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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 The Journal of Energy Chemistry is an international academic journal and published bimonthly in English. The journal formerly is known as the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry, founded in 1992. Professor Xinhe Bao of the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Professor Alexis T. Bell of the University of California, Berkeley, USA now are the editors-in-chief. The editorial office is settled in the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
    During the past two decades, especially in the last decade, under the influence of many factors such as political, economic and social and environmental aspects, the trend of the energy exploration, research and applications have been extensively extended on one side, and are taking place deeply changes in the dramatic ups and downs on the other side. It is again revealed and confirmed that competition and innovation is the driving force for the development of science and technology.
    In consideration of this situation, we decide after more than two years of preparation to officially rename the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry as the Journal of Energy Chemistry started from 2013.
    The Journal of Energy Chemistry is a publication that mainly reports on creative researches and innovative applications of chemical conversions of fossil energy, electrochemical energy and hydrogen energy, as well as the conversions of biomass and solar energy related with chemical issues to promote academic exchanges in the field of energy chemistry and to accelerate the exploration,research and development of energy science and technologies.
     In more detail, the Journal of Energy Chemistry is interested in the following subjects:
     (1) Optimized utilization of fossil energy
     (2) Research and utilization related to hydrogen energy
     (3) Electrochemical energy conversion and storage
     (4) Carbon dioxide capture, storage, and chemical utilization
     (5) Materials and nanotechnology associated with energy utilization
     (6) Biomass energy conversions related to chemical issues
     (7) Solar energy transformations associated with chemical issues
    Main columns of the Journal of Energy Chemistry are as follows: Original research papers; Newsletters; Reviews and Introduction and Comment on international meetings related to energy chemistry, as well as Introduction of research institutions engaged in the field of energy chemistry.
    The Journal of Energy Chemistry will be listed in a variety of important retrieval systems and databases. They are the Science Citation Index (Extended Edition) (SCIE) of USA; the Engineering Index (EI) of USA; the Chemical Abstracts"(CA) of USA; the Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA) of USA; the Digest Magazine (AJ) of Russia; the Engineering Information Data-base Encompass LIT of the Netherlands; as well as the Core Journals of Sciences and Technologies of China (CJSTC); the Chinese Science Abstracts (CSA); the Core Library of the Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD); the Databases of Wan-Fang Digital Periodicals; and the Chinese Science Journals on CD-ROM edition.
    We believe that, under the care and support of the readers, authors and scholars, as well as people from all walks of life, the Journal of Energy Chemistry will appear in the field of international academic journals with its unique and acute academic perspective, a wealth of scientific creation and technological innovation information, as well as the new face and style.

Appendix:Historical Evolution of the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry

In 1992, the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry was founded and sponsored by the Chengdu Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences and published quarterly.
   In 2000, the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry was co-sponsored by the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics and the Chengdu Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences and was published as an academic journal by Science Press of China. Professor Xinhe Bao of the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Professor Alexis T. Bell of the University of California, Berkeley, USA now are the editors-in-chief. The editorial office is settled in the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science,.
   In 2006, the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics and Elsevier Publishing Company signed a long-term agreement on the Publication of the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry. Elsevier will be responsible for the distribution abroad of the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry and for its publication on Elsevier Sciencedirect.
   From 2006, all articles published in the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry were collected by EI.
   From 2007, all articles published in the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry were collected by SCIE.
   In 2010, the Impact Factor of Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry was 1.345 and the Journal was published bimonthly.
   In 2011, the Impact Factor of Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry was 1.348.
   In 2013, the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry will be officially renamed as the Journal of Energy Chemistry

Instructions to Authors
  • The Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry has renamed as theJournal of Energy Chemistry in 2013. The Journal of EnergyChemistry is a bimonthly journal jointly edited by the DalianInstitute of Chemical Physics and the Chengdu Institute of OrganicChemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Elsevier willpublish the Journal on ScienceDirect, the online full text andbibliographic information resource, and take care of the Journal’sinternational institutional print subscriptions.

    Scope of the Journal

    The Journal of Energy Chemistry will function as amedium for reporting original research papers dealing withtopics in the fields of energy chemistry. It will be devoted toup-to-date progress in the following fields all over the world:• Optimized chemical utilization of both conventionaland unconventional fossil energies
    • Research and utilization of hydrogen energy
    • Conversion and storage of electrochemical energy
    • Capturing, storage and chemical utilization of CO2
    • New materials and nanotechnologies related to energyutilization
    • Chemical conversion of biomasses
    • Chemical approaches related to photo-catalysis

    Abstracting and indexing

    Journal of Energy Chemistry will be covered by followingservices:
    • Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE, SciSearch)
    • Compendex (EI)
    • Chemical Abstracts (CA)
    • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA)
    • Abstract Journals (AJ)
    • Petroleum Abstracts (PA)
    • Engineering Information Database Encompass (LIT)
    • Scopus
    • Computer and Information Systems Abstracts Journal
    • Earthquake Engineering Abstracts
    • Electronics and Communications Abstracts Journal
    • International Aerospace Abstracts
    • Referativnyi Zhurnal
    • Mosby Yearbooks
    • API Encompass
    • Source Journal for Chinese Scientific and Technical Papersand Citations
    • Chinese Science Citation Database
    • Chinese Academic Journal (CD)

    Submission information

    All manuscripts can be submitted to the editorial officeby one of the following two methods:
    (1) E-mail submission: to jenergchem@dicp.ac.cn
    (2) Online submission: http://www.jenergchem.orgAccompanied with the manuscripts, the following materials:
    (a) a signed copyright status form (a copy reproducedfrom the form printed in the issue of the Journalmay be used),and (b) a covering letter, outlines the basic findings of the paperand their significance, should be submitted to the editorialoffice.

    Types of contributions

    Four types of manuscripts are acceptable for publication:Articles, Communications, Reviews and Research notes.

    Articles are meant for papers reporting the results of completeddefinite studies. If several closely related manuscriptsare being prepared at about the same time, all should be submittedtogether. Articles of high scientific quality and originalitythat are of interest to the wide and diverse readership ofthe Journal will be given priority for publication.

    Communications are intended for the rapid and timelypublication of original research of significance. Communicationsare short contributions not exceeding three printed pagesin length.

    Reviews deal with topics of current interest in areas relatingto energy chemistry. Rather than an assemblage of detailedinformation with a complete literature survey, a criticallyselected treatment of the material is desired. Unsolvedproblems and possible developments should also be discussed.Review articles are generally written upon invitation by theChief Editor.

    Research notes report valuable results that are timelyparts of a phase research work.

    Preparation of manuscripts
    The manuscripts should be printed on good quality A4 paperin a 12 pt Times New Roman font with double spacing andwide margins. All manuscripts should include: a title, list of authors, fulladdresses of authors, an abstract, keywords, all sections of thebody of the manuscript, footnotes, and references.

    The title should clearly and accurately indicate the contentsof the article or communication and should be expressedin adequate scientific terms. No abbreviations should be usedin the title.

    The full addresses of authors should be placed below thetitle.

    Footnotes should be included on the first page to give thephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the authorof correspondence, and if applicable, information regardingfunding.We request that authors should submit abstracts for botharticles and communications. Abstracts should state brieflythe reason for the work, the significant results, and conclusions.

    Keywords should be given at the bottom of the abstractto serve as guidelines for indexing.The body of the manuscript should be subdivided into thefollowing sequence of the sections: Introduction, Experimental,Results and discussion, Conclusions, and References.

    Tables and figures must be numbered consecutively withArabic numerals and should be self-explanatory. Tables musthave a brief descriptive title and include footnotes if necessary.“Figure” should be spelled out instead of being written“Fig.” Figures should have figure captions, either withthe figures or collected on a separate sheet. The contentsof figures, tables, and word descriptions should not be duplicated.

    Photographs should be of sufficiently high quality withrespect to detail and contrast. Indicate the magnification by abar on the photograph.

    References should be numbered consecutively in the orderin which they are first mentioned in the text. Abbreviationsof journal titles should follow the style used in ChemicalAbstracts. Reference accuracy is critical and authors are responsiblefor the accuracy of the references. Only articles thathave been published or are in press should be included in thereferences. Journal articles and books must be cited by thefollowing formats:
    [1] Descorme C, Gelin P, Lecuyer C, PrimetM. J Catal, 1998,177(2): 352
    [2] Huang H J, Liu X C, Liu S L, Liu X M, Xu L Y, Han XW,Zhang W P, Bao X H. Chin J catal (Cuihua Xuebao), 2010,31(2): 186
    [3] Phillips J B, Liu Z. US Patent 5 196 039. 1993
    [4] Andrade J D. Surface and Interfacial Aspects of BiochemicalPolymers. Vol 2. New York: Plenum Press, 1985. 35
    [5] Gao S, Xi Z W. In: Oyama S T ed. Mechanisms in Homogeneousand Heterogeneous Epoxidation Catalysis. Amsterdam:Elsevier, 2007. 429
    All manuscripts should include a description portion (20-30 words) and a graphic abstract. The description portion (20-30 words) should not be the same as the abstract inthe manuscript. In addition, authors are required to provide a single separate A4 sheet containing a small diagram, or otherinformative illustration (scheme, formula, figure, etc.) that shows the most important aspect of the paper. The diagram or illustration should be a maximum size of 50 mm high × 85mm wide with color. Style and format of the description portion and graphical abstract may be found in the example.
    Description portion example: Recent advances in understandingthe effects of key factors including the state of activemetals, the promoters, the size and microenvironment ofactive metals on Fischer-Tropsch synthesis have been highlighted.
    Graphic abstract example

    Reviewing of manuscripts
    Every submitted paper is independently reviewed by atleast two peers. Decision for publication, amendment, or rejectionis based upon their reports. If two or more reviewersconsider a manuscript unsuitable for publication in this Journal,a statement explaining the basis for the decision will besent to the authors within threemonths of the submission date.Manuscripts rejected will not be returned to the authors.
    Revision of manuscripts
    Manuscripts sent back to the authors for revision shouldbe returned to the editor without delay. Revised manuscriptscan be sent to editorial office by e-mail to jngc@dicp.ac.cn orjenergchem@dicp.ac.cn. Revised manuscripts returned laterthan three months will be considered as new submissions.
    The journal is a member of the “Science Citation IndexExpanded (SCIE)”, “Ei Compendex”, “Cambridge ScientificAbstracts”, “Abstract Journals”, “Wanfang Data”, and otherrelated indexing databases as shown in the section of “Abstractingand indexing”. The articles published on the journalwill appear in the indexing databases. The author will not bepaid because of the covering in the databases. If the authordoes not wish for the article to appear in this form, you shouldstate so.

    Editorial Office
    Journal of Energy Chemistry
    Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics
    Chinese Academy of Sciences
    457 Zhongshan Road
    Dalian 116023, China
    Tel: +86-411-84379237
    Fax: +86-411-84379600
    E-mail: jenergchem@dicp.ac.cn

Editorial Board




Xinhe Bao

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China

Alexis T. Bell

University of California, USA

Associate Editors


De Chen

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Ping Chen

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China

Changjun Liu

Tianjin University, China

Kian Ping Loh

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Martin Muhler

Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany

Noritatsu Tsubaki

University of Toyama, Japan

Yong Wang

Washington State University/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA

Ye Wang

Xiamen University, China

Hongmei Yin

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China

Aibing Yu

The University of New South Wales, Australia

International Advisory Board

John N. Armor

GlobalCatalysis.com L. L. C., USA

Bair S. Bal'zhinimaev

Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Russia

Valerii I. Bukhtiyarov

Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Russia

Xianghong Cao

China Petroleum \& Chemical Corporation, China

Jun Chen

Nankai University, China

Wei Chu   

Sichuan University, China

Robert Davis

University of Virginia, USA

K. P. de Jong

Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Kuiling Ding

Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, China

Kazunari Domen 

The University of Tokyo, Japan

Xue Duan

Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China

Shuanshi Fan 

South China University of Technology, China

Weiyang Fei

Tsinghua University, China

Xianzhi Fu

Fuzhou University, China

Gabriele Centi

University of Messina, Italy

Mingyuan He

East China Normal University, China

Hong He

Ecological environment research center of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Enrique Iglesia

University of California at Berkeley, USA

Can Li

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China

Shijun Liao

South China University of Technology, China

Zhongmin Liu

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China

Jingyue Liu

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China

Haichao Liu

Peking University, China

Max Lu

The University of Queensland, Australia

Thomas Maschmeyer

The University of Sydney, Australia

Ulrich Müller

BASF SE, Germany

Philippe Sautet

Institute of Chemistry of Lyon, France

Baolian Su

University of Namur, Belgium

Dangsheng Su

Institute of Metal Research, China

Yuhan Sun

Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Zhongqun Tian

Xiamen University, China

Wataru Ueda

Hokkaido University, Japan

Huilin Wan  

Xiamen University, China

Jianguo Wang

Institute of Coal Chemistry, China

Feng-shou Xiao

Zhejiang University, China

Yide Xu

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China

Jie Xu

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China

Baolian Yi

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China

Jincai Zhao

Institute of Chemistry, China

Dongyuan Zhao

Fudan University, China

Xiaoming Zheng  

Zhejiang University, China

Baoning Zong

Sinopec Research Institute of petroleum, China


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