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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Published by: Freshwater Biological Association
Frequency: Articles appear online as they are published with print copies published 4 times per year
ISSN: Online: 2044-205X Print: 2044-2041
DOI Range: 10.5268
2012 Impact Factor: 1.533

Inland Waters

Inland Waters is the peer-reviewed, scholarly outlet for original papers that advance science within the framework of the International Society of Limnology (SIL). The journal promotes understanding of inland aquatic ecosystems and their management. Subject matter parallels the content of SIL Congresses, and submissions based on presentations are encouraged.

All aspects of physical, chemical, and biological limnology are appropriate, as are papers on applied and regional limnology. The journal also aims to publish articles resulting from plenary lectures presented at SIL Congresses and occasional synthesis articles, as well as issues dedicated to a particular theme, specific water body, or aquatic ecosystem in a geographical area. Publication in the journal is not restricted to SIL members.

All articles are made available as open access 36 months after publication.  Research Briefs are made open access as soon as they published, at no charge to authors.  Authors of standard Articles who wish to make their article open access earlier than 36 months may do so by paying an ‘Open Early’ fee of $600. The ‘Open Early’ option is offered only to authors whose articles have been accepted.

Focus and Scope

Inland Waters - Journal of the International Society of Limnology (SIL) is the peer‐reviewed, scholarly outlet for original papers that advance science within the framework of the society. The journal promotes understanding of inland aquatic ecosystems and their management.
The journal aims to publish:

  • a set of internationally diverse limnological submissions that serve the needs of SIL. Subject matter parallels the content of SIL Congresses, and submissions based on presentations are encouraged. All aspects of physical, chemical, and biological limnology across organizational levels from autecologyto ecosystem studies are appropriate, as are papers on applied and regional limnology.
  • articles resulting from plenary lectures presented at SIL Congresses and occasional synthesis articles.
  • issues dedicated to a particular theme, specific water body, or aquatic ecosystem in a geographical area.

Inland Waters publishes standard manuscripts of about 5000 words (with appropriate tables and figures) and focal articles entitled "Research Briefs" (<2500 words, with limited tables and figures). Review and publication of these short articles are fast‐tracked to accelerate communication of emerging issues, novel findings, and advance scholarly exchange.

Inland Waters is published consecutively (as papers are accepted for publication) online and in paper format in 4 printed issues per year. It is published and maintained by the Freshwater Biological Association (FBA). Electronic access is provided to all SIL members and subscribers, and printed issues are available for an extra charge. Publication is not restricted to SIL members and the Editors encourage submissions from a range of disciplines within the scope of the journal.

Download full Focus and Scope document here.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Plenary Lectures (incl. Baldi & Kilham Lectures)

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Research Briefs

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Peer Review Process

Each manuscript must be uploaded using the FBA's Journal System. The Editor will consider the manuscript and send it to 2 or more nominated peer reviewers (unless the manuscript is deemed inappropriate for Inland Waters, in which case it will be returned to the submitting author with the Editor's comments). Once the peer reviewers have considered the manuscript, they send their comments to the Editor, who is responsible for making the decision to:

  1. Accept the manuscript without amendment;
  2. Accept the the manuscript subject to ammendments being made;
  3. Reject the manuscript but suggest changes which should be made before re-submitting the manuscript for consideration again.

Revised manuscript submission
When the author has been notified with the Editors decision a revision of the manuscript may be requested. Authors should make the suggested changes and return the revised version of their manuscript as soon as possible. Prompt action will ensure fast publication if the manuscript is finally accepted for publication in Inland Waters . Authors should return their revised manuscript within 45 days.

Final proofreading
Authors will receive a PDF file of the edited version of their manuscript for final proofreading. This is the last opportunity to view an article before its publication on the journal's web site. No changes or modifications can be introduced once it is published. Thus authors are requested to check their proof pages carefully against their manuscript within 3 working days and prepare a list of any changes that should be made. Authors are sometimes asked to provide additional comments and explanations in response to remarks and queries from the redactory editor. In case the authors do not deliver the list of corrections to proofs in the requested time the manuscript will be published as it is.  

After publication, the corresponding author is notified by email and receives a PDF file with the published version of the manuscript. This is for private reference only and must not be distributed to anyone other than co-authors of the article (except as allowed under the terms of the Copyright Notice for authors of ‘Open Early’ articles).

If any errors are detected in the published material they should be reported to the Editor. The corresponding authors should send appropriate corrected material to the Editor via email. This material will be considered for publication in the form of erratum in the earliest available hard copy issue of Inland Waters.

Download full peer reviewer guidelines


Publication Frequency

Manuscripts accepted for publication are published online in a so called Online First service as soon as they are ready for publication (that is when final proofreading is performed and all concerns are resolved). Once a manuscript appears on the website it is considered as published. Hard copy issues are published four times per year.


Open Access

Each Research Brief will be available in an open access format (i.e. freely available to all) as soon as it is published online. This service is free of charge to authors.

Articles and Plenary Lectures published as part of Inland Waters will become open access 36 months after publication.

Authors of standard Articles who wish to make their article open access earlier than 36 months may do so by paying an ‘Open Early’ fee of $600. Authors wishing to choose this option should notify the Editor (JonesJ@missouri.edu) immediately upon acceptance of their manuscript or at any time afterwards. Details of how to pay will then be forwarded to you and the article will become open access as soon as it is published online and the fee has been paid. The ‘Open Early’ option is offered only to authors whose articles have been accepted, and has no influence on the peer review and acceptance process.


Online subscriptions: restrictions on use

Users with a valid subscription are permitted to save and print copies provided they are for personal/research use and NOT distribution. It is not permitted to reproduce articles or extracts except as allowed under the Copyright Notice/Author Self-Archiving Policy or by arrangement with SIL. Any use of material should be cited correctly and linked to the Inland Waters pages.

Authorised users within institutions include employees and students of the institution, as well as visitors to the institution, but exclude employees/students/visitors of other institutions occupying the same site.


Instructions to Authors

For Authors

Interested in submitting an article?

The article categories we accept are research articles, research briefs or plenary articles. Before you submit a manuscript please consider the points below.

  1. We recommend that you look at the About the Journal page for the journal's policies, as well as the Author Guidelines.
  2. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting.
  3. If you are already registered, you can simply log in and begin the 5-step process.

N.B. This journal only accepts manuscripts written in English (either US or English/international spellings are accepted). Authors who are not native-speakers of English are encouraged to seek help with their manuscript before submission. If you have any queries regarding the author's guidelines, please contact journal@limnology.org.


Submission Guidelines

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Go to Registration

Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.


Author Guidelines

Manuscripts should be submitted to Inland Waters via the FBA's online journal system. To ensure we can process your manuscript efficiently, please read the guidance documents below and make sure your manuscript falls within the scope of the journal by checking our Focus and Scope page.

Style Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

Page charges

There are no page charges for Research Briefs (which must be < 2500 words), Plenary Lectures, and Articles of 8 published pages or less. Articles of 9 pages or more will attract page charges at a rate of $150 per page, from page 9 onwards.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been published previously and it is not being considered for publication elsewhere, either in whole or substantial part.
  2. All persons entitled to authorship have been so included, have read the submitted version of the manuscript and approve its submission.
  3. The manuscript is in Microsoft Word (2000 or later) file format.
  4. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  5. The primary author has obtained all necessary permissions for reproducing figures/images and text extracts, and will submit evidence of such permissions during step 4 as Supplementary Files.
  6. High-resolution graphics/image files of all figures are available and will be provided if the manuscript is accepted.

Copyright Notice

The submitting author (or their employer, if the author is not entitled to do so) will be required to check a box indicating that they have read, understood and accept the terms of this Copyright Notice.

Author's declaration

This article is submitted for publication in Inland Waters by me. I, the author (or his/her employer) confirm that:

  1. this article has not been published previously and it is not being considered for publication elsewhere, either in whole or substantial part;
  2. all persons entitled to authorship have been so included;
  3. all authors have read the submitted manuscript and approve its submission;
  4. the work conforms to the legal requirements of the country in which it was carried out, including those relating to conservation and welfare.

Copyright to the above work (including all original text, photographs, images, tables and graphs*) is hereby transferred to the International Society of Limnology (SIL). I confirm that I have suitable rights to all content* and am legally permitted to transfer ownership to SIL. I accept responsibility for transferring copyright on behalf of any co-authors.

* Excepting content for which I do not own the copyright but have obtained the necessary permission to reproduce.  (Note: evidence of such permissions must be uploaded during step four of the submission process (Supplementary Files)).

Rights of authors, publication, and permissions to reproduce

The author retains the right to:

  1. display the submitted version of the manuscript (as first submitted to Inland Waters, prior to peer review), and/or the abstract only of the published article, on their personal/academic website(s);
  2. use (and permit others to use) the submitted version within their own organisation for non-commercial uses, e.g. for teaching purposes

provided it is clearly stated that the manuscript is unpublished, and full bibliographic reference to the published article is given. Recommended text:
      Unpublished manuscript [if applicable]. The full text of this article is published in Inland Waters, [insert volume no., issue no., pages, and DOI], available online at www.fba.org.uk/journals.

Authors who have paid an ‘Open Early’ fee have the right to:

  1. display the published PDF of the article on their personal/academic website;
  2. deposit the PDF in their institutional repository, provided this is non-commercial;
  3. use (and permit others to use) the PDF within their own organisation for non-commercial uses, e.g. teaching purposes

provided that there is a link from the article on the website or repository to the published article on the journal website. Authors are responsible for ensuring that any publisher-supplied amendments or retractions issued after publication are incorporated onto their website/repository.

Inland Waters will publish the above article electronically and also in hard copy format. Transfer of copyright covers the right to reproduce and distribute the article and all of its components. Inland Waters may also make the article available to developing countries via AGORA (Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture), OARE (Online Access to Research in the Environment) and/or similar initiatives. The full text of the article will be made freely available online 3 years (36 months) after online publication, with the exception of Research Briefs (which will be freely available online immediately upon publication) and ‘Open Early’ articles (which will be freely available online upon payment of the appropriate fee).

It is anticipated that in most circumstances permission to reproduce the article will be given to the author, providing SIL is acknowledged. Each instance will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Editor in such instances.

This Agreement will become binding from the date that the Author's Agreement box is checked. If the article is not accepted for publication, this Agreement will be null and void.

Copyright notice as at 31 January 2011.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Editorial Board


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