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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Pathogens and Global Health publishes original, innovative research papers, reviews articles, and interviews policy makers and opinion leaders on health subjects of international relevance.


■  Microbiology
■  Epidemiology
■  Genomics
■  Immunology
■  Molecular biology
■  Medical entomology
■  Malaria
■  Dengue
■  Pneumonia
■  Tuberculosis
■  Influenza

Instructions to Authors

Articles must be submitted online at http://pgh.edmgr.com.
Instructions on how to register and submit a paper are available at this URL and author tutorials can be found at http://www.maneypublishing.com/web/editorial_manager_tutorials/.

For an initial submission you must upload a Word file containing the complete paper or a Word file containing the text, references, tables and figure captions plus an individual file of each figure, prepared to the specification laid out below. You will be asked to input separately the title,
abstract (if applicable) and keywords for the article and contact details for all authors.

When submitting a revised article you must upload:

(i) a text file in Word or rtf format, containing the revised text, references, tables and figure captions, prepared to the specification outlined below;

(ii) a separate high-resolution image file of each figure (see guidelines below);

(iii) a response to the referees’ comments, as a Word or PDF file. It is not necessary to upload, for a second time, files that were uploaded with the initial submission and have not been altered.

Authors or their funding agency, may sponsor an article for open access publication.  For information on article charges and instructions on how to exercise this option click here.


In preparing the manuscript as a Word or rtf file, there is no need to format the article to a specific layout or template, but please include italic or bold type where necessary. Manuscripts must be written in English. Authors not fully familiar with English may find it helpful to obtain advice from a fluent English speaker before submitting their article. Double spacing should be used throughout all portions of your manuscript and all pages should be numbered consecutively. Consistency in spacing, punctuation, and spelling is essential.

Submissions are vetted for quality of English and may be rejected on these grounds before being sent for review. Authors may wish to use a language-editing service to refine the use of English in their manuscript before submission. For information about language-editing services and discounts for Maney authors, please visit http://www.maneypublishing.com/languageediting.

Use of an editing service does not guarantee that your paper will be accepted for publication. A decision will be made following the usual peer review process.

In general, abbreviations should not be used without explanation the first time they occur and SI units should be used wherever possible. However, use of ‘ml’ is permitted and x2, DNA, ELISA, HPLC, IFAT, Ig, P, PCR,N, RAPD, RFLP, RNA, S.D., S.E. and v. (for versus) do not need expansion. The solidus (egg/g) is preferred to the superscript (eggs g-1).

Papers should be set out as follows, with each section beginning on a separate sheet: title page, abstract (if applicable) and key words, text, acknowledgements, references, tables, captions to illustrations.

Abstracts The abstract should consist of not more than 250 words summarising the contents of the article. Abstracts are not required for Short Communications.

References should be presented in the Vancouver style, numbered in the order in which they are first cited and listed in numerical order on a separate page in single spacing at the end of the paper. Arabic numerals in superscript form are used outside the punctuation mark, e.g.6

Journal articles should be abbreviated as they appear in the MEDLINE Journals Database.
Engers HD, Godal T. Malaria vaccine development: current status. Parasitol Today. 1998:14:56–64.

Madsen H, Appleton CC, Chimbari M (editors). Medical and veterinary malacology in Africa. Charlottenlund: DBL Publications; 2001.

Internet Documents
Organisation, title, date and URL, e.g. WHO Climate Change Adaptation to Protect Human Health, 2010. Available from http://www.who.int/globalchange/projects/adaptation/en/index.html


Illustrations should be numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals for figures. These should be submitted on separate pages. Each must have a legend. Sub-figures should be appropriately lettered in lower-case letters (e.g. a, b); the size of letters should be appropriate to that of the illustration. Within the text, figures and tables should be referred to by number (e.g. Figure 1; Table 1).

Special attention should be paid to the clarity of any line drawings or graphs, and $, #, &, %, + and – are the preferred symbols on line graphs. Units involving multiplication (e.g. eggs/g faeces ×10-3) should be avoided, either by converting the units (eggs/mg faeces) or by renumbering the relevant axis.

The author will be required to provide images in CMYK format, as TIFF or JPEG files, at the high resolution needed for printing. Images should be submitted at a minimum input scanning resolution of 300 dpi for full colour, 350–400 dpi for half tones, 600 dpi for slides or transparencies, 800 dpi for simple line and 1200 dpi for fine line illustrations. Please note that the final reproduction quality is dependent on the quality of the original illustration. Where graphs are included that were originally in colour, ensure that the components (e.g. blocks or segments) are suitably contrasting, by shading or texture, in black and white.

The author will be required to obtain written evidence of permission to reproduce images (in all formats, in perpetuity and in all geographical regions worldwide) from the copyright owner and will be liable for any fee charged by the owner of the image. The legend should include relevant credit of the permission of the copyright holder to reproduce the image.

Adjustments of brightness, contrast or colour balance may be applied to the entire image provided the result does not mislead the viewer.


Colour illustrations will be published in the online version of the journal free of charge. Images submitted in colour will be published in black and white in the printed journal. A few colour figures are printed in each issue free of charge. If, however, the publisher’s allowance for free colour is exceeded, authors may be asked to bear the costs of colour printing if they want their images to be printed in colour. Production colour costs can be
obtained from the Editor.


Maney’s healthcare journals are now members of COPE (the Committee on Publication Ethics). Pathogens and Global Health supports the ethical principles set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) available here on their website. 

Protection of Human Subjects and Animals in Research
Clinical Research and papers reporting experiments on healthy volunteers, patients or animals must conform to the guidelines approved by a named Research Ethical Committee (Institutional or National) and conform with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000. A statement to this effect should be included at submission stage. Authors should be aware that if their study required ethical approval but ethical approval was not obtained, then the paper will be rejected.

Informed Consent
Patients have a right to privacy and wherever possible informed consent must be obtained before identifying information is published. During the online submission process, authors are asked to indicate if they have included identifying patient information in their article, in the form of photographs, personal information or specific details of treatment.

For those who have included identifying information, they must indicate if they were able to obtain permission to use this personal information (written or verbal). In some cases, the editors may require identifying information to be removed or photographs to be adapted.

Conflict-of-Interest Notification
It is the policy of Maney Publishing and Pathogens and Global Health to adhere to the Conflict-of-Interest policy recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) http://www.icmje.org/ethical_4conflicts.html.

Relationships that could be viewed as presenting a conflict of interest must be declared at the submission stage. The corresponding author, or author responsible for the submission, must make the declaration on behalf of all co-authors. If there are no conflicts of interest, authors should explicitly state that there are none during the submission process.

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The statement of conflict of interest will be printed at the end of the paper if accepted for publication after peer review. All papers in Pathogens and Global Health either include a statement of conflict of interest, or indicate explicitly that there is none.

Authors who wish to reproduce sections of text, tables or images from previously published sources or where the copyright is owned by a third party must obtain written permission from the copyright holder (usually the publisher) and the author(s)/artist(s) of the original material. A line giving the full source of the material should be included in the manuscript, including any specific wording stipulated by the copyright holder. Copyright is required for use in all formats (including digital, and (where appropriate) colour), in perpetuity and in all geographical regions worldwide. The author will be liable for any fee charged by the owner of the image. For more information and advice please see www.maneypublishing.com/authors/copyright.


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Reprints of articles published in the Journal can be purchased through the Publisher. Please contact the Managing Editor for information and quotes: l.mcivor@maneypublishing.com

Editorial Board


Professor Andrea Crisanti (Imperial College, London, UK)

Editorial Assistant:

Christo Hall (Imperial College London, UK)

Editorial Board:

Tito Bacarese-Hamilton (Vice President, New Products and Platforms for LifeScan Scotland, UK)

Professor Jeffrey Bethony (George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA)

Professor Bernard Brabin (Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, UK)

Ilaria Capua (Director of the Research and Development Department, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, Italy )

Antonio Cassone (Department of Infectious Diseases, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Italy)

George K Christophides (Reader in Infection and Immunity, Imperial College London, UK)

Dr Jeremy Day (Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)

Professor Chia-Kwung Fan (Department of Parasitology, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan)

Professor Marcelo Ferreira (Sao Paulo University, Sao Paulo, Brazil)

Dr LeAnne Fox (Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA, USA)

Charles Godfray (Hope Professor, Fellow of Jesus College, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, UK)

Professor Jeffrey Griffiths (Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA)

Dr Davidson Hamer (Boston University, Boston, MA, USA)

Jules Hoffmann (Président de l’Académie des Sciences à Paris, Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire, France)

Professor Axel Kroeger (World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland)

Dr Elena Levashina (Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Germany)

Christos Louis (Insect Molecular Genetics Group, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Greece)

Professor Yong Poovorawan (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand)

Rino Rappuoli (VP Vaccines Research & Chief Executive Officer, Chiron Vaccines, Italy)

Eleanor Riley (Head of Infectious Disease and Professor of Immunology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK)

Luigia Romani (Department of Experimental Medicine and Biochemical Science, University of Perugia, Italy)

Afzal A Siddiqui (Microbiology & Immunology; Internal Medicine; Pathology, School of Medicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, USA)


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