

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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主题范畴:Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology;    REHABILITATION

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The bimonthly Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research (JSHLR)—an online-only, international, peer-reviewed scholarly journal—has been published continuously since 1936. 

Online ISSN: 1558-9102
Print ISSN: 1092-4388

JSLHR has its roots in two prestigious American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) journals. Prior to 1991, ASHA published the Journal of Speech and Hearing Research (1958–1996) and the Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders (1936–1990). These titles were merged in 1991 to become the Journal of Speech and Hearing Research. Later, ASHA added the word Language to more accurately reflect the areas of research in the discipline.


JSLHR publishes peer-reviewed, empirical research in the areas of normal and disordered speech, language, and hearing. The journal provides new information and theoretical approaches important for understanding normal processes involved in speech, language, and hearing and for the clinical management (e.g., screening, diagnosis, habilitation, or rehabilitation) of communication disorders. The journal also advances evidenced-based practice by disseminating the results of new experiments as well as critical reviews and meta-analyses of existing experimental work.

Impact Factor

The Journal Citation Reports 2012 Impact Factor is 1.971, and the 5-year Impact Factor is 2.745. JSLHR ranks 7th of 22 journals in the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology category, 9th of 66 journals in the Rehabilitation category, and 7th of 160 journals in the Linguistics category. 

Instructions to Authors

ASHA recognizes the importance of authors’ use of their work in furthering the scholarship and research. Although a copyright transfer is signed by authors at submission, authors should be aware that they retain many rights for noncommercial use of the material. Express permission for use is required only in circumstances stipulated on the copyright transfer form.

Classroom Teaching

Authors may use the final published article in classroom teaching and similar academic settings, provided that the recipients are made aware that the material is copyrighted and is not for further dissemination. An article provided for classroom use must include a link to the Web address of the journal in which it has been published (or is to be published).

Personal Websites and Institutional Repositories

Authors may post on their personal web sites, on department or university intranets, or in university repositories, the final, accepted manuscript along with the abstract from the final, published article when available, provided that the publication information (including the Web address of the journal site) is provided as applicable.

Presentation of the Work

Authors may present their accepted manuscripts orally in whole or in part and may use elements of the accepted manuscript as needed to support the presentation.

Reproduction, Re-publication, and Dissemination: Authors may, for professional purposes, make copies of the final, published article, provided that copyright is attributed and that no commercial use is made of the material. Authors may share by e-mail the PDF file of the final, published article for the purpose of dissemination to professional colleagues. Authors may also reuse in their own future works, without permission from ASHA, tables and figures from their article, provided that a full bibliographic citation is provided, including the Web address of the ASHA journal in which the article was originally published.

Editor Transitions and Manuscripts in Process

Manuscripts that have not received a final decision at the time of an editor transition (this typically occurs on November 15 of the final year of an editor’s term) will continue the peer review process under the same associate editor and reviewers wherever possible, to preserve consistency.

Corrections and Retractions

The following types of corrections are used by ASHA to help preserve the accuracy, reliability, and permanence of the scholarly record.

Erratum: A correction of any sort. ASHA has in the past made a distinction between a correction notice and an erratum. The former was for errors made by the production office but not of a substantive nature, and the latter was for substantive errors made by either the author or the production office. In keeping with guidelines from National Library of Medicine, this distinction is no longer made by ASHA. An error is an error, and its correction will take the form of an erratum regardless of its source or characteristics.

Retraction: Rejection or disavowal of published work because of fraud, plagiarism, ethical breaches, or other such scientific malfeasance, or because one's work is rendered invalid as a result of the malfeasance or misconduct of another author’s work on which one’s article is based. A retraction containing explanatory information is published and bidirectionally linked, and the original article online is clearly and permanently marked as having been retracted (e.g., by a watermark on each page).

Removal: Deletion of content from the scholarly record (extremely rare). Bibliographic information will remain a part of the scholarly record, but the actual article content will be removed in the event of a court order to do so; if there is a clear risk of legal liability to the author, publisher, or copyright holder or if the content poses a danger to the public.

Copyright and Permissions

During submission of a manuscript, the author will be required to affirm that

  1. No material in the manuscript is the copyrighted work of another individual or organization.
  2. Any material that is the copyrighted work, or an adaptation of such work, of another individual or organization is clearly marked as such and that the author has obtained permission for its use in the manuscript in all forms (i.e., both print and electronic), ad infinitum.

Letters of permission must accompany the uploaded manuscript file during submission. Review of a manuscript will not begin until the following actions have occurred:

  1. The author has obtained all required letters of permission and have uploaded them with the manuscript file.
  2. Any material for which another publisher has granted the author permission for use has been clearly marked in the manuscript file, consistent with the requirements of the permission grantor.

Accepted articles are published online first in ASHA’s Just Accepted collection. No copyediting occurs before publication at that stage. Therefore, authors must affirm, at submission, that they recognize they will liable for any claims or penalties resulting from the unauthorized publication of copyrighted material.

Acceptance Criteria

The principal criteria for acceptance are significance of the topic or experimental question, conformity to rigorous standards of evidence and scholarship, and clarity of writing. ASHA membership is not a factor in selection. No manuscript that has been published (including in an electronic form) or is under consideration elsewhere may be submitted.

Reporting Standards

Clinical studies appearing in ASHA journals must meet recognized standards for designing and implementing their studies and reporting the findings: 

  • Articles reporting randomized clinical trials must follow the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT).
  • Nonrandomized clinical evaluations must follow the Transparent Reporting of Evaluations with Nonrandomized Designs (TREND) statement.
  • Studies of diagnostic accuracy must meet the Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy (STARD). 


ASHA expects of its members high standards of ethical conduct in all professional activities. In addition to the ASHA Code of Ethics, ASHA has issued practice policy documents to clarify ethical issues related to research and scholarly activities. Authors, particularly those who are ASHA members, are encouraged to review these documents and apply them to their research and scholarly endeavors. In addition, the following policies and their associated resources apply to the publication of research in ASHA journals.

Ethics in Research and Scholarly Activity

Guidelines for the Responsible Conduct of Research: Ethics and the Publication Process
Protection of Humans in Research
All research to be submitted for publication in ASHA journals in which human participants are used must adhere to the basic ethical considerations for the protection of human participants in research. Where applicable by law or institutional affiliation, authors must provide assurance of approval by an appropriate institutional review board or equivalent review process. The basis for these considerations can be found in The Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects (1979).

Protection of Animals in Research

All research to be submitted for publication in ASHA journals in which animal subjects are used must ensure that animals have been treated humanely with appropriate consideration of their comfort and health. Where applicable by law or institutional affiliation, authors must provide assurance of approval by an appropriate institutional animal care and use committee. The basis for these considerations can be found in the statement of the American Physiological Society regarding use and care of animals in research.

Ethics and Scientific Misconduct

If an editor suspects scientific misconduct, the editor will bring the concern to the Publications Board. If it is determined that the author is not an ASHA member or certificate holder, the editor will bring the concern to a research ethics screening subcommittee. This subcommittee will have as members the editor (who will serve as chair) and two members of the Publications Board, including one with expertise in the content area of the manuscript in question. In addition, the ASHA Director of Publications will serve as an ex-officio member. The charge to the screening subcommittee will be to determine whether the concerns have substantive merit and whether the potential for scientific misconduct is apparent.

If the concern appears to have substance, the first author’s home institution will be contacted by the ASHA Publications Board, and the institution’s appropriate research integrity officer will be notified of the concerns. The adjudication of the case, then, will be left to the home institution.

In referring the concern to the home institution, the ASHA Publications Board will request that it be notified of the outcome of any investigation or adjudication. The Publications Board will then determine procedures for dealing with the manuscript in question (issues such as withdrawal, removal from the web site, corrections in the form of errata, etc.).

When the Author Is an ASHA Member

If an editor suspects scientific misconduct, the editor will bring the concern to the Publications Board. The Publications Board will file a formal complaint with the ASHA Board of Ethics.

If and when the case is resolved, the ASHA Board of Ethics will inform the Publications Board of the outcome. The Publications Board will determine procedures for dealing with the manuscript in question (issues such as withdrawal, removal from the Web site, corrections in the form of errata, etc.).

Conflicts of Interest

As part of the manuscript submission process, authors are required to disclose any real or potential conflicts of interest that could be seen as having an influence on the research (e.g., financial interests in a test or procedure, or funding by an equipment or materials manufacturer for efficacy research). Sources of outside support for research, including funding, equipment, and supplies, must be named during the submission process (and questions to that effect will be presented online to authors as part of the article submission process). In addition, authors must disclose any financial or other nonprofessional benefit(s) that might result from the publication of the manuscript and that reviewers or readers might consider to have affected the conduct or reporting of the work. If the author is uncertain about what might be considered a conflict of interest, he or she should err on the side of full disclosure by reporting the potential conflict when requested to do so during submission. Information about conflicts of interest may be made available to reviewers at the editor's discretion. The role(s) of the support organization, if any, in the collection of data, in its analysis and interpretation, and in the right to approve or disapprove publication of the finished manuscript also must be detailed during the submission process. If a support agency claims the right to approve/disapprove publication, the author should have completed this process by the time of manuscript submission. If, in the editor's judgment, the author has a real or potential conflict of interest, that conflict must be acknowledged with a disclosure statement on the first page of the article. Authors will be informed of this decision before acceptance.

Confidentiality/Privileged Information

Manuscripts submitted to ASHA journals are privileged information. They are confidential and must not be discussed with anyone other than the journal editor and the assigned associate editor. After the final publication decision has been made, reviewers should destroy their copies of the manuscript.

Statistical Consultation

Occasionally, a reviewer must consult with colleagues on some aspect of a paper, such as the statistical analysis. Such consultations should occur only with the editor’s or associate editor’s permission and without providing the author’s identity or details of the manuscript’s content.

Mentoring Individual Doctoral Students

For the purpose of training PhD students in the peer review process, a manuscript reviewer/mentor may engage a PhD student in the review process under the mentor's guidance. (One student per mentor per paper.) The mentor bears full responsibility for the review. The PhD student will be bound by the same principles of confidentiality that govern the review process as a whole. It is the responsibility of the mentor to inform the journal editorial administrator, the Editor, and AE of the mentee’s identity. The editorial administrator will enter the information into the manuscript administrative record. If a doctoral student conducts a written review, the mentor must append the review to his or her formal review and mark the appended review as having been done by a doctoral student.

Publication Page Charges

It is ASHA policy to bill authors for page charges when articles and letters exceed five published journal pages. Payment of these charges is voluntary and does not affect the publication of the article or letter in any way. Although not every research project has funds allocated to cover page charges, it is expected that researchers who are grant funded will have included publication funds in their grant proposals. In the absence of grant funding, payment may be considered optional. 

Just Accepted and Newly Published

Manuscripts accepted for publication but not yet edited, formatted, and revised are released in the Just Accepted collection in the journal. They are indexed in MEDLINE and are available through searches in PubMed, Google, and other venues. Prepublication information, including the date, appears on the PDF file of each manuscript in Just Accepted.

The format for citing these manuscripts is as follows:

Brockmann, M., Storck, C., Carding, P. N., & Drinnan, M. J. (in press). Voice loudness and gender effects on jitter and shimmer in healthy adults. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. Retrieved from [URL].

Readers who want to respond to the content of a paper may do so using the traditional letter-to-the-editor process after final publication of the paper.

Upon being edited, formatted, and revised, manuscripts are then removed from Just Accepted and released as Newly Published articles. These are released in advance of placement in an issue, so they do not carry issue pagination. They are citable using an Advance Online Publication citation format. Upon release in an issue, these articles are removed from the Newly Published collection.

Open Access

Open Access for NIH-Funded Authors

What Is the NIH Public Access Policy?

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has mandated, as of April 7, 2008, that authors who have received NIH funding for their research must make that research publicly accessible in PubMed Central, NIH’s free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature.

For more background on the policy and the specific terms of the law requiring it, please review the information provided on NIH’s Public Access Web site.

ASHA Permits Full Compliance With the NIH Policy

Manuscripts accepted for publication before April 7, 2008, are not subject to the mandate that authors must deposit their NIH-funded manuscripts into PubMed Central. For any manuscripts accepted after that date, ASHA hereby assures NIH-funded authors that they have ASHA’s full permission to comply with the NIH requirements, subject to the following conditions:

  • Only the accepted manuscript may be deposited, not the copyedited and typeset final published article.
  • When depositing an article, the author must stipulate that PubMed Central may release the manuscript for public access no sooner than 12 months after final online publication in the journal.
  • Authors must include on the deposited manuscript a citation indicating where it will be published in its final form, including a link to the Web address of the journal in which it will be published.

ASHA's copyright transfer agreement has been revised to reflect current policy. Also, NIH is inviting further public comment. Refer back to this page for possible changes in the future.

How the PubMed Central Deposit Process Works

Although some publishers deposit articles to PubMed Central on behalf of authors, ASHA is at this time having authors make their own deposits. Important information is conveyed during the process, so authors are better served by making the deposit and receiving the information they will need for later use.

  • When your manuscript is accepted for publication in an ASHA journal, you will be sent an e-mail from the ASHA peer review system. Included in this e-mail will be a reminder to NIH-funded authors to make their deposit to PubMed Central.
  • Also included in the acceptance e-mail will be a link to the NIH Manuscript Submission System (NIHMS).
  • Follow the instructions on the NIHMS site to deposit the accepted manuscript. If you are unclear on how to submit the manuscript, NIHMS offers many helpful slides and tutorials that will show you every step of the process, including how to enter ASHA’s embargo period of 12 months.

Once you have submitted your manuscript, you will receive an NIHMS ID number. PubMed Central will then perform quality assurance checks and create a retrieval record for the manuscript. At that time, your PubMed Central ID (PMCID) number will be available.

As of May 25, 2008, you need to cite the PMCID or the NIHMS ID, or both, when citing your manuscript in NIH applications, proposals, or progress reports. Consult the NIH FAQ for more information.

Voluntary Open Access

As of January 1, 2009, ASHA journals have an Open Access Option for authors publishing in our journals. Any authors wishing to have their articles in the online version of the journal freely available to the world from the time of publication and forward, may pay a one-time only Open Access fee of $3,000 per article. If this manuscript is the result of an NIH-funded project, you should know that your work will be freely available on PubMed Central in 12 months from publication. Authors are advised to please inform ASHA Journals at manuscript submission of the intent to publish as voluntary open access (waiting until the article is in production is not recommended).

Previously Published Works/Republication of Works With Limited Circulation

Except in the case of Special Reports (see below), ASHA journals do not consider for review submissions that have been published in the same, or essentially the same, form elsewhere. Authors who are modifying or extending work that has previously been published must notify the editor of the possible previous publication of their submission and provide a rationale for considering the new work to be substantially different from the original. They must also clearly acknowledge these prior publications in their manuscript.

This policy is meant to apply to all types of previously published materials, including conference proceedings and book chapters that have been offered for public sale. It does not necessarily apply to manuscripts that previously have been abstracted for proceedings of a conference or by a dissertation/thesis abstracting service. It also may not apply to duplications or revisions of work previously published in a form such as a university or government report that has limited circulation or availability, whether in print or online (e.g., working papers disseminated primarily among colleagues at the same institution).

In some unclear cases, a decision must be made to determine whether a manuscript represents original or duplicate work. This decision always rests with the editor of the ASHA journal, who may consult with the chair of ASHA's Publications Board as part of the decision process.


Once a paper has been accepted and forwarded to the Publication Office, the staff will edit further for style (in accordance with APA Publication Manual standards), clarity, and consistency, and will format for publication. Authors are sent page proofs for final proofreading. Only minimal alterations are permissible on page proofs. For additional guidance on editorial and production matters, particularly with regard to manuscript style/formatting and publication requirements, please consult the Manuscript Preparation and Submission section of this site.


Non-English Articles

Although the Publications Board recognizes certain advantages in publishing select articles in languages other than English, such projects are time and cost prohibitive due to the amount of human and financial resources required to do them well. Consequently, the Publications Board policy is to publish articles in its four scholarly journals in English only.

Permission to Translate Articles for Use in Other Publications

Occasionally, individuals request permission to translate and distribute articles (or portions of articles) from grant such permissions on a case-by-case basis. Certain conditions must apply to all approved cases, however. This includes permission of the authors and of the ASHA Publications Office. In addition, the individual or institution requesting permission must satisfy the ASHA Publications Office that the translator is well qualified to perform the translation. Finally, the following statement must appear in boldface on the front page of the document: Neither the authors nor ASHA were involved in the translation of this article from English. Neither the authors nor ASHA assume any responsibility for the accuracy of this translation.

Translations of Articles Previously Published in Non-English Journals

ASHA journals typically do not consider manuscripts that have been published elsewhere. However, if an editor considers an article important enough, and also considers the original publication obscure enough that broad dissemination was not possible, an article can be republished in an ASHA journal. This has occurred very rarely, however. Such an article must clearly reference the original and include all necessary disclosures to indicate that the article is a republished translation; publication is, of course, also contingent on permission from the original authors and the copyright holder, for all uses (both print and online).

Editorial Board

Editors and Associate Editors


Dr. Craig A. Champlin (2012–2013)
University of Texas
Communication Science and Disorders
1 University Station, A1100
Austin, TX 78712
Phone: (512) 471-6345


Dr. Rhea Paul (2013–2015)
Prof., Founding Director
Department of Speech-Language Pathology
College of Health Professions
Sacred Heart University
5151 Park Ave.
Fairfield, CT 06825-1000
Phone: (203) 416-3947


Dr. Jody Kreiman (2012–2014)
University of California, Los Angeles
Department of Head and Neck Surgery
31-24 Rehabilitation Center
1000 Veteran Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1794
Phone: 310-825-0736

Associate Editors


Paul J. Abbas
University of Iowa, Iowa City

Eric W. Healy
The Ohio State University, Columbus

Charissa R. Lansing
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Marjorie Leek
National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory
Research, Portland VA Medical Center


Dennis J. McFarland
Wadsworth Center, Albany, NY

Pamela E. Souza
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

Emily A. Tobey
The University of Texas at Dallas


Sarita Eisenberg
Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ

Lizbeth H. Finestack
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

Sandra Laing Gillam
Utah State University, Logan, UT

Luigi E. Girolametto
University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Shelley Gray
Arizona State University, Phoenix 

Margarita Kaushanskaya
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Elizabeth Kay-Raining Bird
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Swathi Kiran
Boston University

Thomas Klee
University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand

Margaret Lehman Blake
University of Houston 

Kristine Lundgren
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Robert C. Marshall
University of Kentucky, Lexington

Carolyn Mervis
University of Louisville, KY

Jessica Richardson
The University of South Carolina, Columbia

Jenny A. Roberts
Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 

Stephanie Stokes
Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia

Ann A. Tyler
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo

Joanne Volden
University of Alberta, Canada

Linda R. Watson
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Marleen Westerveld
School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia

Andrew Whitehouse
Centre for Child Health Research, University of Western Australia, Perth


Hans-Georg Bosshardt
Universität Bochum, Germany

Kate Bunton
University of Arizona

Caryn Easterling
University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee

Bruce R. Gerratt
University of California, Los Angeles

Ewa Jacewicz
The Ohio State University, Columbus 

Julie M. Liss
Arizona State University

Ben A. M. Maassen
University of Groningen, the Netherlands

Megha Sundara
University of California, Los Angeles

Scott L. Thomson
Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 

Guest Associate Editors

JSLHR 2012 Guest Associate Editors (for All Sections)
Note: Guest Associate Editors for 2013 will be listed in early January of 2014.

Julie D. Anderson
Kenn Apel
Lisa M. D. Archibald
Shaheen N. Awan
Tamiko Azuma
Julie Barkmeier-Kraemer
Jessica A. Barlow
Steven M. Barlow
Shari Baum
Lisa M. Bedore
Jeffrey J. Berry
Heather Shaw Bonilha
Diane Brentari
Tim Bressman
Nina C. Capone-Singleton
Roger Chan
Elizabeth Crais
Barbara Davis
Laura Segebart DeThorne 

Dimitar D. Deliyski
Julie E. Dockrell
Barbara Joan Dodd
Brent Edwards
Patrick Finn
Karen Forrest
Robert Allen Fox
Alex L. Francis
Fiona E. Gibbon
Ron Gillam
Steve Goldinger
Kenneth Grant
Shelley I. Gray
Pamela A. Hadley
Michael Hammer
Robert E. Hillman
Katherine C. Hustad
Jack J. Jiang
Marc Joanisse 

Mary R. T. Kennedy
Karen Iler Kirk
Kathryn J. Kohnert
Jody Kreiman
Anne-Maria Laukkanen
Jacqueline Laures-Gore
Diane Loeb
Melanie Matthies
David H. McFarland
Gary Morgan
Murray J. Munro
Benjamin Munson
Lucie Ménard
Susan Nittrouer
Janna Oetting
Catherine Vea Palmer
Andrea Pittman
Sonja Pruitt-Lord
Nan Bernstein Ratner


Melissa Annette Redford
Sean M. Redmond
M. Adelaida Restrepo
Susan Rvachew
Kristine Tanner
Nicole Patton Terry
Anne Marie Tharpe
Susan L. Thibeault
Kris Tjaden
Amanda J. O. Van Horne
Pascal H. H. M. van Lieshout
Katherine Verdolini
Houri K. Vorperian
Lynne Werner
Karl R. White
Andrew J. O. Whitehouse
Beverly Wright
Patricia M. Zebrowski
Howard Zelaznik
Zhaoyan Zhang
Wolfram Ziegler


Manuscript Reviewers

JSLHR 2012 Manuscript Reviewers
Note: Manuscript Reviewers for 2013 will be listed in early January of 2014.

Harvey Abrams
Dan Acheson
Elizabeth M. Adams
Scott Adams
Suzanne M. Adlof
Fariborz Alipour
Per Alm
Mary Alt
Lori J. P. Altmann
Akiko Amano-Kusumoto
Polemnia Amazeen
Sophie E. Ambrose
Raquel Anderson
Richard D. Andreatta
Tanya Arbogast
Lisa M. D. Archibald
Kathryn Hoberg Arehart
Rick Arenas
Sudha Arunachalam
Sherry Ash
Arianna Astolfi
James B. Au-Yeung
Edward T. Auer
Tamiko Azuma
Thomas Baer
Todd Bailey
Lucie Bailly
Amit Bajaj
Elise Baker
Kirrie Jane Ballard
Catherine Hanson Balthazar
Shilpi Banerjee
Brittan A. Barker
Julie Barkmeier-Kraemer
Steven M. Barlow
Deniz Baskent
Edith L. Bavin
Donna Bayliss
Alison Behrman
Tonya R. Bergeson
Joshua Bernstein
Lynne E. Bernstein
Jeffrey J. Berry
Brenda L. Beverly
Sneha Bharadwaj
Cathy Binger
Peter Birkholz
Dorothy Bishop
Dorthe Bleses
Elma Blom
Stephanie Anna Borrie
Hans-Georg Bosshardt
Anne K. Bothe
Nicola Botting
Michelle S. Bourgeois
Mary Boyle
Tim Brackenbury
Ann R. Bradlow
Nancy C. Brady
Ryan C. Branski
Tim Bressman
Mindy Sittner Bridges
Danielle Brimo
Shara Brinkley
Bonnie Brinton
Paul Harrison Brocklehurst
Rechele Brooks
Christopher Brown
Jonathan Brumberg
Douglas Brungart
Adam Buchwald
Anthony Phillip Buhr
Ferenc Bunta
Kate Bunton
Louise Cahill
Shanqing Cai
Kate Cain
Helen Smith Cairns
Lauren Calandruccio
Daniel Callan
Stephen M. Camarata
Michael P. Cannito
Anny Patricia Castilla-Earls
Nola Chambers
Monita Chatterjee
Pi-Yu Chiang
Joana Cholin
Kathleen Cienkowski
Michelle Ciucci
Heather M. Clark
Beckyc Crow Clem
Jeffry A. Coady
Carl A. Coelho
Truman Coggins
Costanza Colombi
Paola Colozzo
Kathryn Patricia Connaghan
Vincent Connelly
Carol McDonald Connor
Fofi Constantinidou
Gina Conti-Ramsden
Edward G. Conture
Christopher Conway
Martin Cooke
Cynthia Core
Patrick Corrigan
Richard Cowan
Holly K. Craig
Sarah Creel
Cynthia J. Cress
Ivette Cruz
Fred Cummins
Jennifer Cupit
Suzanne Curtin
Laura D'Odorico
Robert Daland
Philip S. Dale
Jianwu Dang
Hia Datta
Lisa S. Davidson
Barbara Davis
Tara Davis
Piers Dawes
Linda S. Day
Elise de Bree
Nel De Jong
Luc F. De Nil
Gayle DeDe
Laurent Demany
Marilyn Elizabeth Demorest
Katherine Demuth
Amy S. Desroches
Angela M. Dietsch
Aimee Dietz
Laura Dilley
Pierre L. Divenyi
Michael Doellinger
Christine A. Dollaghan
Neila J. Donovan
Michael Dorman
Richard Dowell
Christopher Dromey
Joseph R. Duffy
Nicolas Dumay
Noel Dwyer
Patricia A. Eadie
Kerry Danahy Ebert
Lisa A. Edmonds
Jan R. Edwards
Sarita Eisenberg
Olov Engwall
Beth Erickson-Levendoski
David J. Ertmer
Harald A. Euler
Julia L. Evans
Tiago H. Falk
Kimberly A. Farinella
Ashley Farris-Trimble

Gerasimos Fergadiotis
Melanie Ferguson
John Ferraro
Marc E. Fey
Roberto Filippi
Lizbeth H. Finestack
Denise A. Finneran
Valarie B. Fleming
Sue Fletcher-Watson
Daniel Fogerty
Karen Forrest
Paul Foulkes
Marios Fourakis
Robert Allen Fox
Clyde Francks
Richard Freyman
Susanne Fuchs
Joan Elizabeth Furey
Frederick (Erick) Gallun
Jason Galster
Karyn Galvin
Marc Garellek
Chris Gaskill
Elena Gavruseva
Ann Elizabeth Geers
Marylou Pausewang Gelfer
Silvia Gennari
Bruce Gerratt
Kate Gfeller
Fiona E. Gibbon
Judith A. Gierut
René Gifford
Sandra Laing Gillam
Juan Godino-Llorente
Lisa Goffman
Georg Goldenberg
Melody Goldman
Maria Golla Powell
Jean K. Gordon
Brenda K. Gorman
Usha Goswami
Alexandra Gottardo
Vinay Goyal
Bernard Grela
Maria I. Grigos
Ling-Yu Guo
Nancy Jeanne Haak
Pamela A. Hadley
Shannon Hall-Mills
Brooke Hallowell
Stephen Hamilton
Annemiek Hammer
Michael Hammer
Kristina Hansson
Edie Hapner
Linda J. Harrison
Lena Hartelius
Penelope Hatch
Marcia Hay-McCutcheon
Marianna Emma Hayiou-Thomas
Denyse Hayward
Valerie Hazan
Shuman He
Pam Heaton
Mark Hedrick
Michael Hegarty
Nathalie Henrich
Maya Henry
Stellan Hertegard
Ingo Hertrich
Markus M. Hess
Lynne E. Hewitt
Jacqueline J. Hinckley
Erika Hoff
LaVae M. Hoffman
Cynthia Hogan
Tiffany P. Hogan
Elena Hoicka
Audrey L. Holland
Judith Holler
Janet Holt
Rachael Frush Holt
Philip Hoole
Jill Hoover
Tammy L. Hopper
John F. Houde
Monica Strauss Hough
Derek Houston
Peter Howell
Hsin-Jen Hsu
William D. Hula
Deborah A. Hwa-Froelich
Vasiliki Iliadou
Tim Ingall
Roger J. Ingham
Farzan Irani
Julia Irwin
Khalil Iskarous
Jenya Iuzzini
Adam Patrick Jacks
Carla Wood Jackson
Donna Jackson-Maldonado
Peggy F. Jacobson
Deborah G. H. James
Susan Jerger
Jack J. Jiang
Su-Hyun Jin
Marc Joanisse
Earl Johnson
Elizabeth K. Johnson
David L. Jones
Laura Justice
Benoit Jutras
Maria Kambanaros
Wafaa Kaf
Hanneke Kalf
Pui Fong Kan
Michael P. Karnell
William Katz
Margarita Kaushanskaya
Annerose Keilmann
Ellen Kelly
Donna J. Kelly
Daniel Kempler
Diane Kendall
Jennifer E. Kent-Walsh
Ghada Khattab
Gary Kidd
Michael Kiefte
Mikyong Kim
Yunjung Kim
Christine Kitamura
Margaret M. Kjelgaard
Jennifer Kleinow
Rachael-Anne Knight
Eon-Suk Ko
Laura L. Koenig
Francine Kohen
Kathryn J. Kohnert
Kostas Kokkinakis
H. Betty Kollia
Eun Jong Kong
Tuire K. Koponen
Judit Kormos
Damir Kovacic
Sara Teresa Kover
Emiel Krahmer
Nina Kraus
Ravi Krishnan
Saloni Krishnan
William George Kronenberger
Bernd J. Kröger
Jacquie Kurland
Anja Kuschmann
Bomjun J. Kwon
Nicole, yee-key LI
Francisco Lacerda
Kaitlin Lansford


 Yves Laprie
Jacqueline Laures-Gore
Karen Le
Alice Lee
Lori Leibold
Laurence Leonard
Carolyn A. Letts
Andrea Levitt
Dawna Lewis
Barbara A. Lewis
Ciara Leydon
Fangfang Li
Janice Light
Michelle Lincoln
Gregory L. Lof
Anders Lofqvist
Kenneth Logan
Andrew Lotto
Torrey Loucks
Anja Lowit
Paul A. Luce
Joan A. Luckhurst
Bjorn Lyxell
Edwin Maas
Ewen MacDonald
Andrea A. N. MacLeod
Megan K. MacPherson
Carol Mackersie
Mandy Maguire
Nidhi Mahendra
Jamie Mahurin-Smith
Elina Mainela-Arnold
Steve Majerus
Walter H. Manning
Virginia A. Marchman
Andrea Marini
Jeremy Marozeau
Chloe Marshall
Jane Marshall
Rebecca Shisler Marshall
Gary E. Martin
Klara Marton
Youri Maryn
Julie Masterson
Melanie Matthies
Ted Mau
Ludo Max
Patricia McCabe
John McCarthy
Rebecca B. McCathren
Rebecca McCauley
Helen McConachie
Ryan W. McCreery
Dana McDaniel
Hugh McDermott
Andrea McDuffie
Richard S. McGowan
Monica A. McHenry
Bob McMurray
Antje Sabine Mefferd
Daryush D. Mehta
Lise Menn
Christophe Micheyl
Jeff Mielke
Carol A. Miller
Linda M Milosky
Mary Pat Moeller
Kevin Moerman
Mohammed Mohammed
James W. Montgomery
Silvina Montrul
Brian Moore
Christopher A. Moore
Angela Morgan
Gary Morgan
Michele L. Morrisette
Maria L. Munoz
Emi Z. Murano
Bruce E. Murdoch
Gabriella Musacchia
Lucie Ménard
Aravind Kumar Namasivayam
Donna Jo Napoli
Chandan Narayan
Sazzad Nasir
Amy T. Neel
Dianne Newbury
Brandi L. Newkirk
Rochelle S. Newman
Lyndsey Nickels
Kuniko Nielsen
Lian Nijland
Marilyn A. Nippold
Kanae Nishi
Shawn L. Nissen
Susan Nittrouer
Courtenay Frazier Norbury
Rama Novogrodsky
Katerina Ntourou
Lynne Nygaard
Jennifer M. Oates
Gloria Olness
Anne D. Olson
Gary Oppenheim
J.B. Orange
Louise Ellen Paatsch
Ann Packman
Megan Papesh
Johanne Paradis
Ila Parasnis
Douglas F. Parham
Vijay Parsa
Dwayne Paschall
Rupal Patel
Sona Patel
Rita R. Patel
Elizabeth D. Pena
Susan J. E. Peppe
Tyler Perrachione
Jamie L. Perry
Diane Pesco
Beate Peter
Laukka Petri
Yaacov Petscher
Roland Pfau
Giang Thuy Pham
Sandeep Phatak
Andrea Pittman
Emily Plowman
Allison Margaret Plumb
Elgustus Polite
Gerard Humphrey Poll
Ryan Pollard
Nancy L. Potter
Patricia A. Prelock
Jill E. Preminger
Patrick Proctor
Michael Ian Proctor
Kerry Proctor-Williams
Sonja Pruitt-Lord
Mary Purdy
Jennie Pyers
Ana T. Pérez-Leroux
Susanne Raisig
Lorraine O. Ramig
Angel Ramos
Anastasia Raymer
Sean M. Redmond
Kevin J. Reilly
Lina Reiss
Leslie Rescorla
M. Adelaida Restrepo
Cynthia Riccio
Mabel L. Rice
Todd Andrew Ricketts
Carolien Rieffe
Kristine Riley
Jenny A. Roberts

Shari Robertson
Thomas Roeper
Katherina Rohlfing
Raúl Rojas
Cristina Romani
Jessica Rossi-Katz
Gwyneth Campbell Rost
Ann M. Rothpletz
Christina Roup
Susan Rvachew
Neeraja Sadagopan
Karen Sage
Robin A. Samlan
Alessandra Sansavini
Julia Z. Sarant
Jayanthi Sasisekaran
Gabrielle H. Saunders
Glenn Schellenberg
Robert S. Schlauch
Bruce Schneider
Elizabeth Schoen
C. Melanie Schuele
Petra Schultz
Geralyn M. Schulz
Maria Schuster
Jean-Luc Schwartz
Richard Schwartz
Susan Scollie
Cheryl M. Scott
Jeff Searl
Carol H. Seery
Joan Sereno
Willy Serniclaes
Ludovica Serratrice
Valerie Shafer
Susan Shaiman
Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel
Li Sheng
Daniel Shepherd
Douglas M. Shiller
Kevin Shockley
Yen-Liang Shue
Mohinish Shukla
Stacy Shumway
Diana Van Lancker Sidtis
JoAnn P. Silkes
Michael Sillar
Elaine R. Silliman
Gabriela Simon-Cereijido
Preeti M. Sivasankar
Elizabeth Skarakis-Doyle
Katrin Skoruppa
Isabel Smith
Nicholas A. Smith
Sarah M. Smits-Bandstra
David Snow
Maria Sodersten
Nancy Pearl Solomon
Mitchell Sommers
Pam E. Souza
Tammie J. Spaulding
Linda Jean Spencer
Anja Staiger
Rhona Stainthorp
Cara E. Stepp
Audra Marie Sterling
Ryan Stevenson
Derek Jason Stiles
Vesna Stojanovik
Stephanie F. Stokes
Holly Storkel
Edythe Strand
Anu Subramanian
Jessica Sullivan
Joan E Sussman
Jan G. Svec
Gisela Szagun
Marija Tabain
Stephen M. Tasko
Hayo Terband
Michael Thomas
Nicholas Thyer
Janet S Tilstra
Geralyn R. Timler
Nick Titov
Asko Tolvanen
J. Bruce Tomblin
Yvonne Tran
Sandra E. Trehub
Jim Tsiamtsiouris
Ianthi-Maria Tsimpli
Denise Tucker
Patricia Tun
Lyn S Turkstra
Christopher Turner
Nancy Tye-Murray
Ann A. Tyler
Martha Tyrone
Linda D. Vallino-Napoli
John Van Borsel
Jo Van Herwegen
Amanda J. O. Van Horne
Anne van Kleeck
Pascal H. H. M. van Lieshout
Gwen Van Nuffelen
kathy Vander Werff
Katherine Verdolini Abbott
Irma Maria Verdonck-de Leeuw
Chad Vicenik
Jennell C. Vick
Marilyn M. Vihman
P. Vijayalakshmi
Michael Vitevitch
Adam P. Vogel
Houri K. Vorperian
Stacy A. Wagovich
Greg Wallace
Bridget Walsh
Susan Waltzman
Andrea Dawn Warner-Czyz
Julie A. Washington
Charles Watson
Peter J. Watson
Linda R. Watson
Dominic Watt
Gary G. Weismer
John R. Westbury
Carol Westby
Doug Whalen
Kelly Whalon
Katherine White
Tara L. Whitehill
Janet Whiteside
Nathaniel Whitmal
M. Jeanne Wilcox
Richard H. Wilson
Kaitlyn P. Wilson
Ralf Winkler
Lynn Woodhouse
Richard Wright
Marcin Wroblewski
Yu-Hsiang Wu
Chet Xu
Jingjing Xu
Nan Xu
Sarah Yoho
Christie Yoshinaga-Itano
Scott R. Youmans
Betty Yu
Yana Yunusova
Stephanie R. C. Zacharias
David J. Zajac
Tania Zamuner
Jennifer Zapf
Matías Zañartu
Wolfram Ziegler
Stephen R. Zubrick
Barbara Zurer Pearson


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