

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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  • Akimasa Nakao
  • Tomoki Naoe
  • Tamie Nasu
  • Masahide Takahashi


    期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

    About the journal
    The Journal publishes original papers in the areas of medical science and its related fields. Reviews, symposium reports, short communications, notes, case reports, hypothesis papers and announcements are also accepted.

    Instructions to Authors

    I Journal Policy

    The Journal publishes original papers in the areas of medical science and its related fields. Reviews, symposium reports, short communications, notes, case reports, hypothesis papers and announcements are also accepted.
    Manuscripts should be in English. It is recommended that an English check of the manuscript by a competent and knowledgeable native speaker be completed before submission. And if a manuscript is judged by the Editorial Board to be of inadequate quality, author(s) should pass through English check by a native speaker.
    Manuscripts are accepted on condition that they have not been previously published or accepted for publication, and are not going to be sent to other journals. This restriction does not apply to works published in a form of abstracts or summaries. Final decision on an article will be made by the Editorial Board after consideration of reviewer’s evaluation.
    Upon acceptance of an article, including invited review article, for publication, the copyright of the article shall be exclusively assigned to the Journal. To reproduce the article in part or in any form, the author(s) must obtain permission from the Editorial Board.

    II Manuscript Submission

    Manuscripts should be addressed to the Editorial Office of the Nagoya Journal of Medical Science, c/o Medical Library, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Nagoya 466-8550, Japan, and should be sent by a registered mail or should be submitted directly to the Editorial Office of the Journal (Phone: 052-744-2505). The original and two clear copies must be submitted. Two additional glossy copies of any photographs should accompany the two copies of the manuscript for review purposes.

    III Manuscript Preparation

    Manuscripts should conform to the Journal style. They should be double spaced (10 letters/2.5 cm or font size 12) on good quality paper of A4 or the international size. Margins of not less than 2.5 cm should be left on each side and 3 cm at the top and bottom of each sheet. In principle, the length of one original article is limited to 10 printed pages (15 typed pages) including figures and tables. Manuscripts should be written in clear, grammatical English.
    The manuscripts of original papers should be arranged in the following order, beginning each on separate pages; title page (including full title, name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s) (full name), running title, and correspondence address, abstract (including key words), text (including introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, and acknowledgements), references, tables, figures, and legends.

    Title page:

    Title ...... Title should be written in capital letters. They should be brief without unnecessary words, but should contain key words which would serve as index words. Abbreviations should not be used in the title.

    Running Title ...... A brief running title of not more than 40 capital letters, including spaces, should be provided.


    The second page should be a one-paragraph abstract of not more than 250 words.

    Key Words ...... These words should be given below the abstract. Up to 5 key words should be provided.


    The text begins on the third page and should be subdivided, as far as possible, into introduction, materials and methods (experimental procedures), results, discussion, and acknowledgements. These headings should be typed in capital letters and centered at the top of each section. Subheadings should begin at the left margin and be underlined. The positions of tables, figures, or photographs in the text should be clearly marked in the manuscript. References should be indicated in the text by consecutive superscript Arabic numerals, beginning with 1.

    Abbreviations ...... If many non-standard abbreviations are frequently used throughout the article, they should be listed in a footnote to the page where the first abbreviation appears. Abbreviations used should be consistent with the recommended international nomenclature. If only a few abbreviations are used, they may be given in parentheses in the text.

    Measurement, Signs, and Symbols ...... Units of measurements must be those in international usage, such as follows:
    kg, g, mg, μg, ng, pg, mol, mmol, μmol, Eq, mEq; m, cm, mm, μm, nm; m2, cm2, mm2; cm3, l, ml, μl; M, mM, μM, N; h, min, sec, msec, μsec; kcal, cal; °C; A (ampere), V (volt), mV, kW, W (watt), kΩ, Ω, μF, pF, cpm, C・Kg-1, Sv, Gy, Bq, I.U. (international unit), vol, v/v, w/v, etc.
    Any new units or symbols used should be explained in the text. All units of measurement should be SI units and temperatures should be given on the Centigrade scale. Omit periods after units of measurement and do not use plurals.

    Use of Italics ...... Words to be printed in Italics should be underlined. Latin words will be printed in Italics as a rule. When both Latin and English are available for anatomical terms or for the name of a disease, the English word should be used. (Names of peoples, places, countries, drugs, or chemicals, etc. should be written in English.)

    References:    DOWNLOAD >> EndNote Output Style

    References should appear at the end of text beginning on a separate page. Each reference should be listed in the order cited in the text and numbered accordingly.


    References to journals (Ex. 1) should be written in the following order; name(s) of author(s) (All authors should be listed), name of journal (Abbreviations should conform to those used in “PubMed”) in Italic type, year of publication, volume number, and pages (the numbers of the first and last pages).
    Ex.1  1) Silverman BK, Brecks T, Craig J, Nadas AS. Congestive failure in the newborn caused by cerebral A-V fistula. Am J Dis Child, 1955; 89: 539–545.
      For articles in Japanese with no English title, the title should be translated into English and “(in Japanese)” should be added after page. Names of Japanese journals should be written in full in Roman letters or with its abbreviated English name, if available.


    References to books (Ex. 2) should be written as follows; authors, title, page numbers cited, year of publication, publisher, and place of publication. For references to books written by several authors, see Ex. 3.
    Ex. 2 5) Sidwick NV. The electronic theory of valency. pp.51–60, 1972, Oxford University Press, Cambridge.
    Ex. 3 11) Ham AW, Harris WR. Repair and transplantation of bone. In: The Biochemistry and Physiology of Bone, edited by Bourne GH. pp.270–280, 1956, Academic Press, New York.


    Each table should be prepared on a separate page and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, i.e., Table 1, Table 2, etc. Only first letter of the first word should be capitalized. Headings to columns should be brief. If any footnotes are required, use alphabetic superscripts, i.e., a), b), etc.


    Figures should be kept to a minimum and should be used only to document experimental results or methods that can not be properly described in the text. Each figure should be prepared on a separate page and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, i.e., Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc. Since all figures are photoprocessed in their original form with an appropriate size reduction, hand-written figures are unacceptable. Graphs should be drawn in black ink on tracing paper or on graph paper with light blue lines. Graphs drawn two to three times larger than the size expected when printed are recommended. Symbols, letters and numbers should be large enough to be readable after reduction of the graphs. Photographs should be printed on glossy paper with good contrast. They should not be pasted on board, but placed in an envelope with the author’s name, figure number and orientation on the back of each photograph.


    The figure titles and legends should be typed on separate sheet(s).

    IV Editorial Review

    When a manuscript is received, it is examined to determine whether its style meets the Journal requirements. If it does, the manuscript is sent to two independent reviewers selected from the faculty of Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine. On the basis of their evaluation, the manuscript is either accepted as submitted, returned for revision, or rejected and returned to the author from the Editorial Office. A manuscript in need of revision will be returned to the author with specific suggestions. The author should respond to these suggestions by indicating the places where the revisions have been made, and/or by stating reasons for disregarding the suggestions if they are thought to be unacceptable. Minor corrections can be made on the original manuscript by the use of a typewriter, but major corrections require retyping of entire pages. The revised manuscript should then be resubmitted with one additional copy.

    V Conflicts of Interest

    All authors must disclose any financial support or relationships that may pose a conflict of interest. All disclosures should be stated at the end of the text.

    VI Proofreading

    The Journal provides the authors with galley proofs for proof reading. The first and the second proofs will be sent to the authors. The authors should go over the proof carefully, but no new insertions should be made in the text at the time of proofreading. Corrections other than the printer’s errors should be avoided. Additional alternation causes delay for which the authors may be charged. One proof with the author’s corrections should be returned as quickly as possible to the Editorial Board.

    VII Publication Fees

    I Journal Policy

    The Journal publishes original papers in the areas of medical science and its related fields. Reviews, symposium reports, short communications, notes, case reports, hypothesis papers and announcements are also accepted.
    Manuscripts should be in English. It is recommended that an English check of the manuscript by a competent and knowledgeable native speaker be completed before submission. And if a manuscript is judged by the Editorial Board to be of inadequate quality, author(s) should pass through English check by a native speaker.
    Manuscripts are accepted on condition that they have not been previously published or accepted for publication, and are not going to be sent to other journals. This restriction does not apply to works published in a form of abstracts or summaries. Final decision on an article will be made by the Editorial Board after consideration of reviewer’s evaluation.
    Upon acceptance of an article, including invited review article, for publication, the copyright of the article shall be exclusively assigned to the Journal. To reproduce the article in part or in any form, the author(s) must obtain permission from the Editorial Board.

    II Manuscript Submission

    Manuscripts should be addressed to the Editorial Office of the Nagoya Journal of Medical Science, c/o Medical Library, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Nagoya 466-8550, Japan, and should be sent by a registered mail or should be submitted directly to the Editorial Office of the Journal (Phone: 052-744-2505). The original and two clear copies must be submitted. Two additional glossy copies of any photographs should accompany the two copies of the manuscript for review purposes.

    III Manuscript Preparation

    Manuscripts should conform to the Journal style. They should be double spaced (10 letters/2.5 cm or font size 12) on good quality paper of A4 or the international size. Margins of not less than 2.5 cm should be left on each side and 3 cm at the top and bottom of each sheet. In principle, the length of one original article is limited to 10 printed pages (15 typed pages) including figures and tables. Manuscripts should be written in clear, grammatical English.
    The manuscripts of original papers should be arranged in the following order, beginning each on separate pages; title page (including full title, name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s) (full name), running title, and correspondence address, abstract (including key words), text (including introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, and acknowledgements), references, tables, figures, and legends.

    Title page:

    Title ...... Title should be written in capital letters. They should be brief without unnecessary words, but should contain key words which would serve as index words. Abbreviations should not be used in the title.

    Running Title ...... A brief running title of not more than 40 capital letters, including spaces, should be provided.


    The second page should be a one-paragraph abstract of not more than 250 words.

    Key Words ...... These words should be given below the abstract. Up to 5 key words should be provided.


    The text begins on the third page and should be subdivided, as far as possible, into introduction, materials and methods (experimental procedures), results, discussion, and acknowledgements. These headings should be typed in capital letters and centered at the top of each section. Subheadings should begin at the left margin and be underlined. The positions of tables, figures, or photographs in the text should be clearly marked in the manuscript. References should be indicated in the text by consecutive superscript Arabic numerals, beginning with 1.

    Abbreviations ...... If many non-standard abbreviations are frequently used throughout the article, they should be listed in a footnote to the page where the first abbreviation appears. Abbreviations used should be consistent with the recommended international nomenclature. If only a few abbreviations are used, they may be given in parentheses in the text.

    Measurement, Signs, and Symbols ...... Units of measurements must be those in international usage, such as follows:
    kg, g, mg, μg, ng, pg, mol, mmol, μmol, Eq, mEq; m, cm, mm, μm, nm; m2, cm2, mm2; cm3, l, ml, μl; M, mM, μM, N; h, min, sec, msec, μsec; kcal, cal; °C; A (ampere), V (volt), mV, kW, W (watt), kΩ, Ω, μF, pF, cpm, C・Kg-1, Sv, Gy, Bq, I.U. (international unit), vol, v/v, w/v, etc.
    Any new units or symbols used should be explained in the text. All units of measurement should be SI units and temperatures should be given on the Centigrade scale. Omit periods after units of measurement and do not use plurals.

    Use of Italics ...... Words to be printed in Italics should be underlined. Latin words will be printed in Italics as a rule. When both Latin and English are available for anatomical terms or for the name of a disease, the English word should be used. (Names of peoples, places, countries, drugs, or chemicals, etc. should be written in English.)

    References:    DOWNLOAD >> EndNote Output Style

    References should appear at the end of text beginning on a separate page. Each reference should be listed in the order cited in the text and numbered accordingly.


    References to journals (Ex. 1) should be written in the following order; name(s) of author(s) (All authors should be listed), name of journal (Abbreviations should conform to those used in “PubMed”) in Italic type, year of publication, volume number, and pages (the numbers of the first and last pages).
    Ex.1  1) Silverman BK, Brecks T, Craig J, Nadas AS. Congestive failure in the newborn caused by cerebral A-V fistula. Am J Dis Child, 1955; 89: 539–545.
      For articles in Japanese with no English title, the title should be translated into English and “(in Japanese)” should be added after page. Names of Japanese journals should be written in full in Roman letters or with its abbreviated English name, if available.


    References to books (Ex. 2) should be written as follows; authors, title, page numbers cited, year of publication, publisher, and place of publication. For references to books written by several authors, see Ex. 3.
    Ex. 2 5) Sidwick NV. The electronic theory of valency. pp.51–60, 1972, Oxford University Press, Cambridge.
    Ex. 3 11) Ham AW, Harris WR. Repair and transplantation of bone. In: The Biochemistry and Physiology of Bone, edited by Bourne GH. pp.270–280, 1956, Academic Press, New York.


    Each table should be prepared on a separate page and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, i.e., Table 1, Table 2, etc. Only first letter of the first word should be capitalized. Headings to columns should be brief. If any footnotes are required, use alphabetic superscripts, i.e., a), b), etc.


    Figures should be kept to a minimum and should be used only to document experimental results or methods that can not be properly described in the text. Each figure should be prepared on a separate page and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, i.e., Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc. Since all figures are photoprocessed in their original form with an appropriate size reduction, hand-written figures are unacceptable. Graphs should be drawn in black ink on tracing paper or on graph paper with light blue lines. Graphs drawn two to three times larger than the size expected when printed are recommended. Symbols, letters and numbers should be large enough to be readable after reduction of the graphs. Photographs should be printed on glossy paper with good contrast. They should not be pasted on board, but placed in an envelope with the author’s name, figure number and orientation on the back of each photograph.


    The figure titles and legends should be typed on separate sheet(s).

    IV Editorial Review

    When a manuscript is received, it is examined to determine whether its style meets the Journal requirements. If it does, the manuscript is sent to two independent reviewers selected from the faculty of Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine. On the basis of their evaluation, the manuscript is either accepted as submitted, returned for revision, or rejected and returned to the author from the Editorial Office. A manuscript in need of revision will be returned to the author with specific suggestions. The author should respond to these suggestions by indicating the places where the revisions have been made, and/or by stating reasons for disregarding the suggestions if they are thought to be unacceptable. Minor corrections can be made on the original manuscript by the use of a typewriter, but major corrections require retyping of entire pages. The revised manuscript should then be resubmitted with one additional copy.

    V Conflicts of Interest

    All authors must disclose any financial support or relationships that may pose a conflict of interest. All disclosures should be stated at the end of the text.

    VI Proofreading

    The Journal provides the authors with galley proofs for proof reading. The first and the second proofs will be sent to the authors. The authors should go over the proof carefully, but no new insertions should be made in the text at the time of proofreading. Corrections other than the printer’s errors should be avoided. Additional alternation causes delay for which the authors may be charged. One proof with the author’s corrections should be returned as quickly as possible to the Editorial Board.

    VII Publication Fees

    Authors must pay 5,000 Japanese yen for the first 10 printed pages as a fee for publication, except Invited Review Article. If the manuscript is more than 11 printed pages, there is an increasing charge 2,000 Japanese yen par 1 printed page. The cost of English check will be on author(s)’ account.

    VIII Reprints

    All reprints should be purchased by the author; no free offprints are supplied. Reprint order forms are sent to authors along with their proof. Reprint orders should be made when the galley proofs are returned.

    Editorial Board

    Editor-in-chief:Shinya Toyokuni


    • Koichi Furukawa
    • Nobuyuki Hamajima
    • Kozo Kaibuchi
    All Communications concerning this Journal shall be addressed to
    Shinya Toyokuni M.D., Ph.D.
    Editor-in-chief, Nagoya Journal of Medical Science
    Editorial office (Nagoya University Medical Library)
    Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, School of Medicine
    65 Tsurumai-cho Showa-ku, Nagoya 466-850, Japan


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