with legends below, as to be published, or all together at the end of the file after the References, to be inserted at production. If the latter, authors should mark in the text the desired position of all tables, schemes, and figures.

Prepare the file you will submit using a word processing program and save it as a .doc (preferred), .rtf, .xls, .ppt, or .ps file. Any of these file types will be automatically converted to a .pdf file upon upload to ManuscriptCentral, so that editors and reviewers will have read-only files from which to work. You may upload a .pdf of your own instead of the above formats, but be advised that better-resolution, non-read-only files will be necessary later in the process should your manuscript be accepted for publication; at that time you will need to upload one or more high-resolution files in .rtf, .doc, or .TEX (LaTEX).

Insert or copy/paste your figure and scheme files into the word processing file as high-resolution .tif or .jpg images. If you believe you will have difficulty in providing file types as requested, please contact the Chief Editor's office at jbic@chem.umn.edu to work out an alternative submission plan.

If you have used any custom or unusual fonts in your manuscript, Word is capable of embedding them in your .doc file before you submit it. When fonts are not standard, please make sure your file has been saved with embedded fonts . Upon submission, any fonts not resident in ManuscriptCentral will cause substitutions that may alter your text and/or prevent the resulting .pdf from printing.

Each manuscript should include the following sections:

Title Page


Key Words


Materials and Methods



Acknowledgments (when appropriate)


The Results and Discussion sections may be merged when appropriate. Other headings (e.g. Theoretical Treatments, Instrument Construction, Concluding Remarks, etc.) may be acceptable subject to the Editor's judgment.

The Title Page should contain:

(1) The names of the authors together with their respective affiliations. Addresses should be complete and may be given in the local language. An envelope symbol should be used to indicate to which author correspondence should be sent.

To find an envelope icon:
PC: In Word, use Insert/Symbols/ and a menu appears that will include an envelope in either the default font or Wingdings.
Macintosh: In Word, use Insert/Symbols/ and a menu appears that will include an envelope in the font Wingdings, or you can find an envelope on your keyboard in Wingdings font by holding down the Option Key and typing B.

(2) The fax number and e-mail address of the corresponding author.

(3) A list of nonstandard abbreviations. Standard abbreviations as used in the biochemical literature, e.g., Eur J Biochem 1:259-266 (1967) and J Biol Inorg Chem 1:G1-G29 (1996) need not be defined.

An Abstract
of the most important results in no more than 250 words must precede the paper.

Key Words
should be listed immediately following the abstract; a maximum of five key words should be supplied for subject indexing.

The Introduction
should be concise and define the scope of the work in relation to other work done in the same field. It should not as a rule give an exhaustive review of the literature.

The Materials and Methods
section should provide enough information to permit exact repetition of the experimental work.

Results should be clear and precise.

The Discussion
should be confined to interpretation of the results without repeating them.

should be limited to directly pertinent published works or papers that have been accepted for publication. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the citations. The references should start on a new page. References must be numbered serially, with only one reference per number. All references listed must be cited at the proper point(s) in the text, using the appropriate number(s) in square brackets. If the context demands it, authors' names may also be mentioned.

Journals should be abbreviated as in the Chemical Abstract Service Source Index (CASSI) 1907?989 Cumulative and its supplements. As ISI and CAS use the abbreviation ‘‘J. Biol. Inorg. Chem.’’ for JBIC citations, this is the form to be used in the reference section of journal articles to minimize confusion.

Example of a paper citation:
Zaitseva I, Zaitsev V, Card G, Moshkov K, Bax B, Ralph A, Lindley P (1996) J Biol Inorg Chem 1:15?3

If available, the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) of the cited literature should be added at the end of the reference in question.
Example: Silaghi-Dumitrescu R (2004) J Biol Inorg Chem DOI 10.1007/s00775-004-0543-2

Example of an edited book:
Gutierrez J, Mitra K (eds) (1990) Biological inorganic chemistry. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York

Example of a book chapter:
Martens JA, Jacobs PA (1999) In: Weitkamp J, Puppe L (eds) Catalysis and Zeolites. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp 53-80

Electronic source:
http://www.w3.org/hypertext/Data sources (be as specific as possible)

Reference to submitted papers is allowed. Authors should, however, provide copies of all In Press and submitted material that is relevant to the evaluation of the manuscript. Reference to literature In Press follows the same format as for published literature. Indication of the expected year of publication is strongly recommended. Extensive reference to PhD theses, conference proceedings, internal reports, and other material not easily available, as well as to work in preparation, unpublished observations, personal communications etc., should be avoided. In any case, this material should not be relevant to the evaluation of the manuscript.

Insofar as possible, authors should use systematic names similar to those used by Chemical Abstracts Service or IUPAC. A genus/species name should be in italics (underlined once in the typescript) and written out in full at first mention. Thereafter, the name of the genus may be abbreviated to a single letter provided ambiguity is avoided. The genus name is in italics when the whole genus is referred to. When used trivially, genus names are in roman (not underlined). Anglicized versions are not underlined and are capitalized. Strains are designated by capital letters and numbers.
Tables and figures
Graphical presentation of data is encouraged versus tabular presentation, and tabular presentation is encouraged versus text presentation. However, bulk tabular data of a routine nature should be provided only as Electronic Supplementary Material (see below).

It is advised that authors try not to use exotic or unique fonts in vector or any other graphics. If you think your font may present a conversion problem, please attach the font to an e-mail to the Office of the Chief Editor (above) at the time of submission. This may prevent conversion problems at the production stage.

Tables must be numbered consecutively with arabic numerals and submitted separately from the text. They should have a title explaining any abbreviation used in that table. Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters.

All figures (photographs, graphs, or diagrams) should be cited in the text, and numbered consecutively throughout. Figure parts should be identified by lower-case roman letters (a, b, etc.). If illustrations are supplied with uppercase labeling, lower-case letters will still be used in the figure legends and citations.

Figure legends should be sufficiently detailed that the main message of each figure is apparent without reference to the text. The legends should be placed at the end of the text.

You may submit all figures as separate high-resolution files, not for review, if you wish as long as they have already been integrated into your manuscript. The preferred figure formats are EPS for vector graphics exported from a drawing program and TIFF for halftone illustrations. EPS files must always contain a preview in TIFF of the figure. The file name should include the figure number.

?Line drawings
Inscriptions should be legible, with initial capital letters and appropriately scaled to the size of the drawing. Scanned line drawings should be digitized with a resolution of 800 dpi relative to the final figure size.

?Halftone illustrations (black and white and color)
Magnification should be indicated by scale bars. Inscriptions should be about 3 mm high. For scanned halftone illustrations, a resolution of 300 dpi is usually sufficient.

?Color illustrations
Color illustrations are published free of charge.
Save color illustrations as RGB (8 bits per channel) in TIFF format.

Several figures or figure parts should be grouped in a plate on one page.

?Vector graphics
Fonts used in the vector graphics must be included. Please do not draw with hairlines. The minimum line width is 0.2 mm (i.e., 0.567 pt) relative to the final size.

?Size of figures
The figures, including legends, should not exceed the print area of 176 x 236 mm. Figures in their final size should either match the column width (86 mm) or that of the print width (176 mm). The publisher reserves the right to reduce or enlarge illustrations.

Submission of spectra as produced by a computer running a spectrometer by a data station is encouraged. Routine infrared, electronic, NMR, and mass spectra new compounds should be numerically summarized, as appropriate, in the Materials and methods section.

?Crystallographic data
Manuscripts reporting determinations of molecular structures by X-ray crystallography must be accompanied by supplementary material see below) containing tables of positional and thermal parameters. Tables of bond lengths and angles may be published within the paper. If publication of more complete crystallographic details is planned, this should be stated in a footnote, with the authors?names and the journal of publication included, if possible. Before submission, small molecule crystallographic data (without structure factors) must be sent to the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre as an ASCII file by e-mail as a hard copy.

The following standard statement can be used in the manuscript:
Crystallographic data (without structure factors) for the structure(s) reported in this paper have been deposited with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre as supplementary publication no. CCDC-. . . Copies of the data can be obtained free of charge from the CCDC (12 Union Road, Cambridge CB2 1EZ, UK; tel: (+44) 1223-336-408; fax: (+44) 1223-336-003; e-mail: deposit@ccdc.cam.ac.uk; website see link below).

Both X-ray and solution structures of proteins are accepted under the condition that the coordinates are made available to the Protein Data Bank (PDB number should be provided). For structures determined by X-ray and NMR methods, JBIC requires the deposition of both coordinates and structure factors in the Protein Database prior to publication, in accordance with IUCr guidelines.
Further technical instructions
If you do not use the online submission system, please send your data to the Chief Editor either by e-mail (only suitable for small file sizes) or on a CD-ROM (Zip or Stuffit compression if necessary only).
In case you have not sent electronic files of your manuscript together with the accepted version, you should send your data, preferably a zip file (text and illustrations in separate files, unencoded) to Springer-Verlag either:

Via ftp.springer.de (to our ftp.server; log-in "anonymous? password: your e-mail address; further information in the readme file on the server)

or by e-mail (only suitable for small volumes of data)

Please always supply the following information with your data: journal title, manuscript number, operating system, word processing program, drawing program, image processing program, compression program.

The file name should be memorable (e.g., author name), have no more than 8 characters, and include no accents or special symbols. Use only the extensions that the program assigns automatically.
Electronic Supplementary Material
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESM) for a paper will be published in the electronic edition of this journal provided the material is:

submitted in electronic form together with the manuscript

accepted after peer review

ESM may consist of:

information that cannot be printed: animations, video clips, sound recordings (use QuickTime, .avi, .mpeg, animated GIFs, or any other common file format)

information that is more convenient in electronic form: sequences, spectral data, etc.

large quantities of original data that relate to the paper, e.g. additional tables, large numbers of illustrations (color and black & white), etc.

Legends must be brief, self-sufficient explanations of the ESM. ESM is to be numbered and referred to as S1, S2, etc.
After acceptance for publication, ESM will be published as received from the author in the online version only. Reference will be given in the printed version.
Authors are informed by e-mail that a temporary URL has been created from which they can obtain their proofs. Proofreading is the responsibility of the author. Authors should make their proof corrections (formal corrections only) on a printout of the pdf file supplied, checking that the text is complete and that all figures and tables are included. Substantial changes in content, e.g. new results, corrected values, title and authorship are not allowed without the approval of the responsible editor. In such a case please contact the Editorial Office before returning the proofs to the publisher. After online publication, corrections can only be made in exceptional cases and in the form of an Erratum, which will be hyperlinked to the paper. However, new results may be given at the end of the paper in a "Note added in proof". Notes added in proof are subject to editorial approval.
Online First publication
Papers will be published online about one week after receipt of the corrected proofs. Papers published online can already be cited by their DOI. After release of the printed version, the paper can also be cited by issue and page numbers.
Twenty-five offprints of each contribution are supplied free of charge. If you wish to order additional offprints you must return the order form which is provided with the proofs and return it together with the corrected proofs.
Springer Open Choice
In addition to the traditional publication process, Springer now provides an alternative publishing option: Springer Open Choice (Springer's open access model). A Springer Open Choice article receives all the benefits of a regular article, but in addition is made freely available through Springer's online platform SpringerLink. To publish via Springer Open Choice upon acceptance of your manuscript, please click on the link below to complete the relevant order form and provide the required payment information. Payment must be received in full before free access publication.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board
Editorial Board

Chief Editor

Lawrence Que
University of Minnesota
Department of Chemistry
207 Pleasant Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0431, USA
e-mail: jbic@umn.edu
Tel.: +1-612-626-9405
Fax: +1-612-625-0078
website: http://www.chem.umn.edu/jbic

Ivano Bertini (Founding Editor)

Assistant to the Chief Editor
Deborah Schoenholz


Maria Arménia Carrondo
Instituto de Tecnologia Química e
Biológica Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Av. da Republica, E.A.N.
2784-505 Oeiras, Portugal
e-mail: carrondo@itqb.unl.pt
Tel.: +351-2-144-69-657
Fax: +351-2-144-33-644

Valeria Culotta
Johns Hopkins University
Department of Environmental
Health Sciences
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Baltimore, MD 21205, USA
e-mail: vculotta@jhsph.edu
Tel.: +1-410-955-3029
Fax: +1-410-955-0116

Trevor W. Hambley
Centre for Heavy Metals Research
School of Chemistry
University of Sydney
NSW 2006 Australia
e-mail: t.hambley@chem.usyd.edu.au
Tel.: + 61-2-9351-2830
Fax: + 61-2-9351-3329

Claudio Luchinat
Centro Risonanze Magnetiche CERM
University of Florence
Via Luigi Sacconi, 6
50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Florence), Italy
e-mail: luchinat@cerm.unifi.it
Tel.: + 39055 4574262
Fax: + 39055 4574253

Editorial Advisory Board

Roger Alberto, Zürich, Switzerland
Fraser Armstrong, Oxford, UK
Lucia Banci, Florence, Italy
J. Martin Bollinger, Jr., University Park, PA, USA
A. S. Borovik, Irvine, CA, USA
Kara L. Bren Rochester, NY, USA
Sunney I. Chan, Shatin, Taiwan
Dave Dooley, Bozeman, MT, USA
Catherine L. Drennan, Cambridge, MA, USA
Lindsay Eltis, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Juan C. Fontecilla-Camps, Grenoble, France
Hans Freeman, Sydney, Australia
Shunichi Fukuzumi, Osaka, Japan
Zijian Guo, Nanjing, China
B. H. Huynh, Atlanta, GA, USA
Masao Ikeda-Saito, Sendai, Japan
Kenneth D. Karlin, Baltimore, MD, USA
Henryk Kozlowski, Warsaw, Poland
Peter Kroneck, Konstanz, Germany
Paul Lindahl, College Station, TX, USA
Peter F. Lindley, Oeiras, Portugal
Albrecht Messerschmidt, Munich, Germany
Janet Morrow, Amherst, NY, USA
Jos?Moura, Caparica, Portugal
Wonwoo Nam, Seoul, Korea
Frank Neese, Bonn, Germany
A.C. (Tassos) Papageorgiou, Turku, Finland
Kenneth Raymond, Berkeley, CA, USA
Jan Reedijk, Leiden, The Netherlands
Maria João Romão, Caparica, Portugal
Hongzhe Sun, Hong Kong
Masatatsu Suzuki, Kanazawa, Japan
F. Ann Walker, Tucson, AZ, USA
Carrie Wilmot, Minneapolis, MN, USA

SBIC Officers
President: Trevor Hambley, Sydney, Australia
Past President: Robert A. Scott, Athens, GA, USA
Secretary: Charles G. Riordan, Newark, DE, USA
Treasurer: Graeme R. Hanson, St. Lucia, Australia


SBIC Council Members 
Victoria A. DeRose, Berkeley, CA, USA
David Dooley, Bozeman, MT, USA
Juan C. Fontecilla-Camps, Grenoble, France
David C. Garner, Nottingham, UK
Jos?Moura, Lisbon, Portugal
Britt-Marie Sjöberg, Stockholm Sweden
Andrew J. Thompson, Norwich, UK

JBIC Chief Editor
Lawrence Que, Minneapolis, USA

Program Committee/ICBIC-IOC
Kenneth D. Karlin, Baltimore, MD, USA

Nominations Committee
Chair: Lucia Banci, Florence, Italy

Society Honorary Members
Helmut Beinert, Madison, USA
Bert L. Vallee, Boston, USA
R. J. P. Williams, Oxford, UK


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