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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

International Journal of Applied Glass Science

Cover image for Vol. 4 Issue 4

Edited By: L. David Pye

Impact Factor: 1.548

ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2012: 6/27 (Materials Science Ceramics)

Online ISSN: 2041-1294


The International Journal of Applied Glass Science (IJAGS) endeavors to be an indispensable source of information dealing with the application of glass science and engineering across the entire materials spectrum. Through the solicitation, editing, and publishing of cutting-edge peer-reviewed papers, IJAGS will be a highly respected and enduring chronicle of major advances in applied glass science throughout this century. It will be of critical value to the work of scientists, engineers, educators, students, and organizations involved in the research, manufacture and utilization of the material glass. Guided by an International Advisory Board, IJAGS will focus on topical issue themes that broadly encompass the advanced description, application, modeling, manufacture, and experimental investigation of glass.


Readers of the International Journal of Applied Glass Science include scientists, engineers, educators and students throughout the world who are involved in the research, manufacture and the application of the material glass. While its editorial officers are located in the United States, this journal is an essential knowledge base for glass scientists and engineers in Europe, Asia, Australia, and the Americas in direct support of the worldwide glass industry.

Abstracting and Indexing Information

  • Current Contents: Engineering, Computing & Technology (Thomson Reuters)
  • PASCAL Database (INIST/CNRS)
  • Science Citation Index Expanded (Thomson Reuters)
  • VINITI (All-Russian Institute of Science & Technological Information)
  • Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)

Impact Factor

The International Journal of Applied Glass Science received its first Impact Factor score of 1.548*, now ranking #6 in the Materials Science - Ceramics category!

Society Information

The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) is a 100-year-old non-profit organization that serves the informational, educational, and professional needs of the international ceramics community. The Society's more than 7,500 members comprise a wide variety of individuals and interest groups that include engineers, scientists, researchers, manufacturers, plant personnel, educators, students, marketing and sales professionals, and others in related materials disciplines. ACerS provides members and subscribers in 80 countries with access to periodicals and books, meetings and expositions, and on-line technical information. Find more information at www.ceramics.org.


Instructions to Authors

Author Guidelines

Additional Resources:

How to cite: To make sure that references to this journal are correctly recorded and resolved (for example in CrossRef or ISI Web of Science), please use the following abbreviated title in any citations: "Int. J. Appl. Glass Sci."

Author Services enables authors to track their article - once it has been accepted - through the production process to publication online and in print. Authors can check the status of their articles online and choose to receive automated emails at key stages of production. The author will receive an email with a unique link that enables them to register and have their article automatically added to the system. Please ensure that a complete email address is provided when submitting the manuscript. Visit http://authorservices.wiley.com for more details on online production tracking and for a wealth of resources including FAQs and tips on article preparation, submission and more.

Copyright/License Agreement. Your article cannot be published until the publisher has received the appropriate signed license agreement. Within the next few days the corresponding author will receive an e-mail from Wiley's Author services system which will ask them to log in and will present them with the appropriate license for completion. For further information, please log in to http://authorservices.wiley.com.

Contact information
E-mail: mstoltz@ceramics.org.

Production Office
E-mail: ijag@wiley.com


        Submission Guidelines for Publication in the International Journal of Applied Glass Science

        These instructions are intended to provide guidance to authors in preparing and submitting technical papers for publication in the International Journal of Applied Glass Science. Adherence to these instructions will ensure that papers are reviewed, edited, and published in the most timely and efficient manner. Any questions regarding these instructions should be addressed to the International Journal of Applied Glass Science, at Society headquarters.


        Aims and Scope

        Editors and Contact Information

        Citing the Journal

        Editorial Policies

        Publication Ethics

        Author Responsibilities


        National Institute of Health Grantees

        Image Processing

        EarlyView Online Publication

        Editorial Process

        Online Submission





        Manuscript Preparation

        Length of Submissions

        File Formats

        Title, Authors, and Abstract

        Text Sections



        Graphics Preparation




        Aims and Scope

        The International Journal of Applied Glass Science (IJAGS) is an indispensable source of information dealing with the application of glass science and engineering across the entire materials spectrum. Through the solicitation, editing, and publishing of peer-reviewed papers, IJAGS will develop into a highly respected and enduring chronicle of major advances in applied glass science throughout this century. It is of critical value to the work of scientists, engineers, educators, students, and organizations involved in the research, manufacture and utilization of the material glass. Guided by an International Advisory Board, IJAGS focuses on topical issue themes that broadly encompass the advanced description, modeling, manufacture, application, experimental investigation, and characterization of glass.

        Contributed papers are welcome in the following areas:

        • Definition, nomenclature, and description of the vitreous state/non-crystalline solids.
        • Properties, experimental and computational methods, glass forming systems.
        • Manufacturing including the properties of glass forming melts, transition range behavior, forming methods, modeling; process and quality control.
        • Secondary processing including controlled crystallization, tempering, ion-exchange, coatings, and decoration.
        • Application in areas such as communications, transportation, medicine, energy, architecture, process control, sensors, optical, electrical, nuclear, mechanical, and chemical systems, archeometry, planetology, art.
        • Characterization by techniques such as optical and electron microscopy, thermal analysis, property measurements, x-ray and electron diffraction/absorption/scattering.

        Editors and Contact Information

        The International Journal of Applied Glass Science is edited by L. David Pye. To contact the editorial office, please email Marilyn Stoltz at mstoltz@ceramics.org.

        Citing the Journal

        To make sure that references to this journal are correctly recorded and resolved, please use "Int. J. Appl. Glass Sci.", either with year, volume, and page numbers or with year and the DOI:

        • Int. J. Appl. Glass Sci. 2011, DOI: 10.1111/j.2041-1294.2011.00047.x
        • Int. J. Appl. Glass Sci. 2011, 2, 1–2

        Editorial Policies

        Publication Ethics

        The authors, reviewers, and editors of the International Journal of Applied Glass Science are expected to follow the standards defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics. In particular, authors should not submit manuscripts that contain previously published results, plagiarized material, fictitious results, or intentional reference omissions. Manuscripts currently being considered for publication elsewhere will not be considered. Publication of abstracts and presentations at scientific meetings will not jeopardize full publication.

        Authors should disclose related manuscripts that are under consideration or in press elsewhere, describing their relationship to the submitted manuscript and providing copies preferably at submission, and in any case upon request.

        Authors should not submit manuscripts reporting essentially the same research to multiple journals. In addition, authors should not intentionally fragment research into multiple manuscripts if a single report would be more appropriate.

        Scientific Misconduct Issues: Any alleged violation of any of the rules of scientific publishing ethics as defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (http://publicationethics.org/files/International%20standards_authors_for%20website_11_Nov_2011.pdf) will be investigated confidentially in accord with standard Wiley procedures as outlined in our best practices guide (http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/publicationethics.asp). If the violations are found to be sufficiently serious, the Editors will request that the authors provide a written explanation. If the authors do not provide an explanation or the explanation is unsatisfactory, such that the journal's Editorial Team finds that the evidence clearly shows that a violation of our publishing ethics policy has occurred, the manuscript will be rejected or retracted, depending on current status. In such cases the Editors reserve the right to both notify the authors' institution of the violation of the journal's scientific ethics policy and impose punitive actions, e.g., a ban on publishing in the journal. The above course of action will also take effect if it is established that authors have violated any of the basic rules of ethical scientific conduct.

        Author Responsibilities


        Credit for authorship should be based on:

        • substantial contributions to research design,
        • the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data, drafting the paper or revising it critically,
        • and approval of the submitted and final versions.

        Authors should meet all three criteria. All contributors who do not meet all the criteria for authorship should be listed in the acknowledgement section. In order to guarantee that appropriate authorship credit is given to all contributors we request that a brief statement describing the contribution of every listed author is added to the cover letter.

        The corresponding author should take responsibility for communicating with all other authors and getting their approval for the final version to be published.

        Funding and competing financial interests

        Authors must disclose all sources of funding for their research and its publication, or for their publication if it is not a research publication. All authors must provide details of competing financial interests (e.g., employment, significant share ownership, patent rights, consultancy, research funding) in any company or institution that might benefit from their publication.


        Authors must declare that the submitted work is their own and that copyright has not been breached in seeking its publication.


        Authors should declare that the submitted work has not previously been published in full, and is not being considered for publication, elsewhere. Publication of abstracts and presentations at scientific meetings will not jeopardize full publication.


        OnlineOpen is available to authors of primary research articles who wish to make their article available to non-subscribers upon publication, or whose funding agency requires grantees to archive the final version of their article. With OnlineOpen the author, the author's funding agency, or the author's institution pays a fee to ensure that the article is made available to non–subscribers upon publication via Wiley Online Library, as well as deposited in the funding agency's preferred archive. Please visit the OnlineOpen site for more information:http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/onlineopen#OnlineOpen_Journals.

        Prior to acceptance there is no requirement to inform an Editorial Office that you intend to publish your paper OnlineOpen if you do not wish to. All OnlineOpen articles are treated in the same way as any other article. They go through the journal's standard peer review process and will be accepted or rejected based on their own merit.

        National Institute of Health Grantees

        Pursuant to National Institute of Health (NIH) mandate, Wiley-Blackwell will post the accepted version of contributions authored by NIH grant-holders to PubMed Central upon acceptance. This accepted version will be made publicly available 12 months after publication. For further information, see http://www.wiley.com/go/nihmandate.

        Image Processing

        While a certain degree of image processing is acceptable, and sometimes unavoidable, images submitted for publication should be minimally modified, and any modification to original raw data should be clearly and fully disclosed. Images submitted must accurately represent the original data, and authors must provide, if requested by the editors, unprocessed and raw data to aid in the reviewing process.

        Image-processing details should be disclosed in full, either in the figure legends, the Experimental section, or in the Supporting Information. This should include the software used and the settings and methods applied in manipulations. Processing should be applied equally to the entire image and also to controls. Processing that obscures data or emphasizes certain regions at the expense of others should not be employed. When used, false-color and nonlinear adjustments, such as gamma correction, deconvolution, filtering, thresholding, and projection, should be clearly indicated in the manuscript.

        In the case of gels and blots, cropped images may be used when necessary for clarity and conciseness. As previously mentioned, these modifications must be clearly stated, and the full gels and blots should be provided as Supporting Information. A clear line should mark the boundary between different gels where these were cropped, and all important bands should be maintained in the image.

        EarlyView Online Publication

        Articles are edited and published online in the order in which they are approved. The articles can be viewed in the Early View section for the Journal in Wiley Online Library, and online publication is fully citable with the year and the DOI. The printed issues are organized by topical focus, and articles are selected for inclusion in issues based on whether they fit the next issue's theme.

        Editorial Process

        Online Submission

        Authors are asked to submit manuscripts electronically using ScholarOne Manuscripts, the Journal's online manuscript management and review system available at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijags. The author should also complete a copyright transfer form.

        This site is also linked to the Journal home page at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)2041-1294. Text, tables, and figures should be submitted as electronic files. The files will be converted to PDF and HTML formats for review purposes.

        New users of ScholarOne Manuscripts should start by creating their own account by following the directions given. Your suggested user name is your email address. If you are an Associate Editor, your account has already been set up. Once entered, you cannot change your user name; however, you may log on to change your password at any time. If your user name or password does not work, click on 'Get Help Now' in the top right corner of the ScholarOne Manuscripts home page for assistance.

        Contact information for the corresponding author, including an e-mail address, fax number, and telephone number, must be provided with all submissions.

        Papers published in the International Journal of Applied Glass Science include both invited and unsolicited manuscripts. All submissions are thoroughly reviewed by two or more selected reviewers and at least one Associate Editor. Final accepted papers are available online within 6 months of submission and published in print shortly thereafter.

        Guidelines for preparing your manuscript for submission, including file formats and image resolution, can be found at the end of this document under Manuscript Preparation.

        Pre-submission language editing

        Occasionally, a paper is submitted in which the English usage is too poor to permit review and editing. In these instances, the manuscript will be rejected and the author advised to make use of a rewrite service, or to otherwise improve the quality of the language usage to a satisfactory level before submitting again. Authors for whom English is a second language may choose to have their manuscript professionally edited before submission to improve the English. A list of independent suppliers of editing services can be found at http://Authorservices.Wiley.Com/Bauthor/English_Language.Asp. All services are paid for and arranged by the author, and use of one of these services does not guarantee acceptance or preference for publication.

        Submission policies

        The International Journal of Applied Glass Science does not consider manuscripts containing results that have previously been published in full, or are being considered for publication, elsewhere. Publication of abstracts and presentations at scientific meetings will not jeopardize full publication.

        Authors should disclose related manuscripts that are under consideration or in press elsewhere, describing their relationship to the submitted manuscript and providing copies upon request.

        Cover letter

        Authors must submit cover letters with their manuscripts (in ScholarOne Manuscripts, a text box is provided for the letter). The cover letter must contain a short statement that explains why your submitted paper meets the Aims and Scope of IJAGS. This statement should be no more than a few sentences written in style that can be understood by scientists and engineers, who are familiar with the general scientific issues in the field.


        If color print reproduction is desired, the author must indicate this and commit to paying costs of printing in color, $500 per figure with color.


        The review system assigns a manuscript number, forwards the manuscript to IJAGS, and sends an e-mail letter to the submitting author acknowledging receipt of the manuscript. The IJAGS staff electronically forwards the manuscript to the appropriate editor.

        An author can view the status of his/her paper by logging on ScholarOne Manuscripts. The manuscripts are reviewed using the following criteria.

        Manuscripts published in the Journal must:

        • Fit within the scope of the journal and be of interest to its readers. Report original research and contain substantially new and interesting results that are of sufficient importance to justify publication.
        • Be written using proper English style and grammar.
        • Be well organized with an abstract that concisely conveys the contribution of the manuscript to the technical literature (purpose, approach, results and consequences). In addition, the introduction should describe the reason for the study and describe how the present study differs from past studies.
        • Include a thorough literature review with an appropriate list of references from relevant studies or other sources.
        • Include a methodology or experimental procedure that is well conducted, designed, and described. This should include the number of tests performed, the number of specimens used, their dimensions, etc. The use of standard experimental procedures is encouraged. If appropriate, the authors should also perform suitable statistical tests to justify their conclusions.
        • Clearly display the information in the micrographs and figures, including magnifications and captions that clearly convey their intended message.
        • Contain only the number of figures and tables that are necessary in describing the technical content.
        • Logically discuss the results in way that leads to a set of sound conclusions.


        The IJAGS Editor forwards an accepted paper to Wiley Publishing. When composed page proofs are available, Wiley forwards them to the author for final review and to answer any editorial questions that may have resulted from editing the manuscript. The author should return the corrected page proofs as directed by Wiley. If none are returned, Wiley will proceed with publication as edited.

        Note that digital graphics submitted for web-based peer review do not require the same high–resolution preparation that digital graphics submitted for print production do. If resolution is too low, new graphics files may be needed to meet print requirements upon acceptance of a manuscript.


        Reprints may be ordered from Wiley. A PDF file of each published paper can be sent to the paper's corresponding author following publication. Free access to the final PDF offprint of your article will be available via author services. Please sign up for author services if you would like to access your article PDF offprint upon publication of your paper and enjoy the many other benefits the service offers. Visit http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/ to sign up for author services.


        When an author does not accept the position taken by the Society, the following steps may be taken. Substantial reasons for differing with the position of the editor should first be brought to the attention of the editor who made the original decision. If no compromise or satisfactory agreement is attained, the author may elect to bring the substantial reasons to the attention of the Committee on Publications Chair. If an agreement is again not attained, the author may request the Committee on Publications Chair to refer the matter to the Committee on Publications whose decision shall be final.

        Manuscript Preparation

        Length of Submissions

        Manuscripts should not exceed 7,000 words and must be accompanied by a cover letter.The word count for papers should include the body text, references, tables and figures but not the figure captions. For estimating purposes, authors must add to the actual word count an equivalent of about 100 words for each average-sized (8.5 cm wide by 8.0 cm deep) micrograph, line drawing, or table. For multi-part figures, each part should be counted as 100 words.

        File Formats

        Authors should submit manuscripts electronically using ScholarOne Manuscripts, the IJAGS online manuscript management and review system. Acceptable file formats for electronic manuscript submission in ScholarOne Manuscripts are shown below:

        Text: Accepted manuscripts must be submitted in one or more of the formats listed; Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, LaTex and RTF. All manuscripts must be in double-spaced format, including the abstract, references, and figure captions. They should be formatted to print on 8 ½ in. by 11 in. (approximately 22 cm by 28 cm) paper with left and right margins of at least 1 in (approximately 2.5 cm) each.

        Graphics: Illustrations must be submitted as electronic files at the appropriate resolution and the size intended for publication. Color images should be submitted in full color. For file format, it is strongly encouraged to submit line artwork (vector graphics) as Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), however the following formats are also acceptable for creating artwork: Microsoft Word, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, ChemDraw, CorelDRAW, gnuplot, and Microcal Origin. Halftones or photographic images should be submitted in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) files only. Images saved in Microsoft Office formats are not allowed though Microsoft Office works well for tables and line art. No artwork in PDF format will be accepted.

        Please note: PDF files cannot be accepted for production

        Title, Authors, and Abstract


        The title should be both brief and descriptive. Introductory words, such as 'On,' 'Observations on,' 'Some,' and 'Study of' are to be avoided. For indexing purposes, chemical names rather than formulas are preferred in titles.

        Authors' Names and Affiliations

        Authors' first and last names should be provided. IJAGS, as is customary in the United States, displays the full names of authors in the following order: given name, middle name or initial, family name. This applies to names from all sources, regardless of cultural practices that follow other rules.

        The affiliations of the authors at the time the work was performed should be presented with the institution and department names (if applicable) presented in full, with the city, state/ prefecture/province, postal code, and country (if not United States). Do not include local address information, such as street name, on the manuscript; however, this information should be included in the online submission form or cover letter.

        If authors' current or permanent affiliations are different from the above, this should be explained in a footnote.

        The e-mail address of a corresponding author may be shown in a footnote at the beginning of the article.


        An abstract not exceeding 200 words must be provided with each paper. Preferably, the abstract will be of the informative type, presenting a condensed version of the information in the paper. The abstract should briefly state the purpose of the research (unless given in the title), new or unusual techniques used in the experimental procedure, and significant results.

        No footnotes or references may appear in the abstract.

        Text Sections

        The text of each paper should be divided into three or more sections. Typical section titles are as follows:

        • Introduction
        • Experimental Procedure
        • Results
        • Discussion
        • Conclusions (or Summary)

        The background and context of a paper should be presented in an Introduction, and the main points of the paper should be reiterated in the Conclusions or Summary section.

        Sections can be divided into two or more subsections. The titles of subsections should be brief, and the subsections should reflect an organized breakdown of the section subject. Subsection titles should be as brief as clarity permits and should be parallel in structure.

        All text should be formatted double-spaced.

        Acknowledgement and Support

        If the author wishes to acknowledge non-financial support (for example, donation of materials or use of laboratory equipment), a brief Acknowledgment section may be presented immediately preceding the Reference section. However, the source of financial support for the work represented by a paper should appear in a footnote at the beginning of the article.


        Manufacturer–specific information regarding materials or equipment used in the work should be included in parentheses following the generic name for the material or equipment, for example, '... microscope (Model 123, Wabash Instruments, Center City, IN).'


        A Reference section should follow the text. References should be listed in the order in which they appear in the paper. Complete information is essential. Papers without complete references will not be accepted into the review process.

        References to periodical papers must include (as applicable) the authors' names, paper title, periodical title, volume number, page range, and year of publication. Book references should include (as applicable) authors' names, chapter/ section title, page range, book title, editors' names, publisher's name and location, and year of publication. Papers from proceedings should include the location and date of the relevant meeting, as well as the name and location of the publisher and the year of publication.

        Non–English titles of books should include the English translation of the title, in parentheses, following the non–English title.

        Titles of periodicals should be abbreviated in accordance with the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI).

        Formats of typical references are as follows:

        Journal: S. Y. Chen and I. W. Chen, "Texture Development, Microstructure Evolution, and Crystallization of Chemically Derived PZT Thin Films," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 81 [1] 197–199 (1998).

        Book: J. W. Hutchinston, Mechanics of Thin Films and Multilayers, Vol. 12, 2nd edition, 611–617, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, 1996.

        Edited book: S. Trolier–McKinstry, J. Lacey, J. P. Maria, J. F. Shepard Jr., T. Su, and F. Xu, "The Impact of Domains on the Dielectric and Electromechanical Properties of Ferroelectric Thin Films," Ferroelectric Thin Films, eds., R. E. Treece, R. E. Jones, C. M. Foster, S. B. Desu, and I. K. Yoo. Materials Research Society, Boston, MA, 191–210, 1997.

        Proceedings: J. F. Shepard Jr., T. Su, and F. Xu, "The Impact of Domains on the Dielectric," Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on High–Density Light–Scattering Model, Paris, France, July 5–7, 2004.

        Patent: R. T. Weiss, "Mechanics of Thin Films and Multilayers," U.S. Patent 6086814, 2003.



        Authors are expected to follow generally accepted rules of grammar and punctuation and to use American spelling (e.g., center and color, not centre and colour). Jargon and slang should be avoided. Abbreviations and acronyms may be used, but they must be defined the first time they are used. Abbreviations and acronyms should not be used in manuscript title, abstract or conclusions.

        Terminology should be used consistently. Either a formula or a chemical name can be used for a substance, but it should be used throughout the paper.

        SI Units

        The Society insists on the use of metric units of measurement, specifically SI units, in the Journal. English or other non-metric units may appear in a paper, but they should appear only in parentheses following the SI units, e.g., 32 mm (1.25 in.).

        The primary acceptable SI units are the base units, supplemental units, and derived units (See Tables II, III, and IV). In addition, certain units not part of SI are so widely used that it is impractical to abandon them. These exceptions (Table V and VI) are permitted in the Journal, although SI equivalents are preferred whenever possible. Other non–SI units are not permitted as primary measurements: these include calorie, degree Fahrenheit, dyne, erg, gal, gauss, inch, kilogram–force, micron, oersted, poise, pounds per square inch, and torr. If these non-SI units are included in a paper, they should appear only in parentheses following the SI units. An excellent guide to the use of SI units is the ASTM Standard for Metric Practice, E 380–386.

        Mathematical Expressions

        All mathematical expressions should be presented in a clear and unambiguous manner. Every symbol must be defined, and care should be taken to avoid multiple meanings for the same symbol. Be particularly careful to avoid confusion in the use of the numeral '1', the lower-case letter '1', and the capital letter 'I', and between the numeral '0' and the capital letter 'O', because many type fonts do not clearly distinguish between them. If necessary, make a marginal note to identify the character.

        In display equations using fractions (except superscripts), numerators should be stacked over denominators rather than placed on a single line and separated by a slash (/).

        Very large and very small numbers should not be expressed in scientific notation, e.g., 3.62 x 109 and 3.62 x 10-9 but rather the prefixes available for SI units should be used. For example, 3.62 x 109 Pa should be written as 3.62 GPa and 3.62 x 10-9 m should be 3.62 nm. If possible, the prefix should be chosen so the number is less than 1.000.

        Graphics Preparation


        Tables should be prepared on separate pages at the end of the manuscript. Please send the table as part of the original manuscript file; PDF, JPEG, or TIFF tables will not be accepted. The title should be as concise as possible, similar to a section title; explanatory information should be presented as table footnotes. Column headings also should be concise, but understandable. Units of measurements, where applicable, should be presented as SI units in parentheses.


        Illustrations must be submitted as electronic files at the appropriate resolution and the size intended for publication. Color images should be submitted in full color. For file format, it is strongly encouraged to submit line artwork (vector graphics) as Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), however the following formats are also acceptable for creating artwork: Microsoft Word, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, ChemDraw, CorelDRAW, gnuplot, and Microcal Origin. Halftones or photographic images should be submitted in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) files only. Images saved in Microsoft Office formats are not allowed though Microsoft Office works well for tables and line art. No artwork in PDF format will be accepted. Minimum acceptable resolution at final, published size is 300 dpi (dots per inch) for color figures, 500 dpi for grayscale images, and 300+ dpi for line art. These resolutions are for when the figure (excluding white space on the edges) is sized to a column width of approximately 85 mm or in other words, the figure must be a minimum of 1000 pixels wide. If the graphic is to be published in a two-column format then the 300 dpi minimum should apply to a figure width of approximately 170 mm or in other words, the figure must be a minimum of 2000 pixels wide. For uploading large files more quickly, LZW compression will reduce file size without affecting quality.

        Further information on preparing electronic figures and checking dpi is available at http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/illustration.asp and http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/faq.asp.

        Each figure submitted must be clearly identified with a figure number and caption. Captions of all figures should be grouped in a single list after the Reference section within the manuscript file. The captions should be formatted double-spaced. This grouping of captions is in addition to the presentation of each individual caption with its appropriate figure. Figures embedded in text are acceptable for review purposes only; separate files should be submitted for publication.

        If there are multiple images used for a single figure and caption, it is not necessary to combine the figure parts into a single file, but each component must be clearly labeled (Figure 1a, 1b, 1c, etc.). Please ensure that the caption clearly indicates the significance of each part of the overall figure.

        Spelling in figures should be checked carefully, because figures are not corrected or redrawn before publication. As in text, only SI units of measurement should be used.

        For micrograph figures, magnification indicators, e.g., '1000X', must not be used, because micrographs are typically reduced before publication. The machine-generated information must be removed from your micrographs and replaced with professional scale markers, that are easy to read. If there is other critical information in the current legend, it should be added to the caption.

        Line drawings should be drawn boldly to ensure clear reproduction. Lettering within each figure should be sized with a regard to its appearance when the drawing is reduced for publication. Sans serif fonts (for example, Arial or Tahoma) are preferable for figure labels and legends.

        Figure files must be clearly labeled with a figure number.

        Normally, figures and micrographs are submitted and published in black and white. Figures submitted in color will appear in color when published online. However, if color print reproduction is desired, the author must indicate this and commit to paying costs of printing in color, $500 per figure with color.

        If a figure has been taken directly from another published source, the author must obtain written permission to reprint from the original publisher. (This is not required if the original publisher is The American Ceramic Society.) This permission should be forwarded to the Journal Administrator when the article is being submitted for publication, and the source of the figure should be cited as a reference in the figure caption. Alternatively, if the author has modified the original figure in any significant way, no permission to reprint is required. However, the reference to the published paper containing the source figure should be cited at the end of the figure caption in the form '(After Smith and Jones.8).'

        Authors are responsible for submitting publication-quality figures following the guidelines presented. Unacceptable format or quality may result in delays in publication. Where possible, enhance the contrast of figure submissions. When in doubt, we recommend printing the image to verify whether the contrast is high enough; do not rely on the on-screen image.

      Editorial Board

      Editorial Board

      Journal Co-Editor
      Mario Affatigato
      Coe College, USA

      Associate Editors

      Mehran Arbab
      PPG Industries, Inc., USA

      Aldo Boccaccini
      University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
      Erlangen, Germany 

      Richard Brow
      Missouri University of
      Science and Technology, USA

      Manoj Choudhary
      Owens-Corning, USA

      Alexis Clare
      Alfred University, USA

      Alicia Duran
      Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio (CSIC), Spain

      Doris Ehrt
      University of Jena, Germany

      William Lee
      Imperial College London, UK

      Akio Makishima
      JAIST, Japan

      Alex Marker
      Schott, USA

      David Morse
      Corning, Inc., USA

      Jianrong Qiu
      Zhejiang University, China

      Margaret Rasmussen
      Editorial Consultant, USA

      Kathleen Richardson
      Clemson University, USA

      Jaroslav Sestak
      Institute of Physics
      Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

      Emilio Spinosa
      Owens-Illinois, USA

      John Vienna
      Pacific Northwest National Lab, USA

      George Wicks
      Savannah River National Laboratory, USA

      International Advisory Board

      Edward Boulos

      Alicia Duran
      Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio (CSIC), Spain

      Michael Hoffman
      Universitat Karlsruhe, Germany

      Michael Greenman
      Glass Manufacturer's
      Industry Council (GMIC), USA

      Ivan Gutzow
      Institute of Physical Chemistry
      Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria

      Ales Helebrant
      Institute of Chemical Technology Prague,
      Czech Republic

      Wolfram Hoeland
      Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Liechtenstein

      Cheol Y. Kim
      Inha University, South Korea

      George Kordas
      NCSR Demokritos, Greece

      William Lee
      Imperial College London, UK

      H.T. Lin
      Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

      Marek Liska
      Alexander Dubcek University of Trencin, Slovakia

      Jorge Loredo
      Autonomous University of Neuve Leon, Mexico

      Angelo Montenero
      University of Parma, Italy

      Dan Perera
      University of New South Wales, Australia

      Antonio Pirez de Matos
      New University of Lisbon, Portugal

      Itamar Procaccia,
      PhD, FInstP, OSSI (Grande Ufficiale)
      The Barbara and Morris L. Levinson
      Professorial Chair in Chemical Physics
      The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

      Oleg Prokhorenko
      Laboratory of Glass Properties Int'l, LLC, Russia

      Jianrong Qiu
      Zhejiang University, China

      Christian Ruessel
      Otto-Schott-Institut für Glaschemie, Germany

      James Shackelford
      University of California, Davis, USA

      Danilov Suvorov
      Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

      Warren Wolf
      Owens-Corning, USA

      Shigeru Yamamoto
      Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd., Japan

      Alev Yaraman
      SISECAM, Turkey

      Edgar Zanotto
      Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil

      Josef Zwanziger
      Dalhousie University, Canada


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