

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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变更情况:Newly Added by 2016

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims & Scope

IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing publishes papers on emerging aspects of computer science, computing technology, and computing applications not currently covered by other IEEE Computer Society Transactions. Some examples of emerging topics in computing include: IT for Green, Synthetic and organic computing structures and systems, Advanced analytics, Social/occupational computing, Location-based/client computer systems, Morphic computer design, Electronic game systems, & Health-care IT.

Persistent Link: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=6245516


  • Computing & Processing

Instructions to Authors

Preparing your article

IEEE Publishing Policy
(PDF, 46 KB)
Important information for authors interested in publishing in IEEE Transactions, Journals, and Letters.

Register for an ORCID
Register for the persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher.

Overleaf Collaborative Authoring
IEEE has partnered with Overleaf to allow authors to collaborate, write articles, and share files.

IEEE Style Manual
(PDF, 574 KB)
Editorial guidelines for IEEE Transactions, Journals, and Letters.

Keywords Suggested for Authors
(PDF, 326 KB)
Authors are encouraged to select keywords from this list. It comprises the first three hierarchical "levels" under each term-family (or branch) that is formed from the top-most terms of the IEEE Thesaurus. If you cannot find appropriate terms, you may add your own.

Article Templates
Includes templates and instructions on how to prepare your papers for publication in IEEE Transactions and Journals.

Templates for Computer Society Journals
These templates for Computer Society Journals are meant to aid you in preparing a draft of your manuscript.

Refine the Use of English in Your Manuscript
A professional editing service available to authors for a fee.

Reference Preparation Assistant
Upload your reference draft file to validate your references against both the IEEE Xplore® and CrossRef  databases to ensure successful online linking.

IEEE PDF Checker
Upload your draft PDF to check it against the latest IEEE Xplore journal requirements, and generate an Xplore-compliant version of your paper.

Specifications for Author Supplied Article Abstracts
(PDF, 96 KB)
Use these specifications to make your abstract self-contained and well abbreviated.

Instructions for Submitting Author Names in Native Languages
(PDF, 83 KB)
Use this for font styles used when rendering Chinese, Japanese, Korean and other language characters in the final publication.

Publishing Your Scientific Article: an IEEE Publishing Operations Training Course
This one-hour course is perfect for anyone interested in adding "author" to their CV or just looking for a refresher on the technical publishing editorial process. View the course on demand and enter the case-sensitive password ieee2016 when prompted. Contact the IEEE Author Engagement team at authors@ieee.org with any questions on the course.


Preparing your graphics and multimedia materials

Frequently Asked Questions on Submitting Graphics
(PDF, 123 KB) 
Answers many of your most commonly asked questions about graphics formatting.

Instructions On Using Microsoft Products or PDFs to Submit Graphics
(PDF, 2.2 MB)
Instructions on how to generate high quality graphics using the Microsoft Office Suite.

IEEE Graphics Analyzer 
An online tool allowing authors to verify that their graphics  meet IEEE publications standards.

Instructions for the Preparation of Multimedia Materials
(PDF, 268 KB)
Instructions on how to include multimedia in your paper.

Instructions for Producing a Video
(PDF, 53 KB)
Tips and instructions on how to produce and submit digital video files for inclusion in your paper.

Instructions for Creating a README File for Datasets
(PDF, 86 KB)
Instructions and a checklist of items required in README files accompanying datasets.

Instructions for creating a README file for Playable Objects
(PDF, 85 KB)
Instructions and a checklist of items required in README files accompanying playable multimedia included in your paper. 

Instructions for Developing a Graphical Abstract for your Article
(PDF, 106 KB)
Instructions on how to submit a graphical abstract for inclusion in your paper.


Guidelines for article submission

The submission guidelines for IEEE Publications are determined by the Editors-in-Chief of each title. Whereas most journals use the Scholar One Manuscripts systems, some do not. For those that do not, the procedure can be found on the title's Publication Details on IEEE Xplore

IEEE Publication Recommender
An online tool that helps authors find the IEEE periodical or conference that best fits their scholarly research.

Browse Journals and Magazines
Browse IEEE titles for information, including submission guidelines often found under Publication Details.

Scholar One Manuscripts
An online manuscript submission and management system used by most IEEE Transactions, Journals, and Letters. Find a list of participating titles.

Learn about IEEE Open Access


Post-acceptance procedures

Author Proof Login
Web site where IEEE authors can keep track of, and provide input on, their accepted articles throughout the production process.


Post-publication procedures

Instructions for Authors on Reprints and Special Charges
(PDF, 93 KB)
Explains extra charges you may incur, such as overlength page charges, color in print, and open access, along with obtaining reprints.


Frequently asked questions


IEEE Collabratec AuthorLab
AuthorLab is an IEEE Collabratec community where authors can share ideas and information and ask questions of IEEE editorial staff. All IEEE authors and prospective authors are welcome.

Authors@IEEE Newsletter
The Authors@IEEE Newsletter has been developed to help you understand the publishing process and get noticed. View our archives or email us to subscribe to the monthly newsletter.

Get help now
Your questions will be directed to the "Right Now" application of IEEE, where you can either get an answer via more FAQs or you can email the expert personnel.

Editorial Board


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