

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE (SCTM) is dedicated to significantly advancing the clinical utilization of stem cell molecular and cellular biology. By bridging stem cell research and clinical trials, SCTM will help move applications of these critical investigations closer to accepted best practices.


The potential of stem cells therapies and regenerative medicine is both provocative and powerful, offering the distinct possibility of eventually repairing or replacing tissues damaged from disease, including certain cancers. By helping speed expertly executed translations of emerging lab discoveries into legitimate clinical trials and bedside application, STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE (SCTM) ultimately will improve patient outcomes.

Instructions to Authors

Format of Manuscripts

Papers are published in English (with American spellings), and authors who are not fluent in this language must seek editorial help before submitting their papers. Papers that do not meet basic standards for readability may not be considered for review.

Submission Cover Letter

Submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter briefly describing the work’s significance and identifying the Corresponding Author, with:

  • complete mailing address
  • telephone and fax numbers
  • e-mail address
  • website address (if available)

Title page

The first page of the manuscript should contain the following information:

  • a running head of the title that is no more than 50 characters
  • the title
  • name(s) of author(s)
  • name(s) of institution(s) in which the work was done
  • author contributions:

The Corresponding Author must have obtained permission from all authors for the submission of each version of the paper and for any change in authorship. Authorship should be limited to those who have contributed substantially to the work. The nature of the contribution of every author should be made clear. Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content.

If an article has been substantially written by a contracted writer different from those whose names appear at the beginning of the article, this fact needs to be noted in the Acknowledgments section of the manuscript. In addition, all other contributors who do not meet sufficient criteria for authorship should also be noted in the Acknowledgments section.

Each author’s contribution(s) to the manuscript must be indicated according to the categories listed below:

1. Conception and design

2. Financial support

3. Administrative support

4. Provision of study material or patients

5. Collection and/or assembly of data

6. Data analysis and interpretation

7. Manuscript writing

8. Final approval of manuscript

9. Other (please be specific)

 Please use the following format when adding this information to your title page:

John Doe: Conception and design, financial support, manuscript writing

Jane Doe: Conception and design, provision of study material or patients

  • correspondence information for Corresponding Author [name, address (including postal code), telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address, and website (if available)]
  • disclaimers, if any
  • a brief acknowledgment of grants, equipment, or drugs for research support
  • four to six key words or phrases, using terms from the most recent Medical Subject Headings of Index Medicus (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/serials/lji.html)


An abstract is required for all Original Articles and Concise Reviews. The abstract should:

  • contain no more than 250 words
  • clearly state the paper’s primary objective
  • if appropriate, describe materials and methods and results
  • discuss the implications of the work
  • summarize any conclusions
  • be readable by non-specialists as well as experts in the field
  • define abbreviations and acronyms on first usage

The abstract should not contain:

  • footnotes
  • statistical significance values
  • references
  • proprietary names


The text should be divided into the following sections (when appropriate) and in the following order:

  • introduction
  • materials and methods
  • results
  • discussion
  • conclusion and/or summary
  • acknowledgments
  • disclosure of potential conflicts of interest
  • references
  • tables
  • figures and figure legends

Within the text:

  • acronyms, abbreviations, and symbols must be clearly defined on first usage
  • footnotes are not allowed, except within tables
  • references, tables, and figures must be numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text.

All submitted material should be typed double-spaced, leaving left and right margins of at least 2.5 cm. Do not justify the right-hand margin. Number the pages consecutively.

Proprietary Names

Proprietary drug names are typically given once, followed (in parentheses) by the name and location of the manufacturer. Proprietary drug names will not be published in article titles; accepted manuscript titles will be modified to contain the generic drug name only. The use of proprietary names of devices requires that the name, location and website of the manufacturer also be included. 

Units of Measurement

  • Measurements of length, weight and volume should be reported in metric units (meter, kilogram, or liter) or their decimal multiples.
  • Temperatures should be given in degrees Celsius.
  • Blood pressures should be given in millimeters of mercury.
  • Abbreviations for units of measurement need not be defined (e.g., 5 cm, 20°C, 120 mmHg).

Symbols and Abbreviations

Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time used, both in the abstract and in the body of the article. Author-created abbreviations should be avoided, but if used they must be clearly defined at first usage, both in the abstract and in the paper.


Footnotes should not be used except within tables.


References must be numbered consecutively, without periods after the reference numbers, and ordered as they appear in the text (i.e., citation by number). References must be typed double-spaced in a separate reference section that follows the body of the text. Manuscripts “in preparation” or “submitted” are not included in the reference list.

Reference format:

  • List all authors when there are three or fewer.
  • If there are more than three authors, list the first three followed by “et al.”
  • List authors by last name first, followed by their initials (no periods).
  • Abbreviations for titles of medical periodicals should conform to those in the latest edition of Index Medicus
    (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/serials/lji.html) and on MEDLINE (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/services/pm_title_abbrev.html).
  • Use full beginning and ending page numbers (e.g., 10270–280 is not acceptable).

 Examples of references:

Standard journal article with three or fewer authors

Collins J, Lako M. Concise Review: Putting a finger on stem cell biology: Zinc finger nuclease-driven targeted genetic editing in human pluripotent stem cells. STEM CELLS 2011;29:1021–1033.

Standard journal article with more than three authors

Rasheed Z, Kowalski J, Smith BD, et al. Concise Review: Emerging concepts in clinical targeting of cancer stem cells. STEM CELLS 2011;29:883–887.

Article in journal supplement

Carey L. Directed therapy of subtypes of triple-negative breast cancer.THE ONCOLOGIST 2010;15(suppl 5):49–56.

 Journal article, in press

Prat A, Perou CM. Deconstructing the molecular portraits of breast cancer, MOL ONCOL 2010 (in press).

Authored book

Atala A, Lanza R, Thomson J. Principles of Regenerative Medicine, Second Edition. Waltham, MA: Academic Press, 2010:1–1182.

Book with Editor, Compiler, or Chairman as author

Lakshmipathy U, Chesnut J, Thyagarajan B, eds. Emerging Technology Platforms for Stem Cells. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2009:1–521.

Chapter in a book

Clark J. Molecular targeted drugs. In: Chabner B, Longo D, eds. Cancer Chemotherapy and Biotherapy: Principles and Practice,5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2010:526–546.


Hauschild A, et al. Phase III, randomized, double-blind study of elesclomol and paclitaxel versus paclitaxel alone in stage IV metastatic melanoma (MM).J CLIN ONCOL 2009;27(18 suppl): Abstract LBA9012.

 Letter to the Editor

Welsh J. Contagious cancer.THE ONCOLOGIST 2011:16:1–4.

Internet resource

U.S. National Institutes of Health. Efficacy and safety study of OncoV-EXGM-CSF compared to GM-CSF in melanoma. Available at http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00769704.

Accessed June 11, 2010.

Internet resource with digital object identifier (doi)

Nefzger C, Haynes J Pouton C. Directed expression of Gata2, Mash1, and Foxa2 synergize to induce the serotonergic neuron phenotype during in vitro differentiation of embryonic stem cells. STEM CELLS 10.1002/stem. 2011-640.


Tables must be titled and cited in numerical order in the text using Arabic numbers. Each table should be double-spaced and typed on a separate page. Use superscript lowercase letters to denote footnotes within a table in the order they appear. Each table must include definitions of all abbreviations that have been used. Abbreviations must be used more than once; if not, do not abbreviate but write out. Tables should be created in Microsoft® Word using the table feature. Tables must not be embedded within the manuscript but should be submitted as individual files in .doc format and designated as “figures” during the submission process. Failure to comply with these specifications may result in review delay.


Figures must be titled and cited in numerical order in the text using Arabic numbers. We encourage the submission of illustrations in color. Figures should be submitted as individual files and designated as “figures” during the submission process. Figures should be labeled with the Corresponding Author name, the appropriate figure number and orientation (e.g., “top”). The type font used within the figures should be 12-point Helvetica. 

Please submit figures in either .tif or .eps formats. All other file types such as Excel® spreadsheets and PowerPoint® presentations are not accepted for review.Failure to comply with these specifications may result in review delay. For information and resources to help you with the creation and submission of digital art, go to the Cadmus KnowledgeWorks digital art support website (http://cjs.cadmus.com/da/index.asp).

If you do not have access to Photoshop or similar illustration software, IrfanView is a similar graphic program that can be downloaded for free. IrfanView will allow you to save your images in TIF format, and you can also access its LZW compression feature, which is useful for large files that are difficult to upload. You can download the program at a number of locations on the web, including: (http://www.tucows.com/preview/194967).

Figure Legends

Figure legends, including those for supplemental figures, should be included in the manuscript after the references. They should be typed double-spaced and contain a brief title and explanation of the figures (maximum of 55 words for title and explanation). In addition, the magnification and stain used for photomicrographs should be stated, and any pertinent notes and definitions of all abbreviations used in the figure must be included.

Supplemental Data

The submission of supplemental data that enhance the understanding of the science discussed in the manuscript is encouraged. Supplemental data should be submitted for peer review when the initial submission of the paper occurs. The Editors will review the supplemental data along with the manuscript. Critical information or figures required for the interpretation, understanding and evaluation of the research must be included in the manuscript and must not be submitted as supplemental data. Supplemental data are published online only.


Videos for use on the Journal’s website must be approved by AlphaMed Press and should be uploaded online with your manuscript files. The preferred file format is compressed Windows Media® player-compatible (.wmp or .mpg). Video file size should be kept as small as possible while maintaining good resolution and screen size. Video files submitted to STEM CELLS Translational Medicine are posted online only as Supplemental Data. Within the text of your manuscript, you may cite the videos as, for example, “supplemental online video 1.” Prior to including a video in your submission, please read the Supplemental Data section above.

Editorial Board


  Anthony Atala
  Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Wake Forest University
  Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Associate Editors

  Paolo De Coppi
  London, United Kingdom

  David Scadden 
  Boston, Massachusetts

  Alan O. Trounson
  San Francisco, California

Concise Review Editor

  Terry R.J. Lappin
  Belfast, Northern Ireland

Section Editor
Standards, Policies, Protocols, and Regulations for Cell-Based Therapies 

  Mahendra S. Rao
  Bethesda, Maryland

Editorial Board

Sajjad Ahmad
Newcastle, United Kingdom

Dorairajan Balasubramanian
Hyderabad, India

Yilin Cao
Shanghai, China

Arnold I. Caplan
Cleveland, Ohio

Marina Cavazzana-Calvo
Paris, France

Nelson Chao
Durham, North Carolina

Linzhao Cheng
Baltimore, Maryland

Marie Csete
Bethesda, Maryland

Roger DeFilippo
Los Angeles, California

Benjamin Dekel
Tel Hashomer, Israel

Hongkui Deng
Beijing, China

Sheng Ding
San Francisco, California

Victor Dzau
Durham, North Carolina

Willem Fibbe
Leiden, The Netherlands

Nicholas Fisk
Queensland, Australia

John Gearhart
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Stanton L. Gerson
Cleveland, Ohio

Joshua M. Hare
Miami, Florida

Robert Hariri
Warren, New Jersey

Marisa Jaconi
Geneva, Switzerland

Adam J. Katz
Gainesville, Florida

Armand Keating
Toronto, Canada

Joanne Kurtzberg
Durham, North Carolina

Robert Lanza
Worchester, Massachusetts

Jane S. Lebkowski
Menlo Park, California

Nicolas L’Heureux
Novato, California

Edward Lin
Seattle, Washington

Ramon Llull
Balearic Isles, Spain

Douglas Losordo
Chicago, Illinois

Paolo Macchiarini
Stockholm, Sweden

Teruo Okano
Tokyo, Japan

Marc Penn
Akron, Ohio

Camillo Ricordi
Miami, Florida

Yufang Shi
Shanghai, China

Toshiharu Shinoka
New Haven, Connecticut

Shimon Slavin
Tel Aviv, Israel

Allen M. Spiegel
Bronx, New York

Rocky S. Tuan
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Anna Veiga
Barcelona, Spain

Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic
New York, New York

Fu-Sheng Wang
Beijing, China

Gordon Weir
Boston, Massachusetts

Michelle Williams
Columbia, Maryland


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