

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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变更情况:Newly Added by 2014

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Fossil Record (FR)

Chief Editors:
Martin Aberhan, Dieter Korn & Florian Witzmann

Open Access – Personalized Copyright under a Creative Commons License – Article-Level Metrics – Moderate Article Processing Charges


Journal Subject Areas

The journal subject areas are defined by the following index terms below.

Taxonomy and biodiversity

  • Palaeozoology
  • Palaeobotany
  • Micropalaeontology
  • Taxonomic diversity
  • Morphological disparity

Evolution and phylogeny

  • Evolution and development
  • Functional morphology
  • Constructional morphology
  • Diversity dynamic
  • Phylogenetic analysis


  • Land
  • Coastal Ocean
  • Shelf and open Ocean
  • Stable Isotopes & other tracers
  • Organic biogeochemistry
  • Biomineralization

Earth System Science and Global Change

  • Models, Earth History
  • Climate Change
  • Evolution of System Earth
  • Biostratigraphy

Article Processing Charges (APCs)

Fossil Record is committed to the Open Access model of publishing. This ensures free web access to the results of research and maximum visibility for published papers. However, it requires the author or a supporting institution to pay the costs of the review process, typesetting, web publication and long term archiving. These article processing charges are categorized according to the submitted material.

Price per Page Description
Category 1 €50 net LaTeX submissions using the Copernicus Publications LaTeX Package
Category 2 €55 net WORD submissions using the Copernicus Publications WORD Template
Category 3 €60 net LaTeX submissions causing higher expenditure of work due to any LaTeX style and/or difficulties with tables/figures
Category 4 €65 net WORD submissions causing higher expenditure of work due to any WORD style and/or difficulties with tables/figures
Copy-Editing for English (Details) is included in the article processing charges

The original manuscript follows the guidelines according to Category 1. The typeset paper shows an amount of 10 pages in the journal style, calculated with €50 net per page = €500 + 19% VAT.

What is included in the Article Processing Charges?

  • All online tools for authors and reviewers;
  • Professional processing of figures and movies;
  • Typesetting, editing and formatting in PDFLaTeX;
  • English language copy-editing;
  • Immediate Open Access publication of each article;
  • Article alert service;
  • Inclusion in the Copernicus Online Library;
  • Indexing in international scientific databases and reference services;
  • Long-term e-archiving via Portico and CLOCKSS as well as printed archiving via copyright libraries worldwide.

Editorial Support
editorial@copernicus.org | Phone +49 551 90 03 39 40

Natascha Töpfer

Editorial Support
Team Coordinator
Phone +49 551 90 03 39 40

Anna Mirena Feist-Polner

Editorial Support
Phone +49 551 90 03 39 41

Svenja Lange

Editorial Support
Phone +49 551 90 03 39 42

Anna Wenzel

Editorial Support
Phone +49 551 90 03 39 43
production@copernicus.org | Phone +49 551 90 03 39 50

Anja Krzykowski

Team Coordinator
Phone +49 551 90 03 39 50

Sarah Otto

Team Coordinator
Phone +49 551 90 03 39 58
Image Processing
image.processing@copernicus.org | Phone +49 551 90 03 39 58

Sarah Otto

Image Processing
Team Coordinator
Phone +49 551 90 03 39 58
copy-editing@copernicus.org| Phone +49 551 90 03 39 80

Meredith Gunnells

Team Coordinator
Phone +49 551 90 03 39 80
Accounting | Subscription
accounting@copernicus.org | Phone +49 551 90 03 39 16

Nicole Stapf

Team Coordinator
Phone +49 551 90 03 39 16

Further contacts of editorial, production, and accounting staff members are provided on the Copernicus Publications Website.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Types

The following types of manuscripts can be considered for peer-reviewed publication in Fossil Record (FR):

  • Research Articles report substantial and original scientific results within the journal scope.
  • Review Articles summarise the status of knowledge and outline future directions of research within the journal scope. Before preparing and submitting a review article, please contact an editor covering the relevant subject area and an executive editor.

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for Authors

The following sections provide guidelines for authors on how to compose their manuscript. Please follow these standards to ensure a smooth peer-review and production process.

Manuscript Composition 

For the review process a *.pdf file of the complete manuscript is required and the pages should be placed in the following order: title page, abstract, text, appendices, acknowledgements, references, tables and figures. All pages must be numbered consecutively and line numbers must be included.

  • Title Page: Title (concise but informative), author initials and last names, full institutional addresses of all authors, correspondence email for proofs.
  • Abstract: The abstract should be intelligible to the general reader without reference to the text. After a brief introduction of the topic, the summary recapitulates the key points of the article and mentions possible directions for prospective research. Reference citations should not be included in this section, unless urgently required, and abbreviations should not be included without explanations.
  • Sections: The headings of all sections, including introduction, results, discussions or summary must be numbered. Three levels of sectioning are allowed, e.g. 3, 3.1 and 3.1.1.
  • Footnotes: These should be avoided, as they tend to disrupt the flow of the text. If absolutely necessary, they should be numbered consecutively. Footnotes to tables should be marked by lowercase letters.
  • Author contribution: Authors are encouraged to add a section "Author contribution" before the acknowledgements in which the contributions of all co-authors are briefly described. Example: A. A. and B. B. designed the experiments and C. C. carried them out. D. D. developed the model code and performed the simulations. A. A. prepared the manuscript with contributions from all co-authors.
  • Appendices: These should be labelled with capital letters: Appendix A, Appendix B etc. Equations, figures and tables should be numbered as (A1), Fig B5 or Table C6, respectively.
  • Figures: It is important for the production process that separate figures are submitted. Composite figures containing multiple panels should be collected into one file before submission. The figures should be labelled correctly with Arabic numerals (e.g. fig01, fig02). They can be submitted in *.pdf, *.ps, *.eps, *.jpg, *.png, or *.tif format and should have a resolution of at least 150-300 dpi. The width should not be less than 8 cm. A legend should clarify all symbols used and should appear in the figure itself, rather than verbal explanations in the captions (e.g. "dashed line" or "open green circles").

    Tips for producing high-quality line graphics:

    1. The first choice should be vector graphics in *.eps or *.pdf format.
    2. If this is not possible, a bitmap image should be saved in a "non-lossy" format, e.g. *.png. A high resolution is recommended. It is always possible to reduce the size of the figure later.
    3. The *.jpg format should only be used for photos. It is not suitable for sharp edges. Note that it is not advisable to convert a *.jpg file back to *.png.
  • Figure captions: Each illustration should have a concise but descriptive caption. The abbreviations used in the figure must be defined, unless they are common abbreviations or have already been defined in the text. Figure captions should be included in the text file and not in the figure files.
  • Plot data: Authors are encouraged to put the data needed to create the plots, which are included in the manuscript, in a supplement to the published article (see below). Then, reviewers and readers are able to reproduce the plots.
  • Tables: Any tables should appear on separate sheets after the references and should be numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals. For the production of the accepted manuscript, they should be submitted as MS WORD or included in the LaTeX file. Tables submitted as a PDF or an image file cannot be processed. Tables should be self-explanatory and include a concise, yet sufficiently descriptive caption. Horizontal lines should normally only appear above and below the table, and as a separator between the head and the main body of the table. Vertical lines must be avoided.
  • Data sets: Authors are kindly asked to follow our data policy including the deposit of data that correspond to journal articles in reliable data repositories, the assignment of digital object identifiers, and the proper citation of a data set.
  • Supplementary material: Authors have the opportunity to submit supplementary material with their manuscript, such as plot data, movies, animations, highly detailed and specific technical information, such as computer programme code, user manuals, maps, very large images, etc. These files will receive a DOI (digital object identifier) and will be published online along with the article as *.zip archive (or single *.pdf file). As a supplement cover page including title, authors, and the correspondence email will be added to the supplement during publication, please avoid providing this information in the supplement. The overall file size of a supplement is limited to 50 MB. Authors of larger supplements are kindly asked to submit their files to a reliable data repository and to insert a link in the manuscript. Ideally, this linkage is realized through DOIs. The supplementary material shall contain only complementary information but no scientific interpretations or findings/messages that would go beyond the contents of the manuscript.
  • File size: Authors are kindly asked to find the best balance between the quality of figures and submitted material on the one hand, and a manageable file size on the other hand. Individual figures should not exceed 5 MB, and the overall size of all submitted files, excluding supplements, should not exceed 30 MB.
  • Evaluation Criteria: While preparing their manuscript, authors are kindly requested to consider the manuscript evaluation criteria to meet the quality standards and to reduce the peer review processing time.


Papers should make proper and sufficient reference to the relevant formal literature. Informal or so-called "grey" literature may only be referred to if there is no alternative from the formal literature. Works cited in a manuscript should be accepted for publication or published already. These references have to be listed alphabetically at the end of the manuscript under the first author's name. Works "submitted to", "in preparation", "in review", or only available as preprint should also be included in the reference list. Please do not use bold or italic writing for in-text citations or in the reference list.

Please supply the full author list with last name followed by initials. After the list of authors, the complete reference title needs to be named. Journal names are abbreviated according to the ISI Journal Title Abbreviations Index , followed by the volume number, the complete page numbers (first and last page) and the publication year. If the abbreviation of a journal name is not known, please use the full title. In addition to journal articles, all reference types are summarized together with examples in the Copernicus Publications Reference Types  list.

If there is more than one work by the same first author, his/her papers are listed in the following order: (1) single author papers (first author), followed by (2) co-author papers (first author and second author), and finally (3) team papers (first author et al.). Within these three categories the respective papers are then listed as follows:

  • Single author papers: chronologically, beginning with the oldest. If there is more than one paper in the same year, a letter (a, b, c) is added to the year, both in the in-text citation as well as in the reference list.
  • Co-author papers: first alphabetically according to the second author's last name, and then chronologically within each set of co-authors. If there is more than one paper in the same year per set of co-authors, a letter (a, b, c) is added to the year both in the in-text citation as well as in the reference list.
  • Team papers: first chronologically (beginning with the oldest), independent of the team author names, then alphabetically within each year according to the second (third, etc.) author. If there is more than one paper in the same year for a first author (independent of the team), a letter (a, b, c) is added to the year both in the in-text citation as well as in the reference list.

In terms of in-text citations, the order can be based on relevance, as well as chronological or alphabetical listing, depending on the author's preference.

Examples for Reference Sorting

In general, in-text citations can be displayed as "[…] Smith (2009) […]", or "[…] (Smith, 2009) […]".

Reference List Short Citation
Single author: chronologically
Smith, P.: …, 2009. Smith, 2009
Smith, P.: …, 2010a. Smith, 2010a
Smith, P.: …, 2010b. Smith, 2010b
Co-authors: alphabetically before chronologically
Smith, P. and Brown, P.: …, 2010. Smith and Brown, 2010
Smith, P. and Carter, T.: …, 2007. Smith and Carter, 2007
Smith, P. and Carter, T.: …, 2010a. Smith and Carter, 2010a
Smith, P. and Carter, T.: …, 2010b. Smith and Carter, 2010b
Smith, P. and Thomson, A.: …, 2005. Smith and Thomson, 2005
Team: chronologically before alphabetically
Smith, P., Thomson, A., and Carter, T.: …, 2006. Smith et al., 2006
Smith, P., Carter, T., and Hanson, M. B.: …, 2008a. Smith et al., 2008a
Smith, P., Carter, T., and Walter, N.: …, 2008b. Smith et al., 2008b
Smith, P., Carter, T., and Hanson, M. B.: …, 2009. Smith et al., 2009
Smith, P., Brown, P., and Walter, N.: …, 2010. Smith et al., 2010

Please do not use bold or italic writing in the reference list or for in-text citations.


Textual and Visual Conventions 

  • Mathematical Symbols and Formulae: In general, mathematical symbols are typeset in italics. The most notable exceptions are function names (e.g. sin, cos), chemical formulas and physical units, which are all typeset with the normal (upright) font. Matrices are printed in bold face, and vectors in bold face italics. A range of numbers should be specified as "a to b" or "a...b". The expression "a–b" is only acceptable in cases where no confusion with "a minus b" is possible.
  • Equations: These should be numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals in parentheses on the right-hand side, i.e. (1), (2), etc. If too long, split them accordingly. If there are chemical formulae included, i.e. reactions, please number them (R1), (R2), etc. When using WORD, the equation editor and not the graphic mode should be used under all circumstances.
  • Units: The metric system is mandatory and, wherever possible, SI units should be used. Also units in the denominator should be formatted with negative exponents, e.g. km h-1 instead of km/h.
  • Date and Time: 25 July 2007 (dd month yyyy), 15:17:02 (hh:mm:ss). Often it is necessary to specify the time if referring to local time or Universal Time Coordinated. This can be done by adding "LT" or "UTC", respectively.
  • Abbreviations and Acronyms: Equations should be referred to by the abbreviation "Eq." and the respective number in parentheses, e.g. "Eq. (14)". However, when the reference comes at the beginning of a sentence, the unabbreviated word "Equation" should be used, e.g.: "Equation (14) is very important for the results; however, Eq. (15) makes it clear that..." The abbreviations "Sect." and "Fig." should be used when they appear in running text and should be followed by a number unless they come at the beginning of a sentence, e.g.: "The results are depicted in Fig. 5. Figure 9 reveals that..." If acronyms or abbreviations are used throughout the article, they should be defined at first occurrence, e.g.: leaf area index (LAI), National Research Foundation (NRF). If these names or concepts are also mentioned in the abstract, they should be defined there as well.
  • Capitalization: In addition to proper nouns, capitalization of the first letter is applied for titles, section headings, figure and table captions but only for the first word. Abbreviations and expressions in the text such as Chap(s)., Fig(s)., Table(s), Eq(s)., Sect(s)., Paper, Theorem, etc. should always be capitalized when used with numbers, e.g., Fig. 3, Table 1, Paper III, Sect 2. The words figure(s), table(s), equation(s), theorem(s) in the text should not be capitalized when used without an accompanying number.
  • Non-English Words and Phrases: Foreign words that have not come into general use are italicized. Words, phrases and abbreviations referenced in the Webster's are not italicized. For example, et al., cf., e.g., a priori, in situ, bremsstrahlung, and eigenvalue should not be italicized or hyphenated.

Registration of Names and other Nomenclature Acts 

If authors describe taxa, the registration of any new names or other nomenclature acts in ZooBank is required prior to the online publication of the respective article. This registration is needed to comply with the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. The respective registration number and exact date of the registration have to be included in the article. For further information please visit the guidelines on the use of scientific names of animals for authors and editors.

Author's Response 

The author's response should be structured in a clear and easy to follow sequence: (1) comments from referees, (2) author's response, (3) author's changes in manuscript. Regarding author's changes, it is recommended to provide a marked-up manuscript version (track changes in Word, latexdiff in LaTeX) converted into *.pdf and combined with the author's response.

Manuscript Submission

First Steps

Before the actual submission of a manuscript to the Editorial Support for peer-review, you are kindly requested:

File Submission for Review Process

After the manuscript registration, you are kindly asked to upload those files which are necessary for the peer-review process. These are at least:

  • The abstract (title, authors, affiliations, abstract text, sample ) as *.pdf file;
  • The complete manuscript (abstract, text, tables, figures) as *.pdf file.

Other possible review files are:

  • Any supplementary material (if available) as *.zip archive or single *.pdf file. The overall file size of a supplement is limited to 50 MB. Authors of larger supplements are kindly asked to submit their files to a reliable data repository and to insert a link in the manuscript. Ideally, this linkage is realized through DOIs (digital object identifier);
  • The author's response in case of "minor" or "major" revisions, as one separate *.pdf file (indicating page and line numbers), structured in a clear and easy to follow sequence: (1) comments from referees, (2) author's response, (3) author's changes in manuscript. Regarding author's changes, it is recommended to provide a marked-up manuscript version (track changes in Word, latexdiff in LaTeX) converted into *.pdf and combined with the author's response.

File Submission for Production Process

After the acceptance of a manuscript, you will be informed by email and are kindly asked to complete the file upload for the publication production process. Then, please submit the following files:

  • The actual text followed by the table(s) and figure caption(s) prepared in the way as outlined in the Manuscript Preparation as one file in LaTeX (as *.tex file) or MS WORD format (as *.doc file);
  • All figures, numbered e.g. f01, f02, ..., f11, f01a, f01b, and prepared in the way as outlined in the Manuscript Preparation, as one *.zip archive (or other compressed formats). Possible figure formats are *.pdf, *.ps, *.eps, *.jpg, *.png, *.tif, and *.gif.

Remark on File Sizes

Authors are kindly asked to find the best balance between good quality of figures and submitted material on the one hand, and to keep the overall file size limited on the other hand. Individual figures should not exceed 5 MB, and the overall size of all submitted files excluding supplements should not exceed 30 MB.

Editorial Board

Chief Editors


Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Invalidenstraße 43
10115 Berlin


Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Invalidenstraße 43
10115 Berlin


Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Invalidenstraße 43
10115 Berlin

Advisory Board


Kansas University, Biodiversity Institute
United States


Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie, Forschungsstelle für Paläobotanik


University of Erlangen, Palaeontology, Department of Geography and Geosciences
Loewenichstraße 28
91054 Erlangen
Phone +49 (0)9131 85 26959


University of Zurich, Paläontologisches Institut und Museum
Karl Schmid-Strasse 4
CH-8006 Zurich


Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde
Rosenstein 1
70191 Stuttgart


Kansas University, Biodiversity Institute
United States


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