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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030
变更情况:Newly Added by 2015

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Cover image for Vol. 1 Issue 4

ISSN 2056-2802 (online) | ISSN 2056-2799 (print)


Aims and Scope

Papers in Palaeontology is the successor to Special Papers in Palaeontology and a journal of the Palaeontological Association (www.palass.org). The journal is devoted to the publication of papers that document the diversity of past life and its distribution in time and space. As a sister publication to Palaeontology its focus is on descriptive research, including the descriptions of new taxa, systematic revisions of higher taxa, detailed biostratigraphical and biogeographical documentation, and descriptions of floras and faunas from specific localities or regions. Most contributions are expected to be less than 30 pp long but longer contributions will be considered if the material merits it, including single topic parts.

The journal publishes a wide variety of papers on palaeontological topics covering:

  • palaeozoology
  • palaeobotany
  • systematic studies
  • palaeoecology
  • micropalaeontology
  • palaeobiogeography
  • functional morphology
  • stratigraphy
  • taxonomy
  • taphonomy
  • palaeoenvironmental reconstruction
  • palaeoclimate analysis
  • biomineralization studies

palaeontology, palaeontological association, field guides, fossils, palaeozoology, palaeobotany, systematic studies, palaeoecology, micropalaeontology, palaeobiogeography, palaeobiology, evolution.
Abstracting and Indexing Information

  • Biological Abstracts (Thomson Reuters)
  • BIOSIS (Thomson Reuters)
  • CAB Abstracts® (CABI)
  • Current Contents: Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences (Thomson Reuters)
  • GeoRef (AGI)
  • Science Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)
  • Science Citation Index Expanded (Thomson Reuters)
  • SCOPUS (Elsevier)
  • Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)
  • Zoological Record (Thomson Reuters)

Instructions to Authors

For Authors

Publishing with PalAss

Thinking of publishing in the journal Papers in Palaeontology? If so please read our guide to publishing within our journals (covering: how to submit a manuscript; initial assessment; editorial decision; production; copyright and open access; offprints).

A 'Publishing with PalAss' short guide is available here: 

Manuscript Preparation

Instructions for authors are available here:

Authors are also strongly advised to read the following: 


Please visit our online submission site: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/pala

Note that the same submission site should be use for both Palaeontology and Papers in Palaeontology and all papers will be considered for both journals.

Handling of manuscripts after submission

An initial assessment of the manuscript is undertaken by the Editorial Board, usually within two days of submission.  The Editorial Board may also recommend that the scope of the paper is more suitable for Papers in Palaeontology’s sister journal Palaeontology.  In this case, the corresponding author will be contacted directly and the paper may be transferred without resubmission.  Currently, the journal receives many more articles than can be published in a year.  Papers that lack novelty, or are too restricted in their scope, will be rejected without review.  Those dealing with one or a few new taxa belonging to well-documented groups are unlikely to succeed.  Authoritative synoptic taxonomic revisions of new faunas/floras of biogeographical, stratigraphical or palaeoecological importance are welcome, as are detailed descriptive studies of new or poorly understood taxa so long as their significance is made clear.  This should be stated clearly in a covering letter, be obvious from the abstract, be developed in the introduction to the paper, and explored in the Discussion.

A paper may also be returned to the author without review if it has not been prepared in accordance with the Instructions to Authors, or if there is room for linguistic improvement. A list of independent suppliers of editing services is available from Wiley Author Services. All services are paid for and arranged by the author, and do not guarantee acceptance for publication.

If the Editorial Board recommends review, the paper will be passed to a Scientific Editor who will manage the peer review process.  A decision on whether or not to publish the manuscript will be made in the light of the comments of at least two referees, an assessment of the technical aspects of the paper (including style and figure formats), and the opinions of the Scientific Editor and Editor-in-Chief.  The corresponding author will be notified.


The Palaeontological Association asserts copyright on all articles and images in its electronic and print publications unless otherwise stated. Articles or figures in the journal Palaeontology may be reproduced in print or electronic medium for teaching, and for non-profit educational and research purposes, without fees or further permissions, providing that acknowledgements to 'The Palaeontological Association' is given, and that the source of the reproduced material is quoted in full. The Palaeontological Association reserves the right to withdraw this permission without notice. Written permission is required by the Association for all other forms of capture, reproduction and/or distribution of any of its publications or items in its publications. Permission should be sought from the Executive Officer (executive@palass.org).

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board


  • Dr A. B. Smith - Natural History Museum, UK

Publications Officer

Editorial Board

  • Prof. P. D. Polly - Indiana University, USA
  • Dr M. Ruta - University of Lincoln, UK
  • Prof. P. Upchurch - University College London, UK
  • Dr T. Vandenbroucke - Universiteit Gent, Belgium
  • Prof. C. H. Wellman - University of Sheffield, UK


  • Dr J. J. Álvaro - Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial, Spain
  • Dr K. D. Angielczyk - Field Museum, Chicago, USA
  • Dr R. Benson - University of Oxford, UK
  • Dr A. Brayard - Université de Bourgogne, France
  • Dr L. Cherns - Cardiff University, UK
  • Dr H. Coxall - Stockholm University, Sweden
  • Dr S. E. Gabbott - University of Leicester, UK
  • Dr A. Goswami - University College London, UK
  • Dr M. Hautmann - University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • Dr J. W. M. Jagt - Natuurhistorisch Museum, The Netherlands
  • Dr Z. Johanson - Natural History Museum, UK
  • Dr D. Korn - Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany
  • Dr A. Kouchinsky - Swedish Museum of Natural History, Sweden
  • Dr C. Labandeira - Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA
  • Dr P. D. Lane - Keele University, UK
  • Dr B. Lomax-  University of Nottingham, UK
  • Dr I. Rahman - Oxford University Museum of Natural History, UK
  • Dr H. O’Regan - Liverpool John Moores University, UK
  • Prof. G. Sevastopulo - Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
  • Dr J. Sigwart - Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland
  • Dr Y. Wang - Nanjing Institute of Geology & Palaeontology, China
  • Prof. X.-G. Zhang - Yunnan University, China


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