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变更情况:Newly Added by 2016

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Journal Description

JMIR mhealth and uhealth (mobile and ubiquitous health) (JMU, ISSN 2291-5222) is a spin-off journal of JMIR, the leading eHealth journal (Impact Factor 2015: 4.532). For JMIR mHealth and uHealth we are expecting the first impact factor in 2017 which will be at least 2.84. The journal focusses on health and biomedical applications in mobile and tablet computing, pervasive and ubiquitous computing, wearable computing and domotics.

JMIR mHealth and uHealth publishes since 2013 and was the first mhealth journal in Pubmed. It publishes even faster and has a broader scope with including papers which are more technical or more formative/developmental than what would be published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research

JMIR mHealth and uHealth features a rapid and thorough peer-review process, professional copyediting, professional production of PDF, XHTML, and XML proofs.

JMIR mHealth and uHealth is indexed in PubMed Central/PubMed, and Thomson Reuters' Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), and is expecting its first official impact factor in July 2017.

JMIR mHealth and uHealth adheres to the same quality standards as JMIR and all articles published here are also cross-listed in the Table of Contents of JMIR, the worlds' leading medical journal in health sciences / health services research and health informatics.

Focus and Scope

JMIR mHealth and uHealth (JMU, ISSN 2291-5222) is a newer spin-off journal of JMIR, the leading eHealth journal (Impact Factor 2015: 4.532). JMIR mHealth and uHealth is indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central, and Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), and we are expecting the first impact factor for JMU in 2017 which will be at least 2.84. The journal focusses on health and biomedical applications in mobile and tablet computing, pervasive and ubiquitous computing, wearable computing and domotics. JMIR mHealth and uHealth publishes even faster and has a broader scope with including papers which are more technical or more formative than what would be published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research. In addition to peer-reviewing paper submissions by researchers, JMIR mHealth and uHealth offers peer-review of medical apps itself (we will write and publish a peer-review report for you - please submit your proposal at http://tinyurl.com/appsform). JMIR mHealth and uHealth journal features a rapid and thorough peer-review process, professional copyediting, professional production of PDF, XHTML, and XML proofs. JMIR mHealth and uHealth adheres to the same quality standards as JMIR and all articles published here are also cross-listed in the Table of Contents of JMIR, the worlds' leading medical journal in health sciences / health services research and health informatics (http://www.jmir.org/issue/current).

We are looking for papers covering for example the following themes:

                        • Ubiquitous Health (uHealth)

                        • mHealth for Data Collection and Research

                        • Usability and user perceptions of mHealth

                        • mHealth in the Developing World and for Global Health

                        • mHealth in a Clinical Setting

                        • mHealth for Symptom and Disease Monitoring

                        • mHealth for Wellness, Behavior Change and Prevention

                        • mHealth for Screening

                        • Text-messaging (SMS)-Based Interventions

                        • Design and Formative Evaluation of Mobile Apps

                        • Security and Privacy of mHealth and uHealth

                        • Quality Evaluation and Descriptive Analysis of Multiple Existing Mobile Apps

                        • mHealth for Treatment Adherence

                        • Use and User Demographics of mHealth

                        • mHealth for Telemedicine and Homecare

                        • mHealth for Patient Education

                        • mHealth in Medical Education and Training

                        • Evaluation and Research Methodology for mHealth

                        • Wearable Devices and Sensors

                        • Fitness Trackers and Smart Pedometers/Accelerometers

                        • Google Glass and Augmented Reality Applications

                        • Product Reviews and Tutorials in mHealth

Instructions to Authors

Instructions for Authors

Before submitting, please read our instructions for authors. To submit the paper, create a user account as author and submit the paper in the author section of your user homepage. A Word-template of an article compatible with journals from JMIR Publications can be downloaded from http://jmir.org/ojs/public/journals/1/InstructionsForAuthorsOfJMIR.docx. Note that the references can be in any format, as long as the in-text citations are sequentially numbered in the manuscript with square brackets and as long as the reference at the end has a PMID in the format PMID:123456. See Instructions for Authors for details. .

As a service for our authors we now offer the possibility to have a submission considered in partner journals, which means that the manuscript and peer-review reports may be transferred to a JMIR sister/partner journal, if the paper is not found suitable for publication in JMIR, but is publishable in another journal. These journals include e.g. i-JMR, JMIR Res Protoc, JMIR mHealth and uHealth, JMIR Medical Informatics, JMIR Human Factors, JMIR Mental Health, JMIR Public Health, JMIR Cancer, Medicine 2.0 and others. The submission fee for that partner journal (if any) will be waived, and transfer of the peer-review reports may mean that the paper does not have to be re-reviewed. Authors will receive a notification when the manuscript is rejected for J Med Internet Res and transferred, and at that time can decide if they want to pursue publication in a sister/partner journal. If authors do NOT wish an automatic transfer to an alternative journal after rejection for JMIR, this should be noted in the cover letter.

Trademarks Policy

Certain names, graphics, logos, icons, designs, words, titles or phrases on this Web site or in JMIR articles may constitute trade names, trademarks or service marks of JMIR or other entities. As customary in scholarly articles, trademarks and service marks are not necessarily indicated as such by using the trademark (TM), service mark (SM), or registered trademark (R) symbols. Omission of these symbols do not imply the absence of a trademark registration. The display of trademarks on pages at this Web site does not imply that a license of any kind has been granted. JMIR, Medicine 2.0, Healthbook, and WebCite are registered trademarks owned by JMIR Publications.

Fee Schedule

Please note that an optional fast track fee is available for all journals for $450 USD.

Journal Submission Fee Article Processing Fee ** Notes
Journal of Medical Internet Research $90 $2500 1 -
JMIR Research Protocols - $1900 or $950

Since Nov 2014, JMIR Research Protocols no longer charges a submission fee - papers can currently be submitted free of charge. In case of acceptance, an Article Processing Fee (APF) will be charged to cover peer-review, copyediting and typesetting costs:

  • $950: For protocols and grant proposals, if existing grant agency peer-review reports are provided (as Multimedia Appendix or supplementary file for reviewers/editors) which are of sufficient quality so that the manuscript does not have to be reviewed in detail externally (in submission step 1, choose a submission section which says "already funded")
  • $1900: For regular articles, non-peer-reviewed/approved protocols/proposals, early reports, formative research, methods etc
JMIR mHealth and uHealth - $2500 2 JMIR mHealth and uHealth does not charge any submission fee, but there is a US$1900 Article Processing Fee (APF) in case of acceptance, to cover the costs for professional copyediting, typesetting, and deposit in various databases (PubMed Central, PubMed etc.).
JMIR Medical Informatics - $1500 JMIR Med Inform currently charges no submission fee. For submissions after August 2014 there is an Article Processing fee of US$1500 in case of acceptance.
Interactive Journal of Medical Research - $1500 i-JMR no longer charges a submission fee (after Dec 6, 2015). In case of acceptance, an Article Processing Fee of $1500 will be charged to cover copyediting and typesetting costs.
JMIR Public Health and Surveillance - $1750 3 -
JMIR Mental Health - $1750 4 There is no submission fee. For papers accepted after March 1st, 2015, JMIR Mental Health charges an Article Processing Fee of US $1500 in case of acceptance (papers submitted to JMH before March 1st 2015 are exempt).
Iproceedings - Free* There is currently no Submission fee or other costs involved for the abstract/extended abstract submission.
JMIR Human Factors - $1500 5 -
JMIR Serious Games - $1500 There is currently no Submission fee. There is an optional fast-track fee of US$450 if the author requires a decision within 3 weeks. Since 2015, as the journal is now PubMed-indexed, there is an Article Processing Fee of US$1500 payable only in case of acceptance, to cover copyediting and publishing costs.
JMIR Medical Education - $1500 6 -
JMIR Cancer - $1500 7 There is no Submission fee, but for submissions after Oct 15th, 2015, there is an Article Processing Fee of $1500.
JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies - $1500 8 There is no Submission fee, but for submissions after Oct 22nd, 2015, there is an Article Processing Fee of $1500.
Medicine 2.0 - $450 We currently charge no submission fee, but submission is only open to authors and works presented at the Medicine 2.0 congress (http://www.medicine20congress.org). There is no Article Processing Fee for papers submitted, starting 2013. If authors opt to have their manuscript copyedited by a professional copyeditor (this is the default and highly recommended!), a charge of $450 will be billed (up to 20 manuscript pages).
JMIR Diabetes - Free* There is currently no Submission or Article Processing fee for this journal.
JMIR Preprints - $50 There is currently no Submission or Article Processing fee for this journal. After peer-review, the author can decide whether he wants to publish the paper in a partner journal (provided that the editor offers publication), which may or may not have its own Article Processing Fees, or can "publish" it on JMIR Preprints, which involves assignment of a DOI, and requires a nominal fee of $50.
JMIR Challenges - Free* There is currently no Submission or Article Processing fee for this journal.
JMIR Biomedical Engineering - Free* There is currently no Submission or Article Processing fee for this journal.
1For submissions in JMIR before Jul 29, 2015, the price of the Article Processing Fee (APF) is US$ 1900
2For submissions in JMU before Jun 01, 2015, the price of the Article Processing Fee (APF) is US$ 1500
For submissions in JMU between Jun 01, 2015 and Feb 05, 2017, the price of the Article Processing Fee (APF) is US$ 1900
3For submissions in JPH before Jun 01, 2015, there is no Article Processing Fee (APF)
For submissions in JPH between Jun 01, 2015 and Feb 06, 2017, the price of the Article Processing Fee (APF) is US$ 1500
4For submissions in JMH before Mar 01, 2015, there is no Article Processing Fee (APF)
For submissions in JMH between Mar 01, 2015 and Feb 05, 2017, the price of the Article Processing Fee (APF) is US$ 1500
5For submissions in JHF before Jun 01, 2015, there is no Article Processing Fee (APF)
6For submissions in JME before Sep 24, 2015, there is no Article Processing Fee (APF)
7For submissions in JC before Oct 15, 2015, there is no Article Processing Fee (APF)
8For submissions in JRAT before Oct 23, 2015, there is no Article Processing Fee (APF)

*Introductory offer

**Article Processing Fees (APFs) are only charged in case of acceptance, at the time of acceptance. In case of price increases, the submission date determines the price of the APF

JMIR mHealth and uHealth does not charge any submission fee, but there is an Article Processing Fee (APF) in case of acceptance (see Fee Schedule), to cover the costs for professional copyediting, typesetting, and deposit in various databases (PubMed Central, PubMed etc.). Note that in 2017 we increased the price for submissions after Feb 5th, 2017 to account for the fact that JMIR mHealth will be ranked with a very solid impact factor in 2017 (similar to or stronger than JMIR). Submissions before that date (including those that were submitted to other jMIR journals but subsequently transferred) are not affected from this price increase.

Our fees are comparable to or lower than the fees of other Open Access publishers.

Editorial Board

Editorial Board

Join the Editorial Board

Adrian Aguilera, PhD

UC Berkeley, USA

UC San Francisco, USA

Research Focus

Adrian’s research focuses on mobile health as it relates to low-income, disadvantaged and underserved populations. He believes that mobile technologies hold promise for improving population health, but unless they are developed and tested with those who are most in need and have costly chronic illnesses, the ultimate impact will be limited. Adrian’s area of expertise is in mobile health applied to mental health.


Adrian Aguilera researches the use of mobile technology to improve mental health among disadvantaged populations. His research is focused on using text messaging as an adjunct to psychotherapy for depression.


John Ainsworth, MSc

University of Manchester, England 

Research Focus

John Ainsworth’s research focuses on passive sensing systems, systems integration, data and knowledge management, coproduction of health, and mental health.


John Ainsworth is a Senior Research Fellow and deputy director of the Centre for Health Informatics at the University of Manchester, with wide experience in applying information technology to health care problems, focusing on the research and design of mobile health applications for mental health.



Urs-Vito Albrecht, Dr med, MPH

Hannover Medical School, Germany

Peter L Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics, Germany

Research Focus

Urs-Vito Albrecht’s research focus is on developing mobile devices and applications for health that are practical for their users, with specific considerations on their usability.


Urs-Vito Albrecht is the Deputy Director of the Peter L Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics, secretary of the Research Ethics Committee of the Hannover Medical School, and a principal investigator of mHealth. He is a physician with clinical experience in internal medicine, emergency medicine and legal medicine. He has also acquired a degree in public health with a focus on epidemiology and public health ethics.


Matthew Bars, MS, CTTS


FDNY Tobacco Treatment Program, WTC Medical Monitoring Program, USA

Jersey City Medical Center IQuit Smoking Center, USA

Research Focus

Matthew Bars’ research focuses on treatment, management, and administration of nicotine addiction using biosensor and mobile health platforms.


Matthew Bars is a Masters Clinical Psychologist and has been engaged in the treatment, management, and administration of nicotine addiction services since 1980. He is the CEO and cofounder of IntelliQuit, a first in class biosensor and mobile health platform assisting smokers in conquering tobacco addiction; Matthew has also been called to testify before the FDA and other governmental entities concerning various tobacco topics. Matthew is the co-developer and Clinical Director of the Tobacco Treatment Program of the New York City Fire Department. Since 9/11/2001, FDNY tobacco prevalence has been reduced by 80 percent. Matthew is the Chairman of the Policy & Governmental Affairs Committee and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use. He also serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Smoking Cessation and has been retained by the American College of Chest Physicians as a principal author for their Tobacco Treatment Toolkit –an online training and consultation document for pulmonologists and other clinicians worldwide. Recently, Matthew was appointed to the faculty of St. George’s University School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry.


Yuki Byambasuren, MD

Centre for Research in Evidence-Based Practice, Bond University, Australia

Research Focus

Yuki Byambasuren’s research interests include health app evaluation and regulation, the role of mHealth in improving healthcare accessibility, self-management of chronic conditions, and effectiveness of behavior change interventions.


Yuki Byambasuren is a medical doctor from Mongolia. She has a Master of Medical Research in biomedical science from Griffith University, Australia. Her PhD is exploring smartphone health apps, with a special focus on clinical evidence and their prescribability in primary care settings.



Casimiro Dias, MBA, MPH, PhD 

World Health Organization, Health Systems and Public Health, Geneva, Switzerland

Research Focus

Casimiro Dias’ research focuses on research priority setting, strengthening health systems through information and communication technologies (ICT), scale-up and integration of health services through ICT.


Casimiro Dias is a public health specialist at the World Health Organization. He is a technical officer, health systems and public health, with extensive experience at the European and global level. He is currently responsible for the coordination of the WHO European Action Plan on Public Health since 2008. He is a member of the Gulbenkian Platform for a Sustainable Health System and the global initiative of “a Future for Health”.



Lucien Engelen

Director of the Radboud REshape Innovation Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands

National ICT Institute for Healthcare (NICTIZ), Netherlands

Singularity University / Exponential Medicine, USA 

Research Focus

Lucien Engelen’s research focus is to try to close the gap between the upcoming (exponential) technology and patients’ needs. This includes studying monitoring, mHealth, online tools, and sharing information through the Internet.


Lucien Engelen is the Director of REshape, an advisor to the Executive Board of the Radboud University Medical Center, the Head of the Regional Emergency Network, Chief Imagineer Dutch National ICT Institute for Healthcare (NICTIZ), and a faculty member at the Singularity University / Exponential Medicine, Silicon Valley.



Mircea Focsa, MD, PhD

Associate Professor, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara


Mircea Focsa is a medical doctor and specialist in public health and healthcare management. His great attraction to the IT domain lead his research to fields like database and knowledge management, bio-signals and image processing, biostatistics, and medical ontology. He earned hi PhD in medical informatics and was involved as member or team leader in several European and national research projects related to EHR systems (QREC, EHR-QTN, epSOS). He is currently an associate professor in the Department of Medical Informatics at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara and recently became an Expert Evaluator of the European Commission for eHealth Projects.


Chris Gibbons, PhD

University of Cambridge, UK

Research Focus

Chris Gibbons’s research interests include computer adaptive testing, psychometrics, machine learning, digital footprints and computational behavioural science.


Chris Gibbons is an NIHR Research Fellow at Cambridge Centre for Health Services Research and Director of Health Assessment and Innovation at The Psychometrics Centre, University of Cambridge. His primary research interests are the electronic assessment of patient-reported outcomes as well as the integration of modern psychometric techniques and machine learning to improve assessment and benefit a wide range of stakeholders in international health services.


Eric Hekler, PhD

Arizona State University, USA 

Research Focus

Eric Hekler’s research centers around the design and evaluation of technology-mediated interventions and thus sits at the intersection of behavioral science, health, HCI, and now, more recently, control systems engineering. He is interested in research utilizing the following methods: user-centered design; single-case experimental designs; intervention optimization experiments (eg, fractional factorial study designs that are being utilized as part of the multiphase optimization strategy) and; simulation modelling of behavioral theories. He is also interested in research on mHealth, UbiComp, and wearable sensors.


Eric Hekler conducts research on how to design and evaluate health behavior change technologies (eg, just in time adaptive mHealth interventions, online support groups, UbiComp Sensor/Feedback intervention systems). He has received numerous awards for his research such as a Best Paper Award at the 2013 ACM SIGCHI Conference and a recently awarded Google Research Award focused on designing systems to help individuals design their own interventions.



Kamal Jethwani, MD, PhD

Partners HealthCare Center for Connected Health, Boston, USA

Research Focus 

Kamal Jethwani’s research focuses on the creative application of widely available consumer technologies (eg, mobile & Web-based apps, sensors & wearables) and information and communication technologies (eg, social media) to help individuals create and sustain behavior change for better health and empower patients in self-managing chronic conditions. Besides rigorous clinical trials and pilots, he has also employed evaluative methods that assess the efficacy and effectiveness of connected health programs in “real-world” settings. These evaluative methodologies are more representative of how technology-based programs are deployed, adopted and engaged with, and are very valuable to stakeholders in the industry.


Kamal Jethwani is a physician-researcher with expertise in testing new models of health care delivery through leveraging information technology and widely available consumer technologies as well as sensors and medical devices. For the past 4 years, his research has focused on addressing patient engagement through the creation and testing of simple, patient-centered innovations for improving health outcomes and reducing inefficiencies in care delivery.



Walter Karlen, PhD

Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Switzerland

Research Focus

Walter Karlen's research focus lies in the sensing at the point of care. This sensing can enable diagnosis, monitoring, and treatments as well as real-time closed-loop interactions with users. His current projects include the implementation of biomedical sensors on mobile phones for global health applications. He works on the improvement of clinical decision support with the design of adaptive systems, smart alarms, and optimized user-machine interaction. He covers mostly the technical aspects of mobile health and point-of-care devices such as real-time biomedical signal processing, mobile computing, sensors and systems design, and quality control. With a technology background and many years of clinical experience, his expertise also lies in the clinical validation of biomedical systems.


Walter Karlen is an Assistant Professor in the Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems in the Department of Health Sciences and Technology at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH) where he is heading the Mobile Health Systems Lab. His research focuses on the technical aspects of mobile health and point-of-care devices such as real-time biomedical signal processing, mobile computing, sensors and systems design, and quality control with applications to global health challenges.


Spyros Kitsiou, PhD

University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Research Focus

Syros Kitsiou’s research focuses on methodological aspects of systematic reviews and meta-analyses, the evaluation of health information systems with an emphasis on the adoption, sophistication, and organizational impact of HIT in health care settings, and the effectiveness of telehealth and mobile health interventions as patient management approaches for chronic diseases.


Spyros Kitsiou received his PhD in Health Informatics at the University of Macedonia, Greece in 2010. He has worked as a principal investigator and collaborator in several health informatics research and development projects funded by the European Commission. From 2010 to 2012 he was an adjunct professor at the University of Macedonia and a visiting lecturer at the Aristotle University. He moved to HEC Montreal in June 2012 to join the Canada Research Chair in Information Technology in Health Care as a postdoctoral fellow under the supervision of the chairholder, Dr Guy Paré. In July 2014, he moved on to become an Assistant Professor at the Department of Biomedical and Health Information Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago.



Jing Li, PhD

Cerner Corporation, Kansas City, USA

State University of New York System, USA 

Research Focus

Jing Li’s research focuses on mobile health and data collection, social media in health, health informatics, statistical modelling and coding in health care, big data in health care, sales and marketing in pharmacy, population and economics, sociology of health, and health finance in relation to mobile health.


Jing Li has seven years of professional experience in analytics in health care area across pharmaceutical companies and care providers. She is specialized in health care data collection, processing and analyses through advanced and integrated IT technologies. She is also specialized in partnership building and changing management in connecting data-driven models and insights with IT innovations and solutions that can be implemented in actual health care practices.



Patricia Mechael, PhD, MHS

mHealth Alliance and Faculty, Columbia University, USA

Research Focus

Patricia Mechael’s research interests are in mHealth and mobile finance in the health sector in low and middle income countries.


Patricia Mechael is executive director of the mHealth Alliance and faculty at the Earth Institute and School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. She has spent over 15 years catalyzing global health movements- including 10 years unlocking the potential of mobile technology and driving ground-breaking innovation to solve global health challenges with experience working in over 30 low and middle income countries.



Frederic Michard, MD, PhD

Research Focus

Frederic Michard's research focus over the past 15 years has included cardiorespiratory monitoring in the OR and the ICU and fluid management. His current research focus is health monitoring beyond the OR and the ICU with digital innovations and wearable technologies.


Frederic Michard is a critical care physician trained in Paris, France, and at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, USA. He is a published researcher and frequent lecturer at conferences on cardio-respiratory physiology, monitoring solutions , and digital innovations.



Frederick Muench, PhD

North Shore Long Island Jewish Hospital, USA

Research Focus

Frederick Muench’s research areas include intervention development, text messaging, passive sensing, agile design, participatory design, self-modelling, sensors, and heart rate variability.


Frederick Muench is the Director of Digital Health Interventions at the North Shore Long Island Jewish Hospital. He was a clinical psychologist and an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, and the Director of Research and Development at StressEraser. He is the founder of Mobile Health Interventions, a company which helps clinicians and researchers create their own health-based mobile messaging programs. He has several grants to study the mechanisms of mobile interventions to promote healthy behavior.



Bambang Parmanto, PhD 

Health Information Management, University of Pittsburgh

Research Focus

Bambang Parmanto’s research focuses on clinician-directed mHealth system to support secure real-world monitoring and two-way communication between patients and therapists. He has collaborated with clinicians from various specialties to develop telehealth and mhealth systems.


Bambang Parmanto is recognized as an expert on telehealth and mobile health. He has successfully led the development of telehealth software, including VISYTER (Versatile and Integrated System for Telerehabilitation), a secure, cost-effective, integrated platform to support remote delivery of rehabilitation to homes and small clinics. He leads the development of iMHere (interactive Mobile Health & Rehabilitation), an innovative mHealth for supporting self-management for individuals with chronic disease and disabilities. He has developed an award-winning mHealth system called SmartCAT, a smartphone-enhanced child anxiety treatment using ecological momentary intervention (EMI); and the IMHere system, a novel mHealth system for supporting self-care in management of complex and chronic conditions.



Donna Spruijt-Metz, MFA, PhD

 Mobile and Connected Health Program, University of Southern California, USA

 (USC) Center for Economic and Social Research, USA

 Keck School of Medicine, USA 

Research Focus

Donna Spruijt-Metz’ research focuses on gathering and responding to data in real-time, on using temporally-dense, longitudinal data and new data modelling techniques to understand and change health-behavior in real time, and on just-in-time, adaptive interventions. 


Donna Spruijt-Metz is the Director of the Mobile and Connected Health Program at the USC Center for Economic and Social Research. She is also Adjunct Associate Professor at the USC Department of Preventive Medicine and Director of Responsible Conduct in Research at the Keck School of Medicine.



Robyn Whittaker, MBChB MPH PhD FNZCPHM 

Health Informatics & Technology, National Institute for Health Innovation

University of Auckland, New Zealand

Research Focus

Robyn Whittaker’s research focuses on mHealth, healthy behavior change, text messaging, and public health.


Robyn Whittaker is a public health physician and mHealth researcher. She has been developing and trialling mHealth interventions for approximately 10 years, with a particular focus on supporting healthy behavior change and self-management of long-term conditions. She has been an invited expert on the US Department of Health & Human Services Text4Health Task-force and for the World Health Organization/International Telecommunications Union Global mCessation project.



Daidi Zhong, PhD

Bioengineering College at Chongqing University, China

Research Focus

Daidi Zhong’s research focuses on signal processing, medical device regulation, device interoperability, personal health devices, and standardization of device interoperability. He was one of the key designers of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) standard.


Daidi Zhong is the professor of Bioengineering College at Chongqing University. He is the Chair of IEEE 11073 Personal Health Device Workgroup, leading and contributing to numerous international and national standard developing projects in personal health domain.


“JMU is the leading journal for all stakeholders in the mHealth and uHealth ecosystem.”


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