

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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影响因子:9.036(2011), 10.288(2012)
变更情况:Newly Added by 2012

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Genome Biology serves the biological research community as an international forum for the dissemination, discussion and critical review of information about all areas of biology informed by genomic research. Key objectives are to provide a guide to the rapidly developing resources and technology in genomics and its impact on biological research, to publish large datasets and extensive results that are not readily accommodated in traditional journals, and to help establish new standards and nomenclature for post-genomic biology.

Genome Biology publishes research articles, new methods and software tools, in addition to reviews and opinions, from the full spectrum of biology, including molecular, cellular, organism or population biology studied from a genomic perspective, as well as sequence analysis, bioinformatics, proteomics, comparative biology and evolution.

The journal offers two distinct types of publication:

·Regular systematic reviews, critical assessments, reports, research news and commentary on genomics and on biology as it is informed by genomics, including timely, topical and authoritative reports of work published elsewhere.

·Publication of primary research in all fields of biology informed by genomics and all aspects of genomic research. All primary research articles are available free to all individuals through the web.


Open access

All Research articles, Methods and Software articles published by Genome Biology are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers. Further information about open access can be found here. In addition, the journal also publishes reviews and other article types that are only available by subscription.

Authors of Research articles, Methods and Software articles published in Genome Biology are the copyright holders of their articles and have granted to any third party, in advance and in perpetuity, the right to use, reproduce or disseminate the article, according to the BioMed Central copyright and license agreement.

For authors who are US government employees or are prevented from being copyright holders for similar reasons, BioMed Central can accommodate non-standard copyright lines. Please contact us if further information is needed.

Other content

In addition to research articles Genome Biology also publishes Research highlights, Comments, Commentaries, Meeting reports, Opinions, Protein family reviews and Reviews all of which are only available by subscription. BioMed Central holds the copyright to such subscription content according to the terms of BioMed Central's Copyright Licensing Agreement.

Article-processing charges

Open access publishing is not without costs. Genome Biology therefore levies an article-processing charge of £1695/$2775/€2040 for each Research articles, Methods and Software article accepted for publication. We routinely waive charges for authors from low-income countries. Generally, if the submitting author's institution is a Member the cost of the article-processing charge is covered by the membership, and no further charge is payable. In the case of authors whose institutions are Supporter Members, however, a discounted article-processing charge is payable by the author. For further details, see our article-processing charge page. A limited number of waivers for article-processing charges are also available at the editors' discretion, and authors wishing to apply for these waivers should contact the editors.

Indexing services

All articles published in Genome Biology are included in PubMed, the most widely used biomedical bibliographic database service, which is run by the US National Library of Medicine. Other bibliographic databases that index articles published in Genome Biologyinclude:

Biological Abstracts
Global Health
Google Scholar
Index Copernicus

PubMed Central
Science Citation Index
Science Citation Index Expanded
Zoological Record

The full text of all research articles is deposited in PubMed Central, the US National Library of Medicine's full-text repository of life science literature, and other digital archives.

Genome Biology is tracked by Thomson Reuters (ISI) and has an Impact Factor of 10.3.

Publication and peer review process

Research: Genome Biology publishes primary research articles from the full spectrum of biology. Subjects covered include any aspect of molecular, cellular, organismal or population biology studied from a genomic or post-genomic perspective, as well as genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, genomic methods (including structure prediction), computational biology, sequence analysis (including large-scale and cross-genome analyses), comparative biology and evolution.

In response to changes in the types of datasets and analyses that are generated from genomic resources, publication of research articles by Genome Biology is dependent primarily on scientific validity and coherence, as judged by our referees. Examples of the types of research that we believe it is increasingly important to make available to the community but which have been difficult to include in traditional print journals include descriptions of the analysis or re-analysis of existing primary data, papers that contain considerable primary data not easily represented in print, and papers reporting results that do not immediately allow conclusions of broad general interest to be drawn.

Although the general interest level and perceived importance of articles are not absolute criteria for publication, we believe that, as a service to our readers and contributors, it is important to focus on articles of broad or outstanding interest; this is assessed by the editors and referees in the course of peer review.

Genome Biology will work actively with the scientific community to establish standards for the annotation, validation, nomenclature, distribution and analysis of genomic and related information.

Interactions: The interactions section includes open letters, correspondence, discussions and debates about observations and matters that may be of interest to a wide readership of biologists, comments on current trends or specific issues or articles that have appeared in Genome Biology. To contribute, contact the editors.

Comments:Genome Biology publishes commentaries on a broad range of topics, including political, scientific, and medical issues relating to genomic, post-genomic and genome-scale analyses. Readers will be encouraged to participate in discussions and to comment on articles via the website. Most comment articles will be commissioned, so as to ensure a comprehensive and systematic coverage, but you are encouraged to send suggestions to the editors.

Reviews: Genome Biology aims to provide review material that readers need in order to assess and evaluate progress in genomic and post-genomic research. Reviews include systematic and substantial coverage of mature subjects, rapid coverage of fast-moving areas, evaluations of progress in specified areas, and critical assessments of emerging technologies. Reviews are usually commissioned, with the editors aiming to ensure coverage of all relevant areas of biology and genomics, but suggestions of reviews are welcome.

Reports: Genome Biology regularly publishes meeting reports, which are short and rapidly prepared and report on information presented at conferences. Suggestions for meeting reports can also be submitted for the editors' consideration.

Genome Biology offers a very fast publication schedule whilst maintaining rigorous peer review; the use of recommended electronic formats for article delivery will expedite processing. All submitted research manuscripts are subject to immediate rapid screening by the editors, in consultation with the Editorial Board if appropriate, to ensure they fall within the scope of the journal. Contributors who are in doubt about the suitability of their manuscript are welcome to send a presubmission enquiry. The editors will provide an initial response to all presubmission enquiries and submitted articles within two working days and will make every effort to give authors a decision following peer review within four weeks of a manuscript’s submission.

Authors will be able to check the progress of their manuscript through the submission system at any time by logging into My Genome Biology, a personalized section of the site.

Copyediting and proofs

All articles published in Genome Biology are copyedited before publication of the final version.

Research articles, Methods and Software articles published in Genome Biology are published immediately on acceptance in the form of a provisional PDF. Copyedited and fully formatted PDF and full-text (HTML) versions are made available shortly after that.

Edited versions will be sent by email and corrections should be returned within two working days. Please provide a typed list of corrections clearly indicating where the corrections should be made and please send this list by email.

The editing of Research articles, Methods and Software articles is designed only to correct such things as misused words, spelling errors, missing references or incomplete citation information.


High-quality, bound reprints can be purchased for all articles published. Please see ourreprints website for further information about ordering reprints.


Genome Biology will consider supplements based on proceedings (full articles or meeting abstracts), reviews or research. All articles submitted for publication in supplements are subject to peer review. Published supplements are fully searchable and freely accessible online and can also be produced in print. All full length articles (proceedings, reviews or research articles) are indexed by PubMed. PubMed displays the title of the supplement only in the case of meeting abstract collections. For further information, please contact us.

Editorial policies

All manuscripts submitted to Genome Biology should adhere to BioMed Central's editorial policies.

Citing articles in Genome Biology

Articles in Genome Biology should be cited in the same way as articles in a traditional journal. Because articles are not printed, they do not have page numbers; instead, they are given a unique article number.

Article citations follow this format:

Authors: Title. Genome Biol [year], [volume number]:[article number].

e.g. Roberts LD, Hassall DG, Winegar DA, Haselden JN, Nicholls AW, Griffin JL: Increased hepatic oxidative metabolism distinguishes the action of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor delta from Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma in the Ob/Ob mouse. Genome Biol 2009, 1:115.

refers to article 115 from Volume 1 of the journal.

Why publish your article in Genome Biology?

High visibility

Genome Biology's open access policy allows maximum visibility of research articles published in the journal as they are available to a wide, global audience. Articles that have been especially highly accessed are highlighted with a 'Highly accessed' graphic, which appears on the journal's contents pages and search results.

Speed of publication

Genome Biology offers a fast publication schedule whilst maintaining rigorous peer review; all articles must be submitted online, and peer review is managed fully electronically (articles are distributed in PDF form, which is automatically generated from the submitted files). Articles are published with their final citation immediately upon acceptance in a provisional PDF form. The article will subsequently be published in both fully browsable web form, and as a formatted PDF; the article will then be available through Genome Biology, BioMed Central and PubMed Central and will also be included in PubMed.


Online publication in Genome Biology gives authors the opportunity to publish large datasets, large numbers of color illustrations and moving pictures, to display data in a form that can be read directly by other software packages so as to allow readers to manipulate the data for themselves, and to create all relevant links (for example, to PubMed, to sequence and other databases, and to other articles).

Promotion and press coverage

Articles published in Genome Biology are included in article alerts and regular email updates. Some may be included in abstract books mailed to academics and are highlighted onGenome Biology's pages and on the BioMed Central homepage.

In addition, articles published in Genome Biology may be promoted by press releases to the general or scientific press. These activities increase the exposure and number of accesses for articles published in Genome Biology. A list of articles recently press-released by journals published by BioMed Central is available here.

Authors of research articles published in Genome Biology retain the copyright of their articles and are free to reproduce and disseminate their work (for further details, see the BioMed Central copyright and license agreement).

For further information about the advantages of publishing in a journal from BioMed Central, please click here.


Instructions to Authors

Genome Biology publishes research articles, new methods and software tools, in addition to reviews and opinions, from the full spectrum of biology, including molecular, cellular, organism or population biology studied from a genomic perspective, as well as sequence analysis, bioinformatics, proteomics, comparative biology and evolution.

Each article type published by Genome Biology follows a specific format, as detailed in the corresponding instructions for authors; please choose an article type from the list on the left to view the instructions for authors.

Please note that Research highlight, Comment, Commentary, Correspondence, Meeting report, Open letter, Opinion, Protein family review and Review are usually commissioned, but suggestions for these article types are welcome.

The instructions for authors includes information about preparing a manuscript for submission to Genome Biology, criteria for publication and the online submission process. Other relevant information about the journal's policies, the refereeing process and so on can be found in 'About this journal'.

Presubmission enquiries

If you wish to make a presubmission enquiry about the suitability of your manuscript, please email the editors who will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.

Genome Biology publishes the following article types:

Research articles
Research highlights
Meeting reports
Open letters
Protein family reviews

This journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Authors and referees are asked to declare any competing interests.

Copyright for research articles rests with the authors. For more information on copyright of research articles, see our publisher's copyright and license policy. Copyright of all other articles rests with the publisher, BioMed Central.

Editorial Board
Clare Garvey PhD
Senior Editors
Naomi Attar PhD
Andrew Cosgrove PhD
Senior Assistant Editor
Gemma Bilsborough DPhil
Assistant Editors
Laura Fulford PhD
Rafal Marszalek PhD
Journal Development Manager
Ciaran O'Neill
Editorial Assistant
Clodagh McGuire


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