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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Journal Description

JMIR Serious Games (JSG, ISSN 2291-9279; Impact Factor: 2.226) is a multidisciplinary journal devoted to computer/web/virtual reality/mobile applications that incorporate elements of gaming, gamification or novel hardware platforms such as virtual reality headsets or Microsoft Kinect to solve serious problems such as health behavior change, physical exercise promotion (exergaming), medical rehabilitation, diagnosis and treatment of psychological/psychiatric disorders, medical education, health promotion, teaching and education, or social change. The journal also considers commentary and research in the fields of video games violence and video games addiction.

The journal is indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central, DOAJ, and SCIE/Web of Science, and JCR (Journal Citation Reports) where it received an official impact factor by Clarivate. In June 2018, JSG received an official inaugural journal impact factor of 2.226 (Journal Citation Reports 2017, Clarivate Analytics), ranking JSG at the top of all gaming related academic journals, ahead of (for example) more established competitor journals such as the Games for Health Journal. 

Instructions to Authors


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Editorial Board
Join the Editorial Board

Mariano Alcañiz, PhD

LabHuman Institute, Spain

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain

Research Focus

Mariano Alcañiz’s research focuses on persuasive technologies, the use of mobile technologies for human behavior tracking, and the use of interactive 3D graphics in serious games. More specifically, he is interested in how virtual reality related technologies could augment human abilities and performance in fields like medicine, health, education and marketing. He is interested in understanding and classifying the relevant significance of each aspect of the human activity and how to use this information in computer mediated technologies for enhancing human abilities and quality of life. His objectives are to improve interactive technology in virtual environments used in different formats and the development of algorithms, methods, and techniques for ubiquitous and non-obtrusive measurement of human activity. 


Julian Alvarez, PhD

Lille 1 University, France

Play Research Lab, Ludoscience, France

Lutin UserLab, France

Research Focus

Julian Alvarez is interested in the use of play in all areas, especially in education, health, and information & communication. His specialty is focused on the evaluation of serious games / serious gaming devices and their uses. The question of the adoption of games by ecosystems (eg, hospitals, schools, and companies) and accompaniments is central. Julian’s research also focuses on the history and taxonomy of video games and electronic games. 


Craig Anderson, PhD 

Iowa State University, USA


Celia Boyer, MSc

Health On the Net Foundation, Switzerland

Research Focus

Celia Boyer’s research focus is on the impact of serious gaming in information delivery for various audiences, as well as the role of the debriefings after using health serious games. Celia is also interested in the transparency and the quality of serious games.



Brian Cugelman, PhD

AlterSpark Corp., Canada

University of Wolverhampton, England

Research Focus

Brian’s research focus is on the ingredients, principles, or mechanics used by digital technology to elicit changes in user knowledge, attitudes or behavior.


Ben Gerber, MD, MPH

University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Research Focus

Ben Gerber’s research focus is on behavior change and health education in the context of chronic disease self-management.


Guido Giunti, MD

Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Research Focus

Currently I am working on the use of game elements in Patient Health Records and also Patient Adherence to treatments.


Maurits Graafland, PhD student and surgical resident

Flevo Ziekenhuis, Netherlands

Research Focus

Maurits Graafland’s research interests include simulation, serious gaming, surgical skills assessment, and curriculum development.


Daria Kuss, PhD 

Birmingham City University, UK

Research Focus

Daria Kuss’s research focuses on potentially pathological online behaviors and their treatment in various populations (adolescents, students, clinical populations, and mental health care professionals) across countries (Europe, US, and Canada). Her research methods are both qualitative and quantitative.


Emanuele Lettieri, PhD

Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Research Focus

Emanuele Lettieri's research interests are about organizing healthcare for sustainable effectiveness by radically rethinking its current paradigms. In particular, he is interested to promote significant changes through the implementation of cost-effective, technology-enabled innovations, such as serious games.


Ricky Leung, PhD

University of Albany, USA

Research Focus

Ricky Leung’s research focuses on social network analysis, cross cultural / transnational games, games for health-related purposes, games and public health, and games for education.


Anna McDaniel, RN, PhD

University of Florida, USA

Research Focus

Anna McDaniel’s research focus is on nicotine addiction/tobacco control.


Allan McDougall, MA, PhD

Research Associate, Research Unit of the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada, Canada

Research Focus

Allan McDougall is currently developing a research program on gamification in post-graduate medical education. He is particularly interested in medical education, professionalism, and qualitative methods.


Marlies Schijven, MD, PhD, MHSC

Academic Medical Center of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Research Focus

Marlies Schijven’s research focuses on wearable technology, validation trajectories, situational awareness, and games aiming at training physicians/professionals in health care.


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