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变更情况:Newly Added by 2013, ISSN changed from 1809-4430

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

ISSN 1808-4389 CD-ROM version

Publication ofAssociação Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola
Print version ISSN 0100-6916


The purpose of Agricultural Engineering Journal is to publish inedited scientific articles, technical articles and bibliographic reviews, in Portuguese, Spanish or English, which contributes significantly to knowledge on related areas.



Basic information

The journal of Engenharia Agrícola has existed since 1972 as the primary means of publishing technical-scientific articles from SBEA - Brazilian Association of Agricultural Engineering, classified with "B1" concept by the Qualis system of CAPES.

The Journal of Engenharia Agrícola is published bimonthly, and has an average of 20 articles per issue and is distributed free to the authors' members of SBEA and the major libraries in Brazil and abroad. Currently sponsored by CNPq, through the Publishing Aid Program.

The Journal of Engenharia Agrícola has 560 reviewers "ad hoc" in several educational and research institutions in Brazil and abroad. Each article received is forwarded to three reviewers and are published when approved by at least two of three reviewers and the Editorial Board of the Journal. In the first issue of the year, it is published the list of reviewers who reviewed all submissions in the previous year.

Instructions for publication in the Journal of Engenharia Agrícola are summarized on the back cover of each issue. The processing of papers between authors and reviewers is made by the SBEA general office, under the supervision of the Area Editors. Click here to see the instructions for the processing and the publication of the

The abbreviated title of the journal is Eng. agríc., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.


Information services

The Articles published in the Journal of Engenharia Agr�cola are indexed by:

  • AGORA (Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture)
  • AGRIS (International Information System for the Agricultural Science and Technology)
  • AGROBASE (Coordenadoria Geral de Informação Documental Agrícola - CENAGRI/Ministério da Agricultura)
  • CAB INTERNATIONAL (International Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences)
  • Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition
  • Science Citation Index
  • Sumarios.org (Sumários de revistas brasileiras)
  • Web of Science



  • Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)

Instructions to Authors

General instructions

Guidelines for the Agricultural Engineering (AE) Journal

1. General Guidelines

To honor the national scientific community, it is important that the information available in the Brazilian literature are exhausted, especially those published in Agricultural Engineering, which can be done by consulting the page in SciELO (http://www.scielo.br/scielo .php/script_sci_serial/pid_0100-6916/lng_pt/nrm_iso). The official language is Portuguese. It is accepted articles in Spanish or English, must always contain an ABSTRACT and KEYWORDS in Portuguese .The article sent to this journal should not have being submitted for publication to another agency, nor have been previously published, except in abstract form at scientific meeting. The text should be sent through the SciElo system accessing the address http://submission.scielo.br/index.php/eagri/ obeying these instructions, being omitted the author (s) name (s) and the footnote identification for the same. The author (s) should send message to the address revistasbea@sbea.org.br, stating the nature of the article (scientific, technical or revision), attaching the deposit receipt for the payment of the processing fee and assuming responsibility for other authors, if any, as co-responsible for the scientific content of the article, according to Article 5 of Law No. 9610, which treats of the Copyright Law. Articles subdivided into parts I, II ..., must be registered separately, but shall be subject to the same reviewers. Articles may present colored pictures (photographs, graphs, diagrams, etc.), but the SciELO accepts files with a maximum of 2.0 Mb (larger files will not be saved in the system). Articles that do not follow these guidelines will be canceled by the Managing Editor from AE and new records shall be held by the author. Scientific articles that reviewers interpret that have the style of Technical Article shall have the process closed.

The composition of the texts, necessarily, must obey the following guidelines:

  • Processor: MSWord 7.0 or later
  • Paper size: A4 (21 x 29.7 cm)
  • Maximum number of lauds: 20 (Articles with more than 15 pages, will be charged R$10.00 reais per additional laud).
  • Line Spacing: 2
  • Font for the text: Times New Roman 12
  • Font for the header / footnote: Times New Roman 9
  • Margins: 2 cm on all sides of the paper
  • Number lines on the pages: file / page setup / layout / number of lines / numbering lines /continuous
  • Paragraph: 1.0 cm
  • Maximum file size: 2.0 Mb

For articles with up to 15 pages in the manuscript, will be charged an upfront fee of R$ 80.00 (eighty reais) per article submitted, in which the first author is associate to SBEA and up to date with the annuity, otherwise the fee value is R$ 300.00 (three hundred reais).

2. Articles

The articles can be of the following nature: 1. Scientific article, 2. Technical article, and 3. Review article.

2.1. Scientific Article: refers to reports of original research, with well-defined hypothesis, giving prestige to innovation issues. The text should include the items, always highlighted in capital letters and bold unnumbered paragraph and, leaving two spaces (ENTER twice) after the previous item and a space (ENTER once) to begin the text, in the following order: for article in Portuguese or Spanish: title (Portuguese or Spanish), name of the authors, abstract, keywords, title (English), abstract and keywords. For article in English: Title (English), name of the authors, abstract, keywords, title (Portuguese), abstract and keywords. To ensure blind peer review, the submitted articles must be presented without the authors or footnote.

TITLE: Centralized, should be clear and concise, allowing prompt identification of the content of the study, trying to avoid words like: analysis, study and evaluation. An index number overwritten as called footnotes could be followed by the title for possible explanation in the case of article presented in congress, extracted from dissertation or thesis, or to indicate the funding agency of the research.

AUTHORS: The number of authors should be the minimum possible, considering only people who have had effective participation at the study, able to respond for it in whole or in essential parts. With rare exceptions, the authors could not be more than five and, in any case, the Editorial Board may request justifications to explain the presence of the authors at the research. It is not allowed to change the author (s) in the article after the beginning of the proceedings.

In the On-Line System, in the summary of the biography, identify the author (s) as follows: for the first author: professional qualification, occupation, place of work and address, as follows: Agricultural Eng. Prof. PhD, Department of Agricultural Engineering, UNESP / Jaboticabal - SP Phone: (0xx16) 3209.2637, xxxxxxxx@xxx.com.br. For the other authors: professional qualification, occupation and place of work, as follows: Agricultural Eng, Assistant Professor in the Department of Rural Engineering, UNESP / Botucatu - SP. This information will only be inserted after the approval of the article.

ABSTRACT: The text should start on the same line of the item, be clear, succinct and mandatorily explain the intended objectives, trying to justify its importance (not including references), the main procedures adopted, the most significant results and conclusions, containing a maximum of 14 lines. Below should appear the KEYWORDS (six at most, trying not repeating the title) written in lowercase. A full version of the Abstract in English must be presented as follow: TITLE, ABSTRACT and KEYWORDS.

INTRODUCTION: Ramblings should be avoided, using recent literature (past 5 years and preferably from periodic) and appropriate to formulate the problems addressed and the justification of the importance of the subject, making very clear the objective of the study, using at most 50 lines.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Depending on the nature of the study, a characterization of the experimental area must be inserted, making clear the conditions under which the research was accomplished. When the standard methods are used only the reference will be enough, otherwise is required description of the procedures used, adjustments promoted, etc. Measurement units and symbols should follow the International System.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Illustrations, graphics and photographs must be submitted with sufficient detail and size for the final composition, preferably in the same position of the text, could be colored and must also present the title in English. Graphics: may have colored parts, and the x and y axes with 1/2 pt, described with the same type and size of letters in the text (Times New Roman 12) and the legend in the lower position of it. They must be numbered in consecutive Arabic numerals. Tables: avoid extensive tables and superfluous data, privileging average data; adapt their sizes to the usable space of the paper and place, wherever possible, only continuous horizontal lines, their captions should be concise and self-explanatory and should also display the title in English. Photographs: can be colored. In the discussion, compare the results with the data obtained in the Bibliography.

CONCLUSIONS: These should be based exclusively on the results of the study. Avoid repetition of results in subsequent listing, confronting what was obtained with the goals initially set. The conclusions should be written to facilitate interpretation of the article, without consulting other items of it.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Enter it, if any, after conclusions, succinctly.

REFERENCES: Should be mentioned only the essential, which is generally not observed in the case of articles originating from thesis. Include only those mentioned in the text and tables, graphs or illustrations, appearing in alphabetical order and in capital letters. Avoid quoting abstracts, unpublished articles and personal communication. At least 70% of the references should be in the last 5 years and 70% of periodic articles. The references in the text must also appear in capital letters, followed by the date:

SOUZA & SILVA (2005), or (SOUZA & SILVA, 2005), existing other references of the same author in the same year (other publications), it will be identified with lowercase letters (a, b, c) after the year of publication: SOUZA & SILVA (2005 a). When there are three or more authors, in the text will be quoted only the first author followed by et al., but in the final bibliography list other names should also appear. In quotation from quotation, identifies the directly consulted article, the author and / or the article mentioned in it as indicated: SILVA (2000) cited by PESSOA (2006). Quote at least two articles of the Agricultural Engineering Journal and include bibliographic citations in the discussion and in the methodology. Any questions, please refer to NBR-6023 (August 2002) of ABNT. Following are some examples placed:

Journals / Periodicals

ALVES, S. P., RODRIGUES, E.H.V. Tree shading and orientation of poultry facilities. Agricultural Engineering, Jaboticabal, v.24, n.2, p.241-5, May / Aug. 2004.
Journals / Periodic by electronic means

Pandorfi, H., Silva, IJO, Guiselini, C.; PITY, SMS Use of fuzzy logic in the characterization of the productive environment for pregnant breeding. Agricultural Engineering, Jaboticabal, v. 27, n. 1, 2007. Available at --- Accessed on: September 24, 2007.


PRADO, R. M.; NATALE, W.; FURLANI, C.E.A. Mechanized management activities for crop establishment. Jaboticabal: Brazilian Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2002. 99 p. (Agricultural Engineering Series)

Book chapters or similar articles

CARVALHO, J. A. Basic Hydraulics. In: MIRANDA, J. H.; PIRES, R.C.M. Irrigation. Jaboticabal: Brazilian Association of Agricultural Engineering, 2003. v.2, p.1-106. (Agricultural Engineering Series).

Annals of congresses, symposia, scientific and technical meetings

MARINI, V.K.; ROMANO, L.N.; Dallmeyer, A.U. The analysis of the agricultural operation as basis for defining functional requirements in the development of agricultural machinery. In Brazilian Congress of Agricultural Engineering: 35. 2006, João Pessoa. Annals ... João Pessoa: Brazilian Association of Agricultural Engineering, 2006. 1 CD-ROM.

Monographs, dissertations, theses

CORTEZ, JW. Soybean sowing density and depth of deposition of the fertilizer in tillage. 2007. 87 f. Dissertation (Master in Crop Production) - São Paulo State University, University of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Jaboticabal, 2007.

Cartographical document (map, aerial photography, satellite image, digital satellite image)

BRAZIL and part of South America: political, school, road, tourism and regional map. São Paulo: Michalany, 1981. 1 map, color. 79 cm x 95 cm. Scale 1:600.000.

GEOGRAPHY AND CARTOGRAPHY INSTITUTE (São Paulo, SP). Lins Tupã Project: aerial photo. São Paulo, 1986. Fx 28, n.15. Scale 1:35.000.

LANDSAT TM5. São José dos Campos: National Institute for Space Research, 1987-1988. Satellite image. Channels 3, 4 and colorful composition 3, 4 and 5. Scale 1:100,000.

UNITED STATES. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. GOES-08: SE. 13 July 1999, 17:45Z. IR04. Itajai: UNIVALI. Satellite Image: 1999071318. GIF: 557 Kb.

Public agencies, institutions, associations

ABNT. BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF TECHNICAL STANDARDS. NBR 10520: Information and Documentation: citations in documents: presentation. Rio de Janeiro, 2002.

EMBRAPA. BRAZILIAN COMPANY OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH. Brazilian system of soil classification. Brasilia, 1999. 412 p.

BRAZIL. National Petroleum Agency. Biodiesel: new prospects for sustainability. Rio de Janeiro, 2002. 27 p.

EQUATIONS: All equations that are part of the text should be aligned with the paragraph and numbered as follows:

y = ax + b (1)

in which

y - speed m s-1;
a - angular coefficient;
x - speed, rpm, and
b - linear coefficient.

2.2. Technical Article: Should portray advances in theories, methodologies and techniques, without a hypothesis presentation. When dealing with the case study, the conclusions should present proposals. It should be written in technical language, easy to understand, on matters of interest to the Agricultural Engineering by author(s) showing experience on the subject dealt, allowing guidance to the different users of Agricultural Engineering. It only justifies submitting articles that bring contribution on the subject and not just personal cases or restricted interest. With freer style than in scientific articles, technical articles should, in most cases, include the following items: Title, Author(s), Abstract, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, description of the subject, Conclusions and References. It is noteworthy that the authors and the footnote of their identification will be included only after the approval of the article. For the writing of these items should be followed the same guidelines for scientific articles, with the following particular conditions:

Header: TECHNICAL ARTICLE should appear in the header of the first page, in capital letters, underlined, in bold, centered and spaced 1.1 cm from the top edge.

Introduction: should contain brief background, explaining the importance, the current status of the subject, relying on literature review, and make clear the aim of the article.

Subject description: with different titles that can be divided into sub-items, the matter should be discussed, pointing up the theoretical basis, bringing experiences and recommendations, discussing and criticizing situations, based on the fullest bibliography and technical standards on the subject.

Conclusions: When appropriate, should be written in a clear and concise manner, consistent with the goal established. Should not be a simple resubmission of other paragraphs of the article.

2.3. Review Article: is the presentation of a study by gathering, analyzing and discussing an issue of importance to the Agricultural Engineering, and based on extensive literature search, allowing compilation of existing knowledge. Although with more stylistic freedom than in scientific articles, review articles should contain the following items: Title, Author(s), Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Review, Conclusions and References. For the writing of these items should be followed the same guidelines for composition of scientific articles, with the following particular conditions:

Header: REVIEW ARTICLE should appear on the front page headline in capital letters, underlined, in bold, centered and spaced 1.1 cm from the top edge.

Introduction: should contain brief background, placing the importance, the current status of the subject and purpose of the review.

Review: follow the standards of the journal citation. If necessary, it can be divided by subjects in sub items. The essay should be critical and not just mere exposure of the issues; it must present a logical sequence in order of subjects and / or chronological. Whenever possible, should contain an analysis of comparative studies on the subject dealt.

Conclusions: should be presented clearly and concisely, consistent with the goals established. It should not be a simple restatement of paragraphs of the review.

3. Procedure of the Article submitted to the Agricultural Engineering Journal

The articles related to the Agricultural Engineering Journal are centered at the headquarters of the SBEA and the articles received may follow the procedures established between the Executive Board and the Technical-Scientific Board, whose procedures are briefly described below:

Reception - is performed by the Electronic System for Journal Publishing - SciELO (http://submission.scielo.br/index.php/eagri), which registers the article and informs the receiving to the corresponding author. It is the duty of the secretary verifies whether the text follows the submission rules. If not, the sender is informed that the article was canceled and new registration must be done attending the Journal Guidelines.

Assessors - the article is send to three assessors (peer review) for evaluation of the text content on the merits and issuing an opinion, guaranteeing their anonymity. Each field of knowledge has a minimum of fifty (50) assessors, being demanded the title of Doctor.

Submission to the Editorial Board - As soon as the assessors return the evaluations, the Section Editor compiles the comments and, based on this information, take one of the following steps:

a) informs to the Secretariat of SBEA that the article can be published when there are no modifications or corrections; when few corrections were necessary, will be performed by the Editorial Board;

b) returns the corresponding author for corrections, changes or considerations about the opinion, and

c) informs the corresponding author that the article was not accepted for publication.

Return to SBEA - in case of item "b" after the corrections, and the return of the article to the system, the same is sent to the Section Editor. In case of item "c", the system informs to the corresponding author that the article was not accepted for publication, and closes the process.

Information to the corresponding author - in possession of the information obtained from the Section Editor, the Secretary of SBEA communicates to the lead author the probable time or number of the journal in which the text will be published.

Editorial Board


Editorial board

Rogério Teixeira de Faria - FCAV/UNESP, Jaboticabal-SP

Deputy Editor
Davi Luciano Rosalen - FCAV/UNESP, Jaboticabal-SP


Editors of the area

Rural Construction and Environment
Daniella Jorge de Moura - FEAGRI/UNICAMP, Campinas-SP
Danilo Florentino Pereira - UNESP, Tupã-SP
Energy in Agriculture
Delly Oliveira Filho - UFV, Viçosa-MG
Luiz Antônio Rossi - FEAGRI/UNICAMP, Campinas-SP

Water and Soil Engineering
Adunias dos Santos Teixeira - UFC, Fortaleza-CE
André Luís Teixeira Fernandes - UNIUBE, Uberaba-MG
Antônio Carlos Andrade Gonçalves - UEM, Maringá-PR
Danilton Luiz Flumignan – EMBRAPA, Dourados-MS
Edna Maria Bonfim-Silva - UFMT, Rondonópolis-MT

Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization
Renato Levien - UFRGS, Porto Alegre-RS
José Paulo Molin - USP/ESALQ, Piracicaba-SP
Fabio Henrique Rojo Baio - UFMS, Chapadão do Sul - MS

Postharvest Science and Technology
Rafael Augustus de Oliveira - FEAGRI/UNICAMP, Campinas-SP
Juliana Tófano de Campos Leite Toneli - UFABC, Santo André-SP

Hélio Ricardo Silva - UNESP, Ilha Solteira-SP

Sanitation and Environmental Control
Simone Damasceno Gomes - UNIOESTE, Cascavel-PR
Valderi Duarte Leite - UEPB, João Pessoa-PB

Interdisciplinary Themes
Anderson de Toledo - IAPAR, Londrina-PR

Alexandre Ignácio Flório
Patricia Torres Paulino Santaguita
Ingrid Fugimoto



Núbia Josefina Lopes Brichi - FCAV/UNESP, Jaboticabal - SP

Mônica Maia Stéfani

Vitório Barato Neto


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