

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The scope of the journal is to provide a multidisciplinary forum for scientists, researchers and engineers involved in research and design of nonlinear processes and phenomena, including the nonlinear modelling of phenomena of the nature. The journal accepts contributions on nonlinear phenomena and processes in any field of science and technology.


The aims of the journal are:

to provide a presentation of theoretical results and applications

to cover research results of multidisciplinary interest

to provide fast publishing of quality papers by extensive work of editors and referees

to provide an early access to the information by presenting the complete papers on Internet.


Journal welcomes the following types of contributions:

original research papers

review articles, providing a comprehensive review on a scientific topic

short self-contained articles on ongoing research, or reporting interesting, possibly tentative ideas

comments on previously published research.

All submissions are refereed by high qualified scientists, and are reviewed in international reviewing journals as well.


The journal is an official periodical of the Lithuanian Association of Nonlinear Analysts (LANA). Participating institutions are:

Institute of Mathematics and Informatics

Vilnius University

Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy

Institute of Physics

Institute of Semiconductor Physics

Institute of Biochemistry

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

The journal is issued in two identical forms: paper copy and an electronic form. The paper copy of the journal may be requested from the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics on the address given below.


Mailing address:

Prof. Mifodijus Sapagovas, Editor-In-Chief
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
Akademijos 4, LT-08663, Vilnius

Ph.: +370 52 729207, fax: +370 52 729209, email: Romas.Baronas@mif.vu.lt

Instructions to Authors

Authors are invited to submit articles in hardcopy and/or electronic form (in LaTeX format), to the address of Editor-in-chief or to one of the Editors-of-the-topic. Manuscripts should be sent by mail (hardcopy and CD/diskette enclosed to the editor) and/or by e-mail with attached files to the address: Romas.Baronas@maf.vu.lt. All submissions will be organized for refereering.


Submission of manuscript is welcome provided that it, or any translation of it:

has not been copyrighted or published

is not submitted for publishing elsewhere

It is strongly adviced that manuscripts should be ready for publication and prepared in accordance with all the instructions and samples given in file sample.zip.


Each manuscript should have the following structure: the title, name and institution of author(s), date of submission, abstract and keywords (and/or classification terms), textual description, list of references, appendices (if needed). The abstract should contain approximately 100-200 words. The volume of article is up to 35 pages. The review articles are recognized by journal as special ones. These articles (if any) will occupy the starting positions in the journal, and may contain more than 35 pages. Text in article have to follow a few simple guidelines: complex mathematical expressions have to be justified, displayed formulas have to be set flush left instead of centered, algorithms have to be presented in the style of alltt (for Latex), postscript specials have to be absent in image file format. The enumeration of references within article has to be organized in sequential order. References have to be get up differently for journal articles, collective works, and books. The style of bibliographic description of references is presented in sample files.

Editorial Board


Mifodijus Sapagovas, (Lithuania), scientific computing



Feliksas Ivanauskas, (Lithuania), deputy-editor-in-chief, scientific computing, nonlinear modelling

Algimantas Juozapavicius, (Lithuania), secretary, algorithms, computer vision

Romas Baronas, (Lithuania), secretary, nonlinear modelling

Irina Svir, (Ukraine), nonlinear chemical systems

Aleksandr Barashkov, (Russia), numerical analysis

Richard Blake, (Norway), computer graphics, image processing

Manuel De la Sen, (Spain), stability of nonlinear systems

Aleksandr Dement'ev, (Lithuania), laser physics

Paolo Di Trapani, (Italy), nonlinear optics, conical waves

Max Dryja, (Poland), numerical solutions of PDEs

Robert Filipek, (Poland), nonlinear modelling, numerical methods for PDEs

Celso Grebogi, (Brasil), controlling chaos

Bronius Grigelionis, (Lithuania), stochastic processes

Roman Grigoriev, (USA), dynamics and control of systems

Ramunas Katilius, (Lithuania), dissipative systems

Bronislovas Kaulakys, (Lithuania), chaotic systems

Vytautas Kleiza, (Lithuania), numerical solution of PDEs

Victor Klemas, (USA), remote sensing, environmental modelling

Juozas Kulys, (Lithuania), nonlinear biochemical systems

Valdas Laurinavicius, (Lithuania), biochemistry

Algis Piskarskas, (Lithuania), nonlinear optics

Kestutis Pyragas, (Lithuania), dynamical chaos

Henrikas Pragarauskas, (Lithuania), stochastic modelling

Tautgirdas Ruzgas, (Sweden), nonlinear chemical systems

Emanuele Trucco, (UK), computer vision, image processing


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