

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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主题范畴:MYCOLOGY;    China Journals
变更情况:Newly Added by 2015

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Mycosphere Journal of Fungal Biology

Mycosphere is an international peer-reviewed journal with swift publication of high quality papers on fungal biology, including lichens. This includes reviews, research articles, methodology papers, taxonomic works such as monographs, and checklists. Mycosphere has a policy of Open access publishing. All manuscripts will undergo peer review before acceptance. Mycosphere will publish each manuscript as quickly as possible following acceptance by the editors.

Highlights of publication

    • Peer-reviewed manuscripts and monographs
    • Open access
    • Quick turnaround
    • No page charges for publication regardless of length
    • Online edition colour plates free of charge
    • Special volumes

Instructions to Authors


General policy

Mycosphere publishes  reviews, research articles, methodology papers, taxonomic works such as monographs, and checklists which relevants to fungal biology, including lichens. The official journal language is English.

Mycosphere essays

Mycosphere will publish a series of essays. These essays will generally be 4-10 pages, dealing with new ideas, and current and controversial topics. They are expected to deal with topics that are not normally dealt with in traditional mycology journals and where possible should present more than one side of an argument.
Essays should be submitted by the normal process and will be peer reviewed. Longer review papers are also welcome.

Manuscript preparation - General requirements

A proper and quick processing of your manuscript requires a clean manuscript regarding both its scientific content and its formatting. Detailed information on the layout/template can be found in 'Template_Mycosphere_2013' or download the most recently published papers.

The template can be downloaded here.

Generally, the main text in the manuscript, including legends to illustrations, should be written in Times New Roman, 12 pt, single-spaced throughout. Latin names of genera and species must be italicised. Hyphena-tion must be avoided throughout (switch off automatic hyphenation).

No special formatting options should be used. All pages should be numbered in the bottom right corner of each page. After the acceptance of a paper with new scientific names, authors must register the names in Index Fungorum and obtain Index Fungorum number for each new name (see www.indexfungorum.org) and Faces of Fungi numbers (for each taxa, see http://www.facesoffungi.org/). 

Submission of manuscripts

Please submit your manuscript electronically as e-mail attachments.


Mycosphere will accept only manuscripts that fit the regulations of the journal. Manuscripts, which are not prepared according to our template, will be sent back for reformatting. See 'Template_Mycosphere_2013'.

Electronic submission guidelines

First submission

The following files are required:

  1. A word file of properly structured/formatted manuscript containing the full text including tables and figures/plates,
  2. A PDF file of properly structured/formatted manuscript containing the full text including tables and figures/plates for review purposes.
  3. Please send the names, affiliations and emails of three potential referees.

Important: The plates and tables should be placed in the text at the appropriate point where you would like to see them published

Submission of revised manuscripts

Accepted papers must be revised and submitted by carefully following the formatting instructions and submitted as a revised final version ready for publication with high quality figures and tables. If the manuscript has not been structured/formatted in the journal style it will be sent back for further formatting.

Figures in the revised version should be sent separately as JPEG files. Electronic figures must be captured at or above 300 dpi resolution. Single photographs that need mounting together are not acceptable.

Page charges

No charge is made by Mycosphere for publication even for colour plates.

Tables, Figures and legends

Prepare tables with the table format feature of your word processor and ensure that each data entry is in its own cell; do not use tabs, spaces, graphics and boxes. Tables (and illustrations) must be referred to in the text.

Please note that all terms in the top-line and the left column must begin with a capital letter.
Do not use vertical lines in the table.

All entries should be left-aligned. For mere numerical data align the columns of numbers by their decimal points using word processor decimal tabs. Also, place a zero before the decimal point of numbers less than 1 (e.g. 0.1)


Please develop the format of references according to the Template_Mycosphere_2013
All citations should be listed alphabetically in the ‘References’ see the format of references in template. In the text, authors should be cited chronologically

Review process

1. Manuscripts will be sent to the Scientific Editor for discussion with the EIC to consider whether the manuscript is suitable for publication in Mycosphere

2. If the manuscript is deemed suitable it will be sent to a handling editor

3. The handling editor will send the paper for peer review by at least two indepentent reviewers.

4. The reviewers will send their recommendations to the handling editor

5. The handling editor will recommend minor revisions, major revisions, acceptance, resubmission, or decline the manuscript and following improvements to the paper and possible further peer review, return the finalised manuscript and decision to the EIC

6. The EIC will make the final decision over acceptance and if accepted forward the final revised manuscript to the managing editor to prepare the final proofs


Proofs will be sent as PDF files to the author by email. They must be checked and returned within five working days. Mycosphere team cannot be held responsible for errors not pointed out within five days by the authors.


Copyright will be held by the Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, so that data can be indexed in Facesoffungi, MycoBank and other databases. However, authors are encouraged to deposit their papers online and make them freely downloadable. They can also use their data and publish it elsewhere without permission from Mycosphere. We will shortly adopt a Creative Commons Copyright License applicable to this site..

Editorial Board


Email address: mycosphere@gmail.com

Editor-in-Chief: Professor LIU ZY, Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, P.R. China

Scientific Editor: Dr. Hiran Ariyawansa, Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, P.R. China

Managing Editor: Ms. THISARI DHARMAWARDANA, BSc, Sri Lanaka

Senior Associate Editors

McKENZIE EHC, Senior Plant Pathologist, LandCare, New Zealand
BAERLOCHER F, Professor, Mount Allison University, Canada – Ingoldian fungi and symbiosis
BINDER M, PhD, Clark University, USA – basidiomycetes
CALLAC P, PhD, INRA, France – Fungal cultivation and nutriceuticals
JONES EBG, Professor, BIOTEC, Thailand – marine fungi
LÜCKING R, Curator, The Field Museum, Chicago, USA – lichens
PROKSCH P, Professor, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany – novel compounds from fungi
SRIDHAR R, Professor, Mangalore University, India – freshwater fungi
STEPHENSON SL, Professor, University of Arkansas USA – slime molds
STROBEL G, Professor, Montana State University, USA – drug discovery from fungi

Associate Editors

YANG YL, Assoc Professor, Department of Life Sciences, Liupanshui Normal University, Liupanshui, P.R. China
TAO G, PhD, Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, P.R. China
ABD-ELSALAM K, Assoc Professor, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt
ALBERTO R, Professor, College of Agriculture, Central Luzon State University, Philippines
BAHKALI AH, Professor, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
BALA K, PhD, University of Ottawa, Canada
BOONPRAGOP K, PhD, Department of Biology, Ramkhamhaeng University, Bangkok, Thailand
BURGESS TI, PhD, Murdoch University, Australia
CASTAÑEDA RF, Professor, Instituto de Investigaciones Fundamentales en Agricultura Tropical, Cuba
CHUKEATIROTE E, Assist Professor, Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand
COURTECUISSE R, PhD, University of Lille, France
DONG-MEI WANG, PhD. Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China
DOVERI F, PhD, Livorno and External Collaborator of Pisa University, Italy
DUONG ML, PhD, Hanoi University of Education, Vietnam
FOURNIER J, PhD, Las Muros, France 
GHOBAD-NEJHAD M, PhD, Research Organization for Science and Technology, Iran
GIBERTONI T, PhD, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
GRUBE M, PhD, University of Graz, Germany
HONG HW, PhD, MAF Biosecurity, New Zealand
HOSOYA T, PhD, National Museum of Nature and Science, Japan
KODSEUB, R, PhD, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, Thailand
LADO C, PhD, Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Spain: 
MEL'NIK VA, PhD. Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
MORENO HG, Professor, University Alcalá de Henares, Spain 
MOSLEM MA, Associate Professor, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
NAKASHIMA C, Assoc Professor, Mie University, Japan
PFENNING L, PhD, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Brazil
PHILLIPS A, Professor, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
PI-HAN WANG, PhD, Professor Tunghai University, Taiwan 
PROMPUTTHA I, PhD, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
RAJA, H, PhD, University of Illinois, USA
ROJAS C, PhD, University of Arkansas, USA 
ROLLINS AW, Assist Professor, Lincoln Memorial University, USA
ROMERO AI, PhD, Senior Researcher, CONICET, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
SHAMOUN S, Research Scientist, Canadian Forest Service, Canada
SHENOY BD, PhD, Institute of Microbial Technology, CSIR India
SHIN HD, Professor, Korea University, Korea
SHIVAS R, PhD, Senior Scientist, Agric-Science, Queensland, Australia
STOCKER E, Assoc. Professor, University of Salzburg, Austria
STUBBE D, PhD, Ghent University, Belgium
TAYLOR JE, PhD, Edinburgh Botanical gardens, UK
TEJESVI MV, PhD, University of Oulu, Finland
TSUI CYM, PhD, University of British Columbia, Canada
VASILYEVA LN, PhD, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
VIJAI KUMAR GUPTA, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
VIZZINI A, Researcher, Università di Torino, Italy
WANG PH, Professor, Tunghai University, Taiwan
ZABALGOGEAZCOA I, PhD, Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología, CSIC, Spain
ZHANG GM, Professor, Shenzhen Academy of Inspection and Quarantine, China


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