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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Cover image


Journal Scope

ACS Macro Letters welcomes submissions in all areas of contemporary soft matter science in which macromolecules play a key role, including nanotechnology, self-assembly, supramolecular chemistry, biomaterials, energy generation and storage, and renewable/sustainable materials. Submissions to ACS Macro Letters should justify clearly the rapid disclosure of the key elements of the study. The scope of the journal will include high-impact research of broad interest in all areas of polymer science and engineering, including cross-disciplinary research that interfaces with polymer science.

With the launch of ACS Macro Letters, all Communications to the Editor that were formerly published in Macromolecules will be published as Letters in ACS Macro Letters.

Launching Issue 1 January 2012

Beginning in 2012, Macromolecules will reorganize with the introduction of ACS Macro Letters. ACS Macro Letters will be an all-Letters-format journal, covering all areas included in Macromolecules, and will replace the current Communications to the Editor that appear in Macromolecules.

"Polymer science has never been more intellectually vibrant, nor more essential to technological progress. Whether it is sustainable plastics, biomedical materials, renewable energy, or abundant clean water, polymers have a key role to play. The time is ripe for a rapid response journal that can deliver the most exciting fundamental advances in this broad arena".
Editor Timothy P. Lodge, University of Minnesota


"This is a very exciting time to be a polymer scientist as there are many emerging areas aided by the development of more controllable syntheses of polymer architectures, better characterization techniques, and an increased understanding of the role of macromolecules in biological systems. Especially hot topics are the design and application of functional polymers that are useful to meet challenges in the areas of health, energy, and sustainability. Beyond these application-driven trends, several material-based trends have emerged at the interface of polymer science with other fields.

I would like ACS Macro Letters to be seen as the place for researchers to publish their high-impact research, serving the established polymer science and engineering community, while also attracting authors and readers from related disciplines. With a rapid Communications format, the goal is to have fast turnaround for authors, ensuring their high-impact publications reach the polymer community as fast as possible."
Deputy Editor Stuart J. Rowan, Case Western Reserve University

Instructions to Authors

Information for Authors


To facilitate peer review, authors are strongly encouraged to place each item of artwork within the text of the manuscript, close to the point where it is discussed.

Note that Document Templates are available for preparing manuscripts for submission as well as for preparing final, accepted manuscripts.

See also Manuscript Preparation and Submission for complete information on acceptable software, preparing and submitting manuscripts using TeX/LaTeX, correct preparation of graphics, etc.

Table of Contents Graphic

A Table of Contents (TOC) graphic is required for all manuscripts when first submitted to ACS Macro Letters. This graphic will also be used for the graphical abstract. The TOC graphic should capture the reader's attention and, in conjunction with the manuscript title, give the reader a quick visual impression of the essence of the manuscript. See the Author Guidelines [PDF] for further details.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board


Timothy P. Lodge
Department of Chemistry
University of Minnesota
207 Pleasant Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0431
Phone: (612) 625-3080
Fax: (612) 626-2232
E-mail: macro@macromol.acs.org

Deputy Editor

Stuart J. Rowan

Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Case Western Reserve University
2100 Aldelbert Road
Cleveland, OH 44106-7202, USA
Phone: (216) 368-4242
Fax: (202) 354-5085
E-mail: macro@macrolett.acs.org 

Managing Editor

Paulomi Majumder

Phone: (202) 872-7865
E-mail: p_majumder@acs.org

Associate Editors

Theresa M. Reineke
Department of Chemistry
University of Minnesota
139 Smith Hall
207 Pleasant Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Phone: (612) 624-8042
Rachel Segalman
Department of Chemical Engineering
201D Gilman Hall
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-1462
Journal Fax: 202-559-0891
E-mail: segalman-office@macrolett.acs.org
Fax: (202) 354-5172
E-mail: reineke-office@macrolett.acs.org

Christoph Weder
University of Fribourg, Switzerland
CH-1723 Marly 1, Switzerland
Phone: +41 (0)26 300 94 65
Fax: (202) 354-5095
E-mail: weder-office@macrolett.acs.org



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