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出版频率:Continuous publication
变更情况:Newly Added by 2014

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims and scope of journal

As an international peer reviewed journal, the mission of Emerging Microbes & Infections (EMI) is to provide a new integrated forum to allow for the timely dissemination of large amount of information gathered about microbes and infections, especially ones associated with increasing biological and clinical significance and pathogenic frequency. The sheer volume and complexity of such information has gone beyond the scale and scope of existing specialty journals, and thus EMI is committed to bridging the gap between scientific communities in developed and developing countries where most of the emerging microbes and infections have occurred in recent years. EMI will cover relevant topics of critical biological and clinical value including, but not limited to: epidemic surveillance; clinical manifestation; diagnosis and management; cellular and molecular pathogenesis; innate and acquired immune responses between emerging microbes and their hosts; drug discovery, and vaccine development. EMI will serve microbiologists, clinicians, public health workers, drug and vaccine developers, as well as policy makers by providing them with updated knowledge encompassing microbes and infections emerging in different countries and regions throughout the world.

The journal publishes Original Articles, Reviews, Editorials, Case Reports, News and Views, Letters to the Editor and Research Summaries pertaining to all areas of emerging microbes and infectious diseases, including but not limited to:

  • Viruses and Viral Diseases
  • Bacteria and Bacterial Diseases
  • Anti-microbial Immunology (Innate and Acquired)
  • Vaccines
  • Antimicrobials and Drug Resistance
  • Diagnostics
  • Clinical Practice
  • Epidemiology and Public Health

Impact Factor

EMI is in the process applying for listing by ISI-Thomson Reuters for an Impact Factor.

Abstracted/indexed in

Biological Abstracts
BIOSIS Previews
Google Scholar
Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition
PubMed Central
Science Citation Index Expanded


The ISSN (online) number for Emerging Microbes & Infections is 2222-1751.

Instructions to Authors

Did you know?

  • That Emerging Microbes & Infections is an online, open access journal.
  • That Emerging Microbes & Infections offers professionally written Research Summaries that provide an easily understood synopsis of the work and will accompany many of the articles published in the Journal.
  • That the millions of users of nature.com can now sign up for an e-mail copy of the table of contents for the Emerging Microbes & Infections issue in which your article is published.
  • That an academic journal like Emerging Microbes & Infections hosted on nature.com has on average over 50,000 page views on their web site per month.

Submitting an article

To read about how to prepare your article, please click on Instructions for Authors. If you are ready to submit an article please click on Online Submission.


Benefits of publishing with EMI

Emerging Microbes & Infections (EMI) is committed to publishing high quality, independently peer-reviewed research and review material.

The purpose of EMI is to provide a forum to publish a wide range of scientific reports related to emerging infectious diseases, especially with new information from developing countries where such diseases are constantly arising and being discovered regularly. It will report discoveries of emerging microbes (bacteria, viruses, fungi and other pathogens) including their previously unknown phenotypic or genotypic characteristics, as well as cutting edge information associated with microbial mechanisms of pathogenesis, immune evasion and protection, clinical presentation and outcome, drug efficacy and its resistance, epidemiology and other issues important to global health.

The journal is published in partnership with Nature Publishing Group (NPG), which uses pioneering technologies, innovative formats and world class production to provide premium information for scientific researchers in the public and private sectors, government agencies and educators.

A key strength of NPG is its close relationship with the scientific community. Working closely with scientists, listening to what they say, and always placing emphasis on quality rather than quantity, has made NPG the leading scientific publisher at finding innovative solutions to scientists' information needs, both for the Nature-branded publications and those published on behalf of society partners, including EMi.

Publishing with Emerging Microbes & Infections and NPG provides an author with a wide range of benefits:

Open access

As an open access journal, Emerging Microbes & Infections content is freely available to all researchers worldwide ensuring maximum dissemination. Content is published online on a weekly basis to provide timely communication to the community and keep publication times to a minimum.

Authors of accepted manuscripts are charged an article-processing fee dependent upon article type and licence chosen. Please see the journal's Instructions to Authors for full price listing.

Research Summaries

NPG is committed to broadening the accessibility of research papers and reviews to as many readers as possible, thereby facilitating the widest dissemination of knowledge. To this end, NPG is introducing Research Summaries to EMI. A Research Summary is a professionally written, 100-150 word synopsis of a selected article that succinctly provides information to the reader about the aims, main outcomes and significant conclusions of the article. Published under a Creative Commons license, authors and others will be able to re-use, re-post, host and email Research Summaries to highlight the value of their work.

Creative Commons License

Emerging Microbes & Infections articles are published either under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License, a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License, or a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence at the free choice of the authors. The latter license permits derivative works, even commercially. More information about license choice can be found on the Open Access page.

Online submission - reducing publication times

Emerging Microbes & Infections has adopted NPG's online submission system, which allows authors to submit papers via the Web. This system speeds up the submission and refereeing process, and allows you to view the status of your paper online.


Authors who choose to publish in any NPG journal can be assured that its staff's publishing, editorial and production skills are committed to maintaining the highest possible quality and standards.

Regular free e-mail alerts

Content published in Emerging Microbes & Infections has the potential to reach scientists around the world who have signed up for NPG's free table of contents e-alerts, ensuring additional exposure for authors. These e-alerts will inform recipients of the articles published in the journal on a monthly basis and allow them to click through and read the full text. To sign up click here.

Focused subject areas on nature.com

From immunology to physics, genetics to materials, subject-specific areas provide a focused environment for readers, providing a monthly updated focus for a particular field.

Abstracting and indexing

Extensive reference linking to MEDLINE, ISI, Chemport and others via services such as Crossref and DOI numbers provide seamless online linking between articles and databases.

Media coverage

The Nature press office provides information about exceptionally interesting papers published throughout NPG. More than 2,000 journalists and media organizations worldwide subscribe to the press service, ensuring that papers receive maximum exposure in the world's most important media channels including newspapers, magazines, radio and television.

Editorial Board



Yu-Mei Wen


Yu-Mei Wen MD is founder and professor of Institute of Medical Microbiology, Fudan University, China and Professor of Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Virology, Ministry of Education/Ministry of Health. Her research interests are in molecular virology and immunology of hepatitis B virus, and in microbial functional genomic studies. She is one of the pioneers in developing therapeutic vaccine for chronic hepatitis B patients. Prof. Wen graduated from Shanghai Medical University and has been a WHO fellow at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and Fogarty visiting scholar at NIAID, National Institutes of Health, USA. She has published 240 articles home and abroad, and has edited and co-edited 8 books, including Viral Hepatitis in China-Problems and Control Strategies (Karger publisher, 1992) and recent works on micorbes and infections in China (World Scientific Publisher, 2010). She was acting editor of Archives of Virology (2008-2011) and has served as reviewer for PloS One, J Med Virology, Vaccine etc.

Hans-Dieter Klenk


Hans-Dieter Klenk received his M.D. from the University of Cologne in 1964 and a degree in biochemistry from the University of Tübingen in 1967. From 1967 to 1970 he was a postdoctoral fellow with Dr. P.W. Choppin at the Rockefeller University in New York. From 1970 to 1985 he held several positions at the Institute of Virology of the University of Giessen. From 1985 to 2007 he was Professor of Virology and Head of the Department of Virology of the University of Marburg where he is now Professor emeritus. His research has focused on the structure and function of enveloped viruses (influenza viruses, paramyxoviruses, filoviruses) with special emphasis on the role of viral glycoproteins and RNA polymerase in the infection process, in pathogenesis and in interspezies transmission. He is author of more than 400 scientific publications.

Shan Lu


Shan Lu, MD, PhD, MHA, is a physician scientist and a leader in novel vaccine research including vaccines against emerging infectious diseases. Currently he is Head of Laboratory of Nucleic Acid Vaccines and professor of Departments of Medicine, Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS), Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. He is also UMMS' co-director of Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) and Associate Director of Medicine Residency Program. He holds adjunct faculty appointment at several Chinese academic institutions and is an Executive Board member of China AIDS Vaccine Initiative (CAVI). He is the current president of International Society for Vaccines (ISV) and served as the co-chair for the 2nd to 6th Vaccine and ISV Annual Global Congresses. Dr. Lu's research focuses on the induction of protective antibody responses by novel vaccination strategies with funding support from the US NIH and the Gates Foundation. His team conducted world's first DNA prime-protein boost HIV-1 vaccine clinical trial and elicited cross-reactive neutralizing antibody responses in humans - a major progress in AIDS vaccine development.

Associate Editors

Babiuk, Lorne A. (University of Alberta, Edmonton)
Tang, Yiwei (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York)
Xu, Jianguo (Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing)
Yuan, Zhenghong (Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai)
Zhang, Wenhong (Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai)
García-Sastre, Adolfo (Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York)

Editorial Board

Ahmed, Niyaz (University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad)
Ascione, Richard (George Town University, Washington)
Bertoletti, Antonio (Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences, Singapore)
Block, Timothy M. (Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia)
Chen, Hualan (Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin)
Chen, Li (Shanghai Medical School, Fudan University, Shanghai)
Chen, Pei-Jer (National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Taipei)
Chen, Zhi (Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou)
Chow, Vincent T. K. (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Clemens, John D. (International Vaccine Institute, World Health Organization, Seoul)
Cozzone, Alain-Jean (Institute of Biology and Biochemistry of Proteins, Lyon)
Danchin, Antoine (Institut Pasteur in France, Paris)
Dong, Xiaoping (Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing)
Fan, Hung Y. (University of California, Irvine)
Feitelson, Mark (Temple University, Philadelphia)
Gao, George F. (Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing)
Gao, Qian (Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai)
Hanekom, Willem A. (University of Cape Town, Cape Town)
Ho, Pak Leung (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Hollinger, F. Blaine (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston)
Hou, Jinling (Southern Medical University, Guangzhou)
Howard, Colin R. (University of London, London)
Hsueh, Po-Ren (National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Taipei)
Hu, Jianming (Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey)
Huang, Rui (Medical College of Soochow University, Suzhou)
Jiang, Shibo (Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai)
Jilbert, Allison (University of Adelaide, Adelaide)
Jin, Qi (Chinese Academy Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing)
Kan, Biao (Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing)
Lam, Sai Kit (University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur)
Li, Dexin (Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing)
Lin, Xu (Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou)
Ling, Thomas K. W. (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Liu, Lihong (The National Veterinary Institute (SVA), Uppsala)
Liu, Margaret A. (International Vaccine Institute, Seoul)
Locarnini, Stephen A. (Victorian Infectious Disease Reference Laboratory, Melborne)
Lowrie, Douglas B. (Shanghai Medical Collge, Fudan University, Shanghai)
Lu, Hongzhou (Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai)
Meng, Xiang-Jin (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg)
Misael, Uribe E. (Medica Sur Clinic and Foundation, Mexico city)
Mizrahi, Valerie (University of Cape Town, Cape Town)
Nagai, Yoshiyuki (RIKEN Center of Research Network for Infectious Diseases, Tokyo)
Pavlakis, George N. (National Cancer Institute/National Institutes of Health, Frederick)
Qi, Zhongtian (Second Military Medical University, Shanghai)
Qian, Yuan (Capital Institute of Pediatrics, Beijing)
Qin, Zhihai (Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing)
Qu, Di (Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai)
Roggendorf, Michael (Institute for Virology, Essen)
Schoolnik, Gary K. (Stanford University, Stanford)
Shao, Yiming (Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing)
Shieh, Wun-Ju (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta)
Shih, James Wai Kuo (Xiamen University, Xiamen)
Siber, George R. (Wyeth Lederle Vaccines, New York)
Song, Jae-Hoon (Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul)
Sun, Bin (Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai)
Sun, Ren (UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles)
Takata, Tohru (Fukuoka University School of Medicine, Fukuoka)
Wahren, Britta (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm)
Wang, Bin (Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai)
Wang, Fu-Sheng (PLA 302 Hospital of Infectious Diseases, Beijing)
Wang, Hui (Peking University People's Hosptial, Beijing)
Wang, Minggui (Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai)
Wang, Xuanyi (Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai)
Wang, Yu (Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing)
Weiner, David B. (University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia)
Wu, Li (The Ohio State University, Columbus)
Xie, Qing (Ruijin Houpital, Jiaotong University, Shanghai)
Xie, Youhua (Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai)
Xu, Jianqing (Shanghai Medical Collge, Fudan University, Shanghai)
Xu, Zhikai (The Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an)
Xu, Zhiyi (Fudan University, Shanghai)
Yam, Wing Cheong (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Yang, Dongliang (Tongji Hospital of Tongji Medical College, Wuhan)
Yuen, Kwok-Yung (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Zhang, Jingren (Tsinghua University, Beijing)
Zhang, Linqi (Tsinghua University, Beijing)
Zhang, Xinxin (Ruijin Hospital, Jiaotong University, Shanghai)
Zhang, Ying (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore)
Zhong, Jin (Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai)
Zhou, Daoguo (Purdue University, West Lafayette)

Editorial Offices

The EMI editorial office
56 Shuidian Road
Hong Kou District
Shanghai 200083
Tel: +86 21 5638 8760
Fax: +86 21 5638 8758
E-mail: editorial@emi2012.org


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