

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版频率:Continuous publication
变更情况:Newly Added by 2018

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Focus and Coverage

The name APL Photonics is about values and community. “APL” stands for the values we share with our parent (Applied Physics Letters) and sister (APL Materials) journals - promoting significant advances and novel understandings in our fields through research reports that are driven forward by peer-review. As a new, open access journal for the photonics community, APL Photonics expands on these values and is the home for fundamental and applied multidisciplinary research anchored in photonics, and the platform for next-generation innovations in the field.

In response to the diverse community and its communication needs the Journal features Articles, Letters, and Special content – specifically Invited Articles, Perspectives, Tutorials and Special Topic sections – see the Editorial Policies guide for details on the different article types.

Covered topics include:

  • Light sources
  • Nonlinear optics
  • Optoelectronics
  • Nanophotonics
  • Plasmonics
  • Biophotonics and Biomedical optics
  • Ultrafast photonics
  • Optical communications
  • Quantum photonics
  • Optical imaging
  • Photovoltaics
  • Guided wave optics
  • Sensors
  • Terahertz

Manuscripts that focus on mathematical and computational problems only marginally related to photonics are not suitable for publication in APL Photonics. Similarly, papers focused on incremental technical advances, engineering applications, or materials science are outside the journal’s scope.

Open Access Statement

APL Photonics is an open access journal. Articles published in APL Photonics are freely accessible, without restrictions, to the global public. Authors who publish in APL Photonics retain the copyright to their work under a Creative Commons license. Under this license, users are free to share and adapt the material in any format, provided appropriate credit is given. Visit the AIP Publishing Open Access Policyfor more information about our policies on open access.

Relationship with other AIP Publishing journals

APL Photonics is the dedicated home for open access research directly serving the photonics community. The journal’s scope encompasses fundamental scientific and engineering advances in photonics research across physics, chemistry, biology, and materials science.

Alongside APL PhotonicsApplied Physics Letters and the other AIP Publishing journals accept submissions and publish papers in photonics that are relevant to their respective communities.

Instructions to Authors
Editorial Board


Benjamin J. Eggleton -  Editor-in-Chief
Benjamin J. Eggleton -  Editor-in-Chief

Director - The University of Sydney Nano Institute (Sydney Nano)
Institute of Photonics and Optical Science (IPOS)
School of Physics, University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia

Professor Benjamin Eggleton is the Director of The University of Sydney Nano Institute (Sydney Nano). He also currently serves as co-Director of the NSW Smart Sensing Network (NSSN). He was the founding Director of the Institute of Photonics and Optical Science (IPOS) at the University of Sydney (from 2009-2018) and was founding Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Ultrahigh bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems (CUDOS) (from 2003-2017). He was previously an ARC Laureate Fellow and an ARC Federation Fellow twice. Eggleton obtained his Ph.D. degree in Physics from the University of Sydney in 1996. He then joined Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies as a Postdoctoral Member of Staff in the Optical Physics Department and was promoted to Technical Manager of the Fiber Gratings Group in 2000. He was then promoted to Research Director within the Specialty Fiber Business Division of Bell Laboratories, where he was engaged in forward-looking research supporting Lucent Technologies (then OFS) business in optical fiber devices. Eggleton is the author or coauthor of more than 480 journal publications, which have been cited 19,000 times according to webofscience with an h-number of 66 (86 in google scholar). Eggleton is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science (AAS), the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering (ATSE), the Optical Society of America and IEEE Photonics.

Research Interests: An international leader in nanophotonics and nonlinear optical physics, Benjamin’s pioneering contributions to nanophotonics include breakthroughs in the nonlinear optics of periodic media, ultrafast planar waveguide nonlinear optics, photonic crystal fibers, optofluidics, and fiber grating-based signal conditioning. His work links fundamental research to applied science and spans physics and engineering. Benjamin’s research into new classes of nonlinear nanophotonic waveguides fabricated in chalcogenide has created a new paradigm for ultrafast all-optical signal processing. His discoveries of Bragg solitons and demonstration of slow light-enhanced nonlinear optics in photonic crystals are seminal results in nonlinear optics. His research into optical fibers tuned using fluids has established a new field of interdisciplinary research - optofluidics, now pursued by numerous leading research groups around the world.

Professional Activities and Awards: With a Web of Science h-index of 66, Benjamin has published more than 480 journal papers that have been cited over 19,000 times and has delivered over 200 invited presentations. He was President of the Australian Optical Society, has served as Editor-in-Chief for Optics Communications (2007-2015), and served on the Board of Governors for the IEEE Photonics Society. Eggleton's awards include the Adolph Lomb Medal from the Optical Society, the ICO Prize from the International Commission on Optics and the Australian Prime Ministers Malcolm Mackintosh Award for Physical Scientist of the Year.

Jens Biegert – Associate Editor
Jens Biegert - Associate Editor

ICFO - The Institute of Photonics Sciences
Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain

After studying physics at Würzburg University in Germany and the University of New Mexico in the U.S.A., Jens received his doctorate in 2001 from the TU Munich. He went on to ETH Zürich for his Habilitation and headed, as Oberassistent, the research group on strong field physics and ultrafast lasers. In 2007, he joined The Institute of Photonic Science (ICFO) in Barcelona as ICREA Professor of Attoscience and Ultrafast Optics. He also holds a joint appointment as Research Professor at the University of New Mexico, U.S.A. and is professor at the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA).

Research Interests: Jens’s research is dedicated to real time studies of the electronic and nuclear dynamics of matter. His main topics of interest include attoscience, strong field and extreme nonlinear processes, parametric devices, and intense few-cycle lasers. He has made pioneering contributions to ultrafast laser physics and most recently to the establishment of ultrafast mid-infrared sources and attosecond soft X-ray spectroscopy.

Professional Activities and Awards: Jens has published more than 120 reviewed papers and has given approximately 100 invited talks. He has served on editorial boards, as conference chair, on numerous advisory and steering committees, and on the Board of Meetings of the Optical Society of America. He is fellow of the German National Academic Foundation, was the recipient of a DAAD Fellowship in 1995, the Marie Curie Fellowship in 2001, and he received the OSA Allen Price in 2004.

Keisuke Goda – Associate Editor
Keisuke Goda - Associate Editor

Department of Chemistry
University of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan

Keisuke obtained a B.A. summa cum laude from the University of California, Berkeley in 2001 and a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2007, both in physics. At MIT, he worked on the development of quantum-enhancement techniques in the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) group. After finishing his doctoral work, he moved to the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) as a postdoctoral researcher and then as a program manager where he worked on ultrafast optical imaging and spectroscopy and microfluidic biotechnology in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Bioengineering. In 2012, he joined the Department of Chemistry at the University of Tokyo as a professor where he currently leads a research group for imaging and spectroscopy. In 2014, he was appointed a program manager of the ImPACT program funded by the Cabinet Office, Government of Japan.

Research Interests: Keisuke’s research focuses on the development of discovery-enabling technologies based on ultrafast optical imaging and spectroscopy for science, industry, energy, and medicine. Specifically, his research lies in the fields of biomedical photonics, green photonics, ultrafast photonics, and optofluidics.

Professional Activities and Awards Keisuke served as Co-Chair of the IEEE Photonics Society’s Los Angeles Chapter (2007 - 2011), Founding Chair of Southern California Japanese Scholars Forum (2007 - 2012), Conference Co-Chair of SPIE Photonics Asia (2014), and Symposium Chair of Optics & Photonics Japan (2014 - 2015). He currently serves as Conference Chair of SPIE Photonics West BIOS (2015). For his global leadership and contribution to the photonics community worldwide, he was selected by the World Economic Forum as a Young Global Leader (2014) and by AERA as one of the Top 100 Leaders in Japan (2014). Also, for his contribution to the development of novel ultrafast imaging and spectroscopy methods, he was awarded the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award at the Scientific Interface (2011), Konica Minolta Imaging Science Award (2013), MEXT Young Scientist award (2014), Ogino Award (2014), and IEEE Photonics Society Distinguished Lecturers Award (2014).

Baohua Jia – Associate Editor
Baohua Jia - Associate Editor

Professor and Research Leader
Centre for Micro-Photonics
Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia 

Baohua Jia is a full Professor and Research Leader at Swinburne University of Technology. She received her BSc (2000) and MSc (2003) degrees from Nankai University, China. She was awarded a PhD (2007) from Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. She is now the Honorary Treasurer of Australian Optical Society (AOS), the Program Leader of Future Manufacturing Institution and the Head of Laser and Nanomaterial Interaction (LNI) Group.

Research Interests: Prof. Jia’s research focuses on designing and fabricating functional nanostructures and nanomaterials to effectively harness and store clean energy from sunlight, separate molecule and purify water and air for clean environment and ultrafast laser imaging, spectroscopy and nanofabrication towards fast-speed all-optical communications.

Professional Activities and Awards In the past 10 years, Prof. Jia has secured more than $12m research grants as a key Chief Investigator (CI) for both fundamental research and industrial engagement. She has developed 11 patents and patent applications, which has seen an $8m investment from industry so far.

She has co-authored more than 200 scientific publications in highly ranked journals and prestigious international conferences. She has delivered more than 40 keynote and invited talks at prestigious international conferences and serves multiples professional committees.

She has received a number of prizes and awards including the Impact Award (2017), Vice Chancellor Industrial Engagement Award (2016, 2011), Young Tall Poppy Science Award (2013), L’Oréal Australia and New Zealand for Women in Science Fellowship (2012), Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) from the Australian Research Council (2012), Victoria Fellowship from the Victorian Government (2010), French Fellowship from the Australian French Association for Science and Technology (2010), Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship (APD) from the Australian Research Council (2009), Vice-Chancellor’s Research Award (Early Career) for research excellence from Swinburne (2009) and the Biotechnology Entrepreneur Young Achievement Australia Award (2005).

Christelle Monat - Associate Editor
Christelle Monat - Associate Editor

Materials and Surface Sciences and Institute of Nanotechnology
École Centrale Lyon
Ecully, France
http://leom.ec-lyon.fr/personnel/personnel_detail.php? Nom=MONAT&Prenom=Christelle#activite

After obtaining her Ph.D. on integrated microlasers from Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France in 2003, Christelle worked for two years at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland on single photon sources. She joined the Centre for Ultra-high Bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems (CUDOS) at the University of Sydney in 2005, where she served as the project leader of the Slow light program between 2007 and 2010. In 2010, she was appointed Associate Professor at Ecole Centrale de Lyon, where she carries out her research on integrated nonlinear optics within the Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon (INL), France.

Research Interests: Christelle’s current research focuses on the use of hybrid integrated material platforms and devices for all-optical information processing. Her main areas of interest include slow light in photonic crystals, graphene, integrated microlasers, silicon photonics, nonlinear optics on a chip, heterogeneous material integration, and nanostructures.

Professional Activities and Awards Christelle received the Fresnel Prize from the European Physical Society in 2011, and the Fabry de Gramont Prize from the French Optical Society in 2015. She is a Junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France and an Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Sydney since 2012. She has been awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship in 2012 and a European ERC consolidator grant in 2015. She is co-chair of the “Photonic crystal materials and devices” symposium at the SPIE Photonics Europe Conference and she serves as a scientific expert for the Observatory of Micro and Nanotechnologies (OMNT) in France, for the "Materials and Devices for Optics" topic.

Fiorenzo Omenetto - Associate Editor
Fiorenzo Omenetto - Associate Editor

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Science & Technology Center
Tufts University
Medford, MA, USA

Fiorenzo received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering/Applied Physics from the University of Pavia, Italy in 1997 working on femtosecond, high-power UV laser sources. From 1997 to 2005 he worked at Los Alamos National Laboratories investigating nonlinear optics in optical and photonic crystal fibers, first as a post-doc, and then as a permanent member of the technical staff in the Physics Division. He joined the Biomedical Engineering Department at Tufts University at the end of 2005. Presently he is the Frank C. Doble Professor of Engineering, and holds adjunct appointments in Physics and Electrical Engineering.

Research Interests: Fiorenzo’s research focuses on the convergence of technology, biologically inspired materials, and the natural sciences with an emphasis on transformative approaches for sustainable materials for high-technology applications.

Professional Activities and Awards: Fiorenzo was formerly a J. Robert Oppenheimer Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratories, a Guggenheim Fellow, and is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America and the American Physical Society.

Yikai Su - Associate Editor
Yikai Su - Associate Editor

Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Shanghai, China

Yikai received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA in 2001. From 2001 to 2003 he worked at Crawford Hill Laboratory of Bell Laboratories as a member of technical staff. He joined the faculty of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China in 2004. Currently he is a full professor and a director of the lab for optical transmission and integrated photonics (OTIP).

Research Interests: Yikai’s research covers optical communications, signal transmission and switching, and integrated photonics including silicon photonic devices.

Professional Activities and Awards: Yikai has (co-)authored approximately 300 peer-reviewed papers. He is the chair of the IEEE Photonics Society Shanghai chapter. He has served as an advisory board member of Advanced Optical Materials (2015- ), an associate editor of Photonics Research (2013-2016), a topical editor of Optics Letters (2008-2014), a guest editor of IEEE JSTQE (2008/2011), and a feature editor of Applied Optics (2008). He was a general co-chair of ACP 2012 and a TPC co-chair of ACP 2011 and APCC 2009. He also served as a TPC member of a large number of international conferences including CLEO (2016-), ECOC (2013-2015), OFC (2011-2013), OECC 2008, CLEO-PR 2007, and LEOS (2005-2007).

Alexander Szameit - Associate Editor
Alexander Szameit - Associate Editor

University of Rostock 
Institute of Physics
Rostock, Germany

After studying at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg and the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Alex completed his doctorate in 2007 at the latter. Alex carried out his post-doctoral research at the Technion in Haifa, Israel in the group of Mordechai Segev before accepting a position at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität as Assistant Professor in 2011. In 2016 he was appointed full professor at the University of Rostock and holds the chair of Experimental Solid-State Optics.

Research Interests: Alex’s research covers optics in periodic media, light dynamics in photonic waveguide arrays, optical solitons, non-hermitian photonics, integrated quantum optics, and topological photonics.

Professional Activities and Awards: Alex has published more than 150 reviewed papers and has given numerous invited talks. He has received several prestigious research awards, such as the dissertation price of the German Physical Society 2008, the award of the German Society for Laser Technology 2011, the OSA Adolph Lomb Medal 2014 and the Rudolph Kaiser Award 2015.

Paul Westbrook -  Associate Editor
Paul Westbrook -  Associate Editor

OFS Laboratories
Berkeley Heights, NJ, USA

After completing a Ph.D. in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1998, Paul joined the Optical Fiber Research Department at Lucent Technologies, Bell Laboratories. He is currently a technical manager at OFS Labs, which was formed after the sale of the Lucent optical fiber business to Furukawa in 2001. He has worked on several topics in optical physics, including photoresponse of superconductors, nonlinear effects in periodic structures, optical fiber gratings, fiber sensors, polarization measurement, and photonic crystal fibers.

Research Interests: Paul’s research interests include fiber devices, polarization optics, fiber sensing, fiber lasers, nonlinear optics, fiber gratings, and optical fiber telecommunications.

Professional Activities and Awards: Paul has coauthored more than 50 journal articles and conference papers, and his work has resulted in more than 40 U.S. and international patents. He has served on various conference committees, including IPC, OFC, CLEO, CLEO Europe, BGPP, and OECC and was previously an associate editor for IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.


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