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变更情况:Newly Added by 2013,JCR used the online version of ISSN in 2013

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Gayana. Botánica

ISSN 0717-6643 online version
ISSN 0016-5301 print version

Publication of Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas, Universidad de Concepción
On-line version ISSN 0717-6643


Gayana Botanica magazine dedicated to the French naturalist Claudio Gay (1800-1873), is the official editions of the University of Concepción, Chile, to publish results of original research in the areas of botany.

Basic Information

Gayana Botany magazine devoted to the French naturalist Claudio Gay, is a journal for publication of original research in all areas of botany. It is published by Editions of the University of Concepcion, is the organ of the Botanical Society of Chile.

I see an annual volume, composed of two numbers.

The magazine receives work done by researchers across nationality, prepared according to the standards of this Regulation. Accepts papers written in Spanish and English. The materials systematic taxonomy, cytological and phytochemicals should be backed by herbal materials deposited in state or institutional easy access to the scientific community.

Gayana Botany also receives books to be commented on, communication of scientific events and obituaries, which are issued free of charge, after being accepted by the Editor.

Information Services

The articles published in Gayana Botany are indexed or summarized by:

  • Biological Abstracts - BIOSIS
  • CSA Biological Science - Cambridge Scientific Abstract
  • Kew Records
  • Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum
  • Index to American Botanical Literature
  • Ulrich's - International Periodicals Directory
  • Thomson Reuter/ISI
  • Biodiversity Heritage Library


  • Universidad de Concepción.


The publication of the magazine Gayana Botany is funded by:

  • Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas de la Universidad de Concepción.
  • Sociedad de Botánica de Chile (En parte)

Previous issue

Previous issues Gayana Botánica available on the website “Biodiversity Heritage Library”.

Available issues:

Instructions to Authors

Scope and policy


One volume appears annually, divided in two numbers.

The journal welcomes works carried out by scientists of all nationalities, and may be written in either English or Spanish. The journal receives works in systematic, taxonomy, floristic, ecology, physiology, morphology, development, conservation, cytology and phytochemical botany.

Systematic, taxonomic, floristics, cytological and phytochemical studies should be backed up by material deposited in state herbariums or other institutions readily accessible to the scientific community and recognized by Index Herbariorum.

Also receives books for review, notices of scientific events, and obituaries, which are published free of charge after acceptance.
Manuscripts are to be submitted electronically, in order to expedite the review process.

Manuscripts should be sent as an attached Word or RTF file to gayanabot@udec.cl, accompanied by a message addressed to the editor, with a name that identifies the manuscript and the first author (e.g. Solanum_Pérez.doc)

Articles are normally sent out for review by at least two peers, one of whom will usually be a member of the editorial board. Our goal is to deliver a first editorial decision within 60 days, and to publish all accepted papers within nine months of submission date.

Authors will be charged 30 US$ per page in black and white, and 52 US$ per page with colour illustrations. Members of the Botanical Society of Chile will be eligible for reduced page charges from 2004.

Form and preparation of manuscripts


  • Use bold capitals and small letters for main headings, in English and Spanish.
  • Write a short title (< 10 words) in the page header.
  • The title is to be followed by the authors’ names written in lower case, followed by their postal addresses and e-mail address of the corresponding author.
  • Manuscripts are to be written in Times New Roman font 12, at one-and-a-half line spacing, right –justified. The title for each section in capitals letters (centred), and small capitals (left-justified) for subheadings (example: TREATMENT). Do not underline. Start the first paragraph of each section without indentation, but indent all successive paragraphs of that section, without skipping a line.
  • Number all pages, and number the lines.
  • Write a short title (< 40 characters) in the page header.
  • The text will normally be organized in the following sections: ABSTRACT (in English), KEY WORDS (up to 5 words or terms: do not include words that appear in the title), RESUMEN (in Spanish), PALABRAS CLAVES (up to 5 words or terms: do not include words that appear in the title), INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, REFERENCES.
  • Fusion of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION is discouraged. Consult the editor if for some reason a different manuscript structure is required or desired.
  • Use italics for scientific names and Latinisms.
  • The first time a given species, subspecies or variety is cited, the full botanical name must be used, including author(s). Names are to be abbreviated according to R.K. Brummitt & C.E. Powell (eds) Authors of Plant Names (also in IPNI http://www.ipni.org/index.html).


  • Plant names should follow the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.
  • The bibliography in scientific names must be written like in Example 1.
  • Species entries are organized as follows: name, Latin diagnosis (if necessary), description, distribution, specimens examined. The commentaries follow the same order, e.g., diagnostic characteristics, distinction from similar species variation, distribution and ecology, nomenclature and typification, uses.
  • If the author of the paper submitted is making the lectotypification, the phrase “designated here” is used.
  • Exclamation points are used for specimens examined, and types not seen are indicated as such (e.g., CONC!, SGO not seen).
  • One paragraph per basionym is used as follows:

Example 1: Acaena venulosa Griseb. Syst. Bemerk. 30, 1854. Acaena laevigata W.T.Aiton var. venulosa (Griseb.) Reiche, Anales Univ. Chile 98: 171. 1897. Acaena magellanica (Lam.) Vahl subsp. venulosa (Griseb.) Bitter, Biblioth. Bot. 17(74): 168. 1910. Acaena magellanica (Lam.) Vahl subsp. venulosa (Griseb.) Bitter var. glabrescens Bitter, Biblioth. Bot. 17(74): 168. 1910. TIPO: Chile. “Penins. Brunswick: in collibus pr. Sandy Point, m. Octobri.” Lechler 978c. (lectotypus, designated here, M!; isotypus B!).

  • Synonyms based on different types are placed in separate paragraphs, each beginning with the basionym, followed by other combinations (if appropriate), and citation of the type.
  • A brief Latin diagnosis for each new taxon is provided rather than a complete Latin description.
  • Use the metric system of weights and measures, separating decimals with a dot for texts in English (0.5), or with a comma (0,5) if the language is Spanish.
  • Use an indented format for plant identification keys.


  • Figures (graphs, drawings and photographs) are to be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals.
  • Figures made by multiples images, must be named correlatively, eg. Figs. 1a, 1b, 1c, etc.
  • Do not put a frame around graphs.
  • Drawings must be of high contrast, high quality, with lines of appropriate thickness for reduction, and must include a scale.
  • Use Metric System for units and symbols, separate the decimals with point (0.5) for English text, and with comma (0,5) for Spanish text.
  • The photos (b & w or colour) must be scanner with high resolution (> 300 dpi), images format (jpg, giff, bmp, etc.) separated, label with the principal author name (e.g. Pérez fig1.jpg).
  • The figure captions are to appear together on a separate sheet at the end of the text, in Spanish an d English.
  • Captions should be concise but informative: readers should not have to consult the text to make sense of the Figure.


  • Tables are to be numbered consecutively with roman numerals, and headed by a concise caption.
  • Captions should be concise but informative: readers should not have to consult the test to make sense of the table.
  • Tables must be created with the Word table editor (i.e. do not use tabs and spaces to create tables).
  • Each table starts on a separate sheet.


  • Data for the plant material studied should be ordered in the following sequence: Country (in CAPITALS); Region; Province (Prov.); locality; date; surname of collector and sample number; abbreviation of the herbarium where the material has been deposited (in CAPITALS and in parentheses). Example: CHILE, Region of Atacama, Prov. Huasco, road from Vallenar to San Felix, km 45, 24-VII-1984, Pérez & Rojas (CONC); etc. If many species are dealt with, an index of scientific names and an index of collectors must be included at the end of the text.
  • If there are a large number, an index to specimens examined is placed at the end of the paper, following the Literature Cited. It is arranged alphabetically by collector, followed by collection number, followed by the number of the taxon in the text. Names (including initial(s)) of first and second collector are provided, “et al.” if three or more.
  • The herbaria names are abbreviated according to Index Herbariorum (http://sweetgum.nybg.org/ih/).


  • If the paper presents original data, associated herbarium vouchers are cited.
  • Nucleic acid or protein sequences corresponding to equal or greater than 50 nucleotides are entered into an appropriate data bank, e.g., GenBank/EMBL. The accession numbers are provided before publication.


  • The list of REFERENCES is to include only the references cited in the text, ordered alphabetically by the author’s surname, listed without enumeration. The authors must be written in small capitals (SMALL CAPITALS).
  • Do not abbreviate journal names, and list the volume number without specifying the issue.
  • Citations in the text must include the author’s surname and the year, without a comma in between (e.g. Smith 1952, 1956, 1960). If there are two authors, use ampersand (e.g. Marticorena & Quezada 1985). If there are more than two authors, name only the first, followed by “et al.” (e.g. Stuessy et al. 1991). If there are several articles by the same author in the same year, use letters to identify the respective publications (e.g. Reich et al. 1998a, 1998b, 1998c).

For journals:
RUIZ, E., CRAWFORD, D.J., STUESSY, T.F., GONZÁLEZ, F., SAMUEL, R., BECERRA, J., & M. SILVA. 2004. Phylogenetic relationships and genetic divergence among endemic species of Berberis, Gunnera, Myrceugenia and Sophora of the Juan Fernandez Islands (Chile) and their continental progenitors based on isozymes and nrITS sequences. Taxon 53(2): 321-332.

For books:
COOKE, R.C. & J.M. WHIPPS. 1993 . Ecophysiology of Fungi. Blackwell Scientific Publications,
London. 337 pp.

For book chapters:
STUESSY, T. & C. TAYLOR. 1995. Evolución de la flora chilena. En: Flora de Chile, vol. 1. (eds. C. Marticorena & R. Rodríguez ), pp. 85-118. Ediciones Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile.

For theses (acceptable only when no alternative source is available):
CRUZ, G. & A. LARA. 1981. Tipificación, cambio de estructura y normas de manejo para Ciprés de las Guaitecas (Pilgerodendron uviferum (D.Don) Florin) en la Isla Grande de Chiloé. Tesis. Ingeniería Forestal. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad de Chile. Santiago, Chile. 215 pp.

For web pages:
SHACKLE, L. 1998. Citing Electronic Resources. Arizona State University Libraries. URL:
http://www.asu.edu/lib/noble/library/cit_elec.htm Viewed: September 30, 1999.


Do not cite conference proceedings.

A maximum of 30 words is considered.

In addition to regular papers (see below), GAYANA BOTANICA welcomes Brief Communications of up to 1,500 words. This type of article is suitable for rapid publication of specific observations of regional interest, comments on other articles published in the journal, and studies based on small data sets involving few variables.

  • The text include title, author(s), address (s), resumen (Spanish), text, acknowledgments and literature cited.
  • The authors’ names written in lower case, followed by their postal addresses and e-mail address of the corresponding author.
  • Do not include key words.
  • The title is to be written in upper case in both Spanish and English, and must clearly express the essence of the paper, e.g. New southern limit for Nothofagus glauca (Phil.) Krasser.
  • A brief (< 50 word) abstract in Spanish only is to appear immediately below the authors names.

The corresponding author will be sent an electronic version (PDF) of his or her paper published in GAYANA BOTANICA. This measure, which replaces traditional hardcopy reprints, will enable the author to disseminate his or her work without incurring mailing costs.

Sending of manuscripts


Manuscripts must be submitted electronically by e-mail. Send your manuscript to gayanabot@udec.cl as a Word file, accompanied by a letter addressed to the editor. All images (figures, tables and photos) must be included in the manuscript as jpg or gif files. Manuscripts sent by other channels will not be considered, and the editor reserves the right to return manuscripts that fail to comply with the Instructions to Authors.

Editorial Board

Editor in chief

  • Dr. Luis E. Parra
    Departamento de Zoología
    Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas
    Casilla 160-C
    Teléfono: (56-41) 2203414


  • Lic. Alicia Marticorena
    Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas
    Departamento de Botánica
    Universidad de Concepción
    Víctor Lamas #1290, Casilla 160-C, Concepción
    Fonos: 41-2207317/41-2204418
    Fax: 41-2246005
    E-mail: amartic@udec.cl

Editorial committee

  • Carlos Aedo, Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid, España
  • Mary T. K. Arroyo, Universidad de Chile, Chile
  • Sergio Avaria, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile
  • Carlos Bicudo, Instituto de Botánica Sao Paulo, Brasil
  • Lohengrin Cavieres, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
  • Luis Corcuera, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
  • Daniel Crawford, University of Montana, EE.UU
  • Jorge Crisci, Universidad de La Plata, Argentina
  • Roberto Godoy, Universidad Austral de Chile
  • Mariela González, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
  • Jürke Grau, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, Alemania
  • Diego Gutiérrez, Universidad de La Plata, Argentina
  • Julio Gutiérrez, Universidad de La Serena, Chile
  • Clodomiro Marticorena, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
  • Gloria Montenegro, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
  • Raúl Pozner, Instituto de Botánica Darwinion, Argentina
  • Patricio Rivera, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
  • Roberto Rodríguez, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
  • Francisco Squeo, Universidad de La Serena, Chile
  • Tod F. Stuessy, Institut für Botanik der Universität Wien, Austria
  • Charlotte Taylor, Missouri Botanical Garden, EE.UU
  • Sebastián Teillier, Universidad Central, Chile

Desing and layout

  • Impresos Siglo XXI


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