

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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变更情况:Newly Added by 2018

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims and Scope

Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
 (PALO) publishes papers dealing with records of past environments, biota and climate. Understanding of the Earth system as it was in the past requires the employment of a wide range of approaches including marine and lacustrine sedimentology and speleothems; ice sheet formation and flow; stable isotope, trace element, and organic geochemistry; paleontology and molecular paleontology; evolutionary processes; mineralization in organisms; understanding tree-ring formation; seismic stratigraphy; physical, chemical, and biological oceanography; geochemical, climate and earth system modeling, and many others. The scope of this journal is regional to global, rather than local, and includes studies of any geologic age (Precambrian to Quaternary, including modern analogs). Within this framework, papers on the following topics are to be included: chronology, stratigraphy (where relevant to correlation of paleoceanographic events), paleoreconstructions, paleoceanographic modeling, paleocirculation (deep, intermediate, and shallow), paleoclimatology (e.g., paleowinds and cryosphere history), global sediment and geochemical cycles, anoxia, sea level changes and effects, relations between biotic evolution and paleoceanography, biotic crises, paleobiology (e.g., ecology of “microfossils” used in paleoceanography), techniques and approaches in paleoceanographic inferences, and modern paleoceanographic analogs, and quantitative and integrative analysis of coupled ocean-atmosphere-biosphere processes.  Paleoceanographic and Paleoclimate studies enable us to use the past in order to gain information on possible future climatic and biotic developments: the past is the key to the future, just as much and maybe more than the present is the key to the past.

Instructions to Authors

AGU is currently accepting applications for the Editor in Chief of Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. The term will begin 1 January 2020 and run for 4 years. For additional information, including how to submit your CV and letter of interest, please go to theEditor Search Page

Important Announcement: All submissions to Paleoceanography will be published under the new title of Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. For additional information, please see the Editors’ Vox by Editor in Chief Ellen Thomas

Welcome to GEMS: AGU's submission system

Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology focuses on original contributions dealing with all aspects of understanding and reconstructing Earth’s past climate and environments. The journals’ scope has expanded from its original focus on paleoceanography and marine paleo-environmental records to include terrestrial records and reconstruction, and modeling and integrated studies linking diverse records together, including geochemical and biotic records. Contributions will emphasize global and regional understandings, rather than purely local interests, and can cover all ages (Precambrian to the Quaternary, including modern analogs).

Editor in Chief: Ellen Thomas

Add your ORCID to GEMS and always have this identifier link you and all of your work. AGU encourages all authors and reviewers to create and add an Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) to their account. It’s easy: just update your profile on an existing account or add ORCID when you create your account. Learn more about ORCID.

ORCIDS will now be required for all corresponding authors and strongly encouraged for coauthors.
AGU officially joins with a number of other publishers in a commitment to include the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) for authors of all papers published. See statement https://eos.org/agu-news/agu-opens-its-journals-to-author-identifiers

A Plain Language Summary is required for submissions to: GRL, JGR: Planets, JGR: Biogeosciences, JGR: Oceans, G-Cubed, Reviews of Geophysics, and JAMES.

All AGU journal content from 1997 to 24 months ago is freely available online. Your published paper will become fully open 24-months after publication.

Editorial Board

Editors | Associate Editors | Previous Editors


AGU Fellows indicated by asterisk.

 Ellen Thomas*, Editor in Chief
 Yale University
 POB 208109 210 Whitney Ave
 Geology & Geophysics
 Email: ellen.thomas@yale.edu

Wesleyan University
Earth & Environmental Sciences
Email: ethomas@wesleyan.edu

Ellen Thomas (Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA; Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, USA) is a micropaleontologist/paleoceanographer who investigates the impact of changes in environment and climate on living organisms, focusing on benthic foraminiferal assemblages and trace element and stable isotope composition of their shells. Environments of study range from coastal salt marshes to the deep sea, time periods from Late Cretaceous – Recent, with emphases on Paleogene warm periods.


Stephen Barker

Professor Stephen Barker
School of Earth and Ocean Sciences 
Cardiff University 
Main Building, Park Place
Cardiff CF10 3AT, UK
T +44 2920 874328

Steve Barker (Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK): is interested in all aspects of Quaternary climate science, from changes in ocean circulation to variations in atmospheric CO2. He is particularly interested in so-called abrupt climate change and how this interacts with orbital-timescale variations in Earth’s climate. Steve’s background is in paleoceanography, but he is also interested in synthesizing records from other climate archives, including ice cores and speleothems. 


Editors' Assistant
Email: paleoceanography@agu.org


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