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出版频率:Continuous publication

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims and Scope

Psychiatry has suffered tremendously by the limited translational pipeline. Nobel laureate Julius Axelrod's discovery in 1961 of monoamine reuptake by pre-synaptic neurons still forms the basis of contemporary antidepressant treatment. There is a grievous gap between the explosion of knowledge in neuroscience and conceptually novel treatments for our patients. Translational Psychiatry bridges this gap by fostering and highlighting the pathway from discovery to clinical applications, healthcare and global health. We view translation broadly as the full spectrum of work that marks the pathway from discovery to global health, inclusive. The steps of translation that are within the scope of Translational Psychiatry include (i) fundamental discovery, (ii) bench to bedside, (iii) bedside to clinical applications (clinical trials), (iv) translation to policy and health care guidelines, (v) assessment of health policy and usage, and (vi) global health. All areas of medical research, including — but not restricted to — molecular biology, genetics, pharmacology, imaging and epidemiology are welcome as they contribute to enhance the field of translational psychiatry.

Abstracted/indexed in

British Library
Chemical Abstracts
Current Contents / Thomson Reuters
Elsevier / Excerpta Medica
Gale / Cengage Learning
Global News Media
Korean Electronic Site License Initiative
Nature Asia
PubMed Central
University of Toronto

Instructions to Authors

Did you know?

  • Translational Psychiatry is an online, open access journal.
  • Millions of users of nature.com can now sign up for an e-mail copy of the table of contents for the Translational Psychiatry issue in which your article is published

Submitting an article

To read about how to prepare your article, please click on Instructions for Authors. If you are ready to submit an article please click on Online Submission.

Benefits of publishing with NPG

Translational Psychiatry is published by Nature Publishing Group (NPG), a dynamic, innovative, creative company, committed to publishing high quality, independently peer-reviewed research and review material. NPG uses pioneering technologies, innovative formats and world class production to provide premium information for scientific researchers in the public and private sectors, government agencies and educators.

A key strength of NPG is its close relationship with the scientific community. Working closely with scientists, listening to what they say, and always placing emphasis on quality rather than quantity, has made NPG the leading scientific publisher at finding innovative solutions to scientists' information needs.

Publishing with Translational Psychiatry and NPG provides an author with a wide range of benefits:

Open access

As an open access journal, Translational Psychiatry content is freely available to all researchers worldwide ensuring maximum dissemination. Content is published online on a weekly basis to provide timely communication to the community and keep publication times to a minimum.

Authors of accepted manuscripts are charged an article-processing fee dependent upon article type and licence chosen. Please see the journal's Instructions to Authors for full price listing.

Creative Commons License

Translational Psychiatry articles are published either under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License, a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License, or a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License at the free choice of the authors. The latter license permits derivative works even commercially. More information about license choice can be found on the Open Access page.

Online submission - reducing publication times

Translational Psychiatry has adopted NPG's online submission system, which allows authors to submit papers via the Web. This system speeds up the submission and refereeing process, and allows you to view the status of your paper online.
Please visit http://mts-tp.nature.com/.


Authors who choose to publish in any NPG journal can be assured the journal's publishing, editorial, and production staff are committed to maintaining the highest quality and standards.

Regular free e-mail alerts

Content published in Translational Psychiatry has the potential to reach scientists around the world who have signed up for NPG's free Table of Contents e-alerts, ensuring additional exposure to authors. These e-alerts allow recipients to click through to the full article.

Focused subject areas on nature.com

From immunology to physics, genetics to materials, subject-specific areas provide a focused environment for readers, providing a monthly updated focus for a particular field. So readers of all NPG's journals, including Molecular Psychiatry, The Pharmacogenomics Journal, Nature, Nature Neuroscience and Neuropsychopharmacology will be able to also easily keep up-to-date with the latest research being published in Translational Psychiatry.

Abstracting and indexing

Extensive reference linking via services such as CrossRef and DOI numbers provide seamless online linking between articles and databases.

Media coverage

The Nature press office provides information about exceptionally interesting papers published throughout NPG. More than 2,000 journalists and media organizations worldwide subscribe to the press service, ensuring that papers receive maximum exposure in the world's most important media channels including newspapers, magazines, radio and television.

Editorial Board


Julio Licinio, MD

Julio Licinio, M.D., FRANZCP, is Deputy Director for Translational Medicine and Head, Mind and Brain Theme at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute and Strategic Professor of Psychiatry, Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia. He is also a Research Professor at the University of Southern California, in Los Angeles. He was previously Professor and Director, John Curtin School of Medical Research, The Australian National University (ANU), and head of the Department of Translational Medicine (2009-2013). Professor Licinio is originally from Brazil and lived for over 25 years in the United States, where he had clinical and research training in endocrinology and psychiatry at University of Chicago, Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Cornell. Professor Licinio is recognised internationally as a leader in translational research in depression and obesity. He has conducted depression research for over 20 years at Yale, NIH, UCLA, University of Miami and at the ANU, with key leadership positions in those institutions. He is also the current and founding Editor of three Nature Publishing Group journals: Molecular Psychiatry (Impact Factor: 14.897, #1-ranked in Psychiatry), The Pharmacogenomics Journal (Impact Factor 5.134) and Translational Psychiatry. Professor Licinio's translational and genomics research spans the lab and clinic examining obesity, depression, and their interface.

Editorial Board Members

M Bauer, Germany
B Baune, Australia
M Berk, Australia
W H Berrettini, USA
P Brown, Australia
J Buxbaum, USA
H Christensen, Australia
G Chrousos, Greece
D A Collier, UK
J T Coyle, USA
K Davis, USA
I P Everall, Australia
D Geschwind, USA
P Greengard, USA
J A Gustafsson, Sweden
P Harrison, UK
S Henderson, Australia
I Hickie, Australia
S E Hyman, USA
A Jablensky, Australia
D V Jeste, USA
M Kato, Japan
K Kendler, USA
J Kleinman, USA
S Koslow, USA
R Krishnan, Singapore
B Lerer, Israel
J Licinio, Israel
P Magistretti, Switzerland
G Malhi, Australia
N Martin, Australia
C L Masters, Australia
B S McEwen, USA
J McGrath, Australia
P McGuffin, UK
M J Morris, Australia
A B Niculescu, USA
M Owen, UK
C Pariante, UK
C Pato, USA
R Plomin, UK
D Porteous, UK
B Raphael, Australia
A Schally, USA
A Schatzberg, USA
M Schwartz, Israel
A Serretti, Italy
C Shannon Weickert, Australia
S Snyder, USA
J Soares, USA
M Valenzuela, Australia


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