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出版频率:Continuous publication

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Specialty Chief Editor: Javier DeFelipe, Cajal Institute, Spain

Short Name: Front. Neuroanat.

Abbreviation: FNANA

Electronic ISSN: 1662-5129

NLM Id: 101477943

Indexed in: PubMed, PubMed Central, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, DOAJ, CrossRef, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), EMBASE, as well as being searchable via the Web of Knowledge

PMCID: all published articles receive a PMCID

Impact Factor: 4.1


Frontiers in Neuroanatomy is a specialty journal of the "Frontiers in" journal series. 

Frontiers in Neuroanatomy is a first-tier electronic journal that publishes articles addressing important aspects of the anatomical organization of all nervous systems across all species. The use of classical and modern techniques and approaches include axonal transport methods to track the connections between brain regions; electron microscopy to obtain a more quantitative understanding of the sub-cellular and connectivity anatomy; immunocytochemistry to map protein expression patterns; in situ hybridization to map gene expression patterns; and many other powerful techniques used to examine the organization of the nervous system. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy encourages comparative studies between brain regions, between species, and also between health and disease, but is not concerned with studies that have a primary clinical focus. We encourage studies that employ modern quantitative anatomical techniques in combination with experimental studies, but submissions of descriptive neuroanatomy and theories of neuroanatomical design are also welcome. Image quality and powerful illustrations will be a major emphasis of Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. We also encourage anatomical papers that are complimented by theoretical studies to better understand the anatomical design principles of the brain.

Frontiers in Neuroanatomy welcomes submissions of the following tier 1 articles: Book Review, Editorial, General Commentary, Hypothesis & Theory, Methods, Mini Review, Opinion, Original Research, Perspective, Review, Specialty Grand Challenge and Technology Report.

All manuscripts must be submitted directly to Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, where they are peer reviewed by the associate and review editors of the specialty journal.

Articles published in Frontiers in Neuroanatomy will be subject to the Frontiers evaluation system after online publication. Authors of published original research with the highest impact, as judged democratically by the readers, will be invited by the Chief Editor to write a prestigious Frontiers Focused Review - a tier 2 article. This is referred to as "democratic tiering". The author selection is based on article impact analytics of original research published in the Frontiers specialty journals and sections. Focused Reviews are centered on the original discovery, place it into a broader context, and aim to address the wider community across all of Neuroscience.


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Each Frontiers article is a landmark of the highest quality, thanks to genuinely collaborative interactions between authors and review editors, who include some of the world's best academicians. Frontiers is well aware of the potential impact of published research both on future research and on society and, hence, does not support superficial review, light review or no-review publishing models. Research must be certified by peers before entering a stream of knowledge that may eventually reach the public - and shape society. Therefore, Frontiers only applies the most rigorous and unbiased reviews, established in the high standards of the Frontiers Review System. Furthermore, only the top certified research, evaluated through the democratic Frontiers Evaluation System, is disseminated to increasingly wider communities as it gradually climbs the tiers of the Frontiers Tiering System from specialized expert readership towards public understanding.


Specialty Chief Editor: Javier DeFelipe, Cajal Institute, Spain

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Instructions to Authors

Review Guidelines

Frontiers Reviews significantly redefine the assignments for both authors and editors in order to guarantee the most accurate, efficient and impartial reviews in academic publishing. Frontiers reviews largely rely on the advanced IT functionalities of the Frontiers platform and are typically articulated into two consecutive phases:


During the Independent Review phase, the review editors assess the paper independently from each other and the authors, according to a standardized review template.


During the Interactive Review phase, authors and Review Editors can interact with each other through real-time comments in the discussion forum. The Associate Editor and if required the Specialty Chief Editor can also enter the Review Forum and oversee this review process.

Frontiers Review at a Glance

Frontiers Full Review

Frontiers Short Review

Frontiers Review at a Glance

The Frontiers Review System provides and guarantees:


Frontiers is striving to remove any bias from the review process and acknowledge the reviewers for the significant contributions in improving the paper. To guarantee the most transparent and objective reviews, the identities of review editors remain anonymous during the review period. Only in case an article is accepted do their names appear on the published manuscript, without exceptions. However, if for any reasons a review editor withdraws during any stage of the review process, his/her name will not be disclosed.


Frontiers provides a review template to make reviews systematic and convene the efforts of review editors exclusively on objective issues. The review must focus solely on the quality of both the research and the manuscript, and aim at providing constructive comments to bring the final paper to its best quality. This allows fair, rapid, comprehensive and comparable assessment of research. The evaluation of the research will be done successively by means of the Frontiers Evaluation System. Moreover, Frontiers provides authors with the highest quality review service by assigning only the world’s top researchers to the Frontiers Boards of editors.


Our Interactive Review Forum facilitates the review process by enabling all participants (authors, review editors, the associate editor and, if need be, the specialty chief editor) to view reports and directly communicate with one another to easily address comments regarding an article. Indeed, the goal of the Interactive Review is to facilitate convergence of opinions. This phase allows unlimited rounds of reviews and resubmissions, until the manuscript is deemed acceptable.


Once the Interactive Review Forum is activated, Frontiers allows to immediately publish the abstract of an article in review as “paper pending”. By securing the public declaration date of the discovery, the paper pending allows a pressure-free and most effective collaboration with the review editors towards improving the manuscript, without the concern that the authors’ discovery might be scooped while the review is on-going.


Frontiers promotes a strict separation between review and evaluation. Review editors may comment only in regard to objective issues and may recommend rejection based exclusively upon objective errors. The mandate for review editors is to ensure that the results are valid, the analysis is flawless and the quality as high as possible. The significance of articles is separately evaluated by the entire community by means of the Frontiers Evaluation System.


Should a dispute arise that threatens to reject an article, the author may trigger arbitration. In the first place, the associate editor will arbitrate and involve all review editors in a discussion aimed at resolving the dispute. If a resolution cannot be agreed upon, the specialty chief editor is alerted and can opt to bring in additional review and associate editors for consultation. An article can be rejected if the arbitration rules that the objective error stands. Review editors are entitled to trigger arbitration, too, if they reckon that the author is reluctant to make required changes. Review editors may withdraw from the review process if they disagree with other editors, the authors and the arbitration rulings (in which case their identity remains undisclosed). The withdrawal of a review editor requires the recruitment of a new one, and significantly slows down the process. Therefore, authors are encouraged to co-operate as much as possible in addressing the concerns of the review editors involved with their articles.


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Associate and Review Editors:
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Full Peer Review

The following articles types are attributed a full, standardized peer review:

Tier 1: Original Research Articles, Review Articles, Hypothesis & Theory Articles, Methods Articles, Perspective Articles, Technology Reports,Clinical Trial Articles, Mini Reviews, Clinical Case Studies and CPC.

Tier 2: Focused Reviews


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Frontiers Reviewers and Editors are also expected to abide by ethical standards in regards to conflicts of interest, confidentiality of the reviewed papers, objective evaluation of the work and preservation of reviewers’ anonymity until acceptance. Editors bear the authority and responsibility for the acceptance of papers.

Frontiers will look at allegations of misconduct both before and after publication. Corrections or retractions will be published if necessary, in order to maintain the integrity of the academic record. The Frontiers Editorial Office should be contacted immediately on suspicions of misconduct.


Following the Frontiers online manuscript submission, an associate editor of the relevant Frontiers Specialty is immediately invited to take on the manuscript editorial assignment. After a preliminary content check, the associate editor may either decide to send the manuscript out for review or recommend it for immediate rejection to the specialty chief editor.

In the latter case, the specialty chief editor may confirm the associate editor’s recommendation of immediate article rejection due to the following reasons:

§  An objective error (generally accepted by the community and not one that would be debatable by some);

§  An excessive number of language errors;

§  Lack of research quality or ethical standards.

The specialty chief editor may, nevertheless, override the associate editor's recommendation and decide that the manuscript deserves being reviewed, in which case he/she will assign the article to a new associate editor who agrees to send the article for review.

The associate editor then assigns the article to at least two review editors, either selected from the Frontiers Board of review editors or appropriately recruited among the experts in the area. The whole process described above is a rapid one, since review editors are invited within one week from article submission and must accept or decline a review invitation within a few business days.


Within ten days after being assigned to an article, the review editors shall submit the standardized Frontiers Independent Review Report via the online review forum. The associate editor is automatically notified as soon as each of the Independent Review Reports is submitted.

During the Independent Review phase, the review editors assess the paper independently from each other and the authors, according to ourstandardized review template.

Once all review editors have submitted an Independent Review Report, the associate editor is responsible for activating the successive phase of the Frontiers Review, i.e. the Interactive Review Forum. Even if the Independent Review Reports are unfavorable to the authors, the Interactive Review Forum must be activated to allow authors the opportunity of rebuttal.


Once the Associate Editor activates the Interactive Review Forum, authors are immediately notified to enter the forum, where they are able to view the review comments. Authors are asked to respond and/or submit a revised manuscript within 15, 25 or 35 days, depending on the level of revisions requested by the Associate Editor.

The associate editor can access and post comments in the review forum anytime. Additionally, the associate editor monitors the discussions occurring between authors and review editors within this forum, and ensures not only the timeliness, but also the constructiveness of the participants’ interaction. Should a dispute arise at this stage, the associate editor must act as a mediator, working with all parties involved to resolve the issues and even inviting new review editors for further opinions. If the disagreement persists, the specialty chief editor is then obliged to enter the Interactive Review Forum, examine the situation and take a final decision, as to whether the review should be ended by article rejection or continued by a new set of editors.

When a disagreement cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of a review editor, the latter is in full right to withdraw from the review at any phase, in which case the associate editor may choose to invite another review editor.

At this stage, a manuscript may be rejected for the following reasons:

§  an objective error is found that cannot be corrected;

§  experiments are found to be invalid;

§  authors are unable or unwilling to address issues raised by the review editors.

The review is complete once all review comments are addressed to the review editors' satisfaction.


If the review editors are satisfied with the authors'efforts at amending the manuscript, they then briefly finalize their Interactive Review Reports, which automatically notifies the associate editor of article acceptance. The associate editor accepts the final version of the manuscript within five days, and this action does not require the approval of the specialty chief editor.

Once a manuscript is accepted, the authors receive an automated notification informing them of the acceptance and the provisional PDF will instantly appear online. Review editors are invited to publish a one-page joint commentary to be linked to the published article, however this is not mandatory. Payment of the publication fee is required within thirty days of acceptance and necessary before final publication of the manuscript.


Articles can only be rejected by the chief editor, while the associate editor who handles an article can only recommend to reject an article. The chief editor may override an associate editor's recommendation to reject the article and insist to call in further review editors to continue the review process.


If the submitted article is a Focused Review, i.e. a prestigious, invitation-only, tier 2 review highlighting an outstanding tier 1 article, the previous Associate and Review Editors are assigned the review of the new manuscript again (if available to take on the article). This manuscript is again written by the previous authors and is an abridged and revised version of the original article following the author guidelines for Focused Reviews. It requires a full peer review in regard to technical language, since it addresses a broader, less specialized community.

Short Peer Review

The following articles types are attributed a shortened peer review:

Tier 1: Commentaries, Opinion Articles, Editorials, Book Reviews, and Classifications.

Tier 2: Frontiers Commentaries.

Short peer reviews differ from full peer reviews mainly in two aspects: they are directly forwarded to the Interactive Review phase and they may be reviewed by the Associate Editor alone. It is up to the Associate Editor’s consideration if further reviewers are invited to the review process.

Therefore, following the Frontiers online manuscript submission, an Associate Editor of the relevant Frontiers Specialty is immediately invited to take on the manuscript editorial assignment, which encompasses the role of the reviewer, too. Since no Independent Review Report is required, the Associate Editor directly activates the Interactive Review Forum by carrying out the review.

Interactive Review, and article acceptance and rejection follow exactly the same rules established for full peer reviews.


If the submitted article is a Frontiers Commentary,i.e. a prestigious, invitation-only, tier 2 commentary emphasizing an outstanding tier 1 article, the original Specialty Chief Editor is assigned the short review of the new manuscript. This manuscript is written by the Associate or Review Editor/s who reviewed the original article and requires a short peer review in regard to technical language, since it addresses a less specialized community.


Editorial Board


Javier DeFelipe

Cajal Institute

Madrid, Spain

Science> Neuroscience> Neuroanatomy

Keywords: neuromicrocircuitry, neurogenomics and neurogenetics, minicolumns, neocortical column, cortical unit, cortical processes, macrocolumn’s function, Cell Shape,...



Patrik Brundin

Nordic Center of Excellence

Oslo, Norway

Science> Neuroscience> Neuroanatomy

Keywords: 1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine, 2-Amino-5-phosphonovalerate, 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic Acid, 5,7-Dihydroxytryptamine, Abortion, Induced,...


Andreas H Burkhalter

Washington University School of Medicine

St. Louis, MO, USA

Science> Neuroscience> Neuroanatomy

Keywords: Neurobiology, Somatostatin, inhibition, parvalbumin, calretinin, sulcal length


Alfonso Fairén

University Miguel Hernandez

San Juan de Alicante, Spain

Science> Neuroscience> Neuroanatomy

Keywords: development, gaba interneurons, pioneer neurons, Neural Cell Adhesion Molecules, glutamate receptors, NCAM, Adhesion and signaling molecules, Axonal pathfinding,...


Michael Frotscher

University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf

Hamburg, Germany

Science> Neuroscience> Neuroanatomy

Keywords: Actin Cytoskeleton, Cell Size, Dentate Gyrus, Electric Conductivity, Ion Channel Gating, Microscopy, Interference, Microscopy, Video, Pyramidal Cells, Receptors,...


Laurence J Garey

International Brain Research Organization

Perroy, Switzerland

Science> Neuroscience> Neuroanatomy

Keywords: Autopsy, Neocortex, Pyramidal Cells, Blepharoplasty, Patient Satisfaction, Rejuvenation, Rhytidoplasty, Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein, Receptors, Kainic Acid,...


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