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变更情况:Formerly known as Reviews in Fisheries Science (1993 - 2013)

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture

Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture

2330-8249 (Print), 2330-8257 (Online)

Publication Frequency
4 issues per year

Publication history

Currently known as

  • Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture (2014 - current)

Formerly known as

  • Reviews in Fisheries Science (1993 - 2013)

Aims & scope

2013 Impact Factor: 2.368
Ranking: 7/50 (Fisheries)
2012 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.912
Ranking: 6/50 (Fisheries)
©2014 Thomson Reuters, 2013 Journal Citation Reports®


Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture  provides an important forum for the publication of up-to-date reviews covering a broad range of subject areas including management, aquaculture, taxonomy, behavior, stock identification, genetics, nutrition, and physiology. Issues concerning finfish and aquatic invertebrates prized for their economic or recreational importance, their value as indicators of environmental health, or their natural beauty are addressed. An important resource that keeps you apprised of the latest changes in the field, each issue of Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture  presents useful information to fisheries and aquaculture scientists in academia, state and federal natural resources agencies, and the private sector.

The sheer amount of literature produced in fisheries and aquaculture often makes it difficult to identify new concepts and judge the significance of new information. Abstracting services and conventional review articles can be valuable, but they don’t assess the importance of the information or judge its reliability. One of the principal objectives of Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture  is to make these assessments and judgments. The journal publishes only those critical reviews that present the latest, most significant developments in the field.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106

Abstracting & indexing

Reviews in Fisheries Science is indexed in Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA).

Instructions to Authors
ScholarOne Manuscripts
This journal uses ScholarOne Manuscripts (previously Manuscript Central) to peer review manuscript submissions. Please read the guide for ScholarOne authors before making a submission. Complete guidelines for preparing and submitting your manuscript to this journal are provided below.


Reviews in Fisheries Science receives all manuscript submissions electronically via their ScholarOne Manuscripts website located at: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/BRFS.  ScholarOneManuscripts allows for rapid submission of original and revised manuscripts, as well as facilitating the review process and internal communication between authors, editors and reviewers via a web-based platform. For ScholarOne Manuscripts technical support, you may contact them by e-mail or phone support via http://scholarone.com/services/support/.  If you have any other requests please contact the journal at sandra.shumway@uconn.edu Manuscripts must be typewritten and double-spaced. Times New Roman is the preferred typeface. All pages should be numbered and furnished and should be grouped together at the end of the manuscript to facilitate processing.

Authors should write in clear concise English. The responsibility of all aspects of manuscript preparation rests with the authors. Extensive changes or rewriting of the manuscript will not be undertaken by the Editor. These files should be in Microsoft Word. All manuscripts should be accompanied by an abstract not to exceed 200 words as well as a list of key (indexing) terms. Three to six key words or terms not in the title will assist indexers in cross indexing your article.

As an author, you are required to secure permission if you want to reproduce any figure, table, or extract from the text of another source. This applies to direct reproduction as well as “derivative reproduction” (where you have created a new figure or table which derives substantially from a copyrighted source).
Please note that Reviews in Fisheries Science uses CrossCheck™ software to screen papers for unoriginal material. By submitting your paper to Reviews in Fisheries Science you are agreeing to any necessary originality checks your paper may have to undergo during the peer review and production processes.

References, Abbreviations.

Follow the “Harvard” style for all references, listing author(s) last names and the date in parentheses in the text. In the case of multiple authors (more than three), et al. should be following the first author. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index, 1985. The reference list should be double spaced and alphabetized. Examples of both text usage and reference listing are as follows:

(Alm, 1959)

Alm, G. Connection between maturity, size, and age in fishes. Experiments carried out at the Kalame Fishery Research Station. Report No. 40, Institute of Freshwater Research, Drottingholm. pp. 5-145 (1959).

(Barlow et al., 1987)


Barlow, C. G., A. E. Hogan, and L. J. Rodgers. Implication of translocated fishes in the apparent extinction in the wild of the lake Eacham rainbow fish, Melanotaenia eachamensis. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res., 38: 897-902 (1987).

(Clark and Alexander, 1985)

Clark, R. D. and G. R. Alexander. Effects of a slotted size limit on the brown trout fishery, Sable River, Michigan, pp. 74-84. In: Wild Trout HI: Proceedings of the Symposium. (Richardson F.and R . H. Hamre, Eds.) Vienna, VA: Federation of Fly Fishers and Trout Unlimited (1985).


Illustrations submitted (line drawings, halftones, photos, photomicrographs, etc.) should be clean originals or digital files. Digital files are recommended for highest quality reproductions and should follow these guidelines: 300 dpi or higher, sized to fit on journal page, EPS, TIF, or PSD format only, and submitted as separate files, not embedded in text files.
Electronic Artwork: Make sure you use uniform lettering and sizing in your original artwork. Save text in illustrations as 'graphics' or enclose the font. Only use the following font in your illustrations: Arial. Number the illustrations according to their sequence in the text. When labeling composite figures, please label as A, B, C, etc., in Arial font, positioned on the upper left corner, on the panel whenever possible. Please do not include any periods, parentheses, etc., in the panel label. Use a logical naming convention for your artwork files. Provide captions to illustrations separately. Produce images near to the desired size of the printed version (approximately 3.5” for one column or 7.25” for the whole page). Submit each figure as a separate file. Extra frames and boxes around figures should be eliminated. Please include only X and Y (and Z if applicable) axes; background lines on figures should only be included when absolutely necessary. Legend material and explanations of symbols, etc., should be on the panel, not hanging off to the side of the figure; no frame is necessary. If this material does not fit on the panel, it should be included in the actual figure legend. Submitting figures as they are printed from Excel or other spread sheets is not acceptable formatting for publication.

Color Reproduction. Color art will be reproduced in color in the online publication at no additional cost to the author. Color illustrations will also be considered for print publication; however, the author will be required to bear the full cost involved in color art reproduction. Please note that color reprints can only be ordered if print reproduction costs are paid. Rates for color art reproduction are:

Print: $900 for the first page of color; $450 per page for the next three pages of color. A custom quote will be provided for articles with more than 4 pages of color. The publisher has the right to refuse publication of color prints deemed unacceptable.

Tables and Figures.

Tables and figures should not be embedded in the text, but should be included as separate pages or files. A short descriptive title should appear above each table with a clear legend, and any footnotes suitably identified below. All units must be included. Figures should be completely labeled, taking into account necessary size reduction. Figure legends should be typed, double-spaced, on a separate page. All original figures should be clearly marked in pencil on the reverse side with the number, author’s name and top edge indicated.

Formulas and equations.
Empirical and structural formulas and mathematical and chemical equations should be arranged to adequately fill the width of a single or double column. Subscripts and especially superscripts should be written with care and exponents should be set up in a single line. All signs such as+−= <> should be spaced, but the components of mathematical products should not be spaced. Organic structural formulas should be submitted as copy suitable for direct photographic reproduction. Do not use structures when a simple formula will suffice. Do not use multiple lines unnecessarily. It is important in avoiding errors that all formula matter be carefully arranged and executed (preferably typewritten) with special attention to correctness of symbols, location of subscripts, superscripts, and electric charges, and the placing and close join-up of single and multiple bond lines. Use a copy of the structure in the text at the point of proper citation, but when originals are provided, group these at the end of the manuscript. All furnished art must be complete. Compound numbers and other material to appear in the copy should be lettered, not typewritten. This material will not be added to original art.

Complimentary Policy and Reprints. Authors for whom we receive a valid email address will be provided an opportunity to purchase reprints of individual articles, or copies of the complete print issue.  These authors will also be given complimentary access to their final article on Taylor & Francis Online.  
Open access.  Taylor & Francis Open Select provides authors or their research sponsors and funders with the option of paying a publishing fee and thereby making an article permanently available for free online access – open access – immediately on publication to anyone, anywhere, at any time. This option is made available once an article has been accepted in peer review. Full details of our Open Access program
Author Services
Visit our Author Services website for further resources and guides to the complete publication process and beyond.

Editorial Board

Sandra E. Shumway
University of Connecticut
Groton, Connecticut

Editorial Advisory Board
Robert Anderson - Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Solomons, MD
Claude E. Boyd - Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquaculture, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
David V. Fairclough - Senior Research Scientist, Department of Fisheries, Western Australia
Kevin Fitzsimmons - Environmental Research Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Ronald Hardy - University of Idaho, Hagerman, Idaho
Joan Holt - The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
John Kraeuter - Marine Science Center, University of New England, Biddeford, ME
Kai Lorenzen -
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Kevan Main - Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, FL
Mary J. Nickum - Fountain Hills, AZ
G. Jay Parsons - Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada
Will Patterson - Dauphin Island Sea lab, University of South Alabama, Dauphin Island, AL
Patrick Sorgeloos - State University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium
Robert R. Stickney - College Station, TX
Kevin Stokesbury - School for Marine Science and Technology, University of Massachusetts, New Bedford, MA
Greg Stunz - Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi, TX
Wagner Valenti  - Sao Paulo State University – UNESP, Brazil


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