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出版频率:Continuous publication
出版社:SPRINGER, ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, United States, NY, 10004
变更情况:Newly Added by 2013, ISSN Changed from 1126-6708

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Journal of High Energy Physics

Journal of High Energy Physics

ISSN: (Print) 1029-8479 (Online)


The Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) is a scientific journal owned by the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA - Trieste, Italy) and published by Springer. The objective in running the journal is to capitalise on the innovative advantages of the new media: rapidity of communication, broad diffusion and the ability to run and distribute a journal solely by electronic means. By introducing an automated and electronic peer review system, JHEP complements the present system of preprint distribution via the online arXiv service that has so successfully replaced the conventional system. Article submissions and refereeing are handled by the JHEP Editorial Office at SISSA Medialab. Please visit jhep.sissa.it to submit a paper for publication.

JHEP is organised as follows: Scientific Director Advisory Board Editorial Board Editorial Office The Scientific Director is in charge of supervising the Editorial Board and monitoring the quality of the journal.

The members of the Advisory Board periodically review the journal and advise on its scientific policy. The Advisory Board is consulted by the Scientific Director in the event of a major disagreement between Authors and Editors. The Editorial Board is JHEP's most important asset. Editors are in charge and take full responsibility for the peer-review of submissions. They can assess preprints themselves or send it to one or more referees and take the final decision on whether or not to publish them. JHEP has a large Editorial Board, in order to provide competent coverage for all the areas indicated by the keywords and thus avoid generic decisions or the inappropriate selection of referees. The Editorial Office is in charge of supervising the functioning of the journal in collaboration with the Editorial Board. SISSA Medialab, where the E, ditorial Office is based, runs the software system that automates the editorial process.
The Editorial Office monitors the journal daily, provides assistance to authors, editors and referees, and takes action in close collaboration with the Scientific Director in the event of any problems or delay that may arise. hide

Published by Springer from 2010

A journal by scientists for scientists

Matches the pace of research in high energy physics with rapid publication of high quality research across a range of relevant topics

  • Offers high quality research in high energy physics and a range of related topics
  • Covers general relativity and gravitation; supersymmetry; mathematical methods of physics and much more
  • Presented in cooperation with the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA - Trieste, Italy)

The Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) is a scientific journal owned by the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA - Trieste, Italy) and published by Springer. The objective in running the journal is to capitalise on the innovative advantages of the new media: rapidity of communication, broad diffusion and the ability to run and distribute a journal solely by electronic means. By introducing an automated and electronic peer review system, JHEP complements the present system of preprint distribution via the online arXiv service that has so successfully replaced the conventional system.

Article submissions and refereeing are handled by the JHEP Editorial Office at SISSA Medialab. Please visit jhep.sissa.it to submit a paper for publication.

JHEP is organised as follows:

  • Scientific Director
  • Advisory Board
  • Editorial Board
  • Editorial Office

The Scientific Director is in charge of supervising the Editorial Board and monitoring the quality of the journal.

The members of the Advisory Board periodically review the journal and advise on its scientific policy. The Advisory Board is consulted by the Scientific Director in the event of a major disagreement between Authors and Editors.

The Editorial Board is JHEP's most important asset. Editors are in charge and take full responsibility for the peer-review of submissions. They can assess preprints themselves or send it to one or more referees and take the final decision on whether or not to publish them. JHEP has a large Editorial Board, in order to provide competent coverage for all the areas indicated by the keywords and thus avoid generic decisions or the inappropriate selection of referees.

The Editorial Office is in charge of supervising the functioning of the journal in collaboration with the Editorial Board. SISSA Medialab, where the Editorial Office is based, runs the software system that automates the editorial process.
The Editorial Office monitors the journal daily, provides assistance to authors, editors and referees, and takes action in close collaboration with the Scientific Director in the event of any problems or delay that may arise.

Related subjects » Particle and Nuclear Physics - Quantum Physics - Theoretical, Mathematical & Computational Physics

Impact Factor: 5.618 (2012) * 

Rank 4 of 27 in subject category Physics, Particles & Fields

Journal Citation Reports®, Thomson Reuters

Abstracted/Indexed in 

Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS, INSPEC, Astrophysics Data System (ADS), Zentralblatt Math, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Google Scholar, Academic OneFile, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences, INIS Atomindex, INSPIRE, Mathematical Reviews, OCLC, Referativnyi Zhurnal, SCImago, Summon by Serial Solutions

Popular Content within this publication 



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Dynamical holographic QCD model for glueball and light meson spectraLi, Danning; Huang, Mei

Aims and scope: Journal of High Energy Physics

The aim of the Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) is to ensure fast and efficient online publication tools to the scientific community, while keeping that community in charge of every aspect of the peer-review and publication process in order to ensure the highest quality standards in the journal.

Consequently, the Advisory and Editorial Boards, composed of distinguished, active scientists in the field, jointly establish with the Scientific Director the journal's scientific policy and ensure the scientific quality of accepted articles.

JHEP presently encompasses the following areas of theoretical and experimental physics:

  • Collider Physics
  • Underground and Large Array Physics
  • Quantum Field Theory
  • Gauge Field Theories
  • Symmetries
  • String and Brane Theory
  • General Relativity and Gravitation
  • Supersymmetry
  • Mathematical Methods of Physics
  • Mostly Solvable Models
  • Astroparticles
  • Statistical Field Theories
  • Mostly Weak Interactions
  • Mostly Strong Interactions
  • Quantum Field Theory (phenomenology)
  • Strings and Branes
  • Phenomenological Aspects of Supersymmetry
  • Mostly Strong Interactions (phenomenology)

Instructions to Authors


All users must be registered to JHEP. Registration gives access to your personal pages for all the roles you play in the journal (author, referee, editor). There you can perform all the actions connected with the stages in the editorial procedure. Registration is easy and free of charge. To register you have to fill in the form on the JHEP home page with the following data:

  • Login name
  • Password
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • E-mail
  • Institution
Click here to register.

If you cannot remember your registration data, please do not register again, just click on "automatic password recovery" on the JHEP home page. You can also update your profile and change login name and password by clicking on "modify my personal data".

The checkbox "Remember my login name on this computer" allows a cookie to be sent to your computer, which spares you from having to log in every time, unless you click on the "logout" button.

For information on the status of your submission please use the "WRITE TO EDITOR" or the "WRITE TO EDITORIAL OFFICE" buttons available at the bottom of the preprint page on your author pages (this link will only be accessible from the JHEP home page once you have submitted your contribution as a corresponding author). Please ALWAYS use these tools instead of normal e-mail so that these messages may be saved in the database and associated to the document they refer to.

On your author pages you can find all your pending preprints divided into sections according to their status:

  • Waiting for editor's decision: Your submissions that are still being considered for publication. Any revised preprint that you have sent following editor's request can be found here.
  • To be revised (major revision): preprints that you have to revise and resubmit from your Author pages.
  • To be revised (minor revision): preprints for which you have to make some small modifications prior to acceptance. The contribution will not be labeled as "revised" when it is published.
  • To proofread: accepted preprints that have been typeset in the JHEP style, and must be proof-read by you before publication.
  • Appeals against rejection: rejected preprints that you have asked the Journal to reconsider for publication.

Furthermore, in the top part of the page there are two navigation bars. The bottom one leads to all archived contributions, which are divided into

  • Accepted: accepted preprints that have not (yet) been published
  • Rejected: preprints that have not been accepted for publication
  • Withdrawn: preprints withdrawn
  • Not suitable: preprints considered as not suitable for the journal
  • Published: papers published.

Manuscript preparation

General information

Title, Authors (first and family names), affiliations and e-mail addresses must be clearly indicated.

You will need to provide an arXiv article id. This is necessary for your paper to be processed correctly, should you need any assistance please contact jhep-eo@jhep.sissa.it.

The abstract should briefly summarize the content of the contribution and must fit in the first page.

Please avoid formulae and references in the title and abstract.

At the time of submission you must characterise your work with a number of keywords selected from the JHEP keyword list. Please indicate these keywords after the abstract.

Text and style

Please divide the text into sections. Write your work in standard, comprehensible English. Conciseness is strongly encouraged, but clarity and consistency are more important. Short and simple words and sentences are helpful for readers. Please keep jargon and acronyms to a minimum. The editors will consider whether the content is of sufficient scientific interest compared to the overall length and may recommend ways of shortening the text.

Tables and figures

Tables and figures can be used to improve the information in the text. Tables and figures should be referenced in the text and always have a caption describing their contents. The minimum resolution requested for figures is 150 and the maximum one should not exceed 250 dpi. Vector images containing fonts must have the fonts embedded in the files.

If you include pictures or other material that has already been published elsewhere, please obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) before incorporating it in your article.

Supplementary material attached

Particularly large tables and figures or other electronic supplementary material (animations, Mathematica files, etc.) can be submitted as attachments to a preprint. It is possible to submit more than one attachment recursively, clicking on the "upload file" button after the successful submission of your preprint. For each work you wish to attach, please fill in the form and provide a title, a caption describing the content of the file and choose the category of file that you are attaching (Figure, Table, Video or, generically, Attachment).

To accommodate user downloads, please keep in mind that the file-size affects the download time.

Any supplementary material attached will be available to reviewers and, in case of acceptance, will not be typeset or transformed in any way. To ensure that editors, referees and readers may be able to view the files attached, authors are kindly requested to prepare them using standard formats.

If you wish to include material that has already been published elsewhere, please obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) before incorporating it in your article and make sure you fulfill any specific requirement of the license under which this material has been published.

Manuals and computer codes

The full text of manuals and computer codes cannot be meaningfully included in published papers as these can be extremely lengthy and therefore cumbersome. As a general rule, manual and computer codes should be attached (see above section Supplementary material attached). Alternatively, papers should include a link to a website where the code or manual can be viewed or downloaded.


JHEP uses the sequential numerical system for references in the text. The sequential numbers occur within square brackets, and the reference list at the end of the preprint lists the references in numerical order, not alphabetical.

Each item of the bibliography should cite one work only; articles on the same topic or different volumes of one book, should be referenced by separate bibliography items. Phrases introducing cited work (e.g. "See for example") should not be included within the reference in the bibliography but may be used as part of the text introducing the citation ("See for example [1,2,5,6]"). If you need to refer to a part of one reference (e.g. "See chapter N of..."), please do it inside the text, not in the bibliography ("See chapter N of [1]"). Should your bibliography not meet this requirement upon acceptance of your paper, it will have to be corrected during the typesetting stage, which might lead to a longer proofreading stage.

The information provided for each reference should be as complete as possible:

  • articles: author(s), title, journal name, volume, year, page number, arxiv-number. Additional information (erratum, addendum) can be specified too. For example:
    M. Anselmino, A. Efremov and E. Leader, The theory and phenomenology of polarized deep inelastic scattering, Phys. Rept. 261 (1995) 1 [Erratum ibid 281 (1997) 399] [hep-ph/9501369]

  • books: author(s), title, publisher and year. For example:
    R. Penrose and W. Rindler, Spinors and Space-time, Vol. 2: Spinor and twistor methods in space-time geometry, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge U.K. (1986), pg. 501

  • technical report/note: author(s), title, report number. For example:
    CMS collaboration, Technical Design Report Vol. 1, CERN-LHCC-2006-001

  • proceeding/talk: author(s), title, conference information, year. For example:
    HERMES collaboration, F.~Ellinghaus, DVCS at HERMES: Recent Results, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Exclusive Reactions at High Momentum Transfer, Jefferson Lab, Newport News, U.S.A., May 2007

File preparation

Manuscripts can be prepared in TeX/LaTeX or in pdflatex and will be automatically transformed by the system in PDF files.

TeX, LaTeX and pdflatex

Your contribution can be one of the following:

  1. a single .tex file
  2. a file archive (.zip or .tar.gz)

    If your preprint includes more than one file, the files will have to be archived. In this case it is essential for the master file to be saved in the root (main) directory, while the other files may be included in subdirectories. Please note that if two or more source files have the same extension (i.e. "abc.tex" and "def.tex"), in making the submission you must specify the master file name together with the extension in the appropriate field, otherwise the submission will fail.

    The archive should contain only the files necessary for the compilation and the production of the pdf. Other files (cover letters, reply to referee reports, etc.) must not be included since the system would simply ignore them.

Manuscripts should be preferably prepared in LaTeX using the jheppub package. Other macro packages are also accepted, but preprints in these formats are inevitably processed more slowly after acceptance. If you are using other LaTeX formats, you should try to use standard packages. Some frequently used macro packages, (i.e.: aastex, elsart, feynman, harvmac, lanlmac, j-phys, phyzzx and revtex), even if old and/or deprecated, are installed at the JHEP site, in addition to the standard TeX inputs. If you are using an unrecognised package, please include it in making the submission. Always consider that the submission can be completed only if your file compiles successfully on the JHEP server. If you have used BibTeX, you must include the .bbl file. The .bib file may also help. Figures must be in PostScript format (.eps or .ps). If you use packages like feynmf that require the use of metafont please include the .pk, .tfm and .t1, .t2, ... files in your archive.

If the document consists of a stand-alone (La)TeX file this alone can be submitted as it is, without compressing it.

You can also submit pdflatex documents which allows you to use .pdf, .png and .jpg images. To ensure pdflatex compilation you must add \pdfoutput=1 in the line immediately after the \documentclass command as shown in the following example:


Note that in this case .ps and .eps images are not allowed.

Archive preparation (.tar.gz)

Put all the files that make up your article (as explained above, please do not include any cover letter) in a folder. The folder is called paper in our example. To create a .tar.gz file issue these commands from a terminal:

$ cd paper/
$ tar -cvzf article.tar.gz *

You will find the file article.tar.gz inside the folder.


Preprints can be submitted only via the SISSA website by authors previously registered to JHEP. The person making the submission (corresponding author) must be one of the authors. To register to JHEP please read the instructions in the section General.

Preprints should be submitted in their final form. Revised versions can be submitted only if requested by the editor-in-charge.

Submission to JHEP implies that:

  • the work described has not been published before (except in form of non-peer-reviewed material such as "preprints", theses, lectures, reports, etc. publicly posted on institutional or community repositories such as university and arXiv, and not subject to any copyright protection)
  • its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as - tacitly or explicitly - by the responsible authorities at the institution where the work was carried out;
  • the author warrants that his/her contribution is original and that he/she has full power to make this grant;
  • the paper will not be published if the open access and copyright transfer are not accepted.

    The author, by accepting the terms and conditions, signs for and accepts responsibility for releasing this material on behalf of any and all co-authors.

In order to submit a new preprint please login to JHEP. There are two ways to submit a contribution after you have entered your paper arXiv id.

A) Submission from the arXiv (button 'submit from arXiv')

This facility only works for TeX/LaTeX files. To submit your contribution please take the following steps:

A.1) Keyword selection

You are first requested to select the appropriate keywords to characterise your work. Please choose from 2 to 4 keywords for theoretical papers, only 1 keyword for experimental papers and no more than 2 for phenomenological papers. Make sure your selection is accurate because the keywords will be used to automatically identify the most suitable editor in charge for your submission. Requests for changing keywords after the submission has been completed will not be accepted.

After you have chosen the keywords, press the button "Submit" at the bottom of the page.

A.2) Fill in the submission form

You can now check the metadata for your paper (they have been automatically downloaded from the arXiv) and indicate the .tex master file name together with the extension, if you archive includes more than one .tex files.

If some of the metadata need updating, please go back and start a submission through web upload (button "upload your file").

On the same page you are also reminded of the keywords you have chosen and can assign a value to each keyword to establish its relevance for the paper. The default value is [100], meaning that all keywords will be considered equally relevant.

Then click on "submit". Please DO NOT double click. The system is processing your files. This can take up to a few minutes, depending on their size.

After completing the procedure, a submission report will be shown to you with the data of your contribution and the link where you can upload additional materials (the "upload file" button. For further information, see the section Supplementary material attached). If, on the other hand, the submission fails the report will inform you of the error(s) that have occurred. In particular if the (La)TeX compilation fails, please read the .log file, fix the error and start a submission through web upload (button "upload your file"). Should you be unable to solve the problem, please do contact the Editorial Office.

B) Submission via web upload (button 'upload your file')

B.1) Preparation of the archive

To prepare your files for submission, please read the section File preparation.

B.2) Keyword selection

You are first requested to select the appropriate keywords to characterise your work. Please choose from 2 to 4 keywords for theoretical papers, only 1 keyword for experimental papers and no more than 2 for phenomenological papers. Make sure your selection is accurate because the keywords will be used to automatically identify the most suitable editor in charge for your submission. Requests for changing keywords after the submission has been completed will not be accepted.

After you have chosen the keywords, press the button "Submit" at the bottom of the page.

B.3) Upload

Please check the metadata for your paper (they have been automatically downloaded from the arXiv) and edit them as necessary.

In "File to process" enter the file (tex, tar.gz or zip) containing your contribution. If more than one .tex file is included in your archive, please specify the master file name in the appropriate field; the extension must be included (e.g. myfile.tex).

On the same page you are also reminded of the keywords you have chosen and can assign a value to each keyword to establish its relevance for the paper. The default value is [100], meaning that all keywords will be considered equally relevant.

You can then click on "upload file". The system will take care of uploading the file(s) together with the full metadata. Please DO NOT double-click. The system is processing your files. This can take up to a few minutes, depending on their size.

After completing the procedure, a submission report will be shown to you with the data of your contribution and the link where you can upload additional materials (the "upload file" button. For further information, see the section Supplementary material attached). If, on the other hand, the submission fails the report will inform you of the error(s) that have occurred. In particular if the (La)TeX compilation fails, please read the .log file, fix the error on your computer and try again. Should you be unable to solve the problem, do contact the Editorial Office.

After submission

Please make sure that after you have submitted your paper you go to "My author pages (corresponding author)" from the JHEP home page. Click on the appropriate preprint number and scroll down the page. Please check all available data on your submission. Should you need to communicate with the editor or the editorial office, you will find the appropriate e-mail tool. You will be able to communicate with the editor-in-charge in this way at every stage of the editorial procedure.

Revised versions

Revised versions can be submitted only if requested by the editor, contributions must therefore be originally submitted in their final form.

Once accepted, major revisions will be labeled as "revised".

The revisions requested by the editor are listed in your author's page in "State of preprints" in the sections "To be revised (major revision)" and "To be revised (minor revision)" respectively.

Authors who have been asked to revise their preprints must attend to the requested modifications and provide a new version of their preprints within 90 days at most in case of major revision, 30 days in case of minor revision. If the revised version is not submitted by the deadline the original submission will be withdrawn and any revised version will have to be considered as a new submission.

The revised preprints must be uploaded from the preprint page by clicking "submit revision" or "submit minor revision". You can resubmit via the arXiv or by web upload.

Please note that revisions submitted to the arXiv do not automatically update preprints submitted to JHEP.

The cover letter with your reply to the referee report is mandatory and should clearly describe all the changes with respect to the previous version, explaining whether or not you have addressed the editor's requests. You will be asked to enter the cover letter in a text area during the upload procedure. Please make sure you save it in a file on your computer before uploading it should you need to repeat the procedure. Should you forget to enter the cover letter when resubmitting your paper, please connect to your JHEP Author pages and send it with the "write to editor" e-mail tool.

Please do not include the cover letter in the archive for your paper as it will be ignored by the system.

In case your cover letter needs to be written using LateX, in order to submit it please do the following:

1) connect to the preprint webpage and click on "submit revision"

2) in the text area for the cover letter write "the cover letter has been attached to the preprint as a pdf file"

3) complete the submission process

4) upload the pdf file of your cover letter using the tool available for the supplementary material ("upload file" button at the bottom of the page confirming the successful upload of your revised preprint).

After rejection

Contributions are selected, processed and reviewed as fairly as possible, with no discrimination, by active scientists in the field. Authors of contributions that have been rejected can appeal and reply to the editor and referee(s). Appeals must be scientifically justified and not polemic. Please send your rebuttal letters by connecting to the preprint page and using the "write to editorial office" button. Second appeals are not considered unless there is a clear history of unfair treatment of the manuscript.

Author inquiries

Although the identity of editors is anonymous, authors can communicate at all times with them through the appropriate "write to editor" button on their pages, or through the Editorial Office.


Errata and addenda can be submitted to JHEP as stand-alone articles following the instructions below.
1) Click on "submit an erratum" or "submit an addendum" in JHEP and see the list of published articles with you as corresponding author.
2) Find the article in question and click on "submit erratum" or "submit addendum".
3) Continue the submission process (see instructions).

The file submitted should be as follows.

File format - LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
Title - "Erratum: Title of the original paper" or "Addendum: Title of the original paper". Different titles will be corrected during the typesetting stage.
Abstract - it is the author's choice whether to include it or not in the file. In any case, abstracts will not be displayed on the published erratum/addendum's web page.
Keywords - They must not be included.
References - References to specific parts of the original article (equations, figures, tables, etc.) must be consistent with the numbering of its published version.

Please refer to the section File preparation if you need to submit an archive.

Errata and addenda are the only way to modify articles after publication. They are peer-reviewed, typeset and proofread before publication.


A preprint can be withdrawn at any moment during the review process, by clicking on the appropriate button.


A coauthor is a registered user selected by the corresponding author that has access to the author pages without being able to view the correspondence relating to the paper or change the status of the paper.

Select Coauthors

After you have submitted your paper it is possible to select coauthors for your paper. From the JHEP home page select the "my Author pages (corresponding author)" and click on the appropriate preprint number. At the bottom of the page you will find the "Select Coauthor" button which allows you to select and notify the coauthors of the paper.

Please note that in order to be selected as a coauthor the person must already be a registered JHEP user.
The information regarding registrations are available in the section General.

Switch Corresponding Author

Once a coauthor has been selected it is also possible to change the corresponding author to one of the coauthors using the "Switch Corresponding Author" button.

With this operation, the existing corresponding author becomes a coauthor and the selected coauthor becomes the new corresponding author.

The preprint web page

As soon as a new contribution is submitted to JHEP, a preprint number is assigned and the preprint appears in the section "Waiting for Editor's decision". The preprint number identifies your contribution throughout the editorial procedure, and is required for any correspondence with the JHEP editorial office.

The preprint number
Figure 1. The preprint number

To access the preprint web page of a particular document:

  1. Login to the JHEP website at SISSA (http://jhep.sissa.it)
  2. Click on "my Author pages"
  3. The preprints still in progress are in the "pending papers" page divided into sections according to their status.

The preprint web page for a particular preprint contains all the information about that preprint, except for confidential data (i.e., editor and referee names). The main actions that you can perform from the preprint web page are the following:

  • check the status of the preprint and the progress of the editorial procedure
  • download the preprint in the PDF format
  • communicate with the editor and the editorial office
  • read and download the report
  • submit the revised version of the preprint, if requested by the editor.

Proofreading and publication

After the contribution has been accepted and typeset you will be notified and you will be able to:

  • view the typeset version of your document (in PDF format)
  • proofread the document for mistakes or minor changes before publication. The only corrections acceptable at this stage are the following:
    • layout (i.e., wrong floating of figures or tables),
    • spelling mistakes in words or formulae,
    • wrong cross-references among formulae and text,
    • mistakes or updating in references The corrections must be suggested using the web form accessible with the button "send proofs", explaining where they occur in the document (page number, paragraph and line, or equation number) and specifying both the old (wrong) version and the correction. Please notice that if the corrections you request are not minor, the paper will be shown to the editor-in-charge for approval. If (s)he reckons that they affect the content significantly, you may be requested to submit a revised version of the preprint for which a new review process will begin. This will be listed in the "Pending revision after proofreading" section.
When you approve the document for publication, or after your requested corrections have been implemented, the document is sent for publication on the Springer website. Please note that if there is no feedback from the authors within 7 days from the first proof-reading notification, the document is considered suitable for publication as it stands. It will be stored in the "published" section of your JHEP author pages and will also be available on the Springer website.

At the time of publication, the paper will receive a definitive paper number (fig. 2).

Definitive paper number
Figure 2. Definitive paper number

Copyright statement

After an article has been accepted for publication, authors are requested to accept the Open Access and Copyright terms available here (link).

Only after the above have been accepted, will the article be typeset and sent back to the authors for proofreading. Delays in the acceptance of the terms will inevitably cause delays in the production and publication of the article.

In case the terms are rejected, the article will be archived and will not be published in JHEP.

Access to your paper

Papers published in JHEP are available from the Springer website.
Authors can access all versions of their JHEP papers at jhep.sissa.it  --> "my Author pages" --> "Published". Regrettably, source files for the typeset and published version cannot be provided.

Editorial Board

Editorial Board

Mike Albrow, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, USA

Guido Altarelli, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Paul S Aspinwall, Duke University, Durham, USA

Constantin Bachas, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France

Jonathan Bagger, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA

Lars Bergstrom, Stockholm University, Sweden

Micha Berkooz, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

Zvi Bern, UCLA, USA

Johan Bijnens, Lund University, Sweden

Robert H Brandenberger, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Andrea Cappelli, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Florence, Italy

Augusto Ceccucci, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Ulf Danielsson, Uppsala University, Sweden

Eric D'Hoker, UCLA, USA

Michael Dine, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA

Lance Dixon, Stanford University, San Francisco, USA

Bernard de Wit, Spinoza Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Boris Dubrovin, SISSA, Trieste, Italy

Tohru Eguchi, University of Tokyo, Japan

Roberto Emparan, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Matthias Gaberdiel, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland

Davide Gaiotto, Perimeter Institute, Ontario, Canada

Belen Gavela, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Amit Giveon, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

Maria Concepcion Gonzalez Garcia, YITP, Stony Brook University, USA and ICREA, Barcelona Spain

Sean A. Hartnoll, Stanford USA

Beate Heinemann, UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Mans Henningson, Chalmers University, Sweden

Luis Ibanez, IFT, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Shamit Kachru, Stanford University, San Francisco, USA

Andreas Karch, University of Washington, Seattle, USA

Igor Klebanov, Princeton University, USA

Kenichi Konishi, University of Pisa, Italy

Hong Liu, MIT, Cambridge, USA

Dieter Lüst, Max-Planck Institute, LMU, Munich, Germany

Michelangelo Mangano, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Viatcheslav Mukhanov, Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics, Munich, Germany

Sunil Mukhi, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India

Robert Myers, Perimeter Institute, Ontario, Canada

Tatsuya Nakada, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Matthias Neubert, University of Mainz, Germany

Mihoko M. Nojiri, KEK, Japan

Carlos Nunez, Swansea University, UK

Yaron Oz, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Israel

Antonio Pich, University of Valencia, Spain

Boris Pioline, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland and LPTHE - Université Paris, France

Massimo Porrati, New York University, USA

Eliezer Rabinovici, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

Krishna Rajagopal, MIT

Pierre Ramond, University of Florida, USA

Soo-Jong Rey, Seoul National University, Korea

Vladimir Rittenberg, University of Bonn, Germany

Gigi Rolandi, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Robert Roser, Fermilab, Chicago, USA

Esteban Roulet, CONICET, Bariloche, Argentina

Volker Schomerus, DESY, Hamburg, Germany

Kareljan Schoutens, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Adam Schwimmer, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

German Sierra, IFT, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain

Eva Silverstein, Stanford University, San Francisco, USA

Alexei Y Smirnov, ICTP, Trieste, Italy

Matthias Staudacher, Albert-Einstein-Institut, Potsdam, Germany

Shigeki Sugimoto, IPMU, Tokyo, Japan

Stefan Theisen, Albert-Einstein-Institut, Potsdam, Germany

Angel M Uranga, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Pierre Vanhove, Institut de Physique Théorique CEA-Saclay and IHES

Eril Verlinde, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Urs Wiedemann, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Jan Zaanen, Lorentz Institute, Leiden, The Netherlands

Konstantin Zarembo, Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden

Fabio Zwirner, University of Padova, Italy

Advisory Board

John Cardy, Oxford University, UK

Stanley Deser, Brandeis University, Waltham, USA

Michael R Douglas, Rutgers University, USA

Raffaele Raoul Gatto, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

David Gross, ITP, Santa Barbara, USA

Renata Kallosh, Stanford University, USA

Juan M Maldacena, Princeton, IAS, USA

Lev Okun, ITEP, Moscow, Russia

Giorgio Parisi, University "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy

Lisa Randall, MIT, Boston, USA

Gerard 't Hooft, ITP, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Steven Weinberg, Department of Physics, University of Texas, Austin, USA

Edward Witten, IAS, Princeton, USA


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