

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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变更情况:Newly Added by 2012, title changed from DANISH MEDICAL BULLETIN in 2012

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Danish Medical Journal (DMJ) is a general medical journal publishing science from all areas of medicine. Although most of our material currently comes from Danish authors, we will consider papers from all countries and from all specialties. When writing for the Danish Medical Journal please remember target audience which is the general reader. This means that the research area should be relevant to many readers and the paper should be presented in a way that most readers will understand the content.

Our current (2011) impact factor is 0.75 and the five-year impact factor is 1.92.
DMB will publish the following articles:

• Original articles
• Protocol articles from large randomized clinical trials
• Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
• Clinical guidelines from Danish scientific societies
• PhD theses from Danish faculties of health sciences
• DMSc theses from Danish faculties of health sciences

2012: 0,92
2011: 0,75
2010: 1,60
2009: 0,77
2008: 1,56
2007: 1,39
2006: 0,57
2005: 0,52
2004: 0,56
2003: 0,45
2002: 0,98
2001: 1,32
2000: 0,91

Danish Medical Journal (DMJ) is published by The Danish Medical Association.

For all papers, dissertations, or theses one of the authors has to be a member of the Danish Medical Association in order to have their work published for free in the DMB. If the author is not a member of the Danish Medical Association an author fee (1,000 Euro) will be applied.

Go to Submit to read The Intructions for Authors.

The Danish Medical Association also publish The Journal of the Danish Medical Association - in Danish "Ugeskrift for Læger". Go to the webpage www.ugeskriftet.dk

Instructions to Authors

The Danish Medical Journal (DMJ) is a general medical journal publishing science from all areas of medicine. Our current (2012) impact factor is 0,92.

DMB will publish the following articles:
• Original articles
• Protocol articles
• Systematic reviews
• Meta-analyses
• Clinical guidelines
• PhD theses
• DMSc theses

If one of the authors is a member of The Danish Medical Association the work will be published free of charge in the DMJ. If the author is not a member of The Danish Medical Association, an author fee will be applied. This is currently 1,000 euro for original articles,  protocol articles, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses and 500 euro for guideline papers, and theses.

Submission of manuscripts
1. Papers from outside Denmark should be submitted by e-mail to dmj@dadl.dk. We only receive these manuscripts by e-mail.

2. Papers from Danish authors should be submitted through the electronic manuscript system at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ugeskriftet. Please note in the submission that the paper is intended for the DMJ.

Submission of guideline papers or theses
Go to Ugeskriftet.dk for detailed instructions (in Danish – non-Danish authors can contact the editorial office for help). Guideline papers and theses will be published without external peer review, since these papers have been extensively reviewed before submission. The authors will use a special Word-template, which is available at Ugeskriftet.dk. For theses, the paper can only be published after the public defence and formal acceptance from a Faculty of Health Sciences.

Authors should fulfil all four criteria for authorship set by the ICMJE-group (www.icmje.org). This has to be stated in the authorship declaration and should be submitted with the article.

Authorship credit should be based on that all authors meet all four authorship criteria as provided by the Vancouver rules:
1) Substantial contributions to: the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work.
2) Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
3) Final approval of the version to be published.
4) Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Conflicts of interest
Any conflicts of interests for the submitted paper in the form of an “ICMJE Uniform Disclosure Form for Potential Conflicts of Interest” should be submitted for each author of the paper. These forms should be sent with the article and can be uploadet in Manuscript Central when submitting af new manuscript.

Trial registration
All trials, which include human subjects, should be registered on an open web-site such as e.g. www.clinicaltrials.gov. The registration number should be included in the abstract of the original article or protocol article after “funding” as well as in the methods section in the paper.

Articles published in the DMJ are “open access”. This means that the articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial License, which permits any non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.

Figures and tables
When presenting exact data use a table, whereas a graph is more adequate when the aim is to illustrate a tendency. Avoid three-dimensional presentations. Do not present your data twice (e.g. in text and table or figure). Illustrations should be submitted in the original format, e.g. as PowerPoint or Excel files and pictures in jpg or tiff format. All illustrations should be submitted as separate files. If an illustration has been published before, we need a written permission from the copyright holder if the illustration is going to be reproduced in your article. We strongly encourage the submission of illustrations including photographs.

The list of references should be performed according to the guidelines stated by the ICMJE-group (www.icmje.org). For the DMJ the following exceptions apply:

1. If there are more than three authors on a given publication, only the first three authors should be stated in the reference list followed by “et al.”
2. No punctuation mark after the name of the journal.
3. No issue number of the journal, only volume number and page numbers. Excepted are journals using article numbers instead of page numbers. In this case, the month of publication or issue number should also be included (see below).

Journal titles should be abbreviated according to MEDLINE (www.nlm.nih.gov). References should be numbered consecutively throughout the text with numbers in square brackets.

• Gögenur I, Kücükakin B, Bisgaard T, et al. The effect of melatonin on sleep quality after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Anesth Analg 2009;108:1152-6.
• Nielsen AC, Alberdi F, Rosenbaum B. Collaborative assessment and management of suicidality method shows effect. Dan Med Bul 2001;58(8):A4300.


Types of articles

Original articles
Maximum size: 14,000 units including spaces but without references, figures and tables. Maximum 20 references. The English abstract should maximum contain 1,600 units including spaces. The abstract should be structured and include the sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion, Funding and Trial registration.
An original article can contain up to four figures and tables.
Original articles reporting a randomized controlled trial should follow the CONSORT guideline (see below).

Protocol articles
Maximum size: 14,000 units including spaces but without references, figures and tables. Maximum 20 references. The abstract should maximum contain 1,600 units including spaces.
The abstract should be structured and include the sections: Introduction, Methods, Conclusion, Funding and Trial registration.
A protocol article has introduction, methods, and discussion sections, but focus is especially on the methods section and the plan for statistical analyses. We will consider protocol articles descibing large, randomized clinical trials and large epidemiological studies.

Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Maximum size: 20,000 units including spaces but without references, figures and tables. Maximum 80 references, but we appreciate low numbers. Maximum four figures and tables and the article should include a textbox with key-points from the paper written as a bullet list. The DMJ does not publish narrative reviews, but only systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The words “systematic review” or “meta-analysis” should be added to the title in order to get proper indexing in PubMed. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses should be reported according to the PRISMA guidelines (see below). The abstract must not exceed 1,600 units in length including spaces. The abstract should be structured and include the sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion.

Guideline articles
No maximum length and no maximum number of references, figures and tables. The length of the summary is in principle free, but PubMed does not accept summaries exceeding 10,000 units in length including spaces. It is important that these articles include an English summary for publication in PubMed.

For clinical guidelines the authors should provide a letter from the chairman/president of the corresponding scientific society, that they 1) have read the manuscript, 2) agree with the content to the extent that it can be published, and 3) recommend publication in its present form.

Guideline articles should be submitted using special Word templates where the authors provide the manuscript in its final form with finished layout for direct publication. For detailed instructions about how to use the Word templates go to Ugeskriftet.dk (link) for Danish authors. Foreign authors may contact the editorial office for help (ufl@dadl.dk).

There is no maximum length and no maximum number of references, figures and tables. The length of the summary is in principle free; but PubMed does not accept summaries exceeding 10,000 units including spaces in length. It is important that these articles include an English summary for publication in PubMed.

Theses should be submitted using special Word templates where the authors provide the manuscript in its final form with finished layout for direct publication. For detailed instructions of how to use the Word templates go to Ugeskriftet.dk (link) for Danish authors. Foreign authors may contact the editorial office for help (ufl@dadl.dk).


number of


Textbox Photo
Original article 14,000 20 1,600 4 Yes
Protocol article 14,000 20 1,600 4 Yes
Systematic reviews 20,000 80 1,600 4 Yes Yes
Meta-analyses 20,000 80 1,600 4 Yes Yes
Theses Free Free 10,000 Free
Guidelines Free Free   10,000 Free

*maximum length including spaces

Attached files

Authorship Declaration 2013
ICMJE Conflict of Interest form: Glossary of Terms
CONSORT guidelines
PRISMA guidelines
Word templates - go to Ugeskriftet.dk
ICMJE Disclosure form

Editorial Board

Editorial address
Danish Medical Journal
Kristianiagade 12
2100 Copenhagen OE

Jacob Rosenberg

Editorial Secretariat
+45 3544 8270


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