

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Clinical Pharmacokinetics promotes the continuing development of clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics for the improvement of drug therapy, and for furthering postgraduate education in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics.

The Journal includes:

  • Leading/current opinion articles providing an overview of contentious or emerging issues
  • The clinical pharmacokinetics and relevant pharmacodynamics of both single drugs and drug classes
  • Pharmacokinetic principles behind the effective drug treatment of particular diseases
  • New concepts and principles in pharmacokinetics
  • Application of therapeutic drug monitoring to optimise therapy
  • Prediction and avoidance of drug interactions
  • New methodology in drug development and advances in drug delivery systems
  • Optimising treatment for particular patient populations
  • Regulatory aspects of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics with their practical implications.
Original research articles will also be considered for publication.
All manuscripts are subject to peer review by international experts. Letters to the Editor are welcomed and will be considered for publication. For further details, please contact us at journalCPK@adis.co.nz.

Instructions to Authors


Submission of original research to all International Review Journals with the exception of Drugs is encouraged.

Suggestions for article topics (and potential authors) for consideration by the editors and editorial boards are welcome at any time. If you are interested in preparing a review, please contact the journal with your proposed outline to confirm suitability. You should also review the policy statements for review articles and original research and Adis Drug Evaluations and Adis Drug Profiles.

The following PDF documents contain instructions and information for the preparation and layout of documents for submission.

  • Original Research
    All Adis International Review Journals, aside from Drugs, consider Original Research Articles for publication.

    Please refer to the Instructions for Authors of the specific journal you are interested in to determine the desired article types.

  • Current Opinion  
    A Current Opinion article should be a succinct commentary on the topic proposed, not an exhaustive review. The overall objective is to place in perspective an area of current international interest that may be controversial, and for this reason personal opinion, clearly identified as such, is welcome. The arguments presented may be controversial, but at the same time must be balanced and rational. In addition, the article should be of international scope.

  • Therapy in Practice
    The intention of a Therapy in Practice article is to provide a succinct, clinically orientated guide to management of a particular disease or condition. The article need not be heavily referenced, although important points and definitive statements should be supported by appropriate literature citations. There is room for some personal opinion if it is clearly identified as such. However, the internationally accepted consensus on appropriate therapeutic guidelines should be the aim.

  • Leading Article
     A Leading Article should be a short, balanced review of a relatively small literature base, typically of a new or developing topic, that should provide an overview of the current state of development of the area being written about. The article should be fully referenced and of international scope.

  • Review Article
     The Review Article should be an authoritative, comprehensive and critical review of the literature, reflecting the current state of accepted international medical practice or clinical research in a particular area. The article must present a balanced, rather than personal, review of the literature, and should be fully referenced. Wherever possible, literature should be evaluated rather than simply restated. Furthermore, all therapies of relevance to the topic should be discussed in order to provide full coverage of the spectrum of agents used in the disease area or drug category under discussion.

      Reference Style Guide

      References are required to support all significant statements. They are also used to indicate the origin of material (quotations, tables, figures), and as a source for research and further reading. They need to be given in a form where the reader can quickly and easily identify the correct reference and locate the material in a library or on a database.

      Our referencing system is based on the 'Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals' (the 'Vancouver' style), with some minor modifications.

      It is important to adhere to the style set out here (e.g. superior numbers inside square brackets in the text), which will facilitate processing.

      Specific Journal Variations

      Clinical Drug Investigation
      All articles in Clinical Drug Investigation are submitted.
      Information on the content, formatting and layout of articles for submission is available in this PDF. 

    • Instructions to Authors

      Editorial Board


      Editor: Alan Beedle: journalCPK@adis.co.nz
      Publication Manager: Ruth Blaikie: journalCPK@adis.co.nz 


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