

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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变更情况:Newly Added by 2017

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification (JUQ) publishes research articles presenting significant mathematical, statistical, algorithmic, and application advances in uncertainty quantification, defined as the interface of complex modeling of processes and data, especially characterizations of the uncertainties inherent in the use of such models. The journal also focuses on related fields such as sensitivity analysis, model validation, model calibration, data assimilation, and code verification. The journal also solicits papers describing new ideas that could lead to significant progress in methodology for uncertainty quantification as well as review articles on particular aspects. The journal is dedicated to nurturing synergistic interactions between the mathematical, statistical, computational, and applications communities involved in uncertainty quantification and related areas. JUQ is jointly offered by SIAM and the American Statistical Association.
Instructions to Authors

Submitting a Manuscript

Please enter submissions directly into the Journal Submission & Tracking System. Authors should submit both the manuscript and a cover letter in PDF format. Note: Figures, if any, must be embedded “inline” in the manuscript.


If you have not used the Journal Submission & Tracking System, you'll need to create an account. Instructions for using this system are available here.

Submission of a manuscript to JUQ is representation by the author(s) that the manuscript has not been published or submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. Papers that have appeared in conference proceedings will be considered only if (i) they are significantly revised and (ii) the previous appearance is explicitly indicated in both the submission letter and a footnote on the first page.

Original Scholarship

A large duplication of another author's or one's own work is a sign of poor scholarship. There is also a copyright issue if the source is not cited. Your manuscript should provide proper citations, use quotation marks or indentation (for quotations of five or more lines) to indicate borrowed wording, and minimize duplication. Refusal by an author to make these necessary changes is grounds for rejection.

Potentially Offensive Material

There is no general rule on what material is appropriate for SIAM publications. However, if a handling editor believes that the use of some material (text, images, etc.) may offend SIAM readers, the publication reverts to the editor-in-chief who will engage in an exchange with the authors on the need for the particular material and whether alternatives can be identified to express the same results. Unless the authors can make convincing arguments that the particular material is essential to convey the scientific contribution, it is expected that the material be replaced prior to review and further consideration for publication.

Significance Statement

Research published in the journal should make a significant contribution to advancing the field of uncertainty quantification. This may be achieved by significant advances in theory, methodology, algorithmic development, computation, or application of uncertainty quantification techniques to advance a scientific investigation or field; a significant contribution might also be achieved at the interfaces of these areas.

Each submission to JUQ must include a brief significance statement which explains the novel contributions of the paper in plain terms understandable to the broad readership of the journal. This statement will be captured as part of the electronic submission.


A resubmission of a manuscript previously rejected by this or another SIAM journal will be treated as a new submission, with the history of the manuscript made available to the handling editor and, if necessary, referees. The cover letter should include the criticism in the referee reports and a detailed description of how the manuscript has been revised to meet all the criticism of the original submission. As a new submission, there is no guarantee that it will be handled by the same editor or that the original referees will be involved in the evaluation.


SIAM is a member of ORCID a central registry of researchers. Authors submitting papers to SIAM journals can log in to the submission systemthrough their ORCID account, or can go to their SIAM system profile to connect their ORCID to their SIAM journals work. If the paper is accepted and published, SIAM Journals Online will display an icon next to the author’s name which links to their ORCID page, which can in turn list their published article if the author chooses.

SIAM encourages authors to take advantage of ORCID’s capability, which can be viewed as a DOI for an individual. Wherever it is used, this unique identifier then pulls together the individual’s work and professional activities from across publications, disciplines, and workplaces. The researcher controls, through his or her ORCID account, which work and activities are publicly displayed.

Those interested can register for an ORCID ID here. Use it for login at manuscript submission or contact SIAM to add it to your account.

Editor Selection

Authors can suggest an editor from among those listed on the journal's masthead, but the editors-in-chief have the exclusive right to assign papers to members of the editorial board. The editors reserve the right to reject any manuscript that does not conform to the journal's standards.


If your paper contains material (for example, tables or figures) from another source, that material must be accompanied by written permission from the copyright holder. Permission is needed in cases of alterations to the original, as well. To assist referees, unpublished references can also be submitted with an indication of whether they have been accepted for publication.

TeX Papers

Authors of accepted papers must submit TeX files to SIAM for typesetting. Authors are highly encouraged to prepare their papers using SIAM's multimedia LaTeX 2e macros. Note that the SIAM office will format Plain TeX and AMSTeX files to LaTeX 2e. The LaTeX 2e macro package and documentation are available here or by email request.

Marking of Non-TeX Papers

All variables will be set in italic type and should not be marked. Headings such as Introduction, Theorem, and Proof will be set according to SIAM style and should not be marked. Authors should ensure that all variables and symbols can be easily identified by copy editors and typesetters.


All illustrations must be of professional quality with no handwritten elements. Note that tables and algorithms are not considered figures and should not be treated as such. Illustrations must be numbered consecutively and cited in the text. If your article is accepted for publication, SIAM will accept electronic (TeX, PDF, PNG, JPG, and EPS) figure files. Hand-drawn artwork will not be accepted. SIAM will not redraw figures. Illustrations must use lines one point or thicker; thinner lines may break up or disappear when printed. When choosing line weight and character size, keep in mind that illustrations may be reduced.


Being an all-electronic publication, the use of color figures enhancing the paper is encouraged. Color will appear in the all-electronic publication at no cost to the authors.


Titles should be brief and appropriate for indexing and should specifically describe the content of the paper. An abbreviated title, which will be used as a running head, must accompany all articles, must not consist of more than 50 characters (including spaces), and should not contain abbreviations.


An abstract, not exceeding 250 words that summarizes the principal techniques and conclusions of the manuscript in relation to known results, must accompany each manuscript. Because the abstract must be able to stand independently, mathematical formulas and bibliographic references should be kept to a minimum; bibliographic references must be written out in full, not given by number. LaTeX commands specific to the article should be avoided; use the generally accepted form.

Keywords and AMS Subject Classifications

Keywords and AMS subject classifications must accompany all articles. A list of the subject classifications can be accessed in the Annual Index of Mathematical Reviews.


References should be listed in either alphabetical order or order of citation at the end of the manuscript. The following reference styles should be used; other examples may be found in the journal style manual.

  • Journal articles (titles of journals should be abbreviated in accordance with Mathematical Reviews; abbreviations are available here):
    [16] L. N. Trefethen, Cubature, approximation, and isotropy in the hypercube, SIAM Rev., 59 (2017), pp. 469­–491.
  • Books, research reports:
    [9] H. Kaper and C. Rousseau, Mathematics of Planet Earth, SIAM, Philadelphia, 2015.
  • Paper in a bound collection:
    [2] C. Archetti and M. G. Speranza, Arc routing problems with profits, in Arc Routing: Problems, Methods, and Applications, MOS-SIAM Ser. Optim. 20, A. Corberan and G. Laporte, eds., SIAM, Philadelphia, 2014, pp. 281–299.
  • Acceptable variants on SIAM's references style are:
    [T] L. N. Trefethen, Cubature, approximation, and isotropy in the hypercube, SIAM Rev., 59 (2017), pp. 469­–491.
    L. N. Trefethen (2017), Cubature, approximation, and isotropy in the hypercube, SIAM Rev., 59, pp. 469­–491.

Citations Within the Text

A consistent style should be used, and the style of in-text citations should conform to the reference style chosen. To refer to a specific page or item in an article or book the following formats may be used: [2, p. 51]; [M, p. 51]; Mandelbrot [2, p. 51]; or Mandelbrot (1977, p. 51).

Page Limit Policy

JUQ asks that authors limit papers to 25 pages. A paper exceeding 25 journal pages will be published only in the exceptional case that the author has fully justified the length to the referees, associate editor, and an editor. Such cases could occur, for instance, in order to make the work accessible to a broad interdisciplinary audience for review articles. Please submit your paper in SIAM format -- use the macros labeled

SIAM Macros

Authors are highly encouraged to prepare their papers using SIAM's multimedia LaTeX 2e macros. Although doing so is optional, using the SIAM macros enables features that will aid editors and referees during review as well as reducing the time needed to process a paper after acceptance. If an author chooses not to use the SIAM macros, the SIAM office will reformat Plain TeX and AMSTeX files to use SIAM's multimedia LaTeX 2e macros after the paper has been accepted for publication. The SIAM multimedia LaTeX 2e macro package and documentation are available here or by email request to multimedia@siam.org.

Review Procedures

Manuscript Submissions and Editor Assignments

Authors must submit manuscripts to JUQ in electronic form here. Authors should submit both the manuscript and a cover letter in PDF format. Figures, if any, must be embedded “inline” in the manuscript. Following are specifics of how the journal’s peer review will operate.

After the submission has entered SIAM's tracking system the authors receive email acknowledging receipt and providing the manuscript number.

After checking the files the author submitted and running the paper’s content through anti-plagiarism software, the SIAM office lets the editors-in-chief know there is a new manuscript. These editors will make all final decisions. Contact with the editors and the SIAM office regarding the manuscript should be done via email. The editors review each submission to determine whether it is appropriate for the journal and, if so, who will assume responsibility and handle communication. The editor will consider which associate editor can best handle the review. In making this decision, the editor takes into account both the areas of expertise and current associate editor workloads. At the time the associate editor accepts the assignment the paper is considered in review. Note that the editors can reject papers that are clearly inappropriate for JUQ without assigning them to an associate editor. The associate editor can recommend rejection to the editor without referee reports if he or she deems the paper inappropriate for the journal.

Direct Submissions

Members of the Editorial Board occasionally receive submissions directly from authors. In such cases the editor will ask the author to resubmit the paper through the Journal Submission & Tracking System. This procedure ensures that the SIAM office will have the opportunity to access the manuscript for proper processing and tracking throughout the review process. Editors should not review a new submission without the approval of the editors-in-chief, who assign the review editor for each paper.

Papers Authored by Editorial Board Members

Papers authored by Editorial Board members are subject to the same anonymous peer-review process as other papers. Submissions to the journal authored by the editors-in-chief will be directed to the Vice President for Publications, who will oversee the review process.

Status Changes

Once the review editor has obtained referee reports and made a recommendation, the reports go to the editor for decision. The corresponding author receives email informing him/her of the decision. The anonymous reports are generally included.

Conflicts of Interest

It is vital to the reputation of SIAM and all of its journals that conflicts of interest be avoided. Therefore, it is SIAM policy that editors not review papers authored by their friends, colleagues, co-workers, students, or recent former students. The same policy applies to referees; editors should not send papers to referees who work at an author's institution or who are known to have close ties to the author. To help avoid conflicts of interest, it is SIAM policy that editors who receive manuscript submissions or who are assigned manuscripts that present a conflict of interest contact the SIAM office and the editor-in-chief to request that the manuscript be reassigned to another editor.

Supplementary Materials

Authors are encouraged to submit Supplementary Materials to complement articles in JUQ. This might include additional figures or examples, animations, data sets used in the paper, computer code used to generate figures or tables, or other materials that are necessary to fully document the research contained in the paper or to facilitate the readers' ability to understand and extend the work.

Supplementary Materials are generally not refereed but will be available to referees as described further below. They will be linked from the main article webpage and will be clearly marked as unrefereed Supplementary Materials associated with a particular paper. They can be cited using the same DOI as the paper.

SIAM intends to maintain archives of Supplementary Materials but does not guarantee their permanent availability. SIAM reserves the right to remove Supplementary Materials from a published article in the future if they are found to be inappropriate or to violate copyright laws or software licenses.


    • If you are submitting more than one Supplementary Material file, we strongly suggest you use a common compressed file format such as TAR, TGZ, RAR, or ZIP.
    • Supplementary Materials must be submitted at the same time the article is first submitted (use the author submission form located here), or when requested by referees. They will be available to the editor and referees to inspect. The referees will be asked to give the materials at least a cursory look and verify that they are appropriate to accompany the article.
    • Beyond this, Supplementary Materials are generally not refereed, but the referees or editor may suggest changes, including removing some extraneous Supplementary Materials or moving items from the main text to the Supplementary Materials.
    • Supplementary Materials can be modified in accordance with these suggestions and resubmitted along with a revised manuscript in response to a round of refereeing.
    • Once accepted for publication, Supplementary Materials cannot be changed unless reason is found to remove an item. If a significant error is found in any of the Supplementary Materials then the authors may submit errata to the journal, similar to what would be done for other errors in the paper.
    • The authors must certify that they have the right to publish all Supplementary Materials and are not violating copyright or software licenses by doing so. Copyright of Supplementary Materials remains with the original copyright holder, not SIAM.
    • An index of Supplementary Materials must also be submitted. Each item should be listed along with a brief description and a justification for why the item should be included. This index will be used by the editor and referees in judging the appropriateness, and the descriptions will also ultimately appear on the Supplementary Materials webpage available to readers. This html template should be used to create the index (right click and "save link or target as" to download: also available as a text file).
    • If the Supplementary Materials contain additional figures or tables, it may be most convenient to combine these in a single PDF file. It is recommended that figures and tables be numbered S1, S2, etc. so they are distinct from numbering in the main article.
    • The following file types are allowed for Supplementary Materials:
      • Text/figures/tables/multimedia: TIF, JPG, GIF (including animated GIFs), PS, EPS, PSD, PDF, PPT, PPS, AU, MP3, WAV, MPG, MP4, AVI, MOV, TXT, and TEX.
      • Computer code: should be contained within a common compressed file format such as TAR, TGZ, RAR, or ZIP.
    • If a TAR, TGZ, RAR, or ZIP file is included in the Supplementary Materials, it is recommended that a corresponding TXT file also be included within that gives an index of the contents. This might be appropriate for a collection of computer codes, for example.
    • The linux command "ls -R1F < directory >" may be useful to generate a list of all files organized by subdirectory.
    • Any computer code submitted with the Supplementary Materials should be a snapshot of the code used to obtain the published results. If the authors want readers to have access to later improvements of the code, it is suggested that the paper and/or Supplementary Materials contain a link to the external website or public code repository where the authors will maintain the code.
    • Virtual machines are a popular way to encapsulate the complete computing environment to accompany software, but are too large to be included as Supplementary Materials. Authors are encouraged to point to virtual machines available from other sites or on cloud computing platforms if they wish to indicate an environment on which their code runs.
    • Other than prohibition of huge files, such as virtual machines, there is currently no size restriction on Supplementary Materials

Editorial Board
Meet Our Editors


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