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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Cover image

Smart Materials and Structures (SMS) is a multi-disciplinary journal that explores the creation and utilization of novel forms of transduction. It is a leading journal in the area of smart materials and structures, publishing the most important results from different regions of the world, largely from Asia, Europe and North America. The results may be as disparate as the development of new materials and active composite systems, derived using theoretical predictions to complex structural systems, which generate new capabilities by incorporating enabling new smart material transducers. The theoretical predictions are usually accompanied with experimental verification, characterizing the performance of new structures and devices. These systems are examined from the nanoscale to the macroscopic. The Editor-in-Chief, Professor Ephrahim Garcia (Cornell University) has assembled a cadre of Associate Editors who are experts in a multitude of areas, ensuring that reviews are fast, fair and performed by experts in all sub-disciplines of smart materials, systems and structures.


12 issues per year.

Subject coverage

A smart material is defined as any material that is capable of being controlled such that its response and properties change under a stimulus. A smart structure or system is capable of reacting to stimuli or the environment in a prescribed manner. Smart Materials and Structures is committed to understanding, expanding and dissemination of knowledge in this subject matter. To this end, the Journal will consider articles in the following areas:

  • Smart materials development and application—including, but not limited to, shape memory alloys and polymers, electro and magnetorheological materials, piezoelectrics, ferroelectrics, piezomagnetics, electro and magnetostrictive materials, thermoelectrics, photovoltaics, electro and magnetocaloric materials, electrochromics, IPMCs, electroactive polymers, energy storage materials, ferroelectrics, self-healing materials and multifunctional materials in general.
  • Smart materials utilized as sensors and actuators with applications at any scale.
  • Adaptive structural systems, actively controlled structures with smart materials and other non-traditional actuators.
  • Sensor and sensor networks for smart materials and structure applications, processing of sensor information for adaptive control or structural health monitoring as well as integration of these sensor networks into materials and structures.
  • Smart optical materials for modification in spectral shifts and refractive index shift.
  • Structural health monitoring with applications to ground vehicles, aircraft and civil infrastructure.
  • Intelligent systems, integrated with sensors, actuators and controllers, applied to automation and robotic systems that utilize smart material systems.
  • Energy harvesting systems including modelling, applications and implementation issues.
  • Smart material systems that utilize biomimetics and bioinspiration.


Article Types

Fast Track Communications

(Not normally more than 5400 words* or 6 journal pages.) These articles should be short, urgent announcements reporting new and timely developments in the field. They should be of importance to readers of Smart Materials and Structures and are not expected to meet any requirement of 'general interest'. They are processed quickly and made freely available to readers of the electronic journal. They are published at the front of the journal. To facilitate a fast review process authors must keep their articles short and provide a written justification to the Editors explaining how their article meets the criteria of a Fast Track Communication and why it should benefit from accelerated publication.

Research Papers

Reports of original research work; not normally more than 9000 words* (10 journal pages).

Technical Notes

(Not normally more than 7200 words* or 8 journal pages.) These are technical communications containing material typically insufficient for publication as a full scientific article but revealing new technical procedures. A Technical Note should be sufficiently detailed and in-depth to further the technical know-how of the community and help the development of novel devices.

Topical Reviews

A review article should discuss the current state of research in a selected field, and also include a general overview and an introduction with enough basic information to make the article interesting and informative for non-specialists. These are intended to summarize accepted practice and report on recent progress. They do not have to be fully comprehensive and should be about 12 000-18 000 words long*. Such articles are generally commissioned by the Editorial Board.

Abstracted in

  • ISI (SciSearch®, Science Citation Index®, Materials Science Citation Index®, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, ISI Alerting Services)
  • Scopus
  • Inspec
  • Aerospace Database
  • Chemical Abstracts Service
  • Compendex
  • Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management Database
  • NASA Astrophysics Data System
  • PASCAL Database
  • Polymer Library
  • VINITI Abstracts Journal (Referativnyi Zhurnal)


Instructions to Authors

Please read the comprehensive information on preparing your article files for submission and on the options for submitting your article in our Guidelines for authors available via ScholarOne Manuscripts. Here are brief details of the alternative submission methods:


We strongly recommend that you submit via the Web using our online submission form, because this method is most efficient and therefore quickest to publication.



Send your article's single compressed archive file as an attachment to an e-mail to sms@iop.org stating electronic submission in the subject line.



Send your article's single compressed archive file by anonymous FTP to ftp.iop.org
  • Please log on with username anonymous and use your e-mail address as the password.
  • Change to the /incoming directory.
  • Change to the sms directory.
  • Upload your compressed file using the appropriate commands for your FTP software. Make sure that ASCII files are sent as text only while other files are sent as binary.


Send your article's single compressed archive file on a CD-ROM to the address below.


Hard copy

Send three copies of your manuscript to: 
Publishing Administrator
Smart Materials and Structures
IOP Publishing
Temple Circus
Temple Way
Bristol, BS1 6BE
Contact e-mail: sms@iop.org
Contact telephone: +44 (0) 117 9297481
Contact fax: +44 (0) 117 9200684

The benefits of publishing in Smart Materials and Structures include:

  • No page charges
  • Impact Factor of 2.024 (2012)
  • Fast, fair, rigorous and constructive refereeing process
  • Rapid publication times—now averaging just 5 months or less from submission to online publication
  • Electronic submission
  • Dedicated publishing team—email sms@iop.org
  • High international visibility both in print and online via our newly launched 'IOPscience'
  • Over 390,000 full-text downloads in 2012
  • All abstracts and tables of content available free online
  • Free colour in electronic version
  • Multimedia enhancements, such as computer simulations or video clips, can be added to your online article 
  • PDF offprints on request
  • Quick and easy reference linking, including forward citations with CrossRef
  • Prestige and commitment of a learned society publisher 

Editorial Board


E Garcia Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA

Associate Editors

G Akhras Royal Military College of Canada, Ontario, Canada
J Cagnol École Centrale Paris, France
G Carman University of California-Los Angeles, USA
S-B Choi Inha University, Incheon, Korea
S H Choi NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, USA
A Erturk Georgia Institute of Technology, GA, USA
U Gabbert Universität Magdeburg, Germany
A Güemes Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
S Gopalakrishnan Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
J Kim Inha University, Inchon, Korea
K J Kim University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
D Lagoudas Texas A&M University, College Station, USA
R Lammering Helmut-Schmidt-Universität /Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
C K Lee National Taiwan University, Taiwan
W Li University of Wollongong, Australia
W H Liao Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Y Liu Harbin Institute of Technology, China
C S Lynch University of California-Los Angeles, USA
W M Ostachowicz Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk, Poland
K Peters North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA
M Shahinpoor University of Maine, Orono, USA
H Sodano University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
G Song University of Houston, TX, USA
W J Staszewski AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
N Takeda University of Tokyo, Japan
D-H Wang Chongqing University, People's Republic of China
Q Wang University of Manitoba, Canada
N M Wereley University of Maryland, College Park, USA
W J Wu National Taiwan University, Taiwan


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