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变更情况:Newly Added by 2015

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Current Issue Cover

eISSN: 19476043| ISSN: 19476035


We are proud to announce that CART is now included in the JCR! Look for an Impact Factor coming next year!

Cartilage publishes articles related to the musculoskeletal system with particular attention to cartilage repair, development, function, degeneration, transplantation, and rehabilitation. The journal is a forum for the exchange of ideas for the many types of researchers and clinicians involved in cartilage biology and repair. A primary objective of Cartilage is to foster the cross-fertilization of the findings between clinical and basic sciences throughout the various disciplines involved in cartilage repair.

The journal publishes full length original manuscripts on all types of cartilage including articular, nasal, auricular, tracheal/bronchial, and intervertebral disc fibrocartilage. Manuscripts on clinical and laboratory research are welcome. Review articles, editorials, and letters are also encouraged. The ICRS envisages Cartilage as a forum for the exchange of knowledge among clinicians, scientists, patients, and researchers.

The International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) is dedicated to promotion, encouragement, and distribution of fundamental and applied research of cartilage in order to permit a better knowledge of function and dysfunction of articular cartilage and its repair.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Cartilage is the official journal of the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS).

The aim of Cartilage is to bridge a gap in the literature by focusing on both clinical and basic science perspectives of the diverse disciplines (e.g., developmental biology, biomechanics, imaging, matrix biology, tissue regeneration) in cartilage research and repair (including joint protection and rehabilitation). The journal is a peer-reviewed forum for the exchange of ideas for the many types of researchers and clinicians involved in cartilage biology and repair investigations and applications. Cartilage publishes articles on cartilage biology including repair, development, function, and transplantation. The journal publishes full-length original manuscripts on all aspects of cartilage including, but not limited to articular, meniscus, tracheal/bronchial, auricular, nasal, rib, and growth plate. Articles on clinical, laboratory, and therapeutic research are published as well as review articles, editorials, and letters.


  • CSA Biological Sciences
  • CSA Calcium and Calcified Tissue Abstracts (Online)
  • Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
  • Elsevier BV: EMBASE
  • OCLC: Article First
  • OCLC: Electronic Collections Online
  • PubMed Central

  • Instructions to Authors


    Cartilage is the official journal of the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS).

    The objective of Cartilage is to bridge a gap in the literature by focusing on cartilage research from both clinical and basic science perspectives. The journal serves as a focal point and a forum for the exchange of ideas for the many researchers and practitioners involved in cartilage biology and repair therapy. Cartilage will publish articles related to cartilage repair, growth of cartilage, cartilage function, and cartilage transplantation, including regeneration. A primary objective is to foster the cross-fertilization of the findings from clinical and basic sciences of the myriad disciplines involved in cartilage research (e.g., developmental biology, biomechanics, imaging, matrix biology, tissue regeneration) and repair (eg, joint protection). The journal will publish full-length original manuscripts (4000 or fewer words) and brief communications (1500 or fewer words) on all aspects of cartilage including, but not limited to articular, meniscus, airway, auricular, nasal septum, rib, and growth plate. Manuscripts may address clinical, laboratory, surgical approaches, and therapeutic research. Narrative reviews will be considered when they describe cutting-edge and evolving developments and discuss these developments in light of underlying theory. Systematic reviews will be considered when they are especially suitable for critiquing and summarizing evidence relevant to focused questions. Editorials and letters are encouraged.

    Editorial Policy

    Manuscripts are accepted for consideration on the condition that they are contributed solely to Cartilage. No substantial part of a paper (except for a scientific abstract or poster) may have been published elsewhere. All work must be original. Receipt of your manuscript by the journal will be acknowledged and a decision regarding its status made as soon as possible. All manuscripts are subject to editorial review. Manuscripts will be initially reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief or an Associate Editor. Some manuscripts that are deemed inappropriate for the journal or very low priority by the editorial staff may be returned without review. If eligible for publication, the manuscript will be reviewed by 2 or more external reviewers. Revisions, if requested, will require resubmission within 90 days, unless otherwise specified. Manuscripts must be written in acceptable English. Manuscripts submitted in poor English will be returned without review (see “English Language Editing Services” section below).


    Please read and follow the instructions to authors outlined below. Failure to follow these instructions will delay processing of the manuscript.

    Manuscripts are to be submitted at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cart, where authors will be required to set up an online account in the SAGETRACK system powered by ScholarOne. Authors will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of all manuscript files. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor's decision and requests for revision, will take place via e-mail. Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to complete a Journal Contributor's Publishing Agreement. An e-mail will be sent to the corresponding author confirming acceptance of the manuscript together with a link to the online version of this agreement.

    Submission Letter

    The manuscript is to be accompanied by a cover letter that states (1) all the authors have read and approved the final manuscript, (2) all authors have read and approve of the data being presented in the manuscript, (3) the full name, address, e-mail address, phone, and fax number of the individual to whom correspondence concerning the manuscript is to be sent. The cover letter should be addressed to:

    Mats Brittberg, MD, PhD
    Editor-in-Chief, Cartilage
    Ringvägen 80
    Varberg, Halland, 43243
    Phone: (+46) 702183652
    Fax: (+46) 300465415


    Papers should only be submitted for consideration once consent is given by all contributing authors. Those submitting papers should carefully check that all those whose work contributed to the paper are acknowledged as contributing authors.

    The list of authors should include all those who can legitimately claim authorship. This is all those who:

    (i) made a substantial contribution to the concept and design, acquisition of data or analysis and interpretation of data,

    (ii) drafted the article or revised it critically for important intellectual content,

    (iii) approved the version to be published.

    Please refer to the ICMJE Authorship guidelines at http://www.icmje.org/ethical_1author.html


    Any acknowledgements should appear first at the end of your article prior to your Declaration of Conflicting Interests (if applicable), any notes and your References.

    All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an ‘Acknowledgements’ section. Examples of those who might be acknowledged include a person who provided purely technical help, writing assistance, or a department chair who provided only general support. Authors should disclose whether they had any writing assistance and identify the entity that paid for this assistance.

    Conflict of Interest Statement

    If the author or co-authors have financial interest in products relevant to the manuscript, the nature of these should be disclosed after the reference section. Furthermore, in the JOURNAL CONTRIBUTOR'S PUBLISHING AGREEMENT sent out to the authors when a paper has been accepted the authors need to very carefully declare if they have any affiliations with or any involvement in any company, organization or business indicating any financial interest or non-financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in their manuscript.

    Declaration of conflicting interests

    It is the policy of Cartilage to require a declaration of conflicting interests from all authors enabling a statement to be carried within the paginated pages of all published articles.

    Please ensure that a ‘Declaration of Conflicting Interests’ statement is included at the end of your manuscript, after any acknowledgements and prior to the references. If no conflict exists, please state that ‘The Author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest’.


    As part of the submission process you will be asked to provide the names of peers who could be called upon to review your manuscript. Recommended reviewers should be experts in their fields and should be able to provide an objective assessment of the manuscript. Please be aware of any conflicts of interest when recommending reviewers. Examples of conflicts of interest include (but are not limited to) the below:

    • The reviewer should have no prior knowledge of your submission
    • The reviewer should not have recently collaborated with any of the authors
    • Reviewer nominees from the same institution as any of the authors are not permitted

    Please note that the Editors are not obliged to invite any recommended/opposed reviewers to assess your manuscript.

    Contributor’s publishing agreement

    Before publication, SAGE requires the author as the rights holder to sign a Journal Contributor’s Publishing Agreement. SAGE’s Journal Contributor’s Publishing Agreement is an exclusive license agreement which means that the author retains copyright in the work but grants SAGE the sole and exclusive right and license to publish for the full legal term of copyright. Exceptions may exist where an assignment of copyright is required or preferred by a proprietor other than SAGE. In this case copyright in the work will be assigned from the author to the society. For more information please visit our Frequently Asked Questions on the SAGE Journal Author Gateway.

    CART and SAGE take issues of copyright infringement, plagiarism or other breaches of best practice in publication very seriously. We seek to protect the rights of our authors and we always investigate claims of plagiarism or misuse of articles published in the journal. Equally, we seek to protect the reputation of the journal against malpractice. Submitted articles may be checked using duplication-checking software. Where an article is found to have plagiarized other work or included third-party copyright material without permission or with insufficient acknowledgement, or where authorship of the article is contested, we reserve the right to take action including, but not limited to: publishing an erratum or corrigendum (correction); retracting the article (removing it from the journal); taking up the matter with the head of department or dean of the author’s institution and/or relevant academic bodies or societies; banning the author from publication in the journal or all SAGE journals, or appropriate legal action.


    Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere. For further information including guidance on fair dealing for criticism and review, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions on the SAGE Journal Author Gateway.

    Manuscript Format

    Manuscript format should comply with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors' Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (http://www.icmje.org) except where otherwise specifically indicated. In all matters of style, please consult the Manual of Style (10th ed.) published by the American Medical Association. Number each page sequentially, including the title page, abstract, text, references, figure legends, and tables.

    Each of the following sections should be included: Title page (with funding declaration), Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments (when appropriate), References, Conflict of Interest statement, Figure legends, each individual figure and table. All text should be submitted as MS Word (*.doc) files.

    Title Page

    On the title page, please include all of the following:

    1. A concise and informative title (do not use abbreviations or acronyms).
    2. The names, degrees, and professional affiliation (position, department, institution, place) of all authors.
    3. The name of the institution where the work reported was done.
    4. Acknowledgment of grant support when appropriate.
    5. Complete mailing address, telephone, and fax of corresponding author; e-mail addresses of all authors.


    Abstracts should be fewer than 250 words. Abstracts for original contributions should be divided into sections, according to (1) Objective; (2) Design—if clinical to include setting, selection of patients, details on the intervention, outcome measures, etc.; if laboratory research to include details on methods; (3) Results—data to be included (comments such as "will be presented" or "to be discussed" are not acceptable); (4) Conclusions. Abstracts should summarize the main points of the paper and be descriptive, narrative, informative, and include only information that is in the article. Avoid abbreviations or spell out on first use.

    Classification criteria should be reported on patients (where relevant) by a brief description of the clinical features of patients and by reference to the criteria used.

    Provide 3-5 pertinent keywords at the end of the abstract.

    Body of the Text

    The text of the paper should be no longer than 15-20 double-spaced typed pages in most cases.

    For most original manuscripts the subheadings include Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.

    The Introduction should be no longer than 2-3 paragraphs; it should provide background and rationale for the study and specifically state the study’s objectives or hypotheses.

    The Methods section should describe how participants were assembled and selected, then describe study procedures including any interventions, measurements, and data collection techniques.

    Ethical approvals and informed consents: State if an institutional review board approved the study or affirm that the study was conducted with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki (World Medical Association), and whether informed consent was obtained. See also link (http://www.icmje.org/roles_e.html)

    Studies involving experiments with animals must state that their care was in accordance with institution guidelines. Ethical approvals must be stated in the submission cover letter. Approvals must also be explicitly stated in the manuscript, including the name and location of the approving ethics committee(s).

    Manuscripts involving research on human patients should contain a statement that they gave informed consent to the research study.

    Statistics: There should be a statistical subsection defining the statistical analysis and software used.

    The Results section should include a full description of the study sample followed by the primary, secondary, subgroup, and adverse event findings. The Discussion should begin with the key findings of the study and should stress what is new in the paper and relate the author’s findings to the existing literature.

    The Discussion should show how the findings add to the existing knowledge base of the subject under study, include the limitations of the study, and mention crucial research directions.

    Figures and Tables

    All tables and figures should be referenced in the main text in order in which they appear.Furthermore, figures must meet the image resolution requirements of the publisher, Sage Publications.

    Files for line-based drawings (no grayscale) should ideally be submitted in the format they were originally created; if submitting scanned versions, files should be 1200 dots per inch (dpi).

    Color photos should be submitted at 600 dpi and black-and-white photos at 300 dpi.

    All image files for figures should be labelled with the Figure number (label each part if figures include multiple parts, eg, 2A, 2B).

    It is important to include figure legends in the text. The figure legend should include descriptions of each figure part and identify the meaning of any symbols or arrows. Terms used for labels and in the legend must be consistent with those in the text.

    Color will be used in the Journal where needed (eg, histology slides or surgical photographs). All other figures, such as bar graphs and charts, should be submitted in black and white.

    If you want to know how to set Powerpoint to produce a 300 or 600 dpi TIFF picture from a slide which normally is set at a low dpi, you may go to: http://www.hos.ufl.edu/meteng/HansonWebpagecontents/TIFF%20Image%20Prot.html

    It is advisable to begin article text on a new page headed by the full article title.  


    Centered / Flush Left

    Upper lower case, bold

    First Level Heading

    Flush Left

    ALL CAPS, bold

    Second Level Heading

    Flush Left

    Upper lower case, bold

    The Third Level Heading

    Paragraph indented

    Upper lower case, bold

    Fourth level

    Paragraph indented

    Upper lower case, Italicized,

    Items to Avoid in Headings: Avoid using a single abbreviation as a heading, even if the abbreviation has been expanded earlier in the text.

    Avoid expanding abbreviations for the first time in a heading. Spell the abbreviation out in the heading if that is its first appearance and introduce the abbreviation, if appropriate, at the next appearance of the term.

    Avoid citing figures or tables and references in headings. Cite them in the appropriate place in the text that follows the heading.


    In-text citation.

    For each text citation there must be a corresponding citation in the reference list and for each reference list citation there must be a corresponding text citation. Cite references in consecutive order using superscript Arabic numbers.

    Each superscript must match one reference in the References list.

    Use commas to separate multiple citation numbers in text. Corresponding references should be listed in numeric order at the end of the document. Unpublished works and personal communications (oral, written, and electronic) should be cited parenthetically (and not on the reference list). Superscript numbers are placed outside periods and commas, and inside colons and semicolons.

    When more than 2 references are cited at a given place in the manuscript, use hyphens to join the first and last numbers of a closed series; use commas without space to separate other parts of a multiple citation.

    For eg., As reported previously, 1,3-8,19

    The derived data were as follows3,4

    Page numbers may be used in the superscript numbers; they are enclosed in parentheses.

    Page numbers are required for direct quotations.

    Reference List

    Basic rules for the reference list are:

    • The title “References” is centered at the top of a separate page at the end of the document.

    • Entries are preceded by their number and are given in numerical order.

    • The reference list should be single-spaced. Single-space between entries.

    • The second line and all subsequent lines of each item in the reference list should be indented (hanging indent).

    Do not use “et al.” in the Reference list at the end; names of all authors of a publication should be listed there.

    Here are a few examples of commonly found references. For more examples please check AMA (10th Ed).


    Author(s) separated by commas. Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher; year.

    Goldberg L, Elliot DL. Exercise for Prevention and Treatment of Illness. Philadelphia, Pa: FA Davis Co; 1994.

    Edited book

    Author(s), eds. Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher; year.

    Armitage JO, Antman KH, eds. High Dose Cancer Therapy: Pharmacology, Hematopoietins, Stem Cells. Baltimore, Md: Williams & Wilkins; 1995.

    Chapter or article from a book

    Author(s) of article. Title of article. In: Editor's name, ed. Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher; Year: Chapter or page number.

    Gamble VN. On becoming a physician: a dream not deferred. In: White EC, ed. The Black Women's Health Book: Speaking for Ourselves. Seattle, Wash: Seal Press; 1990:52-64.

    Articles in journals

    AMA style requires the use of standard abbreviations for all references, when applicable. Abbreviations for many common medical journals can be found in the AMA Manual of Style (pp.473-479). Additional abbreviations can be searched in the PubMed Journal Database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/journals?itool=sidebar).

    One author

    (do not include issue number or month unless volumes are not consecutively numbered)

    Author. Article title. Journal Title. Month Year;Volume:Inclusive page numbers.

    Angelo J. A survey of persons who use integrated control devices. Assist Technol. 1998;10:77-83.

    Articles in Online Journals

    The preferred citation style for an electronic journal uses a DOI (digital object identifier). The DOI provides a persistent link to the electronic item and is considered to be more stable than a URL. If the DOI is not given on the full text article or in the citation, use a DOI lookup tool to locate it (http://www.crossref.org/guestquery/) or use the format for an article without a DOI.

    Article from online journals with DOI available.

    Note that when using a DOI, no access date or URL are used.

    Author. Title of article. Name of Journal. Year;vol(issue):pages. doi:xx.xxxx.

    Florez HR, Martinez RL. Outdoor exercise reduces the risk of hypovitaminosis D in the obese. J Steroid Biochem Mol Bio. 2007;103(3-5):679-681. doi:10.1016 /j.jsbmb.2006.12.032.

    Article from online journals without DOI available.

    The accessed date will often be the only date available.

    Author. Title of article. Name of Journal. Year;vol(issue);pages. URL. Published date. Updated date. Accessed date.

    Hay PJ. Understanding bulimia. Aust Fam Physician. 2007;36(9):708-712. http://www.racgp.org.au/afp/200709/18554. Accessed October 11, 2009.

    Web pages

    Author or responsible body. Title of item cited. Name of website. URL. Published date. Updated date. Accessed date.

    World Health Organization. Saving the future generation in Darfur. World Health Organization. http://www.who.int/features/2007/ child_health/en/index.html. Published July 7, 2007. Accessed October 11, 2009.

    Other Media

    Use for DVDs, videos, cd-roms, and other media formats.

    Author. Title [format]. Publisher place: Publisher; Year.

    Holzknect J. History of physical therapy in the United States [DVD]. New York, NY: Insight Media; 2007.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: To encourage a faster production process of your article, you are requested to closely adhere to the points above for references. Otherwise, it will entail a long process of solving copyeditor’s queries and may directly affect the publication time of your article. In case of any question, please contact the journal editor.

    Figure and Artwork Submission

    Artwork includes charts and graphs, maps, photographs, line art, and tables with 17 or more columns. Submitting your artwork in high-resolution electronic format helps us to produce your work to the best possible standards, ensuring accuracy, clarity, and a high level of detail.

    Position of figures in the text should be marked in the manuscript and cited in the text in order of appearance. Arabic numbering should be used. Each figure should be submitted on a separate page. Figure legends should be included at the end of the manuscript. A legend must accompany each figure.

    Figures are acceptable as TIFF, EPS, or JPEG files. Electronic line art should be of at least 1200 dpi resolution, and electronic photo or grayscale figures should be of at least 300 dpi resolution. Please do not submit image files in PDF format.

    Some figures, especially charts, graphs and line drawings, will be reduced in size for publication. All numbers, letters, and symbols should be large enough to remain legible when reduced. Arrows should be added to radiographs, histology, and other illustrations for clarity. Figures not properly prepared will be returned to the author for revision.

    There is a charge of $500 per page to reproduce figures in color in the print version of Cartilage. Online color reproduction is free of charge.


    All tables should be submitted in the program they were originally created (Microsoft Word's table application files or Excel spreadsheets are preferred). All tables must be cited in the text. Number each table (Table 1, Table 2) in order of their text citation. Each table should be typed on a separate page and should have a title in sufficient detail to allow understanding without reference to the text.

    Although not essential at the time of submission, written permission from publishers and authors to reproduce or adapt previously published illustrations and tables will be needed at the time of acceptance and prior to the manuscript being forwarded to the publisher.


    References in the text should be identified by superscript numbers in order of appearance. A complete listing of references should be provided at the end of the article, typed double-spaced. Reference listings should be in numerical sequence as they are cited in the text. Names of the first six authors are to be provided. The reference style is based on the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (http://www.icmje.org). Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references and statistical computations.

    Personal communications and unpublished data should be cited in parentheses in the text, and not included in the numbered reference listed at the end of the article. Such citations from someone other than the authors (eg, personal communication) can only be published if a signed letter of permission is provided.

    Conflict of Interest Statement

    If the author or co-authors have financial interest in products relevant to the manuscript, the nature of these should be disclosed after the reference section.

    Informed Consent and Human/Animal Rights

    Authors must state if an institutional review board approved the study or affirm that the study was conducted with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki (World Medical Association), and whether informed consent was obtained. Any identifying information regarding a patient should be removed from the manuscript or informed consent from the patient for publication will be required. When reporting experiments on animals, authors should indicate whether the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was followed.

    Abbreviations and Units

    While authors should avoid unfamiliar abbreviations, a limited number of clearly defined abbreviations may be used. List the full term on its first appearance followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Once identified, the abbreviation should be used consistently throughout the text. If many abbreviations are used in the text, a glossary of abbreviations should be appended to the manuscript.

    Measurements should be expressed in metric units wherever possible, and along with physical and chemical quantities, should be abbreviated as recommended in the instructions to authors of the current volume of Journal of Biological Chemistry (http://www.jbc.org/misc/itoa.TI.dtl).

    Symbols of units of measurement must accord with the Systéme International (SI). Abbreviations for SI units and statistical terms are those in Baron DN (ed.) Units, Symbols and Abbreviations: A Guide for Medical and Scientific Editors and Authors, 5th ed. London: Royal Society of Medicine Press. Preferred alternative units may be given in parentheses.

    Preparation of Supplementary Data

    Supplementary materials offer the author additional possibilities to publish supporting applications, movies, animation sequences, high-resolution images, background datasets, sound clips, and more. Files are posted at http://cart.sagepub.com/supplemental; online articles will link to the material directly.

    Acceptable video file types are QuickTime (*.mov), MPEG Movie (*.mpeg), and Miscrosoft AVI Video (*.avi); acceptable audio files include Windows Media Player (*.wma) and MP3 (*.mp3).

    Submit supplementary material in electronic format together with the article. Please provide a concise and descriptive caption for each file. Place an "S" before supplementary table and figure numbers (e.g., Table S1).

    Other Types of Submissions

    Short Communications

    Short papers may be submitted for the rapid communication of data of special interest. Such manuscripts, which should not exceed 1500 words and 15 references, should follow the general format described above with the following exceptions: Instead of a separate Abstract and Introduction, the Short Communication should begin with a brief paragraph stating the problem addressed and concluding with the major finding of the report; this paragraph will serve both as Introduction and Summary. Methods, Results and Discussion sections should be combined, and no more than 2 Figures and/or Tables should be included. Authors' names and addresses should appear at the end of the paper along with 3 keywords.

    Editorials, Review Articles, and Special Articles

    Authors are encouraged to submit brief reviews and editorials. All such articles are subject to the normal reviewing process. Editorials should be no longer than 8 typed pages exclusive of references.


    Comments regarding articles published in the journal are solicited and should be sent as "Letter to the Editor." Such Letters, which should not be original communications (see Short Communications for the appropriate format for such manuscripts), are subject to editorial review. When a published article is subjected to comment or criticism, the authors of that article will be invited to write a letter in reply.

    SAGE Choice

    If you wish your article to be freely available online immediately upon publication (as some funding bodies now require), you can opt for it to be included in SAGE Open on payment of a publication fee. Manuscript submission and refereeing procedure is unchanged, but on acceptance of your article you will be asked to let SAGE know directly if you are choosing SAGE Choice. For further information, please visit http://www.sagepub.com/sagechoice.sp.

    English Language Editing Services

    Authors who would like to refine the use of English in their manuscripts might consider using SAGE Language Services, which specializes in editing and correcting English-language manuscripts written by authors with a primary language other than English. Visit http://languageservices.sagepub.com/en/ for more information about SAGE Language Services, pricing, and turnaround times, or to obtain a quote or submit a manuscript for language polishing. An author’s use of SAGE Language Services in no way guarantees that his or her submission will ultimately be accepted. Any arrangement an author enters into will be exclusively between the author and SAGE Language Services, and any costs incurred are the sole responsibility of the author.

    IMPORTANT: PERMISSION - The author(s) are responsible for securing permission to reproduce all copyrighted figures or materials before they are published in Cartilage. A copy of the written permission must be included with the manuscript submission.

    Names of Organisms

    In all titles, follow the style recommended for capitalization and use of italics in scientific names of organisms given in sections 10.3.6 and 15.14 of the AMA Manual of Style. Use roman type for genus and species names in book titles.

    Non-English Words and Phrases

    In all titles, follow the guidelines recommended for use of italics or roman in non-English words and phrases in section 12.1.1 of the AMA Manual of Style. For example, even if In Vivo or In Vitro were set italic in a cited title, JAMA and the Archives Journals would set these in roman type.

    Quotation Marks

    If quotation marks are required in the title or subtitle, they should be double, not single.


    In scientific writing, and in the title, numerals are used to express numbers in most circumstances. Exceptions are the following:

    • Numbers that begin a sentence, title, subtitle, or heading, exceptions may be made for years

    • Common fractions

    • Accepted usage such as idiomatic expressions and numbers used as pronouns

    • Other uses of “one” in running text

    • Ordinals first through ninth

    • Numbers spelled out in quotes or published titles


    Avoid using abbreviations in the title and subtitle, unless space considerations require an exception or unless the title or subtitle includes the name of a group that is best known by its acronym. In both cases the abbreviation should be expanded in the abstract and at first appearance in the text.


    Capitalize the first letter of each major word in titles and subtitles. Do not capitalize articles (eg, a, an, the), prepositions of 3 or fewer letters, coordinating conjunctions (eg, and, or, for, nor, yet, so, but), or the to in infinitives. Do capitalize a 2-letter verb, such as Is or Be. Exceptions are made for some expressions, such as compound terms from languages other than English (which require that you capitalize all parts of the expression) and phrasal verbs. Also, in the case of temporary hyphenated compound, in which each part of the hyphenated term carries equal weight, capitalize both words (eg, Cost-Benefit Analysis).


    Footnotes should be avoided in text, but are allowed on the title page. They are placed in the following order: author affiliations, death of an author, information about members of a group, corresponding author contact information.


    Editorial Board
    Editor in Chief
    Mats Brittberg, MD, PhD Gothenburg University, Sweden
    Associate Editors
    Roy Altman  
    Jack Farr Cartilage Restoration Center of Indiana, Indianapolis, IN
    Rita Kandel University of Toronto, Canada
    Wayne Mcllwraith Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA
    Sally Roberts Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, UK
    Gerjo J.V.M. Van Osch Erasmus Medical Center, The Netherlands
    Editorial Board
    Karl Fredrik Almqvist Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium
    Gunnar Andersson Rush University Medical Center, Illinois
    Charles Archer Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
    Peter Behrens University Clinic of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
    Michael Buschmann Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
    Arnold Caplan Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
    Moises Cohen Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Brian J. Cole, MD, MBA Chicago, IL, USA
    Jennifer Elisseeff John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
    Lisa A. Fortier Cornell University
    Alberto Gobbi Orthopaedic Arthroscopic Surgery International, Milan, Italy
    Andreas H. Gomoll, MD Boston, MA, USA
    Dominik Haudenschold USA
    Caroline Hoemann Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
    Anthony Hollander University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
    James Hui Singapore
    Ernst Hunziker University of Bern, Switzerland
    Mark Hurtig University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
    Jukka Jurvelin University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland
    Christian Lattermann Lexington, KY, USA
    Bert R. Mandelbaum Santa Monica Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Group, CA
    Rodrigo Mardones, MD Clinica Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
    Stefan Marlovits Medical University of Vienna, Austria
    Tom Minas Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
    Kai Mithoefer, MD Boston, MA, USA
    Norimasa Nakamura Osaka Health Science University, Osaka, Japan
    Stefan Nehrer Donau Universität Krems, Krems, Austria
    Mitsuo Ochi Hiroshima University, Japan
    Rafael Inigo Pavlovich CIMA Hospital, Sonora, Mexico
    Hollis G. Potter Chief, Division of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY
    Henri Robert North Mayenne Hospital, France
    Robert Sah University of California, San Diego, CA, USA
    Daniël B.F. Saris University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands
    Eric Strauss New York University, New York, USA
    Siegfried Trattnig Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
    Jian Yao Shanghai Ketai Medical Device Co Ltd, China


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