

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research

Published in association with J. Ross Publishing

Volume 6 (2014) 4 issues per year

2012 Edition Journal Citation Reports®

2-year Impact Factor: 0.500

5-year Impact Factor: 0.717

 24/30 Transportation Science and Technology


Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research is a quarterly journal that publishes high-quality peer-reviewed and mini-review papers as well as technical notes and book reviews on the state-of-the-art in transportation research. The focus of Transportation Letters is on analytical and empirical findings, methodological papers, and theoretical and conceptual insights across all areas of research. Review resource papers that merge descriptions of the state-of-the-art with innovative and new methodological, theoretical, and conceptual insights spanning all areas of transportation research are invited and of particular interest.

Keys areas of interest include:

- Traffic engineering
- Travel Behavior
- Modeling & simulation
- Freight & logistics 

Print ISSN: 1942-7867
Online ISSN: 1942-7875


Dr K G Goulias (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)

Dr A Mohammadian (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)

Abstracting and indexing services that cite Transportation Letters include:

Science Citation Index Expanded
Social Sciences Citation Index
Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences
Current Contents - Engineering, Computing & Technology

Instructions to Authors
Maney journals welcome original contributions that match the aims and scope of each specific journal on the understanding that the paper has not previously been published, and is not being concurrently submitted for publication elsewhere, and that all authors are aware of and have agreed to the submission. All papers will be sent to independent referees. It is a condition of publication that on acceptance of the paper by the journal editor that copyright must be assigned to the society or professional organisation for which Maney publishes the journal. Authors may reuse their own material after publication for non-commercial purposes, and put a post-print of the article on their own website. Further details are given in the  Assignment of Copyright form which is supplied to the corresponding author either at submission or with first proofs, depending on each journal's production route, and it is available to view in each individual Journal’s Instructions for Authors and in the author resources area of the Maney website.

Authors receive a screen-resolution PDF file of the published version of their paper that they may circulate to colleagues, but may not use for commercial purposes or place in their own personal, institutional or subject specific repository. However, the pre- and post-print versions of an article may be posted in repositories, subject to full acknowledgement of the journal. Orders for digital offprints may be made at the time proofs are distributed, via ManeyTrack, Maney Publishing's web-based production tracking system. Log-in details for ManeyTrack are supplied via email to the corresponding author once his/her paper has entered production.


Please visit the Copyright and Permissions page in the Author area of the Maney Publishing website here for full details, including exceptions to this policy. More information will also be included in the Assignment of Copyright Form. A template of this form can be downloaded from the author copyright and permissions area. 


Author images
If it is the case that an author does not wish to assign the copyright of their own images in the manuscript to the journal copyright holder along with the rest of the article, this can be accommodated. Please click here for full information. 


Using copyrighted material
Authors who wish to reproduce material from previously published sources or where copyright is owned by a third party, such as sections of text or images, must obtain written permission from the copyright holder and any other interested party. Authors should obtain permission to use items within the context of the article (a) in all geographical regions of the world, (b) in all formats including electronic, (c) in perpetuity. A letter template that authors can use to seek such permissions is obtainable by clicking here [link to the author permission letter template]. The author should fill in the details of the article and the journal that the article is submitted to and obtain a signature to the letter. Many copyright owners prefer to provide their own letter of permission and this is acceptable as long as the three stipulations of geography, format and perpetuity of reuse are included there.

Before submitting your paper, please be sure to read the Aims and Scope of the journal. These outline the subject area coverage and type of material included. These are detailed in the introductions on each journal's homepage (select the homepage of the journal you wish to submit to by clicking here. If you are in doubt as to whether the subject of your paper is appropriate, please contact the Editor directly to discuss the outline of your paper for further information. The Instructions for Authors for each journal also provide details of the type of papers accepted, and whether, for example, reviews or longer papers are encouraged.

Submitting a paper to a Maney published journal is straightforward. Below is some advice about things to be aware of before you submit a paper and that will make the process easier for you.

For all journals please be sure to review the Instructions for Authors carefully since each journal will have slightly different procedures and styles vary according to subject matter. Final texts should be submitted in a standard file format (e.g. Microsoft Word). If the journal that you wish to submit to uses Editorial Manager™ (see below) specific instructions are provided at the journal’s Editorial Manager™ site. In preparing the electronic version, there is no need to format articles. Please use plain style and avoid elaborate layout or typography, but include italics or bold type when necessary, and make sure that headings and subheadings are clearly visible as such. Photographs, maps, and other supporting material are encouraged. Authors should provide an abstract to accompany their article and a set of key words.

For MORE OpenChoice participating journals authors may opt to publish their work as an open access paper.  Full details are provided on how to do so and the article charges that apply. Please note that MORE OpenChoice is only offered after a paper has been peer reviewed and accepted for publication. If requesting permission to include copyrighted material in a MORE OpenChoice paper, it is the Author’s responsibility to inform copyright holders that on publication, the Work will be placed in the public domain. 


The abstract is an important part of the article and will be used in databases, searched by Google and other search engines, and freely available on the website. Abstract should be succinct but sufficiently comprehensive to provide a comprehensible summary of the paper. The required length for abstracts varies according to the journal so please check the Notes for Contributors of the journal you are submitting to carefully to ascertain the correct information. Medical journals, and some Materials Science journals require structured abstracts. 


Key words
Key words are also important as they facilitate searching and accurate identification. The more accurate the choice of key words, the more likely the article will be found, read and referenced.  


Tables and illustrations
Tables and illustrations should be submitted on separate pages and numbered sequentially using arabic numerals for figures. Each must have a caption and source. Within the text, figures and tables should be referred to by number (e.g. Figure 1; Table 1), and preferred position and groupings in the text should be clearly indicated. The author will be required to provide images in CMYK format as TIFF or EPS files at high resolution suitable for printing. As a guideline, images should be submitted at a minimum input scanning resolution of 300 dpi for full colour, 350–400 dpi for half tones, 600 dpi for slides or transparencies, 800 dpi for simple line and 1200 dpi for fine line illustrations. Please note that the final reproduction quality is dependent on the quality of the original illustration. The author must obtain written evidence of permission to reproduce images (in all formats, in perpetuity and in all geographical regions worldwide) from the copyright owner for the use of any illustrative matter in the journal and will be liable for any fee charged by the owner of the image. The caption should include relevant credit of the permission of the copyright holder to reproduce the image. For more information please click here. 


General information
Some journals use the Editorial Manager™ Online Submission System and others stipulate that submissions should be emailed to the Editor directly. The Instructions for Authors for each journal contain specific details about what kind of system is used and who should be contacted in each case.

A Checklist for Authors has been put together by Maney’s Production Department and can be located in the Production area of the website, along with other useful information, by clicking here.

Editorial Manager™ is the Online Submission and refereeing system that has been adopted by Maney. Authors may submit papers via the web, and can access the system at any time to check the status of their papers, avoiding the need to contact the Editor. Authors can edit their submissions and submit supplementary materials, such as video, audio, supplementary figures/tables. Reviewers can download assigned papers and submit their comments and recommendations online.

A list of journals using EM can be found here. You will be taken to a Welcome Page, which has links to useful tutorials; guidance on how to register to submit your paper; and email addresses should you need help with your submission.

You will find answers to questions regarding Editorial Manager on the FAQs section of the website. Click here to see the full list. Further information is available in the author tutorial.
You may also find it useful to look at the tables of contents and abstracts of recent issues online to see the kind of material published previously. A full list of the journals available online, with links, is available here.


Language & Language-Editing

Submissions are vetted for quality of written language and may be rejected on these grounds. Maney recommends that any non-native English speaking author who is not confident of their English language skills ask a native English speaker or professional language-editing service to review their manuscript before submission. This is not mandatory but will help ensure that journal editors and reviewers fully understand the academic content of the paper.

Use of an editing service does not gurantee that your paper will be accepted for publication. A decision will be made following the usual peer review process.

NB: Some Maney journals publish in languages other than English. Authors should check carefully prior to submission of their article the languages accepted for publication for each title.)

For information about language editing services and discounts for Maney authors, please visit www.maney.co.uk/languageediting


Maney is a member of CrossCheck, the multi-publisher initiative to combat plagiarism and redundant publication. Submissions are checked for similarity against the CrossCheck database using iThenticate software.  View Maney’s plagiarism policy.

Find out more about CrossCheck

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Editorial Board:

João Abreu (Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal)

Rahim F Benekohal (University of Illinois, USA)

Chandra Bhat (University of Texas, USA)

Lily Elefteriadou (University of Florida, USA)

Domenico Gattuso (Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, Italy)

Nikolas Geroliminis (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne ENAC/LUTS, Switzerland)

Anne Goodchild (University of Washington, USA)

Hai-Jun Huang (Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, China)

Pavlos Kanaroglou (McMaster University, Canada)

Matthew Karlaftis (National Technical University of Athens, Greece)

Isam Kaysi (American University of Beirut, Lebanon)

Samer Madanat (University of California, USA)

Hani Mahmassani (Northwestern University, USA)

Eric Miller (University of Toronto, Canada)

Patricia L Mokhtarian (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

Kazuo Nishii (University of Marketing and Distribution Science Kobe, Japan)

Mirko Novak (Czech Technical University, Czech Republic)

Juan de Dios Ortuzar (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile)

Ram Pendyala (Arizona State University, USA)

John Polak (Imperial College London, UK)

Amalia Polydoropoulou (University of the Aegean, Greece)

Hesham Rakha (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA)

Majid Sarvi (Monash University, Australia)

Yoram Shiftan (Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)

Peter Stopher (University of Sydney, Australia)

Evelyn Thomchick (Penn State University, USA)

Harry Timmermans (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)

Pravin Varaiya (University of California, Berkeley, USA)

Paul Waddell (University of California, Berkeley, USA)

Travis Waller (University of New South Wales, Australia)

Geert Wets (Hasselt University, Belgium)

Ouri Wolfson (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)


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