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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

ISSN: 2329-7662 • Online ISSN: 2329-7670


3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum for world-class research in additive manufacturing and related technologies. The Journal explores emerging challenges and opportunities ranging from new developments of processes and materials, to new simulation and design tools, and informative applications and case studies. Novel applications in new areas, such as medicine, education, bio-printing, food printing, art and architecture, are also encouraged.

The Journal addresses the important questions surrounding this powerful and growing field, including issues in policy and law, intellectual property, data standards, safety and liability, environmental impact, social, economic, and humanitarian implications, and emerging business models at the industrial and consumer scales.

3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing coverage includes:

  • Novel additive manufacturing processes and techniques
  • Improvements of established methods and materials
  • Modeling and simulation of additive manufacturing processes
  • New materials, meta-materials, digital materials, lattices, and multi-material printing 
  • Active and electronic materials fabrication
  • Hybrid additive and conventional manufacturing
  • Medical applications of 3D printing and bio-printing
  • Application of 3D printing in education
  • Advanced methods in product lifecycle design, testing and adaptation
  • Material mechanical properties, solidification processes for powders, liquids, and solids
  • Rapid tooling, remote manufacturing
  • Economic and social, and humanitarian considerations of democratizing manufacturing
  • Advances in personal 3D Printers and consumer adoption
  • Mass customization, new business models
  • Material performance standards and data exchange formats

3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing is under the editorial leadership of Editor-in-Chief Skylar Tibbits, Director of MIT’s Self-Assembly Lab and faculty at MIT’s Department of Architecture. View the entire editorial board.

Audience: Engineers, software developers, architects, lawyers, Deans and academic chairpersons of engineering and business schools, technology transfer specialists, chief research officers and vice presidents of research in government, industry, and academia, medical professionals, venture capitalists, and entrepreneurs, among others.

Indexed/Abstracted in:

Current Contents®/Engineering, Computing & Technology; Science Citation Index Expanded; Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition; Scopus


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Instructions to Authors

Please follow all instructions carefully.  Noncompliance may result in your manuscript being returned to you to be modified to the Journal style before entering the review process.

Create an Account in Manuscript Central

If you do not already have an account in Manuscript Central (MC) for 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, you will need to create one.  The system will prompt you for required  information.  Once you create your account, you may log in to the system to begin your submission.  Manuscripts MUST be submitted online (only Word docs, not PDFs) using the following URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/3DP


Keywords (Areas of Expertise)


To facilitate the peer review process, select 4-6 keywords from the drop-down list of pre-selected terms when submitting your manuscript.   These keywords will assist in the selection of skilled reviewers in the field for the purposes of peer review.


Use of English Language

All submissions must be in English. Appropriate use of the English language is a requirement for review and publication in 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing.  For authors whose native language is not English, we suggest using a service that can aid in the translation and rewriting of material into correct and proper English usage.  The Publisher offers this service, with a subsidy from the author, prior to official submission (Contact AuthorServices@liebertpub.com for more information.)  It is important to note that employing the use of the Publisher’s service does not guarantee acceptance of any paper.  All submissions are subject to peer review.



Manuscripts should be submitted with the understanding that they have neither been published, nor are under consideration for publication elsewhere, except in the form of an abstract. Prior abstract publications should be described as a footnote to the title. Published manuscripts become the sole property of the Journal and will be copyrighted by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.  By submitting a manuscript to the Journal, the author(s) agree(s) to each of these conditions. In addition, the author(s) explicitly assign(s) any copyrighted ownership he/she (they) may have in such manuscript to the Journal.



All submissions will undergo a preliminary assessment by the Editorial Office.  Certain papers may be rejected without peer review if the Editor-in-Chief determines that the paper is out of the Journal’s scope.  All submissions to the Journal are subject to peer review.  Authors are encouraged, but not required, to supply the names and valid email addresses of three to four individuals who are considered qualified to review the submitted material, as well as the names of individuals whom the authors would prefer not be selected as a reviewer. However, the reviewer selection is ultimately at the discretion of the Editor.


Authorship.  All authors, including the co-authors, should be responsible for a significant part of the manuscript.  All authors and co-authors should have taken part in writing the manuscript, reviewing it, and revising its intellectual and technical content.   Any author whose name appears on a paper assumes responsibility and accountability for the results.

Submitting Author/Agent:  It is incumbent upon the submitting author/agent  to ensure the accuracy and inclusion of all contributing authors’ names and affiliations upon original submission of the paper. Once a paper is accepted for publication, changes in authorship – including at the page proof stage – are NOT permitted.  Changes in authorship after publication are strictly prohibited.


Corresponding Author:  It is the Journal’s policy that a manuscript has only ONE corresponding author listed on a paper.  This designation should be determined at the time of submission.  Additions to corresponding authors are not permitted after acceptance or in page proofs.  It is the corresponding author’s responsibility to share the page proofs with co-authors and to coordinate all authors’ corrections into one proof.  The Publisher will not accept corrections from multiple authors.




Article Type

Maximum Word Limit*

Abstract Word Limit











7,500 – 10,000





Case Studies






Short Reports


















Letter to the Editor




1 OR


*These limits relate to the text of the manuscript; word limits do NOT include the abstract, figure and/or table legends, acknowledgments, disclosures, or references.


Title page:

The title page of your submission must be included as part of your main text document (not as a separate file) and must include the following items:

  • The complete title of the article

  • All contributing authors’ full names, complete affiliation(s) and mailing address(es), full contact information (telephone, fax, and valid e-mail address)

  • A brief running title (no more than 50 characters, including spaces)
  • The corresponding author’s complete contact information including address, working fax number, and e-mail address

  • Manuscript keywords (search terms): On the title page of the manuscript, include a minimum of three (3), maximum of six (6), search terms that will aid in the discoverability of the article in indexing services and search engines.  These terms may or may not be different from the terms you selected for the peer review process and areas of expertise.  You will be asked to retype these search terms in the submission form when uploading your manuscript.  These keywords will be included in the published article.  If the search terms entered do not match the manuscript, the manuscript will serve as the default.


For all original and review papers, the next page of the manuscript should consist of an unstructured abstract of no more than 300 words, which should be self-explanatory without reference to the text. References are not permitted in the abstract.

Requirements for Abstract:

  • Abstract should be no more than 300 words

  • Abstract should be unstructured
  • The use of the first person should be avoided

  • Clearly summarize the results and conclusions of the work

  • References are not permitted in the abstract

  • Do not use proprietary or trade names in the title or abstract


Please provide a minimum of four keywords below the abstract.


The text of the manuscript should follow this format: Abstract; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusion(s), Acknowledgments; Author Disclosure Statement; and References. All manuscripts should be double-spaced.  For all material sources, such as devices, drugs, etc., indicate manufacturer/supplier name, city, state, and country.  If applicable, include trademark or registered symbols in the abstract at the first mention of a product and/or company name, and again at the first mention in the text. At the end of the manuscript, give the name and full address of the individual to whom correspondence should be directed.


Tables should be prepared in Word.  Do not prepare them in PDFs, Excel, .TIFFs, or .EPS files.  Prepare tables double-spaced, one to a page and in a separate file from the text. Each table must stand alone, i.e., contain all necessary information in the table title and be understood independently of the text. Avoid repetition of information that is given in the text. Supply a title for each table.

Figures and Legends:

Figures must be submitted separately using the following guidelines:

  • Figure legends must be prepared in Word.

  • File names must be in English

  • Do NOT include any illustrations as part of your text file
  • Do NOT prepare any figures in Word, as they are not workable

  • Name figure files using only alphanumeric characters.  Do not use spaces, underscores, symbols, dots, or dashes
  • File names should be formatted with the first author’s name and figure number (Ex: SmithFig1)

  • Line illustrations must be submitted at 900 DPI

  • Halftones and color photos should be submitted at a minimum of 300 DPI

  • Save figures as either TIFF or EPS files

  • Color figures* must be saved as CYMK, not RGB

  • Do not include the legend on the figure

  • Figure legends must be prepared as an enumerated list as a separate file after the reference section.

*The Journal will publish color figures, but the author must subsidize the cost. The Publisher will provide the author with a cost estimate when the figures are received if requested.



The use of footnotes is generally discouraged, but can used only when essential.  Prepare footnotes double-spaced on a separate page.  Ensure that there are corresponding citations for footnotes within text.


Collaborations, sources of research funds, and other acknowledgments should be listed in a separate section at the end of the text ahead of the References section.

Author Disclosure Statement:

Immediately following the Acknowledgments section, include a header entitled, “Author Disclosure Statement.” All authors are expected to disclose any institutional or commercial affiliations that might pose a conflict of interest regarding the publication of a manuscript.  Institutional affiliations, as indicated on the title page, should include all corporate affiliations and any funding sources that support the work. Other types of affiliation, including consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership, equity interests, arrangements regarding patents, or other vested interests should also be disclosed in the Disclosure section.  If there are no conflicts to declare, the authors must state, “No competing financial interests exist.”



  • All references must be cited in the text with superscript numbers, in numerical order, beginning with “1.” References must be typed double-spaced and numbered by order of citation.

  • List the first three names of authors, followed by et al.

  • Translate into English all foreign article and book titles.

  • If a work is in press, give the journal in which it is to be published, followed by “in press” in parentheses.

  • Page ranges should be inclusive (Ex:  721-729, not 721-9)

  • Unpublished Material: If a reference refers to unpublished data, a manuscript in preparation, or a manuscript submitted but not in press, it should be included in  parentheses in the body of the text, and not cited in the reference list.  Personal communications should be cited parenthetically in text only, and should not be included in the reference section.

  • Journal abbreviations should follow Medline style.


Journal Articles:  Meseguer-Olmo L, Vicente-Oretga V, Alcaraz-Baños M, et al.  In-vivo behavior of Si-hydroxyapatite polycaprolactone/DMB scaffolds fabricated by 3D printing.  J Biomed Mater Res A 2013;101:2038-2048.

Books:  Lipson H, Kurman M. Fabricated:  the new world of 3D printing. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 2013.

Chapter in a Book: Lipson H, Kurman M. Designing the future.  In: Fabricated:  the new world of 3D printing.  John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 2013; pp.241-261.

  • Please follow this structure, including capitalization and punctuation, for alternative types of references below:

Websites:  List author/organization name (if available).  Article title.  Provide website site.  Include last accessed date.

Conference Proceedings:  List all Authors’ (or) Editors’ names (last name first, followed by first and middle initials).  Conference title. Date of conference. Location of conference. City of publisher: Publisher; Year of publication. Complete number of pages in proceedings book.



When submitting your REVISED manuscript after peer review, please be sure to follow the instructions for resubmission that will be provided in the email that contains the reviews of your paper.  Log on to Manuscript Central and go to your Author Center, and following the directions for resubmitting revisions.  If the deadline for submitting your revision has passed, please contact the Editorial Office or the Publisher to request an extension.  Please do NOT create a new submission for revised manuscripts. 

Uploading manuscript REVISIONS after peer review: Please ensure that you have uploaded the following items for any revised manuscript:

1. EACH REVISION must be submitted with the corrected document (only Word files, not PDFs) showing visible track changes as well as a clean document (without track changes).

2. EACH REVISION should be COMPLETE with title page, author contact information, abstract, references, etc.  (Follow the same instructions as provided for original submissions.)

3. ALL figures and tables are to be uploaded with EACH REVISION.



Upon acceptance of any manuscript processed through Manuscript Central, all authors will receive a follow-up email with instructions on completing our online Copyright Agreement form.  Each author will receive individualized links to their copyright form.  Authors will not be permitted to “share” or forward these individualized links as they are unique to each author.  Therefore, it is critical to ensure the accuracy of ALL authors’ email addresses when uploading submissions to ensure the proper delivery of each copyright form, and any other pertinent email communications.


The corresponding author is responsible for communicating with coauthors to ensure they have completed the online copyright form. Authors not permitted to release copyright must contact the Journal in writing explaining the reason(s) for not releasing the copyright.

Failure by any author(s) listed on a paper to submit this form WILL result in a delay in publication.  An accepted paper will not be released to production without the receipt of all copyright forms.



The author must obtain permission whenever it is required in conjunction with the reproduction of material such as figures and tables from copyrighted material. Written permission must be obtained from the publisher (not the author or editor) of publication concerned. The publication from which the figure or table is taken must be listed in the reference list. Finally, the first footnote of a reprinted table, or the last sentence of the legend of a reprinted figure, should read “Reprinted by permission from Ref. xx.” and list the appropriate reference number. All permission listings must be provided at the time of submission.




Patients and Study Participants

All manuscripts must comply with the privacy and confidentiality requirements outlined on the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals website. For more information, visit http://www.icmje.org/ethical_5privacy.html


When articles include reports of studies on human subjects, state in the Methods section that an appropriate institutional review board or ethics committee approved the study. Authors who do not have formal ethics review committees should follow the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. In the Methods section, state that informed consent was obtained from subjects (specify written or verbal).


The principal author must state that if animals were used experimentally, permission was obtained from the appropriate committee(s), and that the animals were treated humanely and the standards conformed to those of current ethical animal research practices.


In addition, text and photographs should not reveal any identifying information unless it is essenti al for scientific purposes (in which case, consent should be obtained). Masking the subjects’ eyes in photographs is often insufficient to protect their identity.





When reporting experiments on human subjects, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2008. If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, the authors must explain the rationale for their approach and demonstrate that the institutional review body explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study. When reporting experiments on animals, authors should indicate whether the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was followed.


*This portion of the Instructions for Authors has been quoted directly from the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals website. For more information, visit www.icmje.org/ethical_6protection.html



Page proofs will be sent to the (one) corresponding author as designated when the manuscript was uploaded to Manuscript Central.  It is the corresponding author’s responsibility to share the page proofs with co-authors and to coordinate all authors’ corrections into one proof.  The Publisher will not accept corrections from multiple authors. Changes in authorship in page proofs are NOT permitted under any circumstance.



Reprints may be ordered by following the special instructions that will accompany page proofs, and should be ordered at the time the corresponding author returns the corrected page proofs to the Publisher. Reprints ordered after an issue is printed will be charged at a substantially higher rate.



The Journal is published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., 140 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801-5215. Telephone:  914-740-2100; Fax:  914-740-2108; Email: info@liebertpub.com;  Website: www.liebertpub.com

Editorial Board


Skylar Tibbits
MIT Department of Architecture
Director, Self-Assembly Lab, MIT
Founder & Principal, SJET LLC
www.selfassemblylab.net | www.sjet.us

Founding Editor

Hod Lipson
 Columbia University
 New York, NY

Managing Editor

Craig Ryan
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA



Editorial Board

Anthony Atala
Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine
Winston-Salem, NC

David Benjamin
Columbia University
New York, NY




Lawrence J. Bonassar
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY

David Bourell
University of Texas
Austin, TX


Adrian Bowyer
RepRap Professional Ltd


Glen Bull
University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA

Adam Cohen
Additive Insight LLC
Dallas, TX


Khershed P.  Cooper

National Science Foundation
Arlington, VA

Scott Crump
Eden Prairie, MN

Olaf Diegel
Lund University
Lund, Sweden

Richard Hague
University of Nottingham
Nottingham, United Kingdom


John F. Hornick
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP
Washington, DC


Weidong Huang
Northwestern Polytechnical University
Xi'an, China

Takeo Igarashi
The University of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan

Bryan Kelly

Hospital for Special Surgery
New York, NY

Behrokh Khoshnevis
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA

Matthias Kohler
ETH Zurich, Institute of Technology in Architecture
Zurich, Switzerland


L. Jyothish Kumar
Additive Manufacturing Society of India (AMSI)
Bangalore, India



Melba Kurman
Triple Helix Innovation
Ithaca, NY


Jennifer A. Lewis
 Harvard University
 Cambridge, MA


Jos Malda
University Medical Centre Utrecht
Utrecht, The Netherlands

Gonzalo Martinez
Autodesk, Inc.
San Francisco, CA


Neri Oxman
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA


Bre Pettis
MakerBot Industries
New York, NY

Sharon Collins Presnell
San Diego, CA

Phil Reeves
Econolyst Ltd
Derbyshire, United Kingdom

Avi N. Reichental
Xponential Works
Pasadena, CA

Ralph Resnick
National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining (NCDMM)
Blairsville, PA


David W. Rosen
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA

Jenny Sabin
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY

Carolyn Conner Seepersad
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX

Brent Stucker
Park City, UT


Wei Sun
Tsinghua University
Beijing, China, and
Drexel University  
Philadelphia, PA

Hiroya Tanaka
Keio University
Tokyo, Japan

Thomas Toeppel
 Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU
 Dresden, Germany

Nora Touré
Women in 3D Printing, Sculpteo
San Francisco, CA


Peter Weijmarshausen
New York, NY

Terry Wohlers
Wohlers Associates, Inc.
Fort Collins, CO


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