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出版频率:Continuous publication
变更情况:Newly Edited by 2015

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims and scope

Oncogenesis is a peer-reviewed open access online journal that publishes full-length papers, reviews, and short communications exploring the molecular basis of cancer and related phenomena. It seeks to promote diverse and integrated areas of molecular biology, cell biology, oncology, and genetics.

Oncogenesis seeks to encompass the breadth of the molecular biology of malignant change, and topics of particular interest include:

  • Apoptosis
  • Cancer metabolism
  • Cell cycle and growth regulation
  • Cellular oncogenes
  • Cellular transformation and immortalization
  • DNA damage and repair
  • Mode of action of cancer therapeutics
  • Molecular oncology
  • Novel targeted therapies
  • Senescence
  • Tumour suppression
  • Virus-induced oncogenesis

 Impact factor

2014 Impact Factor 3.952*

60/211 Oncology

*2014 Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2015)

Abstracted/Indexed in

  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
  • PubMed
  • PubMed Central
  • Scopus
  • Web of Science


The ISSN (online) number for Oncogenesis is 2157-9024.

Instructions to Authors

Did you know?

  • That Oncogenesis is an online, open access journal.
  • That the millions of users of nature.com can now sign up for an e-mail copy of the table of contents for the Oncogenesis issue in which your article is published.
  • That an academic journal like Oncogenesis hosted on nature.com has on average over 50,000 page visits to its web site per month.
  • That Oncogenesis has an impact factor of 3.952

Submitting an article

To read about how to prepare your article, please click on Instructions for Authors.

understanding the publishing process image

Understanding the Publishing Process
This guide will provide you with essential information that will improve the chances of your article being accepted, with advice on:

  • selecting a journal that best suits your needs
  • preparing your manuscript so as to maximize your chance of being selected for publication
  • editorial and ethical policies in scientific publishing
  • the peer review process and how to interpret an editor’s/reviewer’s response
  • maximizing the visibility of your research following acceptance

If you are ready to submit an article please click on Online Submission.


Benefits of publishing with Oncogenesis

Oncogenesis is a sister journal to the well-established and highly respected journal Oncogene.

Oncogenesis is published by Nature Publishing Group (NPG), a dynamic, innovative, creative company, committed to publishing high quality, independently peer-reviewed research and review material. NPG uses pioneering technologies, innovative formats and world class production to provide premium information for scientific researchers in the public and private sectors, government agencies and educators.

A key strength of NPG is its close relationship with the scientific community. Working closely with scientists, listening to what they say, and always placing emphasis on quality rather than quantity, has made NPG the leading scientific publisher at finding innovative solutions to scientists' information needs.

Publishing with Oncogenesis and NPG provides an author with a wide range of benefits:

Open access

As an open access journal, Oncogenesis content is freely available to all researchers worldwide ensuring maximum dissemination. Content is published online on a weekly basis to provide timely communication to the community and keep publication times to a minimum.

Authors of accepted manuscripts are charged an article-processing fee dependent upon article type and licence chosen. Please see the journal's Instructions to Authors for full price listing.

Creative Commons License

Oncogenesis articles are published either under a CC BY license (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License). This license is preferred by many funding bodies and allows for maximum dissemination and re-use of open access materials. The CC BY-NC-ND and CC BY-NC-SA licenses are available on request: please see the journal's Open Access page for more information.

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Oncogenesis has adopted NPG's online submission system, which allows authors to submit papers via the Web. This system speeds up the submission and refereeing process, and allows you to view the status of your paper online.


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Editorial Board


Jan Paul Medema, Laboratory of Experimental Oncology and Radiobiology (LEXOR), University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Jan Paul Medema studied Chemistry in Leiden, the Netherlands, graduating in 1991 with a specialisation in biochemistry and medical biochemistry. He continued his training under the guidance of Professor Hans Bos at the Univeristy of Utrecht and received his PhD in 1996 on the topic of the oncoprotein p21Ras. He then went on to study the role of programmed cell death in tumor biology and immunology in order to understand the basic concepts of cell death signalling and the way these are perturbed in cancer. He unravelled several modes of cell death escape, specifically in the face of a cytotoxic immune response. Later, his work moved into the direction of cancer heterogeneity and its role in cell death resistance, tumor growth and therapy response, centering around the role of cancer stem cells in these processes, as well as the role of inter-patient heterogeneity in the aggressiveness of tumors. Currently, Professor Medema is the Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Oncology and Radiobiology (LEXOR) in the Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam, which has developed several research lines focusing on the mechanisms of survival/cell death resistance of tumor cells against therapeutic interventions.

Associate Editors

Jerry Edward Chipuk, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA

Jerry Edward Chipuk is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Oncological Sciences at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. He earned a Ph.D. in Pharmacology and Cancer Biology at Case Western Reserve University, and then was a post-doctoral fellow in the laboratory of Douglas R. Green, Ph.D. at the La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology and St Jude Children's Research Hospital. Dr Chipuk joined the faculty at Mount Sinai and became co-appointed in the Department of Dermatology, Tisch Cancer Institute, and the Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism Institute. His laboratory is focused on how mitochondrial shape and function contribute to disease etiology, prognosis, and treatment.

Vincenzo De Laurenzi, Università 'G. d'Annunzio' Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, Italy

Vincenzo De Laurenzi received his MD in 1990 from the University of Rome Tor Vergata and a PhD in Enzimology from the same University in 1994.
Besides working for many years in the laboratory of Gerry Melino in Rome he has worked at the NIH, Bethesda Maryland investigating the molecular mechanisms of skin deseases and more recently at the MRC toxicology unit in Leicester UK. Currently he is Associate Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University "G. D’Annunzio" in Chieti. His main scientific interests are: the study of the regulation and function of the p53 family of transcription factors, mainly in cancer development and the role of Histone Locus Bodies components in the regulation of cell cycle.

Ricky Johnstone, Peter MacCallum Cancer Center, Victoria, Australia

Professor Ricky Johnstone received his PhD from the University of Melbourne in 1993 and after a postdoc at Harvard Medical School returned to Melbourne to establish the Gene Regulation Laboratory at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in 2000. Professor Johnstone is the Assistant Director of Research at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and plays a key role in defining the strategic direction of the research division. He was awarded an NHMRC Principal Research Fellowship in 2010 and an NHMRC Senior Principal Research Fellowship in 2015 and in 2011 was promoted to Full Professor in the Department of Pathology at the University Of Melbourne. He is a cancer researcher who has utilized genetic mouse models of hemopoietic malignancies and solid tumors to decipher the molecular events underpinning cancer cell death by new targeted anti-cancer agents such as histone deacetylase inhibitors. In 2008 Dr Johnstone and Dr Grant McArthur established the Cancer Therapeutics Program within the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre to bring together a critical mass of researchers with the aim to translate fundamental research findings into clinical outcomes that will benefit cancer patients.

James J Manfredi, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA

James Manfredi's research efforts have focused on p53, the most commonly mutated gene in human tumors, as well as the interplay between p53 and its negative regulator Mdm2. James received his AB in Biology from Cornell University and his MS and PhD from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology. James received his PhD working with Dr Susan Horwitz where he performed some of the earliest mechanistic studies on taxol. These investigations were recognized with a predoctoral fellowship from the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association. As a fellow with the Damon Runyon-Walter Winchell Cancer Fund and the American Heart Association, Dr Manfredi went on to train in the laboratory of Dr Daniel Branton at Harvard University studying the role of coated vesicles in endocytosis. He returned to the area of cancer research with further post-doctoral training in the laboratory of Dr Carol Prives at Columbia University, where he began his studies on the molecular biology of the tumor suppressor p53. He is currently a Full Professor with Tenure in the Departments of Oncological Sciences with a joint appointment in the Department of Developmental & Regenerative Biology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. He is a member of the teaching faculty of the Graduate School of Biological Sciences as well as the Tisch Cancer Institute.

Jean-Ehrland Ricci, INSERM, Nice, France

Jean-Ehrland Ricci is leading the ‘Metabolic control of cell death' team at the Mediterranean Center for Medical Research (C3M), INSERM U1065 in Nice, France. He started his career studying the death receptor- and T cell receptor-induced apoptosis and obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis in 2000. He then moved to San Diego, CA in the ‘La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology’ institute to work under the supervision of Dr Douglas R Green. He studied the link between metabolism (mitochondrial and glycolytic) and the regulation of caspase dependent and independent cell death. Jean-Ehrland started his lab in Nice in 2006, where his team studies the role of metabolism in cancers, cell death and immune regulation.

Editorial Board

E H Baehrecke, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA
M Barbacid, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncologicas, Madrid, Spain
F Cecconi, University of Rome, Rome, Italy
A M Chinnaiyan, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
R De Maria Marchiano, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy
G Goodall, Centre for Cancer Biology, Adelaide, Australia
Y Gotoh, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
D R Green, St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, USA
M Jaattela, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
G Kroemer, Centre de Recherche des Cordoliers, Paris, France
R Kumar, George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA
R Marais, Cancer Research UK, London, UK
S Martin, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
R Medema, University Medical Center, Utrecht, Netherlands
G Melino, Medical Research Council, London, U
K Miyazono, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
C Munoz-Pinedo, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute, Barcelona, Spain
I Ng, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
S Papa, University of London, London, UK
D Pei, Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Guangzhou, China
J Pollack, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
G Semenza, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
G Stassi, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy
S Tait, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
D Tang, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Smithville, USA
F Vallette, University of Nantes, Nantes, France
P Vandenabeele, University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium
M Wicha, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
K Wilson, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA
J Yu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China


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