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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences (SJBS) is published biannually by the Saudi Biological Society (SBS) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The Journal is devoted to all disciplines of biological Sciences and related fields. The Journal publishes original research articles, review articles, short communications and abstracts of papers presented at the society meetings and symposia, in Arabic and English.


All manuscript will be subjected to extensive review by a panel of national and international referees.


Mention of any propriety product does not constitute a recommendation or any endorsement of its use by the editors, authors, their institutions or by the Saudi Biological Society. All authors responsible for their statements made in this journal, whether of fact or opinion.


Abstracting / Indexing:

Biological abstracts.


Zoological Record

Instructions to Authors

Original papers on basic, applied, descriptive, or experimental biology are considered for publication. Other categories include reviews developing new concepts or theories, and abstracts of papers presented at the annual meetings of society. Manuscript submitted must not have been submitted previously or simultaneously to other journals for publications. Authors must have the manuscript critically reviewed by two colleagues whose names must be included in the letter of submission.


Manuscript preparation

Manuscript ma be written in Arabic or English, but abstracts in both languages are required. Three typed copies are to be submitted, double-spaced, on one side of A4 paper with margins of 25 mm. Pages should be numbered beginning from the title page, the abstract page 2, the 1st page of text 3 etc., Footnotes should be avoided.


Title page

Should contain the title, names(s) of authors(s), and name and address of institution where the work was carried out. The title should use strong key words and be brief, and sciatic names of organism should be given.


Abstract & Keywords

The page will contain the abstract in the same language; the abstract in the other language will be in the last page. The abstract should state the purpose of study, basic procedure, main endings and principles conclusion, and should not exceed 200 words. The abstract should be followed by up to 12 key words including those in title.



The organization of the manuscript body should be as follows: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and References. Results and Discussion can be combined in one section. Acknowledgment (if needed) should be brief and added before the References section.


Tables & Figures

Tables should be descriptive without any reference to the text, typed (double space) on separate sheet, numbered in Arabic numerals. Vertical lines must be avoided. All !gures should be of a good quality and numbered. Line drawings should be done professionally one white drawing paper with dark Indian ink. Places of tables and !gures within the text should be identi!ed by a pencil. As a rule, tables will exclude !gures or vice versa. They are referred to in the text as (Table 1). (Fig. 1). Table (or Figure) dimensions should !t within the printed page size limitations. Legends for !gures must be typed, (double-spaced) on separate sheets.


Units & abbreviations

All sizes and quantities should be expressed in system International (SI) units. Standarized abbreviations should only be used. The names of periodicals should be abbreviated in accordance with The World List of Scienti!c Periodicals.



Citation of the references within the text should be by the author-date style. References should be listed in alphabetical order, and should conform to the following examples:Journal:Wood, J.M. and Wang, H.K. 1983. Microbial resistant to heavy metals. Environ. Sci., Technol. 17: 582-590.



Williams, J.L.; Gray, F.A. and Grif!n, G.D. 1991. Biology of Aphelenchoides ritz-mabosi and its association with Ditylenchus dipsaci in irrigated alfalfa in the western U.S. J. of Nematol. 23: 555 (Abstr.).



McSorley, R. 1991. Tropical corn as a rotations crop. Pp. 4852- In: Proceedings of the Southern Regional Tropical Corn Symposium I.D. Teare and E. Brown (Editors). June 27-28, Quincy, FL.



*For more details (and Arabic version, please see the latest issue of the Journal.Hanson, E.J. and Kesner, C. 1987. Fertilizing fruit crops. Bull. No. E-852. Michigen State University Cooperative Extension Service.



Quotation and an order from for reprints will be sent to authors with the page proofs.


Office Address


Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences
Dept. of Botany and Microbiology
College of Science, King Saud University
P.O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia

Tel: 966 - 01 - 467 5838
Tel: 966 - 01 - 467 8786
Fax: 966 -01 - 467 9983

Editorial Board

Editorial Board

Ali H. Bahkali (Editor-in-Chief)

Abdullah M. Al-Ansari

Abdulaziz A. Al-Jafari

Khaled A.A. AlRasheed

Abdulrahman M. Al-Obaid

Muhammed A. AlShaikh

Abdulaziz M. Assaeed


International Advisory Board

M.N. Al-Ahdal (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)

D.H. Molyneux (Liverpool, UK)

M. Peaker (Ayr, UK)

R.W. Castenholz (Eugen OR, USA)

B.A. Musa (Muscat, Oman)

A.T. Tu ( Fort Collins, Co, USA)

F.E.G. Cox ( London, UK)

J.W. O’Leary ( Tuscon, AZ, USA)

B.A.Whiton ( Durham, UK)

H.C. Gugnani (Nsuka, Nigeria)


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