

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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变更情况:Newly Added by 2018

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Mission and Scope

From the Editors

Welcome to Science Robotics! Whether fully autonomous or in close collaboration with humans, robots are becoming ubiquitous. Found in space and deep-sea exploration, performing in the operating room or driving automobiles, their influence grows daily. Science Robotics provides a much-needed forum for the latest technological advances and for the critical social, ethical and policy issues surrounding robotics. Bearing the quality hallmark of the Science family of journals, Science Robotics caters to both researchers and general stakeholders. It is multidisciplinary, covering the traditional disciplines of robotics, as well as emerging trends such as advanced materials and bio-inspired designs; it covers all scales, from very large systems to micro/nano robots; its scope is broad, addressing both theoretical advances and practical applications; and it promotes reproducibility, facilitated by online supplementary materials and design/code repositories. We welcome the community—both established researchers and new talent—to join Science Robotics as we strive to transform the future of robotics for the benefit of all.


To promote advances in research and development of robotics for all environments by providing a central forum for communication of the most exciting new discoveries.


Science Robotics publishes original, peer-reviewed, science- or engineering-based research articles that advance the field of robotics. The journal also features editor-commissioned Reviews. An international team of academic editors holds Science Robotics articles to the same high-quality standard that is the hallmark of the Science family of journals. 

Sub-topics include: actuators, advanced materials, artificial Intelligence, autonomous vehicles, bio-inspired design, exoskeletons, fabrication, field robotics, human-robot interaction, humanoids, industrial robotics, kinematics, machine learning, material science, medical technology, motion planning and control, micro- and nano-robotics, multi-robot control, sensors, service robotics, social and ethical issues, soft robotics, and space, planetary and undersea exploration.

These brief commentaries provide additional information about the mission and scope of the journal:


Instructions to Authors

Science Robotics welcomes research in all domains of robotics including land, sea, space, medical, and industrial applications, as well as artificial intelligence and human/robotic interactions. Research articles may address robotic issues at any scale, from complete systems to novel components, materials, or software. Read more on Mission and Scope.

Editorial Policies

These policies spell out the rights and responsibilities that authors agree to when submitting and publishing their papers in each of the Science family of journals. Authors should familiarize themselves with these policies before submitting a manuscript to Science Robotics.

General Editorial Policies

Research Standards

Publication Policies

Categories of Submitted Manuscripts

Research Articles should include an abstract and be structured as follows: Abstract, Introduction, Results, Discussion, Materials and Methods, References, Figures and Tables, Supplementary Materials. Research Articles should be no more than 8000 words in length (not including References) and may have up to 8 figures/tables. Supplementary materials are permitted and can include figures and tables not essential to the general understanding of the research presented in the main text, as well as other file types. Shorter Research Articles with fewer figures will also be considered and may be published as Reports at the discretion of the editors. Detailed information about preparing a new Research Article is available  here.

Reviews are currently only by invitation of the Editor. They can be up to 5000 words (not including abstract, references, and figure legends). Longer Reviews may be considered at the Editor's discretion. They should have a short pithy title, an abstract of no more than 75 words, no more than 75 references, and up to six figures (with figure legends) or tables. If you are interested in writing a Review, please send a presubmission inquiry that includes title, author list and affiliations, and abstract to sciroboteditors@aaas.org. Detailed information about preparing a Review is available  here.

Perspectives are currently only by invitation of the Editor. They can be up to 5000 words (not including abstract, references, and figure legends). Longer Perspectives may be considered at the Editor's discretion. They should have a short pithy title, an abstract of no more than 75 words, no more than 75 references, and up to six figures (with figure legends) or tables. If you are interested in writing a Perspective, please send a presubmission inquiry that includes title, author list and affiliations, and abstract to sciroboteditors@aaas.org. Detailed information about preparing a Perspective is available  here.

Focus articles are short, timely pieces that spotlight new research findings (often published in Science Robotics or other journals) or policy issues of interest to the robotics community that are of immediate importance. Focus articles cannot exceed 1000 words total (not including abstract, references, and figure or table). They should have a short snappy or newsy title, a one-sentence abstract, no more than 10 references, and one figure or table (with caption). For editor-invited Focus articles, authorship will be limited to only those invited, with a maximum of one additional co-author. Detailed information about preparing a Focus article is available here.

eLetters Brief online comments can be submitted on research or commentary articles published in Science Robotics. eLetters are submitted on the Science Robotics website, evaluated, and posted with the article if accepted. Authors are identified and must agree to our terms and conditions (http://www.sciencemag.org/about/terms-service). Science Robotics does not publish Letters as separate articles.


Primary research articles or other unsolicited articles may be submitted online at  https://cts.sciencemag.org

For submission, you will need the following:

  1. Authors: Names, telephone, and e-mail addresses for all authors, including selection of one to be corresponding author.
  2. Manuscript Information:
    • The article type you are submitting.
    • The title of your manuscript (125-character maximum for Research Articles)
    • Funding sources 
    • A cover letter that includes
      • Reference to any pre-submission discussions with editors.
      • The title of the paper and a statement of its main point
      • Any information needed to ensure a fair review process, including related manuscripts submitted to other journals
      • Names of colleagues who have reviewed the paper
      • A statement that none of the material has been published or is under consideration elsewhere, including the Internet.
      • For investigations on humans, a statement indicating that informed consent was obtained after the nature and possible consequences of the studies were explained
      • For authors using experimental animals, a statement that the animals' care was in accordance with institutional guidelines
      • Note where data are available, or will be deposited and whether there are any restrictions on data availability such as an MTA.
      • Information on any Reference material or additional data files uploaded to the Auxiliary files section (see below).
      • A .docx version of your cover letter.
  3. Reviewers: Names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of up to five potential referees and up to five excluded reviewers
  4. Upload Documents: During submission, you will upload a combined PDF containing the main text, figures, tables, and supplementary materials. You may also upload the manuscript, a cover letter, the Supplementary Materials file, and any auxiliary files. Science Robotics prefers to receive a single complete file that includes all figures and tables in Word's .docx format (Word 2007, 2010, or 2008 or 2011 for a Mac). If you are using LaTeX, please convert your paper into a Word docx.  If this is not possible, please use our LaTeX template (available here). Some conversion approaches are available here: http://www.tug.org/utilities/texconv/textopc.html.  The Supplementary Materials should be submitted as a single separate file in .docx or PDF format. The main manuscript file and the Supplementary Materials file each have a 25MB size limit.
  5. Supplementary multimedia or large data files that cannot be included in the main Supplementary Materials file should be uploaded as Auxiliary Supplementary Materials at our submission site. There is a 25 MB combined size limit on auxiliary files and a limit of 10 auxiliary files. Video clips should be in mp4 format. Quicktime (.mov) files are acceptable provided the h.264 compression setting is used. Where possible please use HD frame size (1920x1080 pixels). Animated GIFs are not accepted. For audio files, WAV AIFF, AU, or m4a are preferred. MP3 or AAC files are acceptable, but a bit rate of at least 160kb/s must be used. Authors should submit video and audio with clearly identifiable accompanying captions and credit information.
  6. Other items that are required at submission and should be uploaded to the Auxiliary files section are:
  • Reference Material:  Authors must supply Science Robotics with a copy of any of their papers that are related to the Science Robotics manuscript and are under consideration or in press at other journals. This condition applies at all times while the Science Robotics manuscript is under consideration. If a related paper is submitted elsewhere while the Science Robotics paper is under consideration, please contact your editor.
  • Data files required for review of your manuscript.
  • Written permission from any author who is not an author of your manuscript but whose work is cited as in press. Permission must allow distribution of in-press manuscripts or relevant data to reviewers. A copy of an email is sufficient. We do not allow citation to in press manuscripts at publication – these would need to be replaced by the published reference.
  • Any relevant MTAs

Manuscript selection

Science Robotics is committed to thorough and efficient evaluation of submitted manuscripts. Papers are assigned to an Editorial Board member who has knowledge of the field discussed in the manuscript. Submitted papers may also be rated for suitability by members of the Science Robotics Advisory Board. Authors of papers that are not selected are notified promptly, within about 1 week.

Research papers that are selected for in-depth review are evaluated by at least two outside referees. Reviewers are contacted before being sent a paper and asked to return comments within 1 to 2 weeks for most papers.

Authors are notified of decisions by email, and the status of the manuscript can be tracked at  https://cts.sciencemag.org. Membership in AAAS is not a factor in selection of manuscripts for publication. Science journals treat all submitted manuscripts as confidential documents. Sciencejournals also instruct and expect our Editors, Advisors and reviewers to treat manuscripts as confidential material. Our peer review process is confidential and identities of reviewers are not released.

AAAS publishes five other journals: Science, Science SignalingScience Translational Medicine, Science Immunology, and our open access, interdisciplinary journal Science Advances. Papers submitted to Science Robotics but not accepted for publication may, in some cases, be eligible for publication in one of these five journals. If a manuscript is rejected from Science Robotics with the option of transfer, we would be happy to transfer your submission from Science Robotics with no reformatting required. Editors at the second journal may use the information gathered during evaluation at Science Robotics to expedite review, including reuse of the reviews, provided reviewers agree. You may also choose to start a new review process. The transfer can only include documents that were part of the review process at Science Robotics. Once transfer is complete, you will have the opportunity to upload a response to the reviews where appropriate.

Editorial Board


Jeremy Berg

Washington, DC


Guang-Zhong Yang

Director and Co-founder of the Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery
Imperial College London

Editorial Board Members

Howie Choset

Professor of Robotics
Carnegie Mellon University/Robotics Institute, USA
Biologically Inspired Robots, Medical Robots, Manufacturing, Collaborative Robotics, Multi-Agent Systems, Search and Rescue

Steve Collins

Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, USA
Prosthetics, Exoskeletons, Assistive Robotics

Paolo Dario

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy
Medical and Surgical Robotics, Micro/Nanorobotics, Service Robots, Bionics, Robots in Education, Society and Ethics

Peer Fischer

Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, and Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Micro/Nanorobotics, Active Matter, Molecular Systems Engineering, Nanoscience, Materials Physics, Biomedical Applications

Ken Goldberg

Professor, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research 
William S. Floyd Jr. Distinguished Chair in Engineering
University of California, Berkeley, USA 
Manipulation, Learning, Algorithms, Automation

Neil Jacobstein

Chair, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Singularity University, NASA Research Park, Moffett Field, USA
Distinguished Visiting Scholar, MediaX Program Stanford University
Industrial and Manufacturing Applications of Robotics; Drone Technology and Applications; Military, Intelligence, and Public Health Applications of Robotics

Danica Kragic

Professor, Computer Science
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Robotic Grasping and Manipulation, Computer Vision, Human-Robot Collaboration, Learning

Cecilia Laschi

Professor, The BioRobotics Institute
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy
Robotic Grasping and Manipulation, Computer Vision, Human-Robot Collaboration, Learning

Robin R. Murphy

Raytheon Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
Texas A&M University, USA
Disaster robotics, artificial intelligence, human-robot interaction, robotics education, science narratives in science fiction

Bradley Nelson

Professor of Robotics and Intelligent Systems
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Micro/Nanorobotics, Medical Robotics, Biorobotics, Humanitarian Robotics

Robert J. Wood

Charles River Professor of Engineering and Applied Sciences 
Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Harvard University, USA
Bioinspired robots, microrobots, soft robotics

Advisory Board Members

James G. Bellingham

Director, Center for Marine Robotics
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA
Marine Robotics, Autonomy for Field Robotics, Multi-Platform Robotics, Observing System Design

Henrik I. Christensen

Director, Contextual Robotics Institute
Jacobs School of Engineering, University of California San Diego, USA
Systems-Oriented Approaches to Machine Perception, Robotics, and Design of Intelligent Machines

Pierre E. Dupont

Edward P. Marram Chair and Chief, Pediatric Cardiac Bioengineering
Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA
Surgical Robots, Robotic Implants, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Micro/Nanorobots, Novel Tool and Sensor Technologies for Medical Robots

Toshio Fukuda

Nagoya University, Meijo University, Japan and Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Intelligent Robotics, Self-Organizing Robotic Systems, Bio-Robotics, Biomedical Engineering, Micro/Nanorobotic Systems

Robert J. Full

Director, Center for Interdisciplinary Bio-Inspiration in Education and Research (CiBER)
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, University of California at Berkeley, USA
Bioinspired Robotics, Robotic Motion Systems, Synthetic Robotic Science, Experimental Robotics

Hugh Herr

Co-Director, MIT Center for Extreme Bionics
Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences
Associate Professor, Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology
MIT Media Lab, USA
Biomechanics, Biological Movement Control, Biomedical Devices

Robert D. Howe

Abbot and James Lawrence Professor of Engineering
Director, BioRobotics Laboratory, Harvard University, USA
Bioinspired Robotics and Computing, Biomechanics and Motor Control

Koji Ikuta

Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
University of Tokyo, Japan
BioMEMS, Nanorobotics for Biomedicine, 3D Micro/Nanofabrication, Optically Driven Nanomachines, Biochemical IC Chip Medical Robotics

Vijay Kumar

Professor and Nemirovsky Family Dean
School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Aerial Robotics, Robot Swarms, Microrobotics

Marcia McNutt

President, National Academy of Science
Chair, National Research Council
Washington, DC, USA

Yoshihiko Nakamura

Professor, Department of Mechano-Informatics
School of Information Science and Technology
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Humanoid Robotics, Cognitive Robotics, Neuro Musculoskeletal Human Modeling

Stuart Russell

Professor of Computer Science
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Planning and Decision Making

Russell H. Taylor

Director, Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics
Professor of Computer Science 
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Medical Robotics, Robotic Systems, Computer-Integrated Interventional Medicine, Medical Image Modeling and Analysis


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