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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The FCAA journal, abbreviated as "Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal." in several world databases (search e.g. Google), is a specialized international journal for theory and applications with primary topics: Fractional Calculus, Special Functions and Integral Transforms, and secondary related topics of Applied Analysis, as described in Aims and Scope. The Editorial Policy is to publish high quality original research papers containing new results and applications in the FCAA topics, expository surveys written by known experts, as well as short notes, open problems, archives, and news about books and events interesting for the journal's audience.

It is a peer-reviewed journal. The high standards of its contents are guaranteed by the list of the Editors and invited external referees, all of them selected from the world prominent experts in the FCAA areas.

The journal has been established in 1998 with the founding publisher: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics (http://www.math.bas.bg/index_classic.html) - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (http://www.bas.bg/cgi-bin/e-cms/vis/vis.pl?s=001&p=0200) and with the valuable support of its founding editors, among them - the pioneers of the classical fractional calculus (Honorary Founding Editors,Honorary Editors). Its reputation has been imposed and approved by many outstanding authors in the fields of pure and applied mathematics, physics, control theory, etc. who already contributed to FCAA. The Contents of Back Volumes (Vol. 1, 1998 - Vol. 13, 2010) are available for free at the previously existing journal websites at www.math.bas.bg/~fcaa and www.diogenes.bg/fcaa .

Since 2011, Vol. 14, the FCAA journal is co-published by Springer and Versita. The journal's availability in electronic form at SpringerLink contribute to better visibility, by promoting its content to researchers in the FCAA fields and a wider scientific audience.

Related subjects » Analysis


Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt Math, Google Scholar, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences, Current Index to Statistics, Mathematical Reviews, OCLC, SCImago, STMA-Z, Summon by Serial Solutions

Instructions to Authors
Manuscripts that are accepted for publication will be checked by our copyeditors for spelling and formal style. This may not be sufficient if English is not your native language and substantial editing would be required. In that case, you may want to have your manuscript edited by a native speaker prior to submission. A clear and concise language will help editors and reviewers concentrate on the scientific content of your paper and thus smooth the peer review process.
The following editing service provides language editing for scientific articles in all areas Springer publishes in.
Use of an editing service is neither a requirement nor a guarantee of acceptance for publication.
Please contact the editing service directly to make arrangements for editing and payment.

For Authors from China


Your contribution

We greatly appreciate the time and effort given by reviewers in evaluating papers for publication in our journal. Thanks to your contribution and expertise, the authors in FCAA journal receive fast, fair and comprehensive reviews.

Our standards

·         Our reviewers are kindly requested to deliver reports in 40 days

·         Research articles are reviewed by a minimum of two reviewers

·         We pay special attention to receive unbiased, fair opinions

·         Whenever submission qualifies for publication but needs revision, reviewers are asked to give comprehensive opinion on necessary improvements

·         Although the Referee Form consists of some formal questionnaire’s items to fill in, most important for our decision and for author’s revision will be your informal comments given in “Comments / Suggestions to the author”, “Comments to the editor” and “Referee’s Recommendation”.


·         Please, use “FCAA_Referee_Form.doc”  (or “FCAA_Referee_Form.pdf”).

·         It should be returned in electronic form to the Managing Editor (V. Kiryakova), by e-mail Virginia@diogenes.bg

There is a stuff on the second page of the referee form that will be kept confidential:  including your name, remarks to the editor only, etc. So, either send the form in text format (MsWord *.doc, *.rtf) and accompany with LaTeX produced part (only if necessary for Maths); or if the file is pdf or scan format, take care that this confidential stuff goes on next separate page.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board
Managing Editor:
Virginia Kiryakova, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria

Honorary Founding Ediors:
Anatoly A. Kilbas, Belarusian State University, Belarus
Eric R. Love, University of Melbourne, Australia 
Ian N. Sneddon, University of Glasgow, UK


Honorary Editors
Dumitru Baleanu, Cankaya University, Ankara, Turkey
Paul Butzer, RWTH - Aachen University, Germany 
Michele Caputo, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy
Rudolf Gorenflo, Free University Berlin, Germany
Shyam L. Kalla, Vyas Institute of Higher Education, Jodhpur, India
Danuta Przeworska-Rolewicz, Institute Math., Polish Acad. of Sciences, Poland
Megumi Saigo, Fukuoka University, Japan
Jerome Spanier, Claremont Graduate University & University of California, USA
Hari M. Srivastava, University of Victoria, Canada
Bogoljub Stankovic, University of Novi Sad - Serbian Acad. of Sci. and Arts, Serbia

Boris Baeumer, University of Otago, N. Zealand
Lyubomir Boyadjiev, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria 
Yury Brychkov, Dorodnicyn Computing Center - Russian Acad. of Sciences, Russia
Kai Diethelm, Technische Universität Braunschweig & GNS Gesellschaft für 
numerische Simulation mbH, Germany
Ivan Dimovski, Institute of Math. & Inform. - Bulg. Acad. of Sciences, Bulgaria
Neville Ford, University of Chester, UK
Alan Freed, Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, USA
Rudolf Hilfer, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
Mourad Ismail, University of Central Florida, USA
Ravi N. Kalia, St Cloud State University, USA 
Anatoly Kochubei, Institute of Mathematics - Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine, Ukraine
Yury Luchko, Beuth Technical University of Applied Sciences, Germany 
Richard Magin, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Francesco Mainardi, University of Bologna, Italy 
Oleg Marichev, Wolfram Research, Inc., USA 
Piotr Mikusinski, University of Central Florida, USA 
Juan J. Nieto, University Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Ivo Petras, Technical University of Kosice, Slovak R.
Igor Podlubny, Technical University of Kosice, Slovak R. 
Sergei Rogosin, Belarusian State University, Belarus
Boris Rubin, Louisiana State University, USA
Peter Rusev, Institute of Mathematics & Inform. - Bulg. Acad. of Sciences, Bulgaria
Jocelyn Sabatier, Bordeaux 1 University, France
Stefan Samko, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
Enrico Scalas, Universita' del Piemonte Orientale "Amedeo Avogadro", Italy
Jose A. Tenreiro Machado, Institute of Engn. of Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal
Juan J. Trujillo, University of La Laguna, Spain 
Sabir Umarov, Tufts University, USA
Vu Kim Tuan, University of West Georgia, USA
Blas Vinagre, University of Extremadura, Spain 
YangQuan Chen, Utah State University, USA
Ahmed Zayed, DePaul University - Chicago, USA

Technical Assistant:
Stefan Kiryakov, Diogenes Co., Bulgaria


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