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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774
变更情况:Newly Added by 2019

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

View Table of Contents for The Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research volume 6 issue 3


Aims and Scope

The Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research and The Journal of Pathology serve as translational bridges between basic biomedical science and clinical medicine with particular emphasis on, but not restricted to, tissue based studies.

The focus of The Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research is the publication of studies that illuminate the clinical relevance of research in the broad area of the study of disease. Appropriately powered and validated studies with novel diagnostic, prognostic and predictive significance, and biomarker discover and validation, will be welcomed. Studies with a predominantly mechanistic basis will be more appropriate for the companion Journal of Pathology.

The Journal welcomes investigative diagnostic, prognostic, and biomarker studies with clear clinical relevance, that advance our understanding of the mechanisms of human disease. In general, hypothesis-driven studies that are appropriately powered and validated will be preferred. As well as original research papers, the Journal seeks to provide rapid publication in a variety of other formats, including editorials, review articles, commentaries and perspectives and other features, both contributed and solicited. In all cases, contributions are subjected to strict peer review. Purely descriptive papers (including case reports and new diagnostic techniques) that do not provide novel insights into clinical disease are not considered central to the Journal’s purpose.Correspondence relating to papers published in the Journal will be considered, but only if of general interest.

In determining content, the primary considerations are excellence, relevance and novelty. As a journal of The Pathological Society, it seeks to reflect the broad scientific interests of the Society’s membership but its ethos, authorship, content and purpose are those expected of a leading publication in the international scientific literature.

Abstracting and Indexing Information

  • CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service (ACS)
  • Current Contents: Life Sciences (Clarivate Analytics)
  • Embase (Elsevier)
  • MEDLINE/PubMed (NLM)
  • PubMed via PMC deposit (NLM)
  • Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics)
  • SCOPUS (Elsevier)
  • Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)


Instructions to Authors



Editorial Board

Professor C Simon Herrington
University of Edinburgh Division of Pathology, Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Western General Hospital, Crewe Road South, Edinburgh, EH4 2XR 

Simon Herrington

Simon Herrington graduated in biochemistry with honours from the University of Cambridge in 1982 and medicine with honours from the University of London in 1985. He trained in Internal Medicine (MRCP 1988) and then became a CRC clinical research fellow in the Nuffield Department of Pathology, University of Oxford, receiving his DPhil in 1991. He was appointed clinical lecturer in pathology in Oxford where he completed his training in clinical cellular pathology, gaining the MRCPath in 1994. He was appointed clinical senior lecturer and consultant in pathology at the University of Liverpool in 1995 and was promoted to a Personal Chair in 1999. In 2003, he was appointed to the Chair of Pathology at the University of St Andrews, moving to the Chair of Pathology at the University of Dundee in 2010 and the Chair of Molecular Cancer Pathology at the University of Edinburgh in 2015. He also works as a consultant pathologist, specialising in gynaecological pathology, was co-editor of the 4th Edition of the WHO Classification of Tumours of Female Reproductive Organs, and edited the 15th Edition of Muir’s Textbook of Pathology. He is a member of the Cancer Research UK science funding committee, sits on the Board of the Association for International Cancer Research and is a past President of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists. He is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Pathologyand the Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research.


Dr Richard Poulsom

The Pathological Society, 7th Floor, 6 Alie Street London, E1 8QT, UK

Richard Poulsom

Richard Poulsom graduated in Physiology & Biochemistry from the University of Southampton in 1978 then researched mechanisms of diabetic microangiopathy at University College London for his PhD (awarded 1982). He was the first ‘Fight for Sight’ research fellow at the Institute of Ophthalmology, London and pursued his interest in retinal and renal disease in Philadelphia (Prockop Lab) and Bristol (Duance Lab), before joining Professor (now Sir) Nick Wright’s Histopathology Unit at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund and then Cancer Research UK’s London Research Institute, where he ran a core facility for in situ hybridisation. In 2004 Richard was awarded a DSc by the University of London and admitted as a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists. He headed the Molecular Pathology Facility, National Centre for Bowel Research and Surgical Innovation at the Blizard Institute of Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, QMUL (2012-2014) and was Honorary Professor of Molecular Pathology until 2016. He is co-author of over 250 research and review articles. Richard previously served on the Editorial Boards of several biomedical journals and was Associate Editor (2002-2007) and Deputy Editor (2007-2012) of the Journal of Pathology, and Commissioning Editor for Spandidos Publications UK Ltd (2014-2015).


Associate Editors
Dr Tilman Rau
Institute of Pathology, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland


Tilman Rau graduated in medicine from the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg in 2003 where he started his training in pathology. He worked as research fellow and later as responsible investigator at the Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research in Erlangen. In 2010 he completed his training and became senior consultant in pathology. Henceforward he was significantly involved in establishing and managing the Tissuebank of the Comprehensive Cancer Center in Erlangen. In 2015 he obtained the habilitation (venia legendi) for general pathology and pathological anatomy in Erlangen. He had, in 2014, already moved to the position of staff pathologist at the Institute of Pathology of the University Bern, Switzerland, and switched his habilitation to the medical faculty of Bern in 2017. In his current position he is again involved in biobanking as co-manager of the Tissuebank Bern and therefore exposed to a broad range of research topics. He is a member of the Suisse and German Society of Pathology (SGPATH and DGP) as well as the International Academy of Pathology (IAP). Tilman has served as author, reviewer and supporter of the Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research since its foundation in 2015.

Dr Ricardo R. Lastra

Department of Pathology, University of Chicago, IL, USA


Ricardo Lastra completed his medical training at the Universidad Central de Venezuela, and subsequently completed his residency in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology at Pennsylvania Hospital. This was followed by Surgical Pathology and Cytopathology Fellowships, both at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, and the Advanced Specialty Training Program in Gynecologic Pathology at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Dr Lastra joined the University of Chicago in 2015, where he is currently Associate Professor of Pathology, participating in the gynecologic pathology and cytopathology services. He is actively involved in medical student, resident, and fellow education, and is currently section co-coordinator for the Obstetrics and Gynecology Section of the Clinical Pathophysiology and Therapeutics Course at the Pritzker School of Medicine of the University of Chicago. Additionally, he serves as Program Director of the Gynecologic and Breast Pathology Fellowship at the University of Chicago. His main research interest is in the fields of gynecologic pathology and cytopathology, and has focused primarily in evaluating the use of distinctive morphologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular features in the characterization of gynecologic tract lesions.

Professor Andrew Hanby

Leeds Institute of Cancer & Pathology, University of Leeds, UK


Andrew Hanby completed his medical training at Southampton University where his enthusiasm for Pathology was inspired by Professors Peter Isaacson, Dennis Wright and particularly so by Patrick Gallagher. His early training was in Portsmouth, followed by Guys Hospital in London where an enthusiasm for breast pathology was nurtured by Dr Rosemary Millis. After gaining his FRCPath he undertook a period of research with Professors Nick A Wright and Richard Poulsom at the ICRF/Royal College of Surgeons Histopathology Unit. At this time he was also the secretary of a tumour referrals panel. He then returned to breast pathology at Guys before moving to Leeds where he is Professor of Breast Cancer Pathology at the Leeds Institute of Cancer and Pathology (LICAP), University of Leeds. Andrew has had a long association with the Journal of Pathology, was an associate editor for several years, and is currently a member of its Editorial Board. He is an author on over 200 papers. His special interests include tumour heterogeneity, studies of tumour configuration, and the shape and role of the tumour stroma.

Professor Gerald Niedobitek

Institute for Pathology, Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin, Berlin, Germany


Gerald Niedobitek graduated in medicine from the Freie Universität Berlin in 1984 where he also started his training in pathology. In 1990, he became a research fellow at the Department of Cancer Studies, University of Birmingham. He was then appointed lecturer at the Department of Pathology in Birmingham where he completed is training. In 1995, he was promoted to the position of senior lecturer and honorary consultant in pathology. In 1997, he moved to the position of senior consultant in pathology at the Friedrich-Alexander Universität in Erlangen, Germany, where he obtained the habilitation ( venia legendi) for general pathology and pathological anatomy in 1998, and was appointed as a Professor of pathology in 2000. In 2007, he moved back to his home town of Berlin to become Director of the Institutes for Pathology, Sana Klinikum Lichtenberg and Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin. He is chairman of the Berliner Gesellschaft für Pathologie, the scientific association of pathologists in Berlin and Brandenburg. Gerald has been a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Pathology since 1996 and served as Associate Editor from 2007 to 2012.


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