

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Cover image for Vol. 2 Issue 11

Aims and Scope

Organic chemistry is the fundamental science that stands at the heart of chemistry, biology, and materials science. Research in these areas is vigorous and truly international, with three major regions making almost equal contributions: America, Europe and Asia. Asia now has its own top international organic chemistry journal—the Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry (AsianJOC)

The AsianJOC is designed to be a top-ranked international research journal and publishes primary research as well as critical secondary information from authors across the world. The journal covers organic chemistry in its entirety. Authors and readers come from academia, the chemical industry, and government laboratories.


  • Biochemistry
  • Bioorganic Chemistry
  • Chemical Biology
  • Medicinal Chemistry
  • Chemical Process Research
  • Green Chemistry
  • Natural Products
  • Heterocyclic Chemistry
  • Carbohydrate Chemistry
  • Organometallic Chemistry
  • Metal, Organic and Enzyme catalysis
  • Supramolecular Chemistry
  • Macromolecular Chemistry
  • Materials Science

Types of articles: Full Papers, Communications, and Focus Reviews.

Instructions to Authors

1. General Information

  The Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry (AsianJOC) is a fully peer-reviewed journal and is published monthly. The AsianJOC publishes articles that cover all aspects of organic chemistry and accepts three types of contributions:

Focus Reviews are broader in scope than personal accounts but are concise and should be written to inform chemists in general. Focus Reviews are mostly invited; however, independent submissions are also welcome.

  Communications and Full Papers present results of experimental or theoretical studies.

All contributions to the AsianJOC are evaluated with the help of the Editorial Board and are subject to peer review. Please indicate which Editorial Board member(s) has (have), in your opinion, the most suitable expertise to assess the suitability of your manuscript for the AsianJOC.

Contributions that are not suitable for the AsianJOC will be returned to the authors without further external review. All other contributions are sent to two or more independent referees. On the basis of the recommendations of the referees, the decision on whether to accept a contribution will be made. Authors are encouraged to suggest referees upon submission.

  The AsianJOC does not publish manuscripts that have already appeared, in part or in full, in print or electronically. The authors must inform the journal of manuscripts that have been submitted, are soon to be submitted, or are in press at other journals that have a bearing on the manuscript being submitted to the AsianJOC. If the manuscript is a revised/extended version of a manuscript that was previously rejected by the AsianJOC, the author must inform the journal about the previous submission in the cover letter and explain the changes that have been made. All submissions must be in accordance with the Ethical Guidelines for Publication in Journals and Reviews issued by the European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences. Authors should declare all sources of funding for the work presented in the manuscript and should declare any conflict of interest.

  Manuscripts should be submitted through our online submission service manuscriptXpress.

A single file containing all tables, graphics, Supporting Information (where appropriate) etc. is required. Acceptable file formats are Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, Postscript and PDF.

Authors can follow the progress of their manuscript on their personal homepage on manuscriptXpress, which is created automatically upon initial registration.

The official Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI) abbreviation for the AsianJOC is "Asian J. Org. Chem.".

2. Manuscript Preparation

  All contributions should be written in English and structured as per the relevant MS Word templates. Use these templates only for the original submission of your contribution. Prepare the final revised version of accepted contributions ("Production Data", see section 5) as described in the checklist that is attached to the acceptance letter. The instructions for preparing graphics and tables are in section 6.

  Honorary authorship is forbidden, i.e., all co-authors of a manuscript must have contributed significantly to the work being described and/or to the writing of research proposals or the manuscript. In cases of more than three authors, the contribution of each author should be explained in the cover letter. Every author must be informed about the submission and must have agreed to it.

  Abstracts: Abstracts are required for all manuscript types. In the abstract, the motivation for the work, the methods applied, the results, and the conclusions drawn should be presented. When you write the abstract, please keep the following aspects in mind:

 1) The abstract should reflect the content of the paper, and the text should contain several keywords to aid finding the paper online.

 2) The abstract should contain neither hints to graphical elements or tables in the paper nor to references, as the abstract will be found independently, for example in databases.

 3) Please keep the use of abbreviations to a minimum.

An additional version of the abstract in the authors native language may also be supplied.

Experimental Section: Should give sufficient detail to enable others to repeat your work. For detailed information and formatting, see section 7.

2.1. Focus Reviews

  Focus Reviews are up to 25000 characters in length, including all references, footnotes, and tables. The manuscript should be structured as per the template.

  A frontispiece image (15.5 cm×15.5 cm) to arouse the interest of the reader, biographical description of 500-700 characters (including spaces) and a portrait-quality black-and-white photograph of the author(s) should also be submitted.

2.2. Communications

  Communications should be short and concise. The manuscript should be structured as per the template.

2.3. Full Papers

  Full Papers have no length restrictions but authors should use space economically. Full Papers that are a collection of previous Communications with an added Experimental Section will not be published. The manuscript should be structured as per the template.

2.4. Correspondence

  Comments on publications in the AsianJOC that contribute to scientific discussion are welcome. The author of the publication to which the Correspondence pertains will have the opportunity to reply. This reply will be sent to the author of the Correspondence.

2.5. Corrigenda

  Scientifically incorrect or incomplete information in published articles should be corrected in a Corrigendum, which should be as short as possible and is subject to approval by the Managing Editor. Minor corrections will not be published. Submit the Corrigendum electronically like any other article through manuscriptXpress and cite the publication to be corrected as well as its "digital object identifier" (DOI).

2.6. General Formatting

  Italicize symbols of physical quantities, but not their units (e.g., T for temperature but K for the unit, J for coupling constant but Hz for the unit), stereochemical information (cis, Z, R, etc.), locants (N-methyl, tert-butyl) and symmetry groups (C2v). Chemical formulae should be numbered with boldface Arabic numerals (e.g., 1). Abbreviations such as Me, Et, nBu, iPr, sBu, tBu, and Ph (not φ) may be used in formulae. General substituents should be indicated by R1, R2 (not R2, which means 2R) or R, R.

  Abbreviations and acronyms should be used sparingly and consistently, and should be defined when first used, apart from the most common (UV/Vis, NMR, HPLC, and so on).

  References should be fair and informative, but not excessive. Only articles that have already been published in a scientific journal should be cited. Unpublished results and lectures should only be cited in exceptional circumstances. Choose the most relevant articles and avoid large lists of citations (e.g., 1a–q) in a single reference. Copies of cited publications not yet available publicly should be submitted along with the manuscript. In the text, the numbers for references should be typed in square brackets as superscripts and, if applicable, after punctuation (e.g., Compound 1,[1]). Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI). The reference section should be structured as follows:

  Journals: [1] a) R. Noyori, Chem. Asian J. 2007, 2, 923–925; b) S. Ma, Z. Gu, Angew. Chem. 2005, 117, 7680–7685; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2005, 44, 7512–7517.

  Books: [2] J. Otera, Esterification-Methods, Reactions, and Applications, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2003, p. 55; b) M. Kitamura, R. Noyori in Ruthenium in Organic Synthesis (Ed.: S.-I. Murahashi), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2004, pp. 3–52.

  A Graphical abstract of up to 350 characters with an eye-catching headline for the Table of Contents should be included as the last page and saved as part of the main text. The graphical abstract should be formatted as follows: Graphics: 5.5 cm wide; font size: 6–7 point. Color graphics for the Table of Contents are published at no extra cost to the author.

  Keywords: A maximum of five keywords in alphabetical order, including at least three keywords from the core keyword list should be included. For more information see section 8.

3. Submission of the Original Manuscript

  Submit manuscripts through our online submission service manuscriptXpress.

  A cover letter justifying why the manuscript should appear in the AsianJOC should be submitted with the manuscript. Information that is important to referees but is unlikely to interest readers should be submitted with the manuscript as Supporting Information.

  Prepare a single file (Word, RTF, Postscript, or PDF only) that contains all schemes, figures, and tables integrated into the text, and with the Supporting Information at the end. Include the graphical abstract and the cover letter in this file.

4. Supporting Information

  Supporting Information is mandatory for Communications; see section 7 for experimental data requirements. Supporting Information must be included with the original submission and the author is solely responsible for the content.

Do not submit crystallographic data as Supporting Information (see section 7). Animations, films, and so on are welcome to be submitted as Supporting Information and should be sent either on CD or as e-mail attachments to the editorial office, not uploaded online.

5. Accepted Manuscripts

  Submission of the Production Data

  Prepare an archive (.zip, .sit, or .tar) that contains the manuscript text file, the graphics, and Supporting Information if applicable, as separate files. Also include a separate file for any abstract that is written in a non-Roman alphabet. Upload the archive through the "Manuscripts for Production" menu on your personal homepage of manuscriptXpress.

  Figure legends should be listed together at the end of the reference section of the text file, rather than being included with the drawings in the graphics files.

  LaTeX users, consult the Instructions for LaTeX users.

  A language-polishing and editing service is provided for accepted papers only.

  After submission of the production data, the correspondence author will receive page proofs. Only "misprints" will be corrected after "Early View" and before issue publication. For all other corrections, a Corrigendum has to be submitted (see section 2). After publication of the article, the correspondence author will receive a PDF reprint file that is restricted to 25 printouts for Communications and Full Papers or 50 printouts for Focus Reviews.

  If authors are obliged to or wish to make their articles freely available from the moment they are published (open access), the AsianJOC offers such a service. For further information see the OnlineOpen page.

  On behalf of our authors who are US National Institutes of Health (NIH) grantees, we will deposit in PubMed Central (PMC) the accepted, peer-reviewed version of the authors primary research manuscript, which will be made public after 12 months. By assuming this responsibility, we will ensure our authors are in compliance with the NIH request, as well as make certain the appropriate version of the manuscript is deposited. We reserve the right to change or rescind this policy. For more information, please go to Funder Statement. To guarantee that your publication is uploaded correctly in PMC, please make sure that 1) the NIH grant numbers are free from misspellings: clearly distinguish between letters (i, o, l) and digits (1, 0), no spaces or hyphens and 2) the e-mail address that is known at NIH/PubMed is identical to the one given in the publication.

  We recommend that authors link to their AsianJOC publication on their homepage through the "Digital Object Identifier" (DOI). It is only in this way that the Crossref function and full-text downloads can be correctly tallied.

6. Graphics and Tables

  All graphics that contain structural formulae should be provided as ChemDraw (.cdx) files. Please use the ChemDraw template.

  Color Schemes and Figures that are essential to the understanding of the manuscript will be published free of charge. If color is not essential but the author wishes to have color Schemes or Figures, then we request that the additional costs be carried by the author. It is not possible for the manuscript to contain color only in the web version.

6.1 Graphics

  A Scheme is a reaction scheme or one or more collected chemical structures. A Figure is a graph, chart, crystal structure, or illustration.

  Format graphics as follows: Font Helvetica; size of lettering, 3–3.5 mm (12–14 point); total width of graphic, 14 cm for one-column format or 28 cm for the maximum two-column format. This format allows optimal reproduction to fit into one-column (8.5 cm wide) or two-columns (17.5 cm wide) after 60% reduction

  Each Figure and Scheme should have a legend. Labels of graph axes are separated from their units by a slash (e.g., T/K) and only the axes are to be shown. Remove frames and boxes around graphs. The spatial arrangement of substituents in chemical structures should be indicated by hatched lines and solid wedges. Microscopy images (optical, electron, or scanning probe) should always contain a scale bar.

6.2 Tables

  Tables must have a brief title and should only be subdivided by three horizontal lines (head, neck, foot). Footnotes are denoted [a], [b], [c], etc.

6.3 Cover Picture/Frontispiece

  Cover picture/frontispiece submissions are encouraged. A template is available here.

6.4 Computer-aided Image Enhancement

Computer-aided image enhancement is often unavoidable. However, such manipulation can highlight data that are less relevant or unrepresentative and/or suppress genuine and significant signals. These artifacts should be avoided. A clear relationship must remain between the original data and the electronic images that result from those data. Any electronic modification of images that is performed must be stated in the appropriate figure legend. If computer-aided processing or modification of an image is a fundamental part of the experimental work, then the procedure used must be clearly described in the Experimental Section.

7. Experimental and Crystallographic Data

  The Experimental Section should give sufficient detail to enable others to repeat your work.

Equipment and conditions used for the measurement of physical data should be described at the beginning of the Experimental Section. Quantities of reactants, solvents etc. should be included in parentheses (e.g., "a solution of triphenylstannyl chloride (0.964 g, 2.5 mmol) in toluene (20 mL) was added to…)". Physical data should be quoted with decimal points and negative exponents (e.g., 25.8 JK1mol1).

  All new compounds must be fully characterized by appropriate analytical methods (e.g., NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystal structure analysis, high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), and so on). The 1H and 13C NMR of all key intermediates and all final products should be included in the Supporting Information. NMR spectra should have sufficiently low signal-to-noise ratios so that all peaks can be adequately resolved. Data for all new compounds should include elemental analysis to an accuracy within ±0.4 % of the calculated values, and high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) data. HRMS spectra should be included in the Supporting Information for all new compounds. For new compounds that are chiral, HPLC or GC traces should be included in the Supporting Information

  Elemental analysis and optical rotation (where appropriate) data MUST be provided for papers that detail the isolation and structure elucidation of natural products. In special cases (e.g., when the compound is unstable or not available in sufficient quantities for complete analysis) the exact relative molecular mass as obtained by HMRS and a clean 13C NMR spectrum should be supplied as Supporting Information for inspection by the referees.

  Physical data should be given in the following order: Rf=0.38 (CHCl3/MeOH 9:1); m.p./b.p. 20°C; \left[ \alpha \right] {\rm{D}}{20} =13.5 (c=0.2 in acetone); 1H NMR (200 MHz, [D8]THF): δ=7.64–7.48 (m, 6H; Ar-H), 1.33 (q, 3JH,H=8 Hz, 2H; CH2), 0.79 ppm (s, 3H; CH3); 13C NMR (75 MHz, CDCl3): δ=72.5 (CCH), 26.8 (s; CH3), 6.5 ppm (d, 1JC,P=156.9 Hz; CHP); IR (Nujol): \tilde \nu =1780, 1790 cm1 (C[dbond ]O); UV/Vis (n-hexane): λmax (ε)=320 (5000), 270 nm (12000 mol1dm3cm1); fluorescence (CH2Cl2): λex=435.5 nm; λem=659, 726 nm; MS (70 eV): m/z (%): 108 (20) [M+], 107 (60) [M+H], 91 (100) [C7H7+]; HRMS (ESI): m/z calcd for C32H47NO5+Na+: 548.3352 [M+Na+]; found: 548.3331; elemental analysis calcd (%) for C20H32N2O5: C 63.14, H 8.48, N 7.36; found: C 62.88, H 8.41, N 7.44.

  If practical, authors should use a systematic name (IUPAC or Chemical Abstracts) for each title compound in the Experimental Section. Do not use computer programs to generate elaborate systematic names or use long, multi-line compound names; general descriptors, such as compound 2, dendrimer 3, or alcohol 4, should be used.

7.1 Animal and Human Experiments

  Manuscripts that describe experiments with animals, human subjects, or human tissue samples must include a statement that the relevant permission was obtained to conduct the experiments. Manuscripts that describe experiments with human subjects or human tissue samples must include a disclaimer to state that informed, signed consent was obtained from either the patient or next of kin. Institutional committees that approved the experiments must be identified and the accreditation number of the laboratory or of the investigator given where applicable. If no such rules or permissions are in place in the country where the experiments were performed, then this must also be clearly stated.

7.2 Crystal Structure Analysis

  Crystallographic data should not be sent as Supporting Information but should be deposited with in the appropriate database before submitting their manuscripts, so that referees can retrieve the information directly from the database. The registry number that you will receive from the database must be inserted into the appropriate standard text given below and included in the submitted manuscript. Please ensure that the data deposited with the database are identical to those in the manuscript. Please use the free online Checkcif service provided by the International Union of Crystallography and submit the Checkcif report along with your manuscript.

  For organic and organometallic compounds: Send your data including author and journal details in .CIF format as a plain text ASCII file by email to the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC, 12 Union Road, Cambridge CB2 1EZ (UK); tel: (+44)1223-336-408; fax: (+44)1223-336-033; e-mail: deposit@ccdc.cam.ac.uk; see also: http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/conts/depositing.html.

  The following standard text should be included in the manuscript: "CCDC-... contain(s) the supplementary crystallographic data for this paper. These data can be obtained free of charge from The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre via http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/data%5Frequest/cif."

  For inorganic compounds: The Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe only accepts data deposited in electronic form (in CIF format). Send the data by e-mail (or on disk) to FIZ, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany); tel: (+49)7247-808-205; fax: (+49)7247-808-666; e-mail: crysdata@fiz-karlsruhe.de; fiz-karlsruhe.deunder "Products".

The following standard text should be included in the manuscript: "Further details of the crystal structure investigation(s) can be obtained from the Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany (fax: (+49)7247-808-666; e-mail: crysdata@fiz.karlsruhe.de) on quoting the depository number CSD-. . ."

  If a crystal structure analysis is not an essential part of the paper, only a footnote that indicates where the detailed results can be found is required. Otherwise, the following data should be given in the manuscript: crystal dimensions, crystal system, space group, unit cell dimensions and volume, ρcalcd, 2θmax, radiation, wavelength, scan mode, temperature of measurement, no. of measured and independent reflections, no. of reflections included in refinement, σ limits, whether and how Lorentzian polarization and absorption corrections were performed (μ, min/max transmission), method of structure solution and program, method of refinement and program, no. of parameters, treatment of H atoms. R, wR, whether refined against |F| or |F2|, residual electron density, and the database at which the detailed results are deposited. An ORTEP-type plot will not be reproduced when it merely serves to confirm the structure of a synthetic intermediate.

8. Basic Keyword List

  An interjournal browsing facility that has automatic links to lists of thematically related contributions has been developed for the readers of Wiley-VCH journals. We have compiled a common keyword catalogue that is available online at www.wiley-vch.de/vch/journals/keyword.php. This catalogue is subdivided to facilitate the search for keywords but can also be searched as a complete list. Some of the keywords are used in more than one area. As with all such records, a few guidelines facilitate its use, and these are briefly explained below:

  This list is a "living" catalogue, flexible enough to absorb new developments in chemistry. We therefore welcome all suggestions from our readers and authors that might improve its user-friendliness.


Editorial Board


Sung Ho Kang
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon

Keiji Maruoka
Kyoto University

Deqing Zhang
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Key Laboratory of Organic Solids, Beijing


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