

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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变更情况:Newly Added by 2014

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

An open-access journal

Acarologia is published in one volume of 4 issues per year. The on-line version is open-access from 2010 onward.
There are no page charges associated with publication.
A print version is available by subscription.

The longest-publishing Acarology journal

Acarologia, founded in 1959 by Marc André and François Grandjean, is the first and longest-publishing journal devoted to Acarology.

SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.753 (2013);
SJR Rank (2013): 34/121 (Insect Science).

An open-minded topics journal

Acarologia is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the biology of the Acari. Acarologia publishes results of original and high quality research on all aspects of Acarology, including molecular biology, taxonomy, physiology, ecology, evolution, behaviour, biogeography, genetics, morphology and physiology. Applied acarology, including economic studies, plant parasites and biological control, and veterinary aspects, are also accepted. All groups within the Acari are considered.
The journal aims to promote research and spread knowledge of this important group of arthropods. Four issues are published every year. Acarologia is indexed/abstracted in CABS Abstracts, ISI, Pascal...

Aims & Scope

brings you information on recent research on mites and ticks.
Acarologia ensures the diffusion of your work in a prestigious journal.

We encourage the submission of articles on all aspects of acarology, both fundamental and applied. Review articles are also considered. All manuscripts will be sent for peer review.
An international publication board ensures the quality of the content.


Instructions to Authors
Manuscripts and related correspondence should be addressed to:


Acarologia is a free open-access journal. Please help us by submitting manuscripts in accordance with following instructions.
All manuscripts which do not conform to the instructions will be returned to authors without the benefit of review.

Acarologia publishes the results of original research on all aspects of Acarology.
Review articles and short notes will also be considered.

The journal policy is that taxonomic descriptions should include several species within a same genus/family, when possible. The editors reserve the right to refuse manuscripts when authors intentionally divide individual species descriptions of the same genus/family into distinct publications. Single species descriptions should be clearly justified based on their scientific interest.

Acceptance of papers is at the discretion of the managing editors, advised by an international editorial board.

Presentation of manuscripts

Authors must provide emails of all the co-authors.

Manuscripts should be typed using a normal font, double-spaced throughout. Lines and pages must be numbered. Manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 words (additional pages can be considered).
Articles must be written in English. The standard of English must be high and non-native English speaking authors are encouraged to have their manuscript read by a native English speaker before submission.
Please spell check and proofread your manuscript and carefully, including a crosscheck of citations and references.
Arrange the manuscript in the following sequence:

First page: Title, Author(s), Address(es), Abstract, Keywords
Text pages: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References
Captions: Tables captions, Figures captions.

All titles, subtitles and headers, and personal names must be in lower case.

Tables and figures must be cited in the text: (Figure 1) (Figures 2 and 3), (Table 1)... Footnotes are not allowed. Descriptions and diagnoses of taxa should be written using the common taxonomic description format.

The abstract should be concise and not exceed 400 words. Keywords should be separated by semicolons.
Metric (SI) units should be used throughout. The number of decimal points must be consistent and significant (e.g. 65-78 µm, not 64.93-78.2 µm). Dates should be in the form 22 Jan. 1975 (not 22.1.75). Be economical with tables: data given in graphs rarely need to be repeated in tabular form.

Italics should only be used for genus and species names.

All publications cited in the text should be included in the reference section. Papers 'in press' can only be cited if they have been accepted for publication; do not cite manuscripts 'in preparation' or 'submitted'.

Authors are encouraged to provide a list of 2-3 potential reviewers.


References are to be set-up using the following format:

Journal article
Kreiter S., Tixier M.-S. 1900 --- A nice publication --- Acarologia, 1: 3-15.
Kreiter S., Tixier M.-S. 1900 --- A publication --- Exp. Appl. Acarol., 1: 3-15.
Electronic article
Migeon A., Auger P., Navajas M. 2000 --- An other nice publication --- Periodical Title [Internet]. 99(99): 3-12. Available from: http://www1/montepllier.inra.fr/CBGP/acarologia
Bertrand M. 2025 --- An encyclopedia of acarology --- Montpellier: Publisher. pp. 1224.
Electronic book
Vial L. 2025 --- Ticks of the world [Internet] --- Publisher. Available from: http://www1/montepllier.inra.fr/CBGP/acarologia
Book section - Edited book
McCoy K.D. 2025 --- Birds ticks --- In: Kreiter S., McCoy K.D. (Eds). Birds of the world. Montpellier: Publisher. p. 600-700.
Roy L. 2010 --- Ecologie evolutive d'un genre d'acariens hematophages [Phd Thesis] --- Lyon: Ecole Nationale Veterinaire. pp. 297.
Conference Proceedings
Migeon A., Dorkeld F. 2008 --- Spider Mites Web a comprehensive database --- In: Bertrand M., Kreiter K., McCoy K.D. (Eds). Integrative acarology; Montpellier: Euraac. p. 208-215.
Denmark H.A. 1973 --- Tetranychus evansi Baker and Pritchard in Florida --- Miami: Florida Department of Agriculture. Division of Plant Industry. No. 99.
Electronic source
Migeon A., Dorkeld F. --- Spider Mites Web: a comprehensive database for the Tetranychidae [Internet] --- [15 June 2009]. Montpellier: INRA/CBGP; [25 Sept 2009]. Available from: http://www1.montpellier.inra.fr/CBGP/spmweb/

Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the List of serial title word Abbreviations (ISO 4).
Consult www.issn.org/2-22661-LTWA-online.php

We prefer manuscript references constructed using Endnote. The Endnote style template can be downloaded here.
Please remove field codes before sending the manuscript.


All papers with a taxonomic content must follow the provisions of the latest edition of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Types of new species or subspecies should be deposited in a responsible scientific institution, specified in the text. The first mention of a species or genus-group name should include the full citation with the author (e.g. Opilioacarus segmentatus With, 1903), and abbreviated thereafter (e.g. O. segmentatus). Authorities for taxon names should only be cited in the references if they are listed in a synonymy.


DNA sequences must be deposited in a public database (e.g., Genbank) and accession numbers should be provided in the final version of the manuscript.


Table files must be typed separately using Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice and should be ready for printing. Use Times Roman fonts. Use only top, column title and bottom lines as table borders.


Colour illustrations will be published online. The paper edition will be in black and white only.

Illustrations must be ready for printing and should be electronically submitted. Electronic drawings and scanned figures should be in tiff format and must have a 600 dpi resolution according to final size (one column 7.4cm -3 inches-, two columns 16.6cm -6.6 inches-, horizontal page 21.5x15cm -8.5 inches-).
Photos should be in jpg or png formats with low or no compression and must have a 300 dpi resolution. Inadequate artwork will not be accepted.
All figures (including photographs and maps) must be labelled in successive order, using Arabic numerals. Sub-figures should be labelled (a), (b), etc. Magnifications should be indicated by scale bars on figures. Please use lower resolutions (300 and 150 dpi) and jpeg compression (80%) for manuscript submission.

Page proofs and reprints

One set of page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author and should be corrected and returned by e-mail. Excessive alterations will be charged to the authors.
Pdfs will be availabale and paper reprints can be ordered.


In submitting a manuscript, authors accept all terms of copyright.

Acarologia is under free license
The open-access articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons-BY-NC-ND which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

You are free: to copy and distribute the work.
Attribution: you must give the original author credit.
Non-Commercial: you may not use this work for commercial purposes.
No Derivative Works: you may not alter or transform this work.

For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the licence terms of this work.
Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author's moral rights.

Editorial Board

Head of Managing Editorial Board
(Editor in Chief)


Managing Editorial Board

Philippe AUGER
Karen McCOY
Alain MIGEON (Manager)
Marie-Stéphane TIXIER
Lise ROY

International Editorial Board

Gerd Alberti
Henri André
Anne Baker
Nusret Ayyildiz
Valérie Behan-Pelletier
Cheol-Min Kim
Sultan Çobanoğlu
Matt Colloff
Charnie Craemer
Jean Deunff
Ashley Dowling
Augustín Estrada-Peña
Francisco Ferragut
Carlos H. W. Flechtmann
Reinhard Gerecke
Tetsuo Gotoh
Mark Harvey
Hans Klompen
Gerald Krantz
Pablo Antonio Martinez
Sergey Mironov
Maria Lourdes Moraza
Glen Needham
Roy Norton
Barry O’Connor
Salvatore Ragusa
Maurice Sabelis
Alireza Saboori
Heinrich Schatz
Peter Schausberger
Andrey Shatrov
Piotr Skubała
Harry Smit
Edward A. Ueckermann
Vincenzo Vacante
Laurence Vial
David Walter
Gerd Weigmann
Wojciech Witalinski
Zhi-Qiang Zhang


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