

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版频率:Continuous publication
变更情况:Newly Added by 2014

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

image of APL Materials

AIP Publishing congratulates Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano, and Shuji Nakamura on their receipt of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics

AIP Publishing congratulates this year’s Nobel Prize 2014 winners in Chemistry Eric Betzig, Stefan W. Hell, William E. Moerner

APL Materials is an open access journal featuring original research on significant topical issues within the field of materials science, including nanomaterials and nanostructures, electronic, magnetic & optical materials, organic materials, polymers, biomaterials, energy and environment materials, carbon & amorphous materials, and general functional materials. The journal emphasizes very high quality, timely work. Our vision is to be the foremost, rapid publication, high impact materials journal.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Editors' Biographical Information

APL Materials’ editorial team comprises prestigious international researchers who oversee the entire peer-review process. Their goal is to select only the best, most significant and most timely work for publication in the Journal.


Judith MacManus-Driscoll Professor Judith L. MacManus-Driscoll
University of Cambridge

Judith MacManus-Driscoll is a professor of materials science in the department of materials science and metallurgy of the University of Cambridge (UK). Her research focuses on the properties of complex oxide materials and nanostructures with wide-ranging functions. During the last 20 years of her career, she has published more than 250 papers in this area. She is a fellow of the American Physical Society and the Institute of Physics (UK), a member of the Materials Research Society, and a long-term visiting staff member at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Associate Editors

Chang-Beom EomChang-Beom Eom
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Chang-Beom Eom is a Harvey D. Spangler Distinguished Professor of Materials Science and Engineering (and Physics) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research focuses on epitaxial thin film heterostructures of complex oxides with an emphasis on understanding fundamental solid state phenomena and developing novel device applications. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society and of the Materials Research Society. Eom has authored over 280 publications.

Seunghun HongSeunghun Hong
Seoul National University

Seunghun Hong is a professor in the department of Physics as well as Biophysics and Chemical Biology at Seoul National University. He finished his BS and MS degrees in Physics at Seoul National University and, then, earned a MSEE degree in Electrical Engineering and a PhD in Physics at Purdue University. He did his postdoctoral research in Chemistry at Northwestern University. His major research topic is hybrid materials based on bio- and nano-structures. He published more than 120 papers in this research area. He is a fellow of the Korean Physical Society and a member of the Materials Research Society, the American Physical Society, and the American Chemical Society.

Brian LeRoyBrian LeRoy
University of Arizona

Brian LeRoy is an Associate Professor in the department of Physics at the University of Arizona (USA). He has obtained a PhD from Harvard University, working on the properties of semiconductor nanostructures. His current research focuses on the electronic and optical properties of graphene and carbon nanostructures. Dr LeRoy is a member of the American Physical Society and Materials Research Society.

Zhongfan LiuZhongfan Liu
Peking University

Zhongfan Liu is a Changjiang Chair professor of physical chemistry in the college of chemistry and molecular engineering of Peking University. He received his PhD from University of Tokyo and did his postdoctoral work at Institute for Molecular Science (IMS). His research focuses on low dimensional carbon materials and novel 2D atomic crystals targeting nanoelectronic and energy conversion devices with over 350 publications. He is a member of Chinese Academy of Sciences and a fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK).

Lukas Schmidt-MendeLukas Schmidt-Mende
University of Konstanz

Lukas Schmidt-Mende is full professor at the Department of Physics at the University of Konstanz, Germany, where he is leading the "Hybrid nanostructures" group. He has profound experience in organic, dye-sensitized and hybrid solar cells. After his studies of physics he did his Ph.D. in the Prof. Sir Richard Friends Optoelectronics group. Later he joined the group of Prof. Michael Grätzel to work on solid state dye-sensitized solar cells. Other stations of his carrier were in the Material Science Department, University of Cambridge, UK and the Dept. of physics at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich. His current research is concerned with nanostructured materials for energy conversion with focus on the device physics of organic and hybrid solar cells.

Zhongfan LiuYusuke Yamauchi
National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)

Yusuke Yamauchi received his bachelor’s degree in 2003, master’s degree in 2004, and Ph.D. in 2007 from Waseda University in Japan. After receiving the Ph.D., he joined National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) as a permanent staff. Now, he is leading the ‘Inorganic materials laboratory’. He concurrently serves as a project leader of Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) in Japan and visiting professors in several universities (Waseda University in Japan, Tianjin University in China). He has authored and co-authored over 200 refereed journal publications. His research field is based on inorganic materials science, including boundary research areas of materials chemistry, physical chemistry, chemical physics, and crystal engineering. His major interest is rational synthesis of novel functional nanostructures utilizing ‘self-assembly’

Editorial Advisory Board

William CarterWilliam Carter
HRL Laboratories, LLC

William Carter is Manager of the Architected Materials Department at HRL Laboratories, LLC. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Harvard University (1997). At HRL he leads a multidisciplinary research group focused on lightweight automotive and aerospace materials, micro-scale truss materials, thermal management, blast/impact protection, functional coatings, specialty polymers and adhesives. He is author or co-author of over 35 refereed journal articles, one book chapter and over 60 issued patents covering new materials and devices for automotive and aerospace applications. He is a member of the Materials Research Society and the American Physical Society.

Anthony K. CheethamAnthony K. Cheetham
University of Cambridge

Tony Cheetham was educated at Oxford and joined the chemistry faculty there in 1974. From 1991 he spent 16 years at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he was Director of the new Materials Research Laboratory and the International Center for Materials Research. Since 2007 he has been the Goldsmiths' Professor of Materials Science at the University of Cambridge. Cheetham is a Fellow of the Royal Society (1994) and several other academies. Awards for his work in the field of materials chemistry include the Somiya Award (IUMRS 2004), Leverhulme Medal (Royal Society 2008), Platinum Medal (IOM3 2011), and honorary doctorates from Versailles, St. Andrews, and Tumkur. He became Treasurer and Vice-President of the Royal Society in Nov 2012.

Meicheng LiMeicheng Li
North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China

Meicheng Li is a professor in the School of Renewable Energy at the North China Electric Power University. His current research topic is the New Energy Materials and Devices, focusing on the nanostructures of silicon, carbon and oxide etc., and the relative novel device applications in energy harvesting, conversion, and storage. He has published more than 130 papers, also served some academic conferences as the chair, track co-chair or session chair. He is an executive fellow of the China Energy Society, a member of the Materials Research Society, and senior member of Chinese Institute of Electronics.

Chung-Yuan MouChung-Yuan Mou
National Taiwan University, Tapei, Taiwan

Chung-Yuan Mou received his bachelor's degree from National Taiwan University (NTU) in 1970 and Ph.D. degree from Washington University, St Louis in 1975. He served as an associate professor at NTU from 1978 to 1982 and promoted to a professor in 1982. He is a deputy minister in National Science Council (Presently, Ministry of Science and Technology) from 2012 to 2014. Currently, he is a chair professor at Department of Chemistry at NTU. He has received numerous awards, including the 2002 Academic Achievement Award (Chinese Chemical Society), the 2006 Cozzarelli Prize (National Academy of Science, USA) and the 2013 TWAS Prize (World Academy of Sciences). His research interests have included statistical mechanics (Supercooled water), applications to nanoaperture molecular sieve, heterogeneous Catalysis, and biomedical applications of mesoporous silica.

Tae Won NohTae Won Noh
Seoul National University

Tae Won Noh is a professor in the department of physics and astronomy at the Seoul National University. He also works as a director of the Center for Functional Interfaces of Correlated Electron Systems, Institute for Basic Science, Korea. His research focuses on the transition metal oxides and other strongly correlated electron systems. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society and the Korean Physical Society, and a member of the Materials Research Society. He has published more than 340 papers.

Stuart S. P. Parkin
IBM Almaden Research Center, CA, USA

Dr. Parkin received his PhD in physics from the University of Cambridge (UK) in 1982 and joined IBM as a postdoctoral fellow, becoming a permanent member of the staff the following year. In 1999, he was named an IBM Fellow, IBM's highest technical honor. He is currently Manager of the Magnetoelectronics Group at the IBM Almaden Research Center, a consulting professor in the Department of Applied Physics at Stanford University, and the Director of the IBM‐Stanford Spintronic Science & Applications Center. His research interests have included organic superconductors, high‐temperature superconductors, and, most recently, magnetic thin-film structures, and spintronic materials and devices for advanced sensor, memory, and logic applications.

Frances RossFrances Ross
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center

Frances M. Ross received her B.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Cambridge University, UK, carried out postdoctoral research at A.T.&T. Bell Laboratories, and worked as a Staff Scientist at the National Center for Electron Microscopy, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, before joining IBM. Her research interests are based around the use of in situ microscopy techniques to study crystal growth and reactions in nanostructured materials. She has been awarded the UK Institute of Physics Charles Vernon Boys Medal, the MRS Outstanding Young Investigator Award and the MSA Burton Medal and is a Fellow of the APS, AAAS, MSA and MRS.

Gyu-Chul YiGyu-Chul Yi
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Gyu-Chul Yi is a professor in the Department of Physics at Seoul National University (SNU) and a director of National Research Center for Semiconductor Nanostructures. He received his Ph.D. degree from Northwestern University (USA) in 1997 and joined Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA) as a post-doctoral researcher. Before moving to SNU, he worked as an assistant and associate professor at POSTECH (Korea) from 1999 to 2009. His current research topics are fabrications and characterizations of semiconductor nanostructures and nanodevices. He has published more than 150 referred articles and several book chapters.


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