

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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变更情况:Newly Added by 2015

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)   

About the journal

AJR Cover

Welcome to the home page of AATCC’s new peer-reviewed online e-journal, the
AATCC Journal of Research!
This textile research journal has a broad scope: from advanced materials, fiber, and textile and polymer chemistry to color science, apparel design, and sustainability.
 Now indexed by Science Citation Index Extended (SCIE) and discoverable in the Thomson Reuters Web of Science


Instructions to Authors

AATCC Journal of Research Manuscript Submission Guidelines
(For peer-reviewed articles previously published in AATCC Review)

Updated February 2016

Submit your manuscript text, figures, and tables as email attachments to Ann Holland.


The AATCC Journal of Research is a scholarly, peer reviewed, online scientific journal of textiles and materials research. This includes original articles and review articles relating to the chemical and biochemical sciences; the fundamentals, applications, and management of materials; engineering; and the design and merchandising of fibrous materials of interest to the global textile community. The journal’s aim is to advance and disseminate knowledge in all areas pertinent to textile research including dyeing and coloration, quality testing, color communication, polymers, fibers, fabrics and their design, nanotechnology, processing and merchandising, sustainability, and waste treatment.

Suggested Topics for Submission

Publishable topics in the AATCC Journal of Research should fall within the mandate of at least one of AATCC’s three interest groups: Chemical Applications, Concept 2 Consumer®, and Materials. Within these categories, the following subcategories provide a guide to topics of interest:

Chemical Applications— Suggested Topics Concept 2 Consumer®— Suggested Topics Materials—
Suggested Topics
Antimicrobials Sustainability Fibers
Comfort/Hand Body Scanning and Patternmaking Composites
Dyeing & Coloration CAD/CAM Nanotechnology
Enzyme Technology Color Communication Nonwovens
Functional Finishes Color Measurement/ Lighting Performance Fabrics
Garment Wash/Denim Fit Smart Fabrics
Moisture Management Printing Surface Modification
Waste Treatment Product Testing & Performance Technical Textiles


General Requirements

The mission of the AATCC Journal of Research is to serve as a communication forum for the exchange of professional knowledge among textile professionals. This is accomplished through coverage of advances in technology and research from global textile academic and industry programs over a broad range of current textile interests.

Manuscripts submitted for publication to the AATCC Journal of Research must:

  • Be original work or be a comprehensive review paper written by an authority on a topic of high importance to the journal readership.
  • Provide sufficiently detailed material and process information to enable repetition of experiments.
  • Make a significant contribution to textile material science in accordance with the journal’s mission.

Note: Manuscripts that primarily promote a particular product or technology, or that use disparaging or promotional comparisons involving commercially-named products/technologies WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR PUBLICATION.
AATCC Copyright Policy

  • All manuscripts must be accompanied by a signed copyright form at the time of submission.
  • Previously published papers will not be considered for publication. Submission of previously published work is a violation of the copyright agreement.
  • Manuscripts submitted to the AATCC Journal of Research may not be submitted elsewhere for publication without the express written consent of AATCC.
  • Conference papers previously published only in the AATCC Book of Papers may be submitted.
  • Authors must obtain and provide written permission for AATCC to use any previously published text, tables, figures, and photographs.
  • For photographs, authors must also provide written permission from the photographer and each person shown, or his/her guardian.

Manuscript Preparation Requirements


Manuscripts submitted to AATCC Journal of Research must be prepared in accordance with the style guidelines provided by The ACS Style Guide (American Chemical Society) published by Oxford University Press. For textile industry terminology/abbreviations not covered in The ACS Style Guide, refer to the “AATCC Style Guide for Writing Test Methods” in the most recent issue of the AATCC Technical Manual.


Manuscripts must be submitted in the Times New Roman font, 12 point type, with 1-inch margins. In general, the following format can be used as a guideline for article organization. However, any logical arrangement of the paper is acceptable. Items followed by * are required.

1. Title*
2. Author (or Authors) with affiiliation(s)*
3. Abstract (125 words or less)*
4. Key Terms (for indexing)*
5. Body
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Experimental
5.2.1. Materials
5.2.2. Procedures
5.2.3. Analytical Methods
5.3 Results and Discussion
5.4. Conclusions
6. Acknowledgements (if any)
7. References*
8. Author Information (including all contact information)*

Authors must comply with the following instructions:

  • Use generic identifiers where possible. (AATCC sanctions the use of commercial names where appropriate and necessary, but suggests that the author state generic classes as well.)
  • Submit the article text electronically as a word processing document with a .doc or .docx extension.
  • Include an abstract of 125 words or less with each manuscript.
  • Include a list of key terms in each manuscript.
  • Include the names and affiliations of all authors.
  • Provide a complete address for the corresponding author with the manuscript, including name, company/institution, mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address.

There are no length restrictions for manuscripts submitted to the AATCC Journal of Research.


  • Graphics (tables, figures, graphs, charts, photos, line art, etc.) should be submitted as the native files in their original formats and separate from the manuscript text.
  • Graphics should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
  • Printed photographs are acceptable if they are scanable and at least 3.5 x 5 in (8.9 x 12.7 cm).
  • Figures should be labeled and referred to using Arabic numerals (e.g., Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).
  • Tables must be submitted in spreadsheet or table format—no spaces, no tabs.
  • Tables should be labeled and referred to using Roman numerals (e.g., Table I, Table II, etc.)


exclaimReferences MUST BE FORMATTED according to The ACS Style Guide format, or the manuscript may be returned to author for reformatting.

If The ACS Style Guide is unavailable at your institution, you can access a free version of  it by registering on ACS ChemWorx.  Ensure that ACS Style Guide is checked off in the Customize Display and go to the ACS Style Guide module. In Chapter 14 (References), refer to Table 14-2. Common Types of References with Examples on page 292.

Other online, app, or software reference managers that can be used to help with ACS style reference formatting are EndNote (free trial, http://endnote.com/),  Biblioscape (http://www.biblioscape.com/), Mendeley (https://www.mendeley.com/), and RefME (free, use “American Chemical Society” format, https://www.refme.com/us/styles/acs-citation-generator/).

Note: Do not use the Citation Styles in ACS ChemWorx (or References -> Citations & Bibliography in Microsoft Word) to link text citations to references in manuscripts submitted to the AATCC Journal of Research.

  • Do number references consecutively with superscript Arabic numerals in the proper location in the text.
  • Do not use (author(s), date) format for reference citations in the text.
  • If a reference is used more than once, the original reference number should be used unless a new chapter is referenced.
  • References should be listed at the end of the manuscript, in ACS Style Guide format.
  • If a textile-related journal is cited, the full name of the publication should be written out (Exception: Textile Research Journal can be abbreviated Text. Res. J.) For other science journals, the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI) journal name abbreviations can be used. The ACS Style Guide contains 1000 of the most common CASSI abbreviations.
  • References should list beginning and ending page numbers of the cited article or chapter.
  • Do ensure that all references conform to these style guidelines and that the numbered citations in the text are in numerical order and match the numbers of the correct references listed in the reference section of the manuscript.
  • Do not list references alphabetically by leading author. Use our reference guidelines (see previous bullet point) and reference examples below.

Avoid Delays!

exclaimPoorly or improperly formatted references (including punctuation) may be returned to authors for correction resulting in publication delays.

Reference Examples1. Doe, J.; Smith, S.; Jones, D. Publication Title 1996, 1 (1), 1–10.*
2. AATCC Technical Manual; AATCC: Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, 1991, Vol. 66, pp 39–41.
3. Ghosh, S.; Rodgers, J. In Handbook of Near-Infrared Analyses; Burns, D., Ciurczak, E., Eds.; Marcel Dekker Inc.: New York, NY, USA, 1992, pp 19–25.
4. Easter, E. P.; Cinnamon, M.; Baker, E. In Proceedings, AATCC International Conference, Nashville, TN, USA, 1996, pp 205–214.
5. DePlasse, N. French Patent 1,23,330, 1958.
6. Annual Book of ASTM Standards Vols. 7.01-02, West Conshohocken, PA, USA, 2012.
7. Cotuvo, J. Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, 1996.
8. ACS Publications Division Home Page. http://pubs.acs.org (accessed January 7, 2012).
9. Hall, W. R.; Knoff, W. F. Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics [Online] 2008, 3 (4), http://www.jeffjournal.org/papers/Volume3/3.4.2_Hall.pdf (accessed March 2009).

*Note: Reference Example 1. above is an example of a typical scientific journal and periodical article reference format. [Last name], [first name] for all author names followed by semicolon. The final author name is followed by a period. No punctuation between title and date—unless last word in title abbreviated. Date and following comma are both bold for journal articles only. Volume in italics, issue number in parentheses. No “pp” preceding page numbers for journal articles. Use en dashes between first and last pages of article.

Author’s Address
A complete correspondence address must be included with the manuscript, including: name, company/institution, mailing address, phone number, fax number, and email address.

Manuscript Submission
To submit your manuscript (as an email attachment) or ask questions about manuscript submission, please contact Ann Holland, Manuscript Review Coordinator, AATCC, PO Box 12215, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA; fax +1.919.549.8933.

Review Process Summary
The Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of the AATCC Journal of Research is Dr. Martin Bide of the University of Rhode Island. All manuscripts will be assigned an Associate Editor (AE) within the appropriate Interest Group who will recruit Reviewers, with all reviews completed within 30-60 days. Articles will be edited and posted as soon as possible after approval.

Manuscript Acceptance
If a manuscript is accepted for publication in the AATCC Journal of Research, it will be subject to editing by a member of the AATCC editorial staff. Once the manuscript is edited and ready for publication, the corresponding author shall be furnished with a galley copy of the manuscript to proofread and approve prior to publication in the AATCC Journal of Research.

Manuscript Rejection
If a manuscript does not meet current AATCC Journal of Research requirements, it shall be returned to the author(s) along with a letter or email notifying them of the rejection. Thereafter, the author is free to submit the manuscript to another publication. Appeals to the EIC to reconsider rejected manuscripts can be made within 30 days after a rejection notification. The EIC may rule to accept the paper for publication or to uphold the rejection. The EIC’s ruling is final.

Language Assistance
For authors whose native language is not English, it may be helpful to get writing assistance before submitting a paper. Contact a local university for resources. You may also work with American Journal Experts (AJE). Authors who contact AJE through the link on this page receive a $20 discount off the regular editing fees. Please note that working with AJE or another language service does not guarantee acceptance of your paper for publication. Language editing simplifies the job of the reviewer and helps avoid confusion about your research.


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