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出版社:ANNUAL REVIEWS, 4139 EL CAMINO WAY, PO BOX 10139, PALO ALTO, USA, CA, 94303-0897
变更情况:Newly Added by 2014

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The Annual Review of Resource Economics, provides authoritative critical reviews evaluating the most significant research developments in resource economics, focusing on agricultural economics, environmental economics, renewable resources, and exhaustible resources.

Instructions to Authors
General Information

Manuscript Proposals and Submissions
Because Annual Reviews articles examine entire subfields in depth, they are written by experienced

researchers upon invitation from one of our Editorial Committees. Some of our Committees nevertheless

welcome suggestions from our readers. Questions or comments should be directed to the

appropriate Production Editor for the Annual Reviews series.

There are no fees associated with the publication of invited reviews.

Author Instructions

For information regarding preparing and submitting your invited review, please visit our Author

Instructions section.


Annual Reviews does not use outside reviewers. The reviews we publish are written upon invitation from an editorial committee, and its members review the papers submitted for approval before publication. 

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Annual Reviews opens up a world of research to your students. Each journal's home page contains a plethora of articles—a number that grows by up to 40 articles per discipline each year—all available for inclusion and use in your course reader. Learn More

Contact Information
For any questions regarding your review, please contact your
Production Editor. Contact information

for Annual Reviews Staff, Board Members, Editorial Committee Members, and Production Editors is

available via the Annual Reviews Directory. General contact information is also available.

Frequently Asked Questions
Visit our FAQ Page for additional assistance.

Author Instructions

Preparing Your Review

Submitting Your Review

Enhancing Your Review

Distributing Your Review

Contact Information
For any questions regarding your review, please contact your
Production Editor. Contact information for AR Staff, Board Members, Editorial Committee Members, and Production Editors is available via the Annual Reviews Directory. General contact information is also available.

Editorial Board
Gordon C. Rausser
Robert Gordon Sproul Distinguished Professor
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
University of California, Berkeley
207 Giannini Hall, MC 3310
Berkeley, CA 94720
United States
ph. +1 (510) 643-9942
fx. +1 (510) 643-0287
Associate Editor
W. Michael Hanemann
Professor & Julie A. Wrigley Chair in Sustainability
School of Sustainability
Arizona State University
PO Box 875502
Tempe, AZ 85287
ph. +1 (510) 642-2670
David Zilberman
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
University of California, Berkeley
337 Giannini Hall, Mail Code 3310
Berkeley, CA 94720
ph. +1 (510) 642.6570
fx. +1 (510) 643-8911
Committee Member
Gardner Brown
Department of Economics
University of Washington
401 Gondon Hall
Box 353330
Seattle, WA 98195
United States
ph. + (206) 543-5744
fx. + (206) 685-7477
Trudy Ann Cameron
Department of Economics
University of Oregon
435 PLC
Eugene, OR 97403-1285
United States
ph. +1 (541) 346-1242
fx. +1 (541) 346-1243
Jean-Paul Chavas
Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
University of Wisconsin-Madison
330 Taylor Hall
427 Lorch Street
Madison, WI 53706
United States
ph. +1 (608) 261-1944
fx. +1 (608) 262-4376
Catherine L. Kling
Department of Economics
Iowa State University
260 Heady Hall
Ames, IA 50011
United States
ph. + (515) 294-5767
Johan F.M. Swinnen
Department of Economics
University of Leuven
Kantoorgebouw Waaistraat
Waaistraat 6
Leuven B-3000
Anthony J. Venables
Department of Economics
University of Oxford
Manor Road Building
Manor Road
Oxford OX1 3QU
United Kingdom
ph. +1 (44) 1865 271066
fx. +1 (44) 1865 271094
Anastasios Xepapadeas
Professor of Economics
Department of International and European Economic Studies
Athens University of Economics and Business
76 Patission Street
Athens 104 34
ph. + () 30 2109680156
Jinhua Zhao
Department of Economics
Michigan State University
110 Marshall-Adams Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824
ph. + () 517-353-9935
Production Editor
Shirley Park
Production Editor
Annual Reviews
Please contact for mailing address
ph. +1 (650) 843.6637
fx. +1 (650) 618.0386


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