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出版频率:Continuous publication
主题范畴:Mathematical & Computational Biology
变更情况:Newly Added by 2012

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Cover Image

Online ISSN 1758-0463 - Print ISSN 0000-0000

Impact Factor: 4.200

5-Yr impact factor: 4.189

About the Journal


Huge volumes of primary data are currently archived in numerous open-access databases, and with new generation technologies becoming more common in laboratories, large datasets will become even more prevalent than today. The lasting archiving, accurate curation, efficient analysis and precise interpretation of all of these data are a challenge. Collectively, database development and biocuration are at the forefront of the endeavor to make sense of this mounting deluge of data.

Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation provides an open access platform for the presentation of novel ideas in database research surrounding biological information, and aims to help strengthen the bridge between database developers, curators, and users. In addition, the journal will provide a platform for the description of novel advances in the field of biocuration and promote the use of information from biological databases to assist in the planning and design of original research projects. Biocuration involves the translation of information relevant to biology and medicine, into an organized format, typically as a database, which enables the integration of scientific literature as well as large datasets such that information is accurately represented and readily accessible, as a source of information for scientists, and as a basis for computational analysis.

The journal will publish:
• Detailed descriptions of databases, and database tools, in the broad arena of biology - authors are strongly encouraged to include a biological discovery or a 'testable' hypothesis in their papers
• Shorter papers describing significant updates to established databases
• Objective reviews of complementary and ancillary databases and database tools
• User tutorials for database tools
• Methodology and technical notes on database development
• Improvements to automated prediction and annotation for biomedical datasets
• Detailed descriptions of the state and updating of the annotation of genomes
• Descriptions of the development and content of ontologies of relevance to the biomedical community and the tools specific to the use of these ontologies
• Articles relevant to the annotation process such as standards for curation, annotation best practices, annotation methodologies, the use of automated and semi-automated methods for annotation and the measures for annotation consistency

Descriptions of databases and biocuration application and activities in all areas of biology are welcome, including biological chemistry, genomics, proteomics, glycomics, molecular biology, biomedicine, physiology, ecology, botany, zoology, and taxonomy.


Database offers rapid online-only publication. Individual articles will be published online, in final ‘Version of Record’ form, as soon as they are ready.

Under this model articles are uniquely identified by an article number and DOI rather than volume/issue/page numbers. Database articles should be cited using their volume and article number, as follows:

{author names}. {article title}. {journal title} {year of publication}; Vol. {number}: article ID {ID}, {DOI}

For example:

Maria C. Costanzo, Marek S. Skrzypek, Robert Nash, Edith Wong, Gail Binkley, Stacia R. Engel, Benjamin Hitz, Eurie L. Hong, J. Michael Cherry, and the Saccharomyces Genome Database Project. New mutant phenotype data curation system in the Saccharomyces Genome Database. Database (2009) Vol. 2009: article ID bap001; doi:10.1093/database/bap001.


All Database content is published under an open access model. Database articles will therefore be freely available to everybody online, upon publication, without the barrier of paid subscription to access.

Under this model, the journal’s costs are covered by author publication charges of £800/€1200/$1600 per article.

Database articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial licence . This means that users of Database articles are entitled to use, reproduce, disseminate or display these articles for non-commercial purposes provided that:
1. the original authorship is properly and fully attributed;
2. the journal and publisher are attributed as the original place of publication with correct citation details given;
3. if an original work is subsequently reproduced or disseminated not in its entirety but only in part or as a derivative work this is clearly indicated;

The Oxford Journals Permissions team can be contacted regarding commercial reuse of Database articles.

As well as being freely available immediately via the journal web site, Database articles will be automatically deposited in PubMed Central and UK PubMed Central by Oxford Journals, and made freely available via these resources upon publication. This means that publishing in Database is fully compliant with e.g. the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Public Access policy and the HHMI, UK MRC and Wellcome Trust policies on open access. Authors wishing to comply with these policies need not take further action.


Year Impact Factor Si: Mathematical & Computational Biology
2012 4.200 5 out of 47
2011 2.071 15 out of 47


Database is covered by the following services:

Journal Citation Reports /Science Edition
PubMed Central
Asian Science Citation Index
Chemical Abstracts
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
The Standard Periodical Directory

The official journal of


Instructions to Authors

Instructions to Authors

Conflict of Interest form

Instructions to Authors

New – Please note that the journal now encourages authors to complete their copyright licence to publish form online


Manuscripts must be submitted online. Once you have prepared your manuscript according to the instructions below please visit the online submission web site. Instructions on submitting your manuscript online can be viewed here.


The journal will publish:

• Detailed descriptions of databases, and database tools, in the broad arena of biology - authors are strongly encouraged to include a biological discovery or a 'testable' hypothesis in their papers
• Shorter papers describing significant updates to established databases
• Objective reviews of complementary and ancillary databases and database tools
• User tutorials for database tools
• Methodology and technical notes on database development
• Improvements to automated prediction and annotation for biomedical datasets
• Detailed descriptions of the state and updating of the annotation of genomes
• Descriptions of the development and content of ontologies of relevance to the biomedical community and the tools specific to the use of these ontologies
• Articles relevant to the annotation process such as standards for curation, annotation best practices, annotation methodologies, the use of automated and semi-automated methods for annotation and the measures for annotation consistency

Descriptions of databases and biocuration application and activities in all areas of biology are welcome, including biological chemistry, genomics, proteomics, glycomics, molecular biology, biomedicine, physiology, ecology, botany, zoology, and taxonomy.

Open Access Licence

DATABASE authors are required to complete an Open Access license agreement which reflects the open access model outlined below. Upon receipt of accepted manuscripts at Oxford Journals authors will be invited to complete an online copyright licence to publish form.
Oxford Open articles are published under Creative Commons licences. Authors publishing in Database can use the following Creative Common licence for their articles:
• Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC-BY)

Please click here for more information about the Creative Commons licences.

You can pay Open Access charges using our Author Services site. This will enable you to pay online with a credit/debit card, or request an invoice by email or post. The open access charges applicable are:

Regular charge - £800 / $1600 / €1200
List B Developing country charge* - £400 / $800 / €600
List A Developing country charge* - £0 /$0 / €0

*Visit our developing countries page (click here for a list of qualifying countries).

Please note that these charges are in addition to any colour charges that may apply.

Orders from the UK will be subject to the current UK VAT charge. For orders from the rest of the European Union, OUP will assume that the service is provided for business purposes. Please provide a VAT number for yourself or your institution, and ensure you account for your own local VAT correctly.

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The authorship of the paper should be confined to those who have made a significant contribution to the design and execution of the work described.

'Umbrella' groups and authorship:
Many large collaborative studies (frequently resistance surveys) are organized under a group name which represents all the participants. All articles must have at least one named individual as author. Authors who wish to acknowledge the umbrella group from which the data originate should first list the author(s) of the article and follow this with 'on behalf of the GROUP NAME'. If necessary the names of the participants may be listed in the Acknowledgements section.

Previous publication

Submission of a manuscript to DATABASE implies that it reports unpublished work, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, either in English or in any other language, without the consent of the publisher. Authors should provide the references of similar work that they have already published, or which is currently under consideration by another journal. If the work has previously been presented at a conference, authors should provide details in the covering letter. The journal will consider publication of work that has previously been presented as either a short abstract or poster at a conference, but not as a full paper. If previously published tables, illustrations or one or more blocks of more than 200 words of text are to be included, then the copyright holder's written permission must be obtained. Include copies of any such permission letters with your paper.
Please note that if considered appropriate, plagiarism checking software may be applied to your manuscript during the editorial review process.

For more information on the journal’s preprint and self-archiving policy, click here.

Conflict of interest

At the point of submission, Database policy requires that each author reveal any financial interests or connections, direct or indirect, or other situations that might raise the question of bias in the work reported or the conclusions, implications, or opinions stated - including pertinent commercial or other sources of funding for the individual author(s) or for the associated department(s) or organization(s), personal relationships, or direct academic competition. When considering whether you should declare a conflicting interest or connection please consider the conflict of interest test: Is there any arrangement that would embarrass you or any of your co-authors if it was to emerge after publication and you had not declared it?

As an integral part of the online submission process, Corresponding authors are required to confirm whether they or their co-authors have any conflicts of interest to declare, and to provide details of these. If the Corresponding author is unable to confirm this information on behalf of all co-authors, the authors in question will then be required to submit a completed conflict of interest form to the Editorial Office. It is the Corresponding author’s responsibility to ensure that all authors adhere to this policy.
If the manuscript is published, Conflict of Interest information will be communicated in a statement in the published pap

Material Disclaimer

The opinions expressed in Database are those of the authors and contributors, and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors, the editorial board, Oxford University Press or the organization to which the authors are affiliated.


Papers must be clearly written in English. Papers should be submitted in Word, although we do allow Latex files if necessary.

Authors should avoid the use of language or slang which is not in keeping with the academic and professional style of the Journal. Authors should not also seek to use the Journal as a vehicle for marketing any specific product or service.

Authors should follow the conventions of the CSE Style Manual (Council of Science Editors, Reston, VA, 2006). Chemical Abstracts and its indices should be followed for chemical names. For biochemical terminology the recommendations issued by the IUPAC-IUB Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature, as given in Biochemical Nomenclature and Related Documents, published in 1992 by the Biochemical Society, UK should be followed. For enzymes, the recommended name assigned by the IUPAC-IUB Committee on Biochemical Nomenclature, 1978, as given in Enzyme Nomenclature, published by Academic Press, New York, 1992 should be used. Wherever possible, the recommended SI units should be used. Genotypes should be italicised. Phenotypes should not be italicised. For bacterial agents nomenclature Demerec.

Section headings within the manuscript (e.g. Methods, Discussion, Future directions) are at the authors' discretion.

Please list the Database URL clearly on the line beneath the abstract, in the format: 'Database URL: ......'

Language Editing

Particularly if English is not your first language, before submitting your manuscript you may wish to have it edited for language. This is not a mandatory step, but may help to ensure that the academic content of your paper is fully understood by journal editors and reviewers. Language editing does not guarantee that your manuscript will be accepted for publication. If you would like information about one such service please click here. There are other specialist language editing companies that offer similar services and you can also use any of these. Authors are liable for all costs associated with such services.


These should be cited in the text by sequential number only, in order of appearance, and listed numerically in the References section. Online references should be cited as in example 5, below. Please see examples 6 and 7 for papers that have been published online in more than one version. The initial version of a paper published in this way can be cited by the Digital Object Identifier (doi) but, if available, the reference should also include the citation of the final version. Authors should check all references carefully, and in particular ensure that all references in the Reference section are cited in the text. Note that multiple references or page spans under one number are not allowed. Personal communications, unpublished results, manuscripts submitted or in preparation, statistical packages, computer programs and web sites should be cited in the text only, NOT included in the References section.

All references must be cited in the text and should be denoted using numbers in parentheses before the punctuation., e.g. (1, 3–5). At the start of a sentence the authors can be named, e.g. Shadforth et al. (15)...

Style in the References section should be as follows. Journal names should be abbreviated in the style of Chemical Abstracts. NOTE THAT FULL TITLES OF JOURNAL ARTICLES MUST BE PROVIDED.

1. Schmitt,E., Panvert,M., Blanquet,S. and Mechulam,Y. (1995) Transition state stabilisation by the 'high' motif of class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases: the case of Escherichia coli methionyl-tRNA synthetase. Nucleic Acids Res., 23, 4793-4798.

2. Huynh,T.V., Young,R.A. and Davies,R.W. (1988) Constructing and screening cDNA libraries in lambdagt10 and lambdagt11. In Glover,D.M. (ed.), DNA Cloning - A Practical Approach. IRL Press, Oxford, Vol. I, pp. 49-78.

3. Maniatis,T., Fritsch,E.F. and Sambrook,J. (1982) Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

4. Burnett,R.C. (1993) EMBL accession no. X52486.

5. Capaldi,S., Getts,R.C. and Jayasena,S.D. (2000) Signal amplification through nucleotide extension and excision on a dendritic DNA platform. Nucleic Acids Res., 28, e21.

6. Qiao,D., Chen,W., Stratagoules,E. and Martinez,J. (March 10, 2000) Bile acid-induced activation of activator protein-1 requires both extracellular signal-regulated kinase and protein kinase C signaling. J. Biol. Chem., 10.1074/jbc.M908890199

7. Qiao,D., Chen,W., Stratagoules,E. and Martinez,J. (2000) Bile acid-induced activation of activator protein-1 requires both extracellular signal-regulated kinase and protein kinase C signaling. J. Biol. Chem., 275, 15090-15098. First published on May 19, 2000, 10.1074/jbc.M908890199

8. Bernhagen,J., Elkine,B., Geiger,G., Tovar,G. and Vitzthum,F. (1999) Patent DE-198198889.2-44; PCT/WO/EP/99/03047.

If there are four or more authors, then use the first three followed by et al.
Papers in preparation or submitted for publication should not be in the reference list.

Authors are asked to ensure the references to named people and/or organisations are accurate and without libellous implications.


Details of all funding sources for the work in question should be given in a separate section entitled 'Funding'. This should appear before the 'Acknowledgements' section.

The following rules should be followed:

The sentence should begin: ‘This work was supported by …’

The full official funding agency name should be given, i.e. ‘the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health’ or simply 'National Institutes of Health' not ‘NCI' (one of the 27 subinstitutions) or 'NCI at NIH’ (full RIN-approved list of UK funding agencies)

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Agencies should be separated by a semi-colon (plus ‘and’ before the last funding agency)

Where individuals need to be specified for certain sources of funding the following text should be added after the relevant agency or grant number 'to [author initials]'

An example is given here: ‘This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health [P50 CA098252 and CA118790 to R.B.S.R.]
and the Alcohol & Education Research Council [HFY GR667789].

Oxford Journals will deposit all NIH-funded articles in PubMed? Central. See http://www.oxfordjournals.org/for_authors/repositories.html for details. Authors must ensure that manuscripts are clearly indicated as NIH-funded using the guidelines above.


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Tables should be submitted in electronic form, preferably in MS Word or Excel. Tables should be referred to in the text and numbered consecutively. They should be supplied separately from the main body of the text, with their approximate final positions indicated in the text. Each column should have a short heading and, where appropriate, the units should be stated. Table legends should describe the content and should be understood independently from the text. Data columns should be right-hand aligned, or aligned by decimal place, where appropriate; data should be sorted where possible. Footnotes should be included on the same pages as the tables themselves and should be used to explain any abbreviations used in the table and denote them by letter. Footnotes should also be used to quote sources.


All manuscripts will undergo some editorial modification, so it is important to check proofs carefully. PDF page proofs will be sent via e-mail to the corresponding author for checking. To avoid delays in publication, proofs should be checked and returned within 48 hours. Corrections should be returned by annotated PDF, e-mail or fax. Extensive changes to the text may be charged to the author.

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief

  • David Landsman
    Potomac, MD, USA

Editorial Office

  • database.editorialoffice@oup.com

Associate Editors

  • Mike Cherry
    Stanford, CA, USA
  • Janet Kelso
    Leipzig, Germany
  • Francis Ouellette
    Toronto, ON, Canada

Editorial Board

  • Mark Adams
    Cleveland, OH, USA
    June 2015
  • Russ Altman
    Stanford, CA, USA
    June 2015
  • Rolf Apweiler
    Cambridge, UK
    June 2015
  • Teresa Attwood
    Manchester, UK
    June 2014
  • Gary Bader
    Toronto, ON, Canada
    June 2015
  • Amos Bairoch
    Geneva, Switzerland
    June 2015
  • Alex Bateman
    Cambridge, UK
    June 2015
  • Andy Baxevanis
    Bethesda, MD, USA
    June 2014
  • Fiona Brinkman
    Burnaby, BC, Canada
    June 2014
  • Janusz Bujnicki
    Warsaw, Poland
    June 2015
  • Carol Bult
    Bar Harbor, ME, USA
    June 2014
  • Deanna Church
    Bethesda, MD, USA
    June 2015
  • Joana Carneiro Da Silva
    Baltimore, MD, USA
    June 2015
  • Ian Donaldson
    Oslo, Norway
    June 2015
  • Michael Galperin
    Bethesda, MD, USA
    June 2015
  • Pascale Gaudet
    Geneva, Switzerland
    June 2015
  • Mark Gerstein
    New Haven, CT, USA
    June 2015
  • Nick Grishin
    Dallas, TX, USA
    June 2015
  • Ross Hardison
    University Park, PA, USA
    June 2014
  • Winston Hide
    Boston, MA, USA
    June 2015
  • Tim Hubbard
    Cambridge, UK
    June 2015
  • King Jordan
    Atlanta, GA, USA
    June 2015
  • Arek Kasprzyk
    Toronto, ON, Canada
    June 2015
  • Doron Lancet
    Rehovot, Israel
    June 2015
  • Zhiyong Lu
    Bethesda, MD, USA
    June 2015
  • Dennis Maeder
    Silver Spring, MD, USA
    June 2014
  • Wojciech Makalowski
    Münster, Germany
    June 2015
  • Aron Marchler-Bauer
    Bethesda, MD, USA
    June 2015
  • Hanah Margalit
    Jerusalem, Israel
    June 2014
  • Leonardo Mariño-Ramírez
    Bethesda, MD, USA
    June 2015
  • Marc Nicklaus
    Frederick, MD, USA
    June 2014
  • Tzachi Pilpel
    Rehovot, Israel
    June 2014
  • Sandor Pongor
    Trieste, Italy
    June 2014
  • Trevor Sewell
    Cape Town, South Africa
    June 2014
  • Mona Singh
    Princeton, NJ, USA
    June 2015
  • Kimmen Sjolander
    Berkeley, CA, USA
    June 2015
  • Sumio Sugano
    Tokyo, Japan
    June 2015
  • Kristian Vlahovicek
    Zagreb, Croatia
    June 2015
  • Christian Von Mering
    Zurich, Switzerland
    June 2015
  • Wyeth Wasserman
    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    June 2014
  • Zhiping Weng
    Worcester, MA, USA
    June 2014
  • David Wishart
    June 2015
  • Tyra Wolfsberg
    Bethesda, MD, USA
    June 2015
  • Mark Yandell
    Salt Lake City, UT, USA
    June 2015


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