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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
The JIAS welcomes submissions on HIV-related topics from across all scientific disciplines, including but not limited to:
  • Basic and biomedical sciences
  • Behavioural sciences and epidemiology
  • Clinical sciences
  • Health economics and health policy
  • Operations research and implementation sciences
  • Social sciences and humanities, including political sciences and media
The JIAS prioritizes submissions from operational research and implementation science as publication of such material can provide valuable information on various algorithms for monitoring and providing support for comprehensive, yet affordable and sustainable treatment, prevention and care programmes in different contexts.

Submission of HIV research carried out in low- and middle-income countries is strongly encouraged.

Article categories
The JIAS accepts submissions in the following categories
  • Original Research
  • Short report
  • Review
  • Debate
  • Commentary
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Viewpoint

Indexing Articles published in the JIAS are deposited in the following indexing services:

Instructions to Authors
Standards of reporting
The JIAS endorses international standards of reporting. Please see the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals guidelines produced by ICMJE as a reference standard of reporting. Authors are also referred to the EQUATOR network website for further information on the available reporting guidelines for health research, and the MIBBI Portal for prescriptive checklists for reporting biological and biomedical research where applicable. A number of checklists are available for various study designs, including randomized controlled trials (CONSORT), systematic reviews (PRISMA), observational studies (STROBE), meta-analyses of observational studies (MOOSE) and diagnostic accuracy studies (STARD). For systematic reviews, an additional file should be provided by the authors listing all details concerning the search strategy. Please refer to the Cochrane Reviewers' Handbook for an example of how a search strategy should be presented.

Guidelines on mutation nomenclature are provided by the Human Genome Variation Society, and authors should use the recommended gene name by referring to the appropriate genetic nomenclature database, for example, HUGO for human genes, and the International Committee on Standardized Genetic Nomenclature for Mice. When describing human phenotypes, please use standardized terms, such as those proposed by the Elements of Morphology working group (see http://research.nhgri.nih.gov/morphology/index.cgi).

Contributions from pharmaceutical companies or other commercial organizations should follow the Good Publication Practice guidelines for pharmaceutical companies, which also apply to any companies or individuals that work on industry-sponsored publications, such as freelance writers, contract research organizations and communications companies.

The JIAS supports international standards of reporting of trials, in particular, prospective registering and numbering of clinical trials. Clinical trials are defined by the World Health Organization as all phase I to IV trials, which are research studies that prospectively assign human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes. Trials need to be registered prior to submission in a suitable, publicly available registry. Links to existing registries can be found through ICMJE here or through the primary registers that participate in the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform. The trial registration number should be included as the last line of the manuscript Abstract.

File formats
Accepted files formats are OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect; in addition, a PDF copy of the manuscript needs to be prepared. Tables and figures should be inserted in the main text. Additional files, such as supporting information or large datasets, can be submitted in any file format and should be uploaded as a separate file. Footnotes are not allowed.

Style and language
Use line spacing of 1.5 and an easily readable font, for example, Times New Roman, size 12. Do not use underlining, but use of bold and italics is acceptable. Set the text unjustified to the left and use portrait page setup. Your manuscript must contain line numbers to facilitate editors' and reviewers' comments. All submissions must be in UK English (International) and UN-accepted terminology should be followed. No capitalization should be used except for grammatically correct use, official names and titles, and abbreviations. Acronyms should be used sparingly, and not in headings or in the Abstract. Only commonly known acronyms may be used, and they should be spelt out at first use followed by the abbreviation in brackets. SI units should be used, with litre and molar being permitted.

Cover letter
In the cover letter, please explain why your manuscript should be published in the journal. If necessary, address any issues relating to our editorial policies (see About JIAS) and declare any competing interests (see Competing interest).

You can also suggest potential peer reviewers for your manuscript: they should be experts in the field and be able to provide an objective assessment of the manuscript. Any suggested peer reviewers should not have published with any of the authors of the manuscript within the past five years, should not be current collaborators, and should not be members of the same institution. Suggested reviewers will be considered alongside potential reviewers identified by the Editorial team.

Members of the International AIDS Society receive a 15% discount on the publication fee. Authors should include their valid membership number in the cover letter upon submission.

Title page
On the title page, you should mention the title of the manuscript, list all authors' names in full, and list any study groups if applicable. Each authors' affiliation should be numbered in superscript consecutively and listed underneath, including department, institution, city and country. The corresponding author should be marked with the symbol § in superscript and full contact details should be provided, including a telephone number with country code. Authors who have contributed equally to the work should be marked with the symbol * in superscript. Deceased authors should be marked with the symbol ^ in superscript. The email addresses of all authors should be listed by their initials. A list of six to eight keywords should be provided, preferably alternate words to those found in the abstract in order to improve search hits for the article in repositories.

The Abstract should not exceed 350 words and should be structured according to the headings of the selected article category (see below), excluding the heading, Discussion for Research articles. Avoid using abbreviations and do not cite references in the Abstract. If you are reporting results from a controlled health care intervention, please include your trial registry, together with your unique identifying number at the end of the Abstract. For randomized controlled trials, follow the CONSORT extension for abstracts.

Main text
More information on the different article categories is provided below, including specific section headings and word limits. Information on the different sections in the manuscript is further detailed below, as well.

Article categories
Research - full reports of data from original research studies
Headings: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions
Word limit: 3500 words
Numbers of figures and tables: Unlimited
Additional files: Yes
Manuscript template

Short report - brief reports of data from original research, such as follow-up or confirmatory studies, case series and negative results
Headings: Introduction, Methods, Results and discussion, Conclusions
Word limit: 2500 words
Numbers of figures and tables: 4
Additional files: No
Manuscript template

Review - comprehensive, authoritative descriptions and summaries of a specific subject area providing a systematic and substantial overview of the field
Headings: Introduction, Methods (if applicable), Results and discussion (if applicable, otherwise Discussion only), Conclusions
Word limit: 5000 words
Numbers of figures and tables: Unlimited
Additional files: Yes
Manuscript template

Debate - presentation of an evidence-based argument
Headings: Introduction, Discussion, Conclusions
Word limit: 3500 words
Numbers of figures and tables: 4
Additional files: No
Manuscript template

Commentary - focused and opinionated articles on important and timely issues
Headings: Introduction, Discussion, Conclusions
Word limit: 2500 words
Numbers of figures and tables: 1
Additional files: No
Manuscript template

Letter to the Editor - comments on and responses to published articles
Headings: None
Word limit: 500 words
Numbers of figures and tables: None
Additional files: No
Manuscript template

Viewpoint - constructive, stand-alone views on current topics
Headings: None
Word limit: 1000 words
Numbers of figures and tables: 1
Additional files: No
Manuscript template

Article sections
The Introduction section should introduce the topic to readers without specialist knowledge in that area and must clearly outline the current state of knowledge in this field, the motivation and the aim of the study or the article.

The Methods section should include all information necessary to repeat the study, in particular, the study design, how data was collected and analyzed, clarifying the choice of methods that were made. If applicable, you should describe the setting of the study, the dates the study were conducted, and the sample or participants, as well as necessary power calculations and materials, including statistical packages, used. Interventions and programmes should be described in detail. Generic names for drugs or any molecules should be used.

All studies involving humans or animals require a statement on ethical approval, and for the former, the consent procedure that was followed. Please include the names of the ethics review board(s) that approved the study. If the research study was specific to one sex/gender, the reasons for this should be clearly stated.

This section should include only data and findings from the authors' study. Presentation of statistical results should mention confidence intervals and levels of significance where appropriate. Quotes from qualitative study participants of less than three lines should be quoted in the text using quotation marks. For quotes longer than three lines, place the quote in a separate, indented paragraph and introduce it with a colon. No quotation marks are needed in this case. Details of the participant can be added in round brackets following the quote, but should not contain identifiable information to ensure confidentiality. Clarifications within the quotation should be placed in square brackets.

Submitting authors are strongly encouraged to include data disaggregated by sex (and, whenever possible, by race) and provide a comprehensive analysis of gender and racial differences. The authors should include the number and percentage of men, women and, if appropriate, transgender persons who participated in the research study. Anatomical and physiological differences between men and women (height, weight, body fat-to-muscle ratios, cell counts, hormonal cycles, etc.), as well as social and cultural variables (socio-economic, education, access to care, etc.), should be taken into consideration in the presentation of data and/or analysis of the results.

In the Discussion section, you should discuss your main findings and place these within the context of the current body of knowledge in the field. Limitations of the study, for example, selection bias, can also be discussed, and should address how these influence the results and conclusions. If statistically significant differences were found between men and women or between different racial or cultural groups in the effects of the studied intervention, the implications, if any, for clinical and/or public health should be adequately discussed.

In your Conclusions section, state your key messages from the study and explain their importance and relevance, as well as implications. Future studies and recommendations can be included in this section. The conclusions drawn must be strictly based on the data provided.

Figures should be integrated into the text at the appropriate place. Figures should be cropped as closely as possible and have the header: "Figure 1. Title of figure". All figures need to be cited in the text in consecutive order. Legends should be provided underneath the figures, listing any abbreviations or meanings of symbols used. If several figures are included, please ensure that symbols are used consistently. Sufficient information needs to be provided for the figure to stand alone, including labels of axes. Please ensure that figures are legible in black and white print and also compatible with colour blindness. If figures are copied or adapted from another source, authors must seek permission prior to publication and these should be clearly cited as such. If the complete figure spans more than one page, authors should upload the figure as an additional file instead. High-resolution illustrations are recommended for optimal viewing performance in the final article.

Tables must be created within the word file in the correct place and should have the header: "Table 1. Title of table". All tables should be cited in the text in consecutive order. The tables should not contain colour or shading, and no vertical, visible lines. A legend can be provided underneath the title, listing any abbreviations or meanings of symbols used. If several tables are included, please ensure that symbols are used consistently. If tables are copied or adapted from another source, permission must be sought by the authors prior to publication and these should be clearly cited as such. If a table spans more than one page, authors may want to consider uploading the table as an additional file instead.

All external sources of information should be referenced within the text, the tables and figures, using consecutive numbering in square brackets, e.g. [1], [3-5], [3,4]. The references should be up to date and adequately reflect the current state of knowledge in the field. Citation bias, for example, by country or point of view must be avoided. Numbers of references are unlimited for all article categories and should be formatted in standard Vancouver style; see Sample references from ICMJE. Unpublished observations, personal communications and manuscripts currently under consideration should be cited in the text in round brackets and not in the reference list.


Competing interests - required
Please use authors' initials, and list any competing interests for each author. If there are no declarations to be made, you should state that the authors have (or the author has) no competing interests to declare. See the Competing interests section for further details.

Acknowledgements and funding - required
It is the authors' responsibility to seek permission from persons to be mentioned in the Acknowledgements section. Please acknowledge anyone who contributed to the study and/or manuscript preparation, but who does not meet the authorship criteria (see guidelines on Authorship). The contribution of medical/scientific writers or language editors must be listed, including their source(s) of funding. For the study and the manuscript, the source(s) of funding should be listed and the role of the funding bodies detailed.

Authors' contributions - required
The individual contributions of each author must be specified in the Authors' contributions section. Please use authors' initials and state that all authors have read and approved the final manuscript. See the Authorship section for further details.

Additional files - optional
Supporting data or supplementary files can be included in the submission as additional files. A section listing the additional files numbered consecutively should be provided as "Additional file 1", "Additional file 2", etc. and all files need to be referenced in the main text in round brackets. Please specify the file format used and a short description of the data under each title. Additional files will be linked to the published article in the same format as originally submitted by the authors, but will not be displayed within the article. Please use file formats that readers can access using free or widely available tools.

Author information - optional
This section can be used to include additional information on the author(s) that may be useful for readers' interpretation of the article and their understanding of the viewpoint presented.

List of abbreviations - optional
A list of all abbreviations presented in alphabetical order can be provided in a separate section.


Submission system
Only manuscripts submitted through the online submission system on the journal website will be considered. The cover letter and main manuscript must be submitted as separate files in two copies: one copy in any of the files formats, OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect; and the second copy in PDF format.

Manuscripts must be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript. All co-authors are expected to have made significant contribution to the study and have read and approved the submitted manuscript (see guidelines on Authorship). The submitting author is responsible for the communication with the Editors during the time that the manuscript is under consideration by the journal.

The submitting author should create a profile with the journal (this has to be done only once and is not repeated for future submissions) and log in. The system for submission of a manuscript is divided into five steps. The following information needs to be provided: all authors' names and affiliations, competing interests, manuscript files and cover letter. The information can be saved at any stage during the submission process and completed later. Upon logging in through the profile, the submitting author can resume the submission, and authors can subsequently track the progress of the submitted manuscript.

Open access policy
The JIAS is an open access publication and its content is therefore free for anybody to access online, to read and download, as well as to copy and disseminate for educational purposes. Articles are published immediately after the final version has been created. When published online, articles are assigned a DOI (digital object identifier) number whereby it becomes possible to search and cite them without delay.

Publication fees
Please note that the JIAS charges a publication fee on all accepted articles. This is necessary to ensure continued open-access publication. The publication fee applies to all articles irrespective of the article category, with exception of Letters to the Editor and commissioned Commentaries. An article up to eight final typeset PDF pages will incur a publication fee of €1545 (for 2014 €1595). Additional pages will incur a fee of €50 per page. The total costs will be charged to the authors upon acceptance of the manuscript. Charges are quoted exclusive of value added tax (VAT). The total costs will be charged to the authors upon acceptance of the manuscript through Open Access Key "OAK", a centralized secure platform that handles fees incurred in open access publishing. For more information on OAK, see http://www.openaccesskey.com. Authors will also receive further information during the production phase of their accepted articles.

Many institutions provide central funding for open-access publications. For a list of such institutions, please click here. For a list of funding bodies that allow their grants to be used for open-access publications, please click here. Members of the International AIDS Society receive a 15% discount on the publication fee. Authors should include their valid membership number in the cover letter upon submission.

In case of genuine lack of funds to pay the publication fee, individual waivers can be granted. A fee waiver request must be sent to feewaivers@jiasociety.org before submission of the article. The corresponding author must send the following information in the letter of request, together with any supporting documents:

- Manuscript title
- Article category
- Names of all authors
- Institutional affiliations of all authors
- Type of waiver requested: Partial (indicate the amount you can pay in EUR) or Full
- Reason for waiver application:
- Please explain how the research has been funded:

The decision to grant a fee waiver is made on a case-by-case basis. The majority of fee waiver requests submitted by authors from low-income countries are granted.


On submission of manuscripts to the JIAS, authors agree to grant access to relevant readily reproducible materials and raw data to professionals requesting their use for non-commercial aims. All relevant data should be deposited in corresponding databases before submission to allow for inclusion of accession numbers in manuscripts. Where this is not possible, information should be included as Additional files with the manuscript. The authors must provide any citations that are not easily accessible (e.g., in press publications) to the Editors upon request.

Protein and nucleotide sequences
For nucleic acid sequences, protein sequences or atomic coordinates, which are cited in the manuscript, and the accession number, together with the database where the information was deposited, should be cited in square brackets in the text, for example, [EMBL:AB026295, EMBL:AC137000, DDBJ:AE000812, GenBank:U49845, PDB:1BFM, Swiss-Prot:Q96KQ7, PIR:S66116]. Relevant databases are: EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database (EMBL), DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ), GenBank at the NCBI (GenBank), Protein Data Bank (PDB), Protein Information Resource (PIR) and the Swiss-Prot Protein Database (Swiss-Prot).

Mass spectrometry
Mass spectrometry data should be provided in the mzML format according to the HUPO Protein Standards Initiative Mass Spectrometry Standards Working Group guidelines. The data should also be deposited in the ProteomeExchange through the PRIDE website, and protein interaction data can be deposited through members of the IMEx consortium.

Protein structures can be submitted with one of the members of theWorldwide Protein Data Bank. Nucleic acid structures can be deposited with the Nucleic Acid Database at Rutgers. Crystal structures of organic compounds can be deposited with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre.

Chemical structures and assays
Structures of chemical substances can be deposited with PubChem Substance. Bioactivity screens of chemical substances can be deposited with PubChem BioAssay.

Functional genomics data (such as microarray or CHIP-Seq data)
Please refer to standards proposed by the Functional Genomics Data Society and deposit your microarray data in MIAME-compliant format in one of the public repositories, for example, ArrayExpress or Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO). Deposition of high-throughput functional genomics sequencing data (such as RNA-Seq or ChIP-Seq data) with ArrayExpress or GEO in compliance with MINSEQE is also needed.

Computational modelling
Please prepare models of biochemical reaction networks using the Systems Biology Markup Language and submit your model to the BioModels database, as well as providing it as an additional file with your submission.

Please submit copies of your plasmids as DNA or bacterial stocks with Addgene, a non-profit repository, or PlasmID, the Plasmid Information Database at Harvard.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. I confirm that my submission has not been previously published; nor is it currently being considered by another journal.
  2. I, the submitting author, will be the point of contact throughout the peer review and proofreading process (if applicable).

  3. I confirm that I have the permission from all co-authors to submit the manuscript on their behalf and that all authors comply with the Authorship requirements.
  4. I confirm that the manuscript has been structured and formatted according to the Instructions for Authors.
  5. I confirm that the research and reporting has been carried out in accordance with the recognized ethical principles (see Ethical policies).
  6. I agree to the terms and conditions under which the manuscript will be published upon acceptance, including paying the Publication fee levied by the journal.

Copyright Notice

The authors agree that their articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) license. The license allows third parties to share the published work (copy, distribute, transmit) and to adapt it, under the condition that the authors are given credit, that the work is not used for commercial purposes, and that in the event of reuse or distribution, the terms of this license are made clear. Authors retain the copyright of their articles, with first publication rights granted to the JIAS.


Privacy Statement

A user is welcome to register with the journal as a reader, author or reviewer, and can choose to receive email updates. Personal details and information entered by users will be treated confidentially, and will not be forwarded to third parties or used for commercial purposes. Data on overall usage of the website is collected without personal identifiers. General statistics may be made available to advertisers upon request. If required by law, the International AIDS Society will have to make personal information on users available to the authorities. Authors’ names, affiliations and email addresses are accessible to users of the journal following publication of an article. The Editorial office can be contacted regarding any further questions concerning privacy.

Editorial Board


  1. Prof. Mark Wainberg, Lady Davis Institute, Jewish General Hospital, Canada
  2. Prof. Susan Kippax, University of New South Wales, Australia
  3. Prof. Papa Salif Sow, University of Dakar Infectious Diseases, Senegal

Executive Editor

  1. Dr. Shirin Heidari, Journal of the International AIDS Society, Switzerland

Managing Editor

  1. Dr. Mirjam Curno, Journal of the International AIDS Society, Switzerland

Associate Editors

  1. Dr. Kayvon Modjarrad, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, United States
  2. Dr Martin Holt, University of New South Wales, Australia

Editorial Assistant

  1. Ms. Helen Etya'ale, Journal of the International AIDS Society, Switzerland

Editorial Board

  1. Dr. Quarraisha Abdool Karim, CAPRISA, South Africa
  2. Dr. Laith Abu-Raddad, Weill Cornell Medical College-Qatar, Qatar
  3. Dr. Dennis Altman, LaTrobe University, Australia
  4. Dr. Joseph Amon, Human Rights Watch, United States
  5. Dr. Jintanat Ananworanich, The Red Cross AIDS Research Centre US Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences, Thailand
  6. Dr. Judith Diane Auerbach, San Francisco AIDS Foundation, United States
  7. Dr. Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Institut Pasteur, France
  8. Dr. Chris Beyrer, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, United States
  9. Dr. Andrew Boulle, University of Cape Town, South Africa
  10. Dr. Carlos Cáceres, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Peru
  11. Dr. Elizabeth Connick, University of Colorado, United States
  12. Dr. Mark Cotton, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
  13. Dr. Jocelyn DeJong, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
  14. Dr. Diana Briony Dickinson, Independent Surgery Gaborone, Botswana
  15. Dr. Sergii Dvoriak, Ukrainian Institute on Public Health Policy, Ukraine
  16. Dr. Nathan Ford, Médecins sans Frontières, South Africa
  17. Dr. Omar Galárraga, National Institute of Public Health, Mexico
  18. Dr. Diane Havlir, UCSF, United States
  19. Dr Aikichi Iwamoto, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
  20. Dr. Adeeba Kamarulzaman, University of Malaya, Malaysia
  21. Dr. Rami Kantor, Brown University, United States
  22. Dr. Elly Katabira, Makerere University Medical School, Uganda
  23. Dr. Sukhonta Kongsin, Mahidol University, Thailand
  24. Dr. Kathleen MacQueen, FHI 360, United States
  25. Dr. Navid Madani, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, United States
  26. Dr. Jacques Mokhbat, University Medical Center Rizk Hospital, Lebanon
  27. Dr Julio Montaner, University of British Columbia, Canada
  28. Dr. Nelly Mugo, Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya
  29. Dr. Paula Munderi, Medical Research Council Uganda, Uganda
  30. Dr. Christy Newman, University of New South Wales, Australia
  31. Dr. Héctor Pérez, Fundación Huesped Hospital Fernandez Buenos Aires University, Argentina
  32. Dr. Subhasree Raghavan, SAATHII, India
  33. Dr Renata K Reis, University of São Paulo, Brazil
  34. Dr. Linda Richter, Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa
  35. Dr. Jürgen Rockstroh, University Clinic Bonn, Germany
  36. Dr. Naomi Rutenberg, Population Council, United States
  37. Dr. Gabriella Scarlatti, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Italy
  38. Dr Tim Spelman, Burnet Institute, Australia
  39. Dr. Ndèye Coumba Touré-Kane, Dakar University, Senegal
  40. Dr. Ian Weller, University College London, United Kingdom
  41. Dr. Alan Whiteside, UKZN, South Africa
  42. Dr. David Wilson, University of New South Wales, Australia
  43. Dr. Iryna Zablotska, University of New South Wales, Australia

Ethics Committee

  1. Dr. Joseph Amon, Human Rights Watch, United States
  2. Dr. Nathan Ford, Médecins sans Frontières, South Africa
  3. Dr. Kathleen MacQueen, FHI 360, United States
  4. Dr. Kenneth McIntosh, Harvard University, United States


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