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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Journal of Wine Economics is the official publication of the American Association of Wine Economists (AAWE), a non-profit, educational organization dedicated to encouraging and communicating economic research and analyses and exchanging ideas in wine economics. The JWE provides a focused outlet for high-quality, peer-reviewed research on economic topics related to wine. The journal is open to any area related to the economic aspects of wine, viticulture, and oenology. It covers a wide array of topics, including, but not limited to: production, winery activities, marketing, consumption, as well as macroeconomic and legal topics. It is also open to research related to beer, spirits and food. The JWE is published three times a year and contains articles, short papers, notes and comments, field reports, reviews of books, films and wine events, as well as conference announcements.

Abstracting and indexing services


Agricultural Economics Database
Animal Science Database
CAB Abstracts (Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux)
Crop Science Database
Environmental Impact
European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)
Global Health
Horticultural Science Database
Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews. Series A: Human and Experimental
Nutrition and Food Sciences Database
Postharvest Abstracts
Soil Science Database

Barley and Triticale Abstracts




ProQuest Agriculture Science Collection
ProQuest Natural Science Collection 
ProQuest SciTech Collection

Instructions to Authors

Subjects: Contributors to the JWE should note that the objects of the Association are "economic research and analyses and exchanging ideas in wine economics". The JWE welcomes any manuscript that meets these objectives. No rigid rules are applied but preference will be given to articles that are likely to be of general interest to the Journal's international readership. Articles should be concisely written and should normally not exceed 6,000 words. Shorter papers and comments, of up to 1,000 words, will also be considered for publication.

Editorial Process: The Editors assess the initial suitability of articles submitted. Authors of submissions considered to be suitable for the JWE will be notified and their paper sent out to one or two editorial consultants who will referee the article for the Editors. Unsuitable articles are returned to the authors with a short note of explanation form the Managing Editor. The refereeing process is "double-blind", in that the identity of the author remains anonymous to the referee and vice versa. Authors may be asked to re- submit their article in revised form, and in all but exceptional circumstances, the Editors will consider only one re-submission of the original article. Upon completion of the refereeing and editorial processes the authors and referees will be notified of the Editors' decision regarding publication along with explanatory feedback which includes all referees' reports. The lag between receipt of submission and first response varies but a three month turnaround may be expected. While every effort is made to ensure that this target is achieved, it cannot be guaranteed.

Preparation of the Manuscript: A 12-point typeface with line spacing of 1.5 is satisfactory with ample margins where comments may be placed should referees wish to mark-up the manuscript. Diagrams and tables should be arranged, as far as possible, in portrait with figures, headings and labels orientated horizontally. Equations should appear on a separate line with equation numbers (where necessary) aligned at the right hand margin. Where appropriate, full mathematical workings should accompany the articles in order to assist the referees. These workings will not be published. References should be cited according to the Harvard System, i.e. author(s)' names and date of publication to be given in the body of the text and the references collected alphabetically at the end of the paper. The title of the journal or source should be given in full. See a recent issue of the JWE for guidance. In the case of articles quoting statistics (such as regression coefficients) based on unquoted data, authors should be prepared to send to the Editors a copy of the data and details of the methodology used (possibly in the form of a self- explanatory computer printout) so that the referee may test the derivation of such statistics.

Charges apply for all color figures that appear in the print version of the journal. At the time of submission, contributors should clearly state whether their figures should appear in color in the online version only, or whether they should appear in color online and in the print version. There is no charge for including color figures in the online version of the journal. If you request color figures in the printed version, you will be contacted by CCC-Rightslink who are acting on our behalf to collect Author Charges. Please follow their instructions in order to avoid any delay in the publication of your article.

Submission: Authors should submit their paper online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jwe. The submission package should include a text file (i.e., Word) and a PDF version of the manuscript containing the title, list of authors, affiliations, abstract, and a list of keywords. When creating the PDF file, be sure that all fonts are embedded into the PDF file. In exceptional circumstances, the journal may accept a hard-copy submission which should be send to Dr. Karl Storchmann, Managing Editor JWE, Economics Department, New York University, 19 W 4th Street, 6FL, New York, NY 10012, e-mail:karl.storchmann@nyu.edu.

Page Charges and Submission Fees: There are no page charges or submission fees at the JWE. Although not required, non-members are invited to join the American Association of Wine Economists and subscribe to the JWE.
Copyright: Authors will be required to sign a copyright form for all papers accepted for publication. Signature of the form is a condition of publication. Please see the form for further details.

Book and Film Reviews: The JWE publishes book and film reviews, typically around 1,500 words in length. Anyone wishing to act as reviewer should contact Dr. Karl Storchmann at the address given above.

Open Access Policies: Please visit our Open Access page for information on our open access policies, compliance with major finding bodies, and guidelines on depositing your manuscript in an institutional repository.

Language Editing Services: Contributions written in English are welcomed from all countries. Authors, particularly those whose first language is not English, may wish to have their English-language manuscripts checked by a native speaker before submission. This is optional, but may help to ensure that the academic content of the paper is fully understood by the editor and any reviewers. Cambridge offers a service which authors can learn about here. Please note that the use of any of these services is voluntary, and at the author's own expense. Use of these services does not guarantee that the manuscript will be accepted for publication, nor does it restrict the author to submitting to a Cambridge published journal.

Last updated: 6th April 2017

Editorial Board

Karl Storchmann, New York University, USA


Kym Anderson, University of Adelaide and Australian National University, Australia

Orley C. Ashenfelter, Princeton University, USA

Victor Ginsburgh, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Robert N. Stavins, Harvard University, USA

Editorial Advisory Board

Julian Alston, UC Davis, USA

Boris Bravo-Ureta, University of Connecticut, USA

Jean-Marie Cardebat, Université de Bordeaux, France

Pierre Combris, INRA Ivry-sur-Seine, France

Donald Cyr, Brock University, Canada

Jimena Estrella, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina

James Fogarty, University of Western Australia, Australia

Olivier Gergaud, KEDGE Business School, Bordeaux, France

Michael Gibbs, University of Chicago, USA

Ted Hall, Long Meadow Ranch, USA

Joyce Jacobsen, Wesleyan University, USA

Gregory Jones, University of Southern Oregon, USA

Sébastien Lecocq, INRA Ivry-sur-Seine, France

Jill McCluskey, Washington State University, USA

Jeffrey Pontiff, Boston College, USA

Richard Quandt, Princeton University, USA

Bradley Rickard, Cornell University, USA

Jancis Robinson, London, UK

Günter Schamel, Free University Bolzano, Italy

Allen Shoup, Long Shadows Vintners, USA

Daniel Sumner, UC Davis, USA

Richard Thaler, University of Chicago, USA

Adeline Ugaglia, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, France

Nick Vink, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

Michael Visser, INRA Paris, France

Frédéric Warzynski, Aarhus School of Business, Denmark


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