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主题范畴:SPORT SCIENCES;    China Journals
变更情况:Newly Added by 2014

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Impact fator:1.227
ISSN 2095-2546
EISSN 2213-2961
CN 31-2066/G8

The only SCI/SSCI indexed journal in sport and health science in China

Aims and Scopes
Journal of Sport and Health Science (JSHS), launched in May 2012, is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal dedicated to the advancement of sport/exercise/health sciences. By publishing original research studies, scholarly reviews, opinion papers, and research highlights/commentaries, JSHS aims to build a communication platform for international researchers to effectively share scholarly achievements.
With a distinguished editorial board, JSHS is dedicated to maintaining high academic standards, integrity, and excellence by publishing scholarly work of the highest quality in the sub-disciplines of sport/exercise/health sciences.

Fields of particular interest to the journal include (but not limited to): 
• Sport medicine 
• Sport and exercise physiology 
• Biomechanics 
• Sport and exercise psychology 
• Motor behavior 
• Sport and exercise biochemistry and nutrition 
• Coaching 
• Physical education 
• Public health promotion 
• Traditional Chinese sports and wellbeing 
• Growth and maturation

Indexing Services
Journal of Sport and Health Science (JSHS) has been indexed by SCI, SSCI, Scopus, EMBASE, and CSA.

Open Access
All articles published by JSHS are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication on both http://www.asiaandro.com/index.asp and http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/20952546.

Article Types
Contributions falling into the following categories will be considered for publication: Research Highlight, Commentary, Opinion, Review, Original article, Case Study, Letter to the Editor.

Please ensure that you select the appropriate article type from the list of options when making your submission. Authors contributing to special issues should ensure that they select the special issue article type from this list.

Research Highlight
Research Highlights are by invitation only and present short updates on new progress in the field of sport and health. They should be no more than 900 words.

Commentary articles comment on articles that have been published in JSHS. They should contain no more than 1000 words of text, one display item (figure or table) and a maximum of 20 references. Commentary articles do not contain an abstract.

Opinion pieces cover a wide variety of topics that are of current interest in sport and health and highlight their interaction with society. They may discuss policy, ethics, science or society and should be written in an accessible, non-technical style. They can be written with authority, color, vivacity and personal voice. Opinion pieces should be 1500 to 2500 words and should contain no more than 25 references. They do not contain primary research data, although they may present ‘sociological’ data (funding trends, demographics, bibliographic data, scientific and social development, etc.). Opinion pieces do not contain an abstract, and apart from keywords there is no obligation to divide the text into sections. In all other respects, the directions for full papers should be followed.

Review Articles survey recent developments in a topical area of sport and health. Reviews have a word limit of 6000 words including abstract but excluding references, tables and figures.

Original Article
Studies that are of high scientific quality and that are of interest to the diverse readership of the journal. Manuscripts should include an abstract and appropriate experimental details to support the conclusions. Original Articles should be no more than 5000 words and should not normally include more than six display items (tables and/or figures).

Case Studies
A Case Study should report on specific cases that are unique, exciting, and current to exercise and sport science, sports medicine, health, and other relevant fields of study. Case studies should make a distinct contribution to the scientific field and/or question existing paradigms. A case could be an individual or a community depending on the nature of the study. We expect most case studies to include an abstract, an introduction, a brief case report and a discussion.

Letter to the Editor
Letters to the Editor present preliminary reports of unusual urgency, significance and interest, whose subjects may be republished in expanded form. They should contain no more than 900 words of text, one display item (figure or table) and a maximum of 10 references. Letters to the Editor do not contain an abstract, and apart from keywords there is no obligation to divide the text into sections. In all other respects, the directions for full papers should be followed.

Ethical Guidelines
All materials must adhere to high ethical and animal welfare standards. Any use of animals must be based on ethological knowledge and respect for species-specific requirements for health and well-being. For investigations of human subjects, an appropriate institutional review board approved the project and the informed consent was obtained from the study participants.

For detailed information on Ethics in Publishing and Ethical guidelines for journal publication see http://www.elsevier.com/publishingethics and http://www.elsevier.com/ethicalguidelines

Contact us

Editorial Office

Address: Room 417, Information Building, 650 Qingyuanhuan Road, Shanghai 200438, China

Tel: +86-21-51253133, 51253135

Fax: +86-21-51253133

E-mail: jshs@sus.edu.cn

website: www.jshs.org.cn


Editorial Office Staff

Editorial Director: Qiang-Hui Ran

Vice-Editorial Director: Fang Bao

Science Editors: Hui Zhang; Wei Gao

Instructions to Authors
Download PDF version here


Aims and Scope

Journal of Sport and Health Science (JSHS) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal dedicated to the advancement of sport/exercise/health sciences. JSHS publishes original research, scholarly reviews, opinion papers, and research highlights / commentaries in exercise/sport science, physical education and sport coaching, health promotion, and traditional Chinese medicine. Through these features, JSHS aims to build a communication platform for international researchers to share scholarly achievements effectively. With the distinguished editorial board, JSHS will dedicate to high academic standards, integrity, and excellence by publishing scholarly work with highest quality in the following sub-disciplines of sport/exercise/health science.


Types of paper

Contributions falling into the following categories will be considered for publication: Research Highlight, Commentary, Opinion, Review, Original article, Case Study, Letter to the Editor.

Please ensure that you select the appropriate article type from the list of options when making your submission. Authors contributing to special issues should ensure that they select the special issue article type from this list.


Research Highlight

Research Highlights are by invitation only and present short updates on new progress in the field of sport and health. They should be no more than 900 words.



Commentary articles comment on articles that have been published in JSHS. They should contain no more than 1000 words of text, one display item (figure or table) and a maximum of 20 references. Commentary articles do not contain an abstract.



Opinion pieces cover a wide variety of topics that are of current interest in sport and health and highlight their interaction with society. They may discuss policy, ethics, science or society and should be written in an accessible, non-technical style. They can be written with authority, color, vivacity and personal voice. Opinion pieces should be 1500 to 2500 words and should contain no more than 25 references. They do not contain primary research data, although they may present ‘sociological’ data (funding trends, demographics, bibliographic data, scientific and social development, etc.). Opinion pieces do not contain an abstract, and apart from keywords there is no obligation to divide the text into sections. In all other respects, the directions for full papers should be followed.



Review Articles survey recent developments in a topical area of sport and health. Reviews have a word limit of 6000 words including abstract but excluding references, tables and figures.


Original Article

Studies that are of high scientific quality and that are of interest to the diverse readership of the journal. Manuscripts should include an abstract and appropriate experimental details to support the conclusions. Original Articles should be no more than 5000 words and should not normally include more than six display items (tables and/or figures).


Case Studies

A Case Study should report on specific cases that are unique, exciting, and current to exercise and sport science, sports medicine, health, and other relevant fields of study. Case studies should make a distinct contribution to the scientific field and/or question existing paradigms. A case could be an individual or a community depending on the nature of the study. We expect most case studies to include an abstract, an introduction, a brief case report and a discussion.


Letter to the Editor

Letters to the Editor present preliminary reports of unusual urgency, significance and interest, whose subjects may be republished in expanded form. They should contain no more than 900 words of text, one display item (figure or table) and a maximum of 10 references. Letters to the Editor do not contain an abstract, and apart from keywords there is no obligation to divide the

text into sections. In all other respects, the directions for full papers should be followed.


Before You Begin

Ethical requirement

All materials must adhere to high ethical and animal welfare standards. Any use of animals must be based on ethological knowledge and respect for species-specific requirements for health and well-being. For investigations of human subjects, an appropriate institutional review board approved the project and the informed consent was obtained from the study participants.

For detailed information on Ethics in Publishing and Ethical guidelines for journal publication see http://www.elsevier.com/publishingethics and http://www.elsevier. com/ethicalguidelines.


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Changes to authorship

This policy concerns the addition, deletion, or rearrangement of author names in the authorship of accepted manuscripts: Before the accepted manuscript is published in an online issue: Requests to add or remove an author, or to rearrange the author names, must be sent to the editorial office (jshs@sus.edu.cn) from the corresponding author of the accepted manuscript and must include: (a) the reason the name should be added or removed, or the author names rearranged and (b) written confirmation (e-mail, fax, letter) from all authors that they agree with the addition, removal or rearrangement. In the case of addition or removal of authors, this includes confirmation from the author being added or removed. Requests that are not sent by the corresponding author will be forwarded to the corresponding author, who must follow the procedure as described above. Note that: (1) The editorial office will inform the Journal Editors of any such requests and (2) publication of the accepted manuscript in an online issue is suspended until authorship has been agreed.

After the accepted manuscript is published in an online issue: Any requests to add, delete, or rearrange author names in an article published in an online issue will follow the same policies as noted above and result in a corrigendum.



Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to complete a “License to Publish”. Acceptance of the license will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information. An e-mail will be sent to the corresponding author confirming receipt of the manuscript together with a “License to Publish” form or a link to the online version of this license. Permission of the journal is required for resale or distribution outside the institution and for all other derivative works, including compilations and translations (please consult jshs@sus.edu.cn). If excerpts from other copyrighted works are included, the author(s) must obtain written permission from the copyright owners and credit the source(s) in the article.


Role of the funding source

You are requested to identify who provided financial support for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article and to briefly describe the role of the sponsor(s), if any, in study design; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the paper for publication. If the funding source(s) had no such involvement then this should be stated. Please see http://www.elsevier.com/funding.


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Submission to this journal proceeds totally online. Use the following guidelines to prepare your article. Via the homepage of this journal (http://www.jshs.org.cn) you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of the various files. After this, please consult the User Guide to enable you to submit your article through our secure server. Please be sure that your browser is set to accept cookies. Our tracking system requires cookies for proper operation. The system automatically converts source files to a single Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the article, which is used in the peer-review process. Please note that even though manuscript source files are converted to PDF at submission for the review process, these source files are needed for further processing after acceptance. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor’s decision and requests for revision, takes place by e-mail and via the author’s homepage, removing the need for a hard-copy paper trail. If you are unable to provide an electronic version, please contact the editorial office prior to submission (e-mail: jshs@sus.edu.cn; Tel: +86-21-51253133; Fax: +86-21-51253133).


Process for Manuscript Submission

Submitted manuscripts should be accompanied by a covering letter giving details of: 1) the title of the manuscript and its main point; 2) a statement that the manuscript has not been published in part or whole (except in the form of abstract) or is under consideration for publication elsewhere in any language; 3) a statement that all authors have agreed to be so listed and have seen and approved the manuscript, its consent and its submission to JSHS; 4) a full current postal address, telephone and fax numbers, and current e-mail address. We usually communicate with authors by e-mail. Authors must specify if they wish to exclude a method of communication. Authors may suggest 2-3 reviewers. Please provide the name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers, and fields of interest. Authors may also suggest that specific individuals not be involved as reviewers, but JSHS reserves the right of final selection.


Manuscript Status

Upon receipt of the manuscript, the JSHS Editorial Office will immediately assign a code number, which is strongly recommended for use in subsequent correspondence. A letter acknowledging receipt will be sent to the corresponding author. After being pre-reviewed by the editors, most of the submitted manuscripts will be sent to expert referees for peer-review. All manuscripts are subject to editorial modifications. JSHS disclaims any liability for statements made by authors or advertisers.


Additional Information

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Use of wordprocessing software

It is important that the file be saved in the native format of the wordprocessor used. The text should be in single-column format. Keep the layout of the text as simple as possible. Most formatting codes will be removed and replaced on processing the article. In particular, do not use the wordprocessor’s options to justify text or to hyphenate words. However, do use bold face, italics, subscripts, superscripts, etc. When preparing tables, if you are using a table grid, use only one grid for each individual table and not a grid for each row. If no grid is used,

use tabs, not spaces, to align columns. The electronic text should be prepared in a way very similar to that of conventional manuscripts. Note that source files of figures, tables and text graphics will be required whether or not you embed your figures in the text. See also the section on Electronic illustrations.

To avoid unnecessary errors you are strongly advised to use the “spell-check” and “grammar-check” functions of your wordprocessor.


Article structure

Subdivision - numbered sections

Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ...), 1.2, etc. (the abstract is not included in section numbering). Use this numbering also for internal cross-referencing: do not just refer to “the text”. Any subsection may be given a brief heading. Each heading should appear on its own separate line.



State the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.


Material and methods

Provide suffi cient detail to allow the work to be reproduced. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference: only relevant modifications should be described.



Results should be clear and concise.



This should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.



The main conclusions of the study may be presented in a short Conclusions section, which may stand alone or form a subsection of a Discussion or Results and Discussion section.



If there is more than one appendix, they should be identified as A, B, etc. Formulae and equations in appendices should be given separate numbering: Eq. (A.1), Eq. (A.2), etc.; in a subsequent appendix, Eq. (B.1) and so on. Similarly for tables and fi gures: Table A.1; Fig. A.1, etc.


Essential title page information

• Title. Concise and informative. Titles are often used in information-retrieval systems. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible.


• Author names and affiliations. Where the family name may be ambiguous (e.g., a double name), please indicate this clearly. Present the authors’ affiliation addresses (where the actual work was done) below the names. Indicate all affiliations with a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author’s name and in front of the appropriate address. Provide the full postal address of each affiliation, including the country name, and, if available, the e-mail address of each author.


• Corresponding author. Clearly indicate who will handle correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication, also post-publication. Ensure that telephone and fax numbers (with country and area code) are provided in addition to the e-mail address and the complete postal address. Contact details must be kept up to date by the corresponding author.


• Present/permanent address. If an author has moved since the work described in the article was done, or was visiting at the time, a “Present address” (or “Permanent address”) may be indicated as a footnote to that author’s name. The address at which the author actually did the work must be retained as the main, affiliation address. Superscript Arabic numerals are used for such footnotes.



A concise and factual abstract is required. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. An abstract is often presented separately from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. For this reason, References should be avoided, but if essential, then cite the author(s) and year(s). Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself.



Authors are invited to submit keywords associated with their paper.



Define abbreviations that are not standard in this field in a footnote to be placed on the first page of the article. Such abbreviations that are unavoidable in the abstract must be defined at their first mention there, as well as in the footnote. Ensure consistency of abbreviations throughout the article.



Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before

the references and do not, therefore, include them on the title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. List here those individuals who provided help during the research (e.g., providing language help, writing assistance or proof reading the article, etc.).


Nomenclature and units

Follow internationally accepted rules and conventions: use the international system of units (SI). If other quantities are mentioned, give their equivalent in SI. Authors wishing to present a table of nomenclature should do so on the second page of their manuscript.


Math formulae

Present simple formulae in the line of normal text where possible and use the solid us (/) instead of a horizontal line for small fractional terms, e.g., X/Y. In principle, variables are to be presented in italics. Powers of e are often more conveniently denoted by exp. Number consecutively any equations that have to be displayed separately from the text (if referred to explicitly in the text).



Footnotes should be used sparingly. Number them consecutively throughout the article, using superscript Arabic numbers. Many wordprocessors build footnotes into the text, and this feature may be used. Should this not be the case, indicate the position of footnotes in the text and present the footnotes themselves separately at the end of the article. Do not include footnotes in the Reference list.


Table footnotes

Indicate each footnote in a table with a superscript lowercase letter.



Electronic artwork

General points

• Make sure you use uniform lettering and sizing of your original artwork.

• Save text in illustrations as “graphics” or enclose the font.

• Only use the following fonts in your illustrations: Arial, Courier, Times, Symbol.

• Number the illustrations according to their sequence in the text.

• Use a logical naming convention for your artwork files.

• Provide captions to illustrations separately.

• Produce images near to the desired size of the printed version.

• Submit each figure as a separate file.

A detailed guide on electronic artwork is available on our website: http://www.elsevier.com/artworkinstructions

You are urged to visit this site; some excerpts from the detailed information are given here.



Regardless of the application used, when your electronic artwork is finalised, please “save as” or convert the images to one of the following formats (note the resolution requirements for line drawings, halftones, and line/halftone combinations given below): EPS: Vector drawings. Embed the font or save the text as “graphics”. TIFF: color or grayscale photographs (halftones): always use a minimum of 300 dpi. TIFF: Bitmapped line drawings: use a minimum of 1000 dpi. TIFF: Combinations bitmapped line/half-tone (color or grayscale): a minimum of 500 dpi is required. If your electronic artwork is created in a Microsoft Office application (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) then please supply “as is”.

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Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. Place footnotes to tables below the table body and indicate them with superscript lowercase letters. Avoid vertical rules. Be sparing in the use of tables and ensure that the data presented in tables do not duplicate results described elsewhere in the article.



Citation in text

Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Any references cited in the abstract must be given in full. Unpublished results and personal communications are not recommended in the reference list, but may be mentioned in the text. If these references are included in the reference list they should follow the standard reference style of the journal and should include a substitution of the publication date with either “Unpublished results” or “Personal communication”. Citation of a reference as “in press” implies that the item has been accepted for publication.


Web references

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References in a special issue

Please ensure that the words ‘this issue’ are added to any references in the list (and any citations in the text) to other articles in the same Special Issue.


Reference management software

This journal has standard templates available in key reference management packages EndNote (http://www.endnote.com/support/enstyles.asp) and Reference Manager (http://refman.com/support/rmstyles.asp). Using plugins to wordprocessing packages, authors only need to select the appropriate journal template when preparing their article and the list of references and citations to these will be formatted according to the journal style which is described below.


Reference style

Text: Indicate references by superscript numbers in the text. The actual authors can be referred to, but the reference number(s) must always be given.

List: Number the references in the list in the order in which they appear in the text.



Reference to a journal publication:

1. Van der Geer J, Hanraads JAJ, Lupton RA. The art of writing a scientific article. J Sci Commun 2000;163:51–9.


Reference to a book:

2. Plum F, Posner JB. The Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: FA Davis, 1980.p.123–33.


Reference to a chapter in an edited book:

3. Kurland LT. The epidemiologic characteristics of multiple sclerosis. In: Vinken PJ, Bruyn GW, editors. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol 9: Multiple Sclerosis and Other Demyelinating Diseases. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing, 1970.p.63–84.


Note shortened form for last page number. e.g., 51–9, and that for more than 6 authors the first 6 should be listed followed by ‘et al.’ For further details you are referred to “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals” (J Am Med Assoc 1997;277:927–34), see also http://www.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/serials/terms_cond.html


Journal abbreviations source

Journal names should be abbreviated according to

Index Medicus journal abbreviations: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/serials/lji.html;

List of title word abbreviations: http://www.issn.org/2-22661-LTWA-online.php;

CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service): http://www.cas.org/sent.html.


Submission checklist

The following list will be useful during the final checking of an article prior to sending it to the journal for review. Please consult this Guide for Authors for further details of any item.

Ensure that the following items are present:

One Author designated as corresponding Author:

• E-mail address

• Full postal address

• Telephone and fax numbers All necessary fi les have been uploaded

• Keywords

• All figure captions

• All tables (including title, description, footnotes) Further considerations

• Manuscript has been “spell-checked” and “grammar-checked”

• References are in the correct format for this journal

• All references mentioned in the Reference list are cited in the text, and vice versa

• Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Web)

• Color figures are clearly marked as being intended for color reproduction on the Web (free of charge) and in print or to be reproduced in color on the Web (free of charge) and in black-and-white in print

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When you use the DOI to create URL hyperlinks to documents on the web, they are guaranteed never to change.



One set of page proofs (as PDF files) will be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author or, a link will be provided in the e-mail so that authors can download the fi les themselves. Elsevier now provides authors with PDF proofs which can be annotated; for this you will need to download Adobe Reader version 7 (or higher) available free from http://get.adobe.com/reader.

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Author Inquiries

For inquiries relating to the submission of articles (including electronic submission) please visit this journal’s homepage (http://www.jshs.org.cn). Contact details for questions arising after acceptance of an article, especially those relating to proofs, will be provided by the Editorial Office. You can track accepted articles at http://www.elsevier.com/trackarticle. You can also check our Author FAQs (http://www.elsevier.com/author-FAQ) and/or contact Customer Support via http://support.elsevier.com.


Page Charge and Color Charge

In 2014, we are waiving all fees for authors, including page charge, cost for color photos and cover images.


Instructions to Authors
Instructions for Authors_20140429.pdf

Editorial Board

Jian-Cheng Zhang, China

Professor, Past president of Shanghai University of Sport, Executive director of China Sport Science Society,vice chairman of sports psychology of China Sport Science Society, chairman of sports industry of China Sport Science Society

Research interests: Motor skill control and learning, Sports psychology training and regulation, Psychological effects of physical exercise

Walter Herzog, Canada

Professor, Co-Director, Human Performance Laboratory, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary, Past president of International Society of Biomechanics(2009-2011)

Research interests: Neuro-biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system

Deputy Editors-in-Chief

Pei-Jie Chen, China

Professor, President of Shanghai University of Sport, Director of China Sport Science Society, vice chairman of sports medicine of China Sport Science Society, vice chairman of sports physiology and biochemistry of China Sport Science Society

Research interests: Exercise immunology, Health promotion

Izumi Tabata, Japan

Professor, Dean, Faculty of Sport and Health Science, Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu, Japan

Research interests: Physical activity, Exercise, Lifestyle related diseases, training, Energy metabolism, Cancer, Dietary reference intake, Skeletal muscle, Mitochondria, Maximal oxygen uptake.

Qiang-Hui Ran, China

Professor, Deputy Director of Research department, Director of Periodical Press, Shanghai University of Sport, Member of the standing committee of Association of Sports information of China Sport Science Society

Research interests: Sport Information and Communication

Yu Liu, China

Professor and Dean, School of Kinesiology, Shanghai University of Sport, Member of the standing committee of Association of Sports Biomechanics of China Sport Science Society

Research interests: Neuromotor control of human movement, Biomechanics of sports injury


Neil Armstrong, UK

Professor of Paediatric Physiology, Vice-President and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Exeter

Research interests: Paediatric exercise and medicine


Chetwyn Chan, Hong Kong, China

Associate Vice President, Chair Professor of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China

Research interests: Applied cognitive neuroscience; Attention and mental workload; Human and computer interface; Workers' compensation and return to work; Evidence based practice and clinical program evaluation

Ang Chen, USA

Professor, Department of Kinesiology, School of Health & Human Sciences, University of North Carolina - Greensboro

Research interests: Pedagogical studies in kinesiology

Sulin Cheng, Finland

Professor, Health Science and Technology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Research interests: Anatomy, Public health, Nutrition, Physiology, Genetics, Physics and biomedicine


J. Larry Durstine, USA

Professor, Department of Exercise Science, Director of Clinical Exercise Programs University of South Carolina

Research interests: Lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, Exercise management for chronic diseases and disabilities physical activity, Physical fitness and health, Cardiac rehabilitation

Robert Ferrari, Canada

Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Alberta

Research interests: Whiplash, Chronic pain, Rheumatology


Albert Gollhofer, Germany

Professor, Director of Institute of Sport and Sport Science, University of Freiburg; Past President of European College of Sport Science

Research interests: Neurophysiology


Scott E. Gordon, USA

Professor and chairperson, Department of Kinesiology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Research interests: Physiology, Molecular biology


Li Li Ji, USA

Director and Professor, School of Kinesiology, University of Minnesota

Research interests: Exercise physiology, Biochemistry, Nutrition

Fuzhong LiUSA

PhD, Senior Scientist at the Oregon Research Institute (ORI).

Research interests: Falls prevention for the elderly, exercise training on balance, postural control, and mobility for people with movement disorder, research-to-practice translational research, and built environment influences on obesity and physical activity


Guo-Ping Li, China

Professor, Director of Institute of Sports Medicine, General Administration of Sport of China, Vice Chairman of China Sport Science Society, chairman of sports medicine of China Sport Science Society

Research interests: Mechanism of sports injuries


Jing-Xian Li, Canada

Associate Professor, School of Human Kinetics, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada

Research interests: Biomechanics of Tai Chi movements and the effects of Tai Chi, exercise intervention on mobility and postural stability, Locomotion performance and mobility in obese people, Dynamic postural stability during walking with load carriage, Biomechanics of foot and shoes and injury prevention


Li Li, USA

Professor, Department of Health and Kinesiology, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, USA

Research interests: Gait and Balance of patients with Peripheral Neuropathy; The dynamics and neuromuscular control of human gait transition; Locomotion stability and variability with different age groups

Rena LiUSA

Senior Scientist and Director, Center for Hormone Advanced Science and Education (CHASE), Roskamp Institute, Sarasota, FL USA

Research interests: Molecular neuroendocrinology

Arnold G Nelson, USA

Professor, Department of Kinesiology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge

Research interests: A leading researcher on flexibility, how stretching affects muscle performance, exercise metabolism

David C. Nieman, USA

Director, Human Performance Laboratory, North Carolina Research Campus (Kannapolis, NC); Professor, Appalachian State University (Boone, NC); President of International Society of Exercise and Immunology.

Research interests: Exercise immunology, Sports nutrition, Obesity, Aging, Nutritional assessment

David C. Nieman, USA

Director, Human Performance Laboratory, North Carolina Research Campus (Kannapolis, NC); Professor, Appalachian State University (Boone, NC); President of International Society of Exercise and Immunology.

Research interests: Exercise immunology, Sports nutrition, Obesity, Aging, Nutritional assessment


Ling Qin, Hong Kong, China

Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Hong Kong Chinese University School of Medicine

Director, Musculoskeletal Research Laboratory, Hong Kong Chinese University

Research interests: Bone mineral density and morphology analysis and evaluation, Morphology and metrology, Tissue biomechanics

Wolfgang I. Schoellhorn, Germany

Professor, Faculty for Social Sciences, Media and Sports, Institute for Training and Movement
Science, University of Mainz

Research interests: Recognition of complex movement patterns, Practical consequences of specific movement structures

Wolfgang I. Schoellhorn, Germany

Professor, Faculty for Social Sciences, Media and Sports, Institute for Training and Movement
Science, University of Mainz

Research interests: Recognition of complex movement patterns, Practical consequences of specific movement structures

Ying Wu, China

Professor, Director of Graduate Student Office, Shanghai University of Sport, Member of the standing committee of Association of Exercise Training of China Sport Science Society

Research interests: Physical education, General methods and theory of sports training, Track and field teaching and training theories and methods; Acupuncture and exercise training

Ying Wu, China

Professor, Director of Graduate Student Office, Shanghai University of Sport, Member of the standing committee of Association of Exercise Training of China Sport Science Society

Research interests: Physical education, General methods and theory of sports training, Track and field teaching and training theories and methods; Acupuncture and exercise training

Min-Hao Xie, China

Professor, Vice President of Beijing Sport University, Director of China Sport Science Society, Director of China Sport Science Society, vice chairman of sports medicine of China Sport Science Society

Research interests: Sport biochemistry, Exercise-induced mechanism, Regulation of endocrine imbalance


Bing Yu, USA

Professor, Division of Physical Therapy, Department of Allied Health Sciences, School of Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Research interests: Musculoskeletal system modeling, Biomechanics of sports injury, Biomechanics of sports techniques


Ding-Hai Yu, China

Professor, Past director of Martial Arts School, Shanghai University of Sport, Vice Chairman of Association of Martial Arts of China Sport Science Society

Research interests: Martial arts, Traditional sports health theories and methods

Songning Zhang, USA

Associate Professor, Director, Biomechanics/Sports Medicine Lab, Department of Kinesiology, Recreation and Sport Studies, College of Health, Education and Human Sciences, University of Tennessee

Research interests: Biomechanics of impact loading attenuation in dynamic activities, biomechanical mechanisms and prevention of lower extremity injuries, knee osteoarthritis, biomechanical functions of footwear and medical orthoses, and sport performance.

Weimo Zhu, USA

Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Community Health, Kinesmetrics Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Research interests: Kinesiology and Community HealthNew measurement theories(e.g., item response theory) and statistical models/methods (e.g., equating)to the field of Kinesiology,Youth physical fitness and physical activity/sedentary behavior and health



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