

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Nucleic Acid Therapeutics is the leading journal in its field focusing on cutting-edge basic research, therapeutic applications, and drug development using nucleic acids or related compounds to alter gene expression. The Journal examines many new approaches for using nucleic acids as therapeutic agents or in modifying nucleic acids for therapeutic purposes including: oligonucleotides, gene modification, aptamers, RNA nanoparticles, and ribozymes.  

Nucleic Acid Therapeutics coverage includes:

  • RNAi: siRNAs, shRNAs, and miRNAs
  • Antisense applications; nucleoside and nucleotide analogs and modifications
  • Peptide nucleic acids
  • DNA-modified gene therapy
  • Nucleic acid-based nanoparticles
  • Ethical, legal, and regulatory issues

Nucleic Acid Therapeutics is under the editorial leadership of Co-Editors-in-Chief Bruce A. Sullenger, PhD, Duke Translational Research Institute, Duke University Medical Center; C.A. Stein, MD, PhD, Department of Oncology, Albert Einstein-Montefiore Cancer Center, Montefiore Medical Center; and Executive Editor Fintan Steele, PhD; as well as other leading investigators. View the entire editorial board.  

Audience: Molecular biologists, biochemists, DNA and cell biologists, and biopharmaceutical researchers, among others.  

Nucleic Acid Therapeutics is a rapid-publication Journal, with peer review averaging 25 days from submission to first decision, and online publication of the article within four weeks of acceptance.

Indexed/Abstracted in:

MEDLINE; PubMed; PubMed Central; Current Contents®/Life Sciences; Science Citation Index Expanded; Social Sciences Citation Index®; Biotechnology Citation Index®; Biological Abstracts; BIOSIS Previews; Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition; Derwent Drug File; EMBASE/Excerpta Medica; EMBiology; Scopus; ProQuest; SIIC Data Bases


Instructions to Authors

The leading peer-reviewed journal in its field, focusing on cutting-edge basic research, therapeutic applications, and drug development using nucleic acids.  Comprehensive coverage includes oligonucleotides; RNAi: siRNAs, shRNAs, and miRNAs; aptamers; RNA nanoparticles; gene modification with oligos; antisense applications; nucleoside and nucleotide analogs; peptide nucleic acids; ribozymes; and DNA-modified gene therapy.

Manuscripts must be submitted online using the following URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/nucleicacidtherapeut 



Preparation of Manuscript. Manuscripts should be submitted double-spaced.  Leave ample margins on both sides, top and bottom.

Be prepared to give the title of the article, name(s) of the author(s) and institutional affiliation(s), and supply a running title of about 45 characters. You also will be required to supply an abstract of about 200 words, stating the aims, results, and conclusions drawn from the study. This should be followed by the Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, references, tables, figures, and figure legends. Begin each of these sections on a separate page. We require an e-mail address for each author listed on your article. Authors should review the style and clarity of their manuscripts with colleagues before submission, especially if English is not their native language, to ensure clear grammatical English usage. The editors welcome suggestions concerning potential reviewers. We encourage authors to report all of the oligonucleotides or constructs that were studied, not just those that gave the “best” result. Authors should also note the editorial policy of this journal, as described in C.A. Stein and A. Krieg, “Problems in interpretation of data derived from in vitro and in vivo use of antisense oligodeoxynucleotides,” Antisense and Nucleic Acid Drug Development, 1994, (4), 67–69. All manuscripts that claim antisense efficacy must, in addition to the antisense oligodeoxynucleotide construct, include at least two control oligodeoxynucleotides. The sequences of the two controls are to be decided by the authors. Manuscripts that do not include at least two controls will be returned without review.

Brief Communications may be submitted to report negative findings, useful techniques, or unusual artifacts, or to present studies that are interesting but not definitive enough to warrant publication as a full-length manuscript. In a Brief Communication, the Results and Discussion sections may be combined, the Abstract should be limited to about 150 words, and there should be no more than three figures or tables.

All authors of a manuscript must have agreed to its submission and are equally responsible for its content. By submitting a manuscript, the authors guarantee that the manuscript, or one substantially the same, was not published previously and is not being considered or published elsewhere. A preliminary disclosure of research findings published in abstract form as an adjunct to a meeting is not considered prior publication.

Copies of “in press” and “submitted” manuscripts that are important for consideration of the present manuscript should be enclosed to facilitate the review process. Include written permission to cite any personal communications and preprints.

Every effort will be made to complete the review process within 4–6 weeks of receipt of the manuscript.

Tables and Illustrations. Use arabic numerals to number tables. Do not repeat information that is given in the text, and do not make a table for data that can be given in the text in one or two sentences.

Bar graphs should use different fill patterns (e.g., horizontal or diagonal lines) rather than variations in gray scale shading, which do not print well.

Please observe the following guidelines when submitting art:

Do not include any illustrations as part of your text file.
Do not prepare any figures in Word as they are not workable.
• Line illustrations must be submitted at 1200 DPI.
• Halftones and color photos should be submitted at a minimum of 300 DPI.
• Adobe is the preferred software. Avoid submitting PowerPoint files.
• Save art as either TIFF or EPS files. Avoid submitting JPEG files.
• Color art must be saved as CYMK, not RGB.

The Journal will publish color photographs, but the author must subsidize the cost of the color printing. For further details, contact the Publisher.


Disclosure Statement
Immediately following the Acknowledgments section, include a section entitled “Author Disclosure Statement.” In this portion of the paper, authors must disclose any commercial associations that might create a conflict of interest in connection with submitted manuscripts. This statement should include appropriate information for EACH author, thereby representing that competing financial interests of all authors have been appropriately disclosed according to the policy of the Journal. It is important that all conflicts of interest, whether they are actual or potential, be disclosed. This information will remain confidential while the paper is being reviewed and will not influence the editorial decision. Please see the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals at http://www.icmje.org/index.htlm#conflicts for further guidance. If no conflicts exist, the authors must state “No competing financial interests exist."

When naming your figure files, please label them with your manuscript number, followed by a period (.), and then list the figure number.  Ex:  MET-2008-0123.Fig1.  Label figures and tables inside the files in addition to naming the file with the figure or table number.  (ie:  When figures or table files are opened, the figure or table number should appear inside the file.)


Please upload individual files of all manuscript material — do NOT upload a single PDF file containing all text, figure, and table files of your paper.  Once all individual files are uploaded on to Manuscript Central, the system will automatically create a single PDF proof for you and the peer-review process.

If no conflicts exist, the authors must state “No competing financial interests exist."


References.  Reference citations are not permitted in the abstract of a paper. All references should be cited by authors and dates within the text, i.e., Previous studies indicate this protein to be expressed in HEL cells (Doe and Smith, 1988).

If more than two authors are involved, use “et al.” after the first author’s name, i.e., Doe et al., 1987.  If several papers published in the same year by the same authors are to be cited, use a lowercase letter designation to indicate individual papers, i.e., (Doe and Smith, 1988a), (Doe and Smith, 1988b). Use the same designation in the reference list.

All references in the Bibliography should be typed double-spaced and listed in alphabetical order at the end of the article. Each reference should include all authors and the complete title of the article cited.

Journal citation: DOE, J., and SMITH, N. (1988). A new vector system for antisense modulation in hematopoietic cell lines. Blood Cells 11, 666–674.
          Book citation: DOE, J. (1989). Synthetic oligonucleotides for antisense applications. In: Horizons in Antisense Investigations. N.V. Smith, ed. (Generic Publishing, New York), pp. 41–49.
          When dates from an unpublished source are given, supply the researcher’s name. If work is in press, give journal in which it is to be published or name of publisher. Abbreviations of journal names should follow the style of MEDLINE.
Permissions. The author must obtain permission whenever it is required in conjunction with the reproduction of material such as figures and tables from copyrighted material. Written permission must be obtained from the publisher of the journal or book concerned. The publication from which the figure or table is taken must be listed in the reference list. Finally, a footnote of a reprinted table, or of the legend of a reprinted figure, should read, “reprinted by permission from Doe et al.” and list the appropriate reference. All permission listings must be shown in the manuscript; they cannot be entered on proofs.

Reprints may be ordered by following the special instructions that will accompany page proofs, and should be ordered at the time the corresponding author returns the corrected page proofs to the Publisher. Reprints ordered after an issue is printed will be charged at a substantially higher rate.

Nucleic Acid Therapeutics is published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., 140 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801-5215. Telephone: (914) 740-2100; fax: (914) 740-2101.

Editorial Board


Bruce A. Sullenger, PhD
Director, Duke Translational Research Institute
Joseph and Dorothy Beard Professor

Department of Surgery
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC  

C.A. Stein, MD, PhD
Chair of Medical Oncology and Experimental Therapeutics
City of Hope National Medical Center
1500 E.  Duarte Road
Duarte, CA 91010

Executive Editor

Graham C. Parker, PhD

Senior Editors

Mark A. Kay, MD, PhD
Dennis Farrey Family Professor
Departments of Pediatrics and Genetics
Vice Chair for Basic Research (Pediatrics)
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford, CA

Dieter C.  Gruenert, PhD
The Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 

European Editor

Jens Kurreck, PhD
Technische Universität Berlin
Institute of Biotechnology, TIB 4/3-2
Department of Applied Biochemistry
Berlin, Germany

Asian Editor

Dong-ki Lee, PhD
Global Research Laboratory for RNAi Medicine
Department of Chemistry
Sungkyunkwan University
Suwon, Korea
dklee@skku.edu; dklee0318@gmail.com

Editorial Board

Sidney Altman
Yale University
New Haven, CT

Serge L. Beaucage
Food & Drug Administration
Bethesda, MD

Mark A. Behlke
Integrated DNA Technologies
Coralville, IA

Ben Berkhout
University of Amsterdam Medical Center
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Bob D. Brown
Dicerna Pharmaceuticals
Watertown, MA

Natasha Caplen
National Cancer Institute
Bethesda, MD

Marvin H. Caruthers
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO

David Corey
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, TX

Mark E. Davis
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA

Steven F. Dowdy
University of California San Diego 
La Jolla, CA  

Fritz Eckstein
Max-Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine
Göttingen, Germany

Michael Gait
Medical Research Council
Cambridge, United Kingdom

Krishna N. Ganesh
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research
Pune, India

Peter M. Glazer
Yale University
New Haven, CT

Martin Gleave
Vancouver General Hospital
Vancouver, Canada

Peixuan Guo
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY  

Gunther Hartmann
Universitatsklinikum Bonn
Bonn, Germany

Richard I. Hogrefe
TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc
San Diego, CA

Leaf Huang
University of North Carolina 
Chapel Hill, NC

Kuan-Teh Jeang
Bethesda, MD

Dong-Yan Jin
University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam, Hong Kong

Anthony D. Keefe
X-Chem Pharmaceuticals
Waltham, MA

Soyoun Kim
Dongguk University
Seoul, Korea

Troels Koch
Santaris Pharma A/S

Ryszard Kole
University of North Carolina 
Chapel Hill, NC

Arthur M. Krieg
RaNA Therapeutics, Inc.

Bernard Lebleu
Universite Montpellier
Montpellier, France

Seong-Wook Lee
Dankook University
Yongin, Korea

Ian MacLachlan
Tekmira Pharmaceuticals 
Burnaby, Canada  

Claude Malvy
Institut Gustave Roussy
Villejuif, France

Paul S. Miller
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD

Brett P. Monia
Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Carlsbad, CA

Barbara Nawrot
Polish Academy of Sciences
Lodz, Poland

Georg Sczakie
University of Lübeck
Lübeck, Germany

Michael Seidman
National Institute on Aging
Baltimore, MD

Barbara Ramsay Shaw
Duke University
Durham, NC

Hermona Soreq
Hebrew University of Jerusalem 
Jerusalem, Israel

Wojciech Stec
Polish Academy of Sciences
Lodz, Poland

J.-J. Toulmé
Universite Victor Segalen 
Bordeaux, France

Thomas Tuschl
Rockefeller University
New York, NY

Takeshi Wada
University of Tokyo
Kashiwa, Japan

Jesper Wengel
University of Southern Denmark
Copenhagen, Denmark

Steve Wilton
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, Western Australia  

Yun Yen
City of Hope National Medical Center 
Duarte, CA


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